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Chapter 230 The Dragon Ball of Life

Chapter 230 The Dragon Ball of Life
  Ancient God Space, the second floor of the Ancient Temple.

Chen Zong walked along the yellow jade stairs step by step to the end of the stairs, stood on the jade platform, and looked into the Tianmen.

All he saw, apart from endless darkness, was a topaz staircase.

Step into the Tianmen and step on the topaz steps on the other side.

At this time.


The heavenly gate closed automatically, and then turned into gray airflow, dissipating between heaven and earth.


The originally dark void suddenly lit up with light, and stairs appeared one after another.

Chen Zong continued to step on the next yellow jade staircase.

Although it was only a small step, Chen Zong could feel that he seemed to have crossed an endless distance.

Every step of the way!
  I don’t know how long it took.

Chen Zong finally reached the end of the stairs again. At the end was still a jade platform. There was also a Heavenly Gate on the jade platform, but the Heavenly Gate was closed.

Walking to the jade platform, Chen Zong put his hand on the giant bronze door and pushed hard.


The huge bronze door slowly opened, and the scene inside the door came into Chen Zong's eyes.

"This is incredible." Chen Zong said in surprise.

The scene before him was beyond Chen Zong's expectation.

The first level is a vast and desolate land. Although the second level has a super land and an endless starry sky, it is still a vast and desolate land.

And this third layer.
  It is a world full of life!

Chen Zong stepped into the Tianmen and appeared in the blue sky.

"The aura of the ancient gods is so strong, this is simply the holy land of the ancient gods!" Chen Zong exclaimed.

Followed by.

The entire third floor scene came into Chen Zong's mind. He had completely controlled the third floor.

Looking up, he saw a total of eighteen slowly moving suns in the sky.

But Chen Zong knew that these eighteen suns were not real, but a projection.


Even if it is a projection, it is like the real sun, able to bring warmth, energy, day and night, and spring, summer, autumn, and winter to countless lives on the third level!
  Then he looked down and saw a giant mountain range stretching hundreds of millions of kilometers across mountains and rivers.

This mountain range is just an ordinary mountain range on the third level.

at this time.

More than a hundred birds, exuding the aura of immortal gods and resembling phoenixes, flew from a distance and then hovered over the mountains.

"Divine Phoenix!"

Chen Zong had never seen this kind of creature, but the corresponding name came to mind.


The leading divine phoenix let out a clear chirping sound that resounded throughout the sky.

At this time, a space vortex appeared on the highest peak of the mountain range. The leading divine phoenix immediately took the other divine phoenixes and flew towards the space vortex.

Although Chen Zong did not follow him in, he could clearly see that there was a huge world in the whirlpool space.

There are hundreds of millions of divine phoenixes living in this world.

On the cliff of a mountain peak, there is a huge nest. There are six giant eggs covered with golden patterns in the nest.


A crack appeared on one of the domes.

Followed by.

A small head broke through the crack and came out. It was a small divine phoenix.

"World Lord level?" Chen Zong was a little surprised.

This divine phoenix is ​​a race with more than a thousand times the genetic level of life. If it were in the original universe, it would be a special life form and would not be able to reproduce at all.

Not to mention, they can give birth to six in a litter, and they will be born at the realm lord level.

"What exactly is going on?" Chen Zong pondered.

He has completely controlled the third level. Everything here has no secrets for him.


He soon knew the answer.

"Although this third-level world is still based on the ten basic laws of origin, it is already another world and is isolated from the original universe."

"The life forms living here do not need to live according to the rules of the original universe."


"In contrast, life forms living in this world cannot go to the original universe."

“Just like the residents in ‘Jin’s World’ cannot get out of ‘Jin’s World’!”

Chen Zong sighed.

He originally thought about letting the powerful people in this world go to the original universe to help him.

But now, this idea is dead!

"Well, it turns out that I can't log into the virtual universe." Chen Zong tried to log into the virtual universe.

"In this aspect, it is somewhat like the 'True God Universe' where the most powerful people in the universe exist."


High in the sky, Chen Zong withdrew his gaze, and his figure flashed and appeared directly in the center of the third layer of the world.

At the center of the world is an extremely majestic mountain range, more than 1 light-year high.

On the top of the mountain, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air.

"From now on, this world will be called the 'Ancient Holy World', and this majestic sacred mountain will be called the 'Holy Mountain'." Chen Zong said softly, overlooking the magnificent mountains and rivers below.

The reason why it is called the Ancient Holy World is because the rich energy of the Ancient God here can enhance the strength of the Ancient God's true form.


In addition, there are many treasures in the ancient sacred world that can enhance the level of life genes.

