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Chapter 231 New Mission

Chapter 231 New Mission

The original secret realm, the abyss of purgatory.

In a special space, a black crystal ball with a diameter of one million kilometers is suspended in the void, with circles of black flames wrapped around its surface.

In front of it, the demon dragon clone, which is more than 90,000 kilometers long, seems a bit small.

At this time.


The black crystal ball shook slightly, and a special wave swept out.

In a blink of an eye.

This fluctuation reached the demon dragon clone, but the demon dragon clone did not feel danger, but felt a little comfortable.


Before the demon dragon clone could close its eyes and enjoy it, the black crystal ball glowed with black light, and this black light filled the entire special space.


A dizzying feeling surged into the body of the demon dragon.

Followed by.

The demon dragon clone turned into a stream of light and penetrated into the black crystal ball.

Inside the black crystal ball.

This is a dark void. In the void, there is a shadow of a million kilometers long demon dragon hovering, with the dragon's head looking down.

at this time.

The demon dragon clone appeared out of thin air and happened to appear where the demon dragon's shadow was looking down.

The demonic dragon's shadow trembled slightly, then turned into a stream of light, and with a whoosh, it escaped into the eyebrows of the demonic dragon's clone.


A piece of information appeared in Chen Zong's mind.

The beast god of fire!

"Hiss~" The demon dragon clone was shocked.

Learn from information.

This demonic dragon phantom is actually the Fire Beast God from another era of reincarnation. I don’t know the specific era of reincarnation.

But it was definitely very long ago.

"It turns out that this abyss of purgatory was transformed by the phantom corpse of the demon dragon. However, after countless years of invasion, it no longer has the pressure of the strongest man in the universe." After carefully checking the extra information in his mind, the demon dragon clone sighed. road.


In the void, the figure of the demon dragon clone gradually faded, and then reappeared in the special space, appearing in front of the 'Original Dragon Ball'.

To conquer this natal dragon ball, special methods are needed.

The refining method was included in the previous news.

"The most powerful palace treasure!" Looking at the natal dragon ball, the eyes of the demon dragon clone shone.


This natal dragon ball is a palace-like most powerful treasure!

According to the method, the demon dragon clone quickly conquered the natal dragon ball. Immediately, the natal dragon pearl turned into a stream of light and merged into a piece of scale armor between the eyebrows of the demon dragon clone.


The demon dragon clone swiped its claws, and a huge hole opened in the void. The demon dragon clone turned into a stream of light and left this special space.

After he left, the special space collapsed and turned into nothingness!
  A cut-off knife sank into nothingness!

Virtual universe, Temple of the Great Ax.

The 18 masters of the universe of mankind gathered together.

"Chaos, has Chen Zong gone to the 'Abyss of Purgatory'?" From the main seat, the sound of the giant ax sounded.

"Well, I have sent my junior brother to the 'Abyss of Purgatory'." The Lord of Chaos City said, and then, with a finger, a virtual screen appeared in mid-air.

This is the synchronous transmission started by Lord Yaoyang!

"Senior brother, can I succeed?" The Lord of Darkness looked at the Lord of Chaos City and asked.

"I don't know, but my junior brother has been promoted to immortality, and with the demon dragon clone, there is a glimmer of hope." The Lord of Chaos City responded.

After an incident occurred in the abyss of purgatory.

The Lord of Chaos City went to investigate and found the 'Original Dragon Ball', which surprised the Lord of Chaos City.


He felt that the 'Original Dragon Ball' was definitely a 'supreme treasure'.

However, he tried his best and failed to succeed.


The other universe masters of the human race all tried it, but like the Chaos City Master, they all ended in failure.

Even the giant ax himself went out and failed.

Therefore, they speculated that this treasure might require special means to conquer.

In the following years, they tried their best, but these methods still ended in failure.


Not long ago, the Purgatory Abyss changed again, directly breaking through the vortex of time and space, appearing under the three sacred mountains, and was sometimes accompanied by the sound of dragon roars.


Occasionally, the shadow of a demonic dragon will appear on the 'Dragon Ball of Life'.