For example, the ‘Destiny Flower’ that grows at the foot of the Holy Mountain, the ‘Blood Tree’ that grows in the far west of the Ancient God Realm, etc.

These are extremely rare in the original universe!

"This ancient sacred world is not very helpful to my cultivation, but it is a treasure land of the ancient gods, which is not bad." Looking at the magnificent rivers and mountains with beautiful scenery, Chen Zong smiled slightly.


He waved his hand, and exquisite palaces appeared out of thin air, located along the mountain and located on the holy mountain.

After building the holy place.

  Chen Zong withdrew from the ancient sacred world.

Chaos City, Ancient Shrine.

In the practice room.

Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air, and then walked out of the practice room and came to the courtyard.


"Master, the Lord of Chaos City has sent you an email." Weiss's voice sounded.

"Huh? Senior Brother Chaos wants me to go to the 'Abyss of Purgatory'?" After checking the email, Chen Zong looked confused.

Wasn’t the Purgatory Abyss closed long ago?

Could it be that the Purgatory Abyss has now returned to its original appearance?

Chen Zong asked the Lord of Chaos City about the situation, and the Lord of Chaos City just said that he would know after he went there.


Chen Zong didn't ask any more questions, applied to leave Chaos City, and soon arrived at the Virtual Universe Company's universal headquarters.

At this time.

A messenger in purple uniform came to Chen Zong.

"I have met King Hanhai, and the Lord of the City asked me to pick you up." The purple-clothed messenger said respectfully.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded.


The purple-clothed messenger started the teleportation from the Kingdom of God, and the two stepped into the teleportation channel and left the Virtual Universe Company's universal headquarters.

Original secret realm.

A ray of light appeared out of thin air, and Chen Zong and the messenger in purple walked out of the light.

"King Hanhai, ahead is the 'Purgatory Abyss'. My mission is completed, so I will go back and resume my life first." The purple-clothed messenger said respectfully. "Yeah!" Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

Teleporting here directly saves the time of traveling.

After the purple-clothed messenger left, Chen Zong used teleportation and quickly arrived at Yaoyang Mountain.

There are still three towering sacred mountains suspended in the void.


Under the sacred mountain, the three space vortices disappeared, replaced by a bloody world with a diameter of 1.2 light years.

This bloody world looks a bit illusory, but it is real.

Chen Zong's figure appeared on the top of Yaoyang Mountain.

"Uncle Master." Venerable Yaoyang appeared next to Chen Zong.

"Yaoyang, what is going on? Why did you escape from the Purgatory Abyss?" Chen Zong was a little surprised when he looked at the bloody world below.

It’s only been a few years, so much has changed!
  "Some time ago, there were often fluctuations coming from the space vortex, but today, nine fluctuations occurred in succession, and then the space vortex disappeared, revealing the abyss of purgatory." Venerable Yaoyang explained.

"How did the fluctuation occur? Has anyone investigated clearly?" Chen Zong turned to look at Lord Yaoyang and asked in confusion.

"No." Lord Yaoyang shook his head and said, "However, the teacher said that as soon as the uncle comes, he will find it."

"." Chen Zong opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Can I find out as soon as I arrive?
  real or fake?

Why haven't I discovered it yet?
  Chen Zong looked into the abyss of purgatory again.


A wave of waves came out from the abyss of purgatory. Feeling this wave of waves, Chen Zong's expression changed.

"This is."

He was very familiar with this fluctuation.

Back then, when he fused the Purgatory Demonic Crystal in the Purgatory Abyss, he had experienced such fluctuations.

In other words, the current fluctuations are related to the purgatory magic crystal.

Could it be that in the abyss of purgatory, there are purgatory demons fused with purgatory magic crystals?
  To produce such a powerful wave, how many purgatory magic crystals must be fused?
  One hundred thousand? Millions?
  Chen Zong was shocked.


Immediately, Chen Zong shook his head.

In the Purgatory Abyss, among the three strongest Purgatory Demon Clan, the one with the highest strength is only the High-level Universe Venerable, and it is impossible to achieve this level!

Even if it were possible to fuse so many of them, it would not be able to produce such a powerful wave.

"Huh?" Chen Zong suddenly thought, "Maybe we should let the demon dragon clone take a look."

"Yaoyang, I asked my clone to come over and take a look!" Chen Zong said.


Junior uncle actually has a clone?
  Lord Yaoyang looked at Chen Zong in surprise.


A ray of light fell from the sky, and the demon dragon clone stepped out of the light.

Just walked out.

"hold head high!"

A dragon roar came from the Purgatory Abyss, and then Chen Zong and the others saw a huge black divine dragon with its head held high appeared out of thin air, covering the entire Purgatory Abyss.

Saw this dragon.

Chen Zong's eyes showed surprise.

Isn't this an enlarged version of the demon dragon's clone?

A strong sense of summons came from the abyss of purgatory, and at the same time, a message appeared in Chen Zong's mind out of thin air.

"The Dragon Ball of Life!"

Real name Longzhu?

What is this stuff? Chen Zong was confused.

But the feeling of summoning became stronger and stronger, and even the shadow of the demon dragon above the purgatory abyss opened its eyes and focused on the demon dragon clone.

Followed by.

The location of the natal dragon ball appeared in Chen Zong's mind.

"Yaoyang, it seems that I have to take away the things here!" Chen Zong looked at Lord Yaoyang, "However, I will compensate you later."

Venerable Yaoyang and two other Venerables have been sitting in the Purgatory Abyss for hundreds of millions of years.

In general.

There is a treasure in this abyss of purgatory, and it is up to them to obtain it. If they need this treasure, they can get priority to obtain the redemption qualification.

If not, you can still get a certain contribution value.

The reason why this treasure does not entirely belong to them is because the Purgatory Abyss itself is the wealth of the human race.

"Well, no problem." Lord Yaoyang nodded.

The two cosmic sages on the other two sacred mountains also nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then leave it to me." After Chen Zong said that, the demon dragon clone directly transformed into a black dragon with a distance of more than 90,000 kilometers, exuding a cosmic overlord-level aura and pressure, making the surrounding space tremble.

"These are exactly the same." Lord Yaoyang and the others looked at the demon dragon clone, and then at the huge phantom, with surprised expressions on their faces.

"Huh? This aura is that of the Overlord of the Universe?" Lord Yaoyang said in shock.

How can this be?

Didn’t you just advance to immortality?

Was he promoted to Master of the Universe again so quickly?

In the opinion of Lord Yaoyang, if Junior Master's clone can exude the aura of the Overlord of the Universe, he must have been promoted to the Lord of the Universe. Otherwise, it is impossible for a mere immortal to have such a powerful aura.

But Chen Zong ignored their shock. The demon dragon clone swung its tail, passed through an invisible membrane, and rushed into the abyss of purgatory below.

Then he flew towards the place where his natal Dragon Ball was.


Three figures stopped in front of the demon dragon clone. They were the three demon lords in the abyss of purgatory. One of them was a high-level cosmic lord, and two were ordinary cosmic lords!
  at this time.

These three demons seemed to be influenced and controlled by something, their eyes were dull.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

The three demon kings roared and killed the demon dragon clone directly.

"Hmph, you have no self-awareness, and you still dare to block the road and seek death!" The demon dragon clone snorted coldly, directly burned the divine power, and used the innate secret method, "The demon flames are overwhelming!"

  In an instant.

The void became a sea of ​​black fire. This sea of ​​black fire, like a domain treasure, suppressed the speed of the three demon lords. It was even difficult for the two ordinary lords to move.

"Endless Sword Sea·Second Wave!"

Although the sword in the hands of the demon dragon clone is not even a heavy treasure and cannot fully exert the true power of the 'Second Wave', the power of the ultimate secret method of the universe overlord cannot be underestimated.

If these three demons had normal consciousness, they would be able to resist.


All they have left now is their instincts, and they don't even know how to use the precious treasures on their bodies, so they just act recklessly.

Not even the divine body burned.

In addition, their divine bodies are not big yet.


The two ordinary sages didn't even resist for a while before their divine bodies were annihilated by the 'Endless Sea of ​​Swords·Second Wave'. The eight-armed Baji Demon Lord managed to resist for a while, but he didn't last long either. , the divine body was also annihilated.

The demon dragon clone put away the three heavy treasures floating in the sea of ​​fire, and then arrived at the target location in one fell swoop.

"In another space." The demon dragon clone tore open the space with one claw and escaped into it.

This space is where the three demon masters refine the 'Dragon Bone Demon Sword'.


In the center of this space, there is no longer the 'Dragon Bone Demon Sword', replaced by a black crystal ball burning with black flames.

"Huh?" Seeing the black crystal ball, the demon dragon clone was a little surprised.

Just now, he was wondering how the dignified Lord of the Universe could become an unconscious puppet. Now, seeing the black crystal ball, this doubt was solved.

The strongest will to kill in the universe!
  This black crystal ball exudes the killing will of the strongest person in the universe!
  Layers of illusions surround the black crystal ball.

The closer you get to the black crystal ball, the more powerful the illusion becomes.

The three demons must have been affected by the illusion, so they couldn't even fight. They could only bumble and rush forward, and were quickly killed by the demon dragon clones.

"How to collect it?" Chen Zong pondered.

(End of this chapter)

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