The appearance of this demonic dragon's phantom shocked the Lord of Chaos City.


The demon dragon phantom is exactly the same as my junior brother’s demon dragon clone!
  He immediately informed Giant Ax of this discovery, and then Giant Ax held a 'Great Ax Meeting' to discuss a solution.

After discussion, we finally decided to let Chen Zong give it a try.

at this time.

On their screens, the demon dragon's clone was teleported through the Kingdom of God and arrived at Yaoyang Mountain. Immediately afterwards, the huge demon dragon's shadow shrouded the abyss of purgatory appeared, shocking the high-level human beings present.

"Hahaha!" On the main seat, the giant ax laughed loudly, "It seems that our human race will have the 'most powerful treasure'!"

"Yes, when we go to the Purgatory Abyss, the black crystal ball has not changed like this. Once Chen Zong's demon dragon clone gets there, he can activate the black crystal ball. He can definitely collect the black crystal ball." The Lord of Dragon Walk He nodded.

The Masters of the Universe from the Virtual Universe Company all had smiles on their faces.

And other universe masters, although they are also happy that the human race has a 'supreme treasure', they are envious and jealous in their hearts, and they can't wait to replace Chen Zong.


They can neither replace Chen Zong, nor can they make Chen Zong hand over the 'most powerful treasure'.


Previously, the giant ax had spoken. If Chen Zong could successfully collect the black crystal ball, then this 'most powerful treasure' would belong to Chen Zong.

Although they were not very willing, they were not opposed to it either.

after all.

The giant ax has given them the opportunity to collect the 'Supreme Treasure', but they didn't take it!
  If this 'Ultimate Treasure' is still identifiable even after being collected successfully, then even if Chen Zong is asked to hand over the 'Ultimate Treasure', they will not be able to use it.

When the time comes, don’t you still have to return it to Chen Zong?

at this time.

They were shocked again when they saw the demon dragon's clone on the screen changing into a 90,000-kilometer-long divine dragon.

"Isn't his divine body 10,000 kilometers away? Why did it become 90,000 kilometers away? And this aura is definitely at the level of a universe overlord."


"When did he become the Master of the Universe?"

There were sounds of shock.

"He's still immortal!" Giant Axe's slightly excited voice sounded, "Hahaha, he's just immortal, but he has the power of the overlord of the universe. This is indeed a super genius of our human race!"


"Another extremely powerful person will be born in our human race!"

The Lord of the Universe, who was originally a little dissatisfied with Chen Zong's acquisition of the 'Supreme Treasure', now put aside his dissatisfaction.

The strength shown by Chen Zong has completely convinced them!
  As long as Chen Zong is promoted to the Master of the Universe, he will definitely be the strongest among them, second only to the super being of the giant axe.

Take back your mind.

They continued to look at the screen.

Shortly after.

"He succeeded!" Seeing the Purgatory Abyss restored to its original state, everyone immediately understood that Chen Zong had successfully collected the 'Supreme Treasure'.

"Chaos, later you will inform Chen Zong of our previous decision." From the main seat, Juaxe looked at the Lord of Chaos City and smiled. "Yeah." The Lord of Chaos City smiled and nodded.

"Disband!" After the giant ax said it, the figure disappeared.

Others also left the Great Ax Temple.

The abyss of purgatory.

at this time.

The shadow of the demonic dragon covering the Purgatory Abyss has disappeared. Moreover, the Purgatory Abyss has disappeared again, and the three space vortexes have reappeared under the three sacred mountains.


The concentration of evil spirits in the abyss of purgatory is gradually decreasing, and I believe it will return to its former state before long.

Yaoyang Mountain.

The demon dragon clone returned, transformed into a dragon form again, left here through the Kingdom of God, and returned to the mansion on Bauhinia Island.

"The matter is resolved!" Chen Zong, who stayed where he was, said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, on this trip, he actually harvested a palace-type supreme treasure.

So cool!

I have to mention the compensation to Yaoyang and the others, but I don’t have many treasures now, so I can’t compensate them.

We can only wait until later!

"Huh? It's Senior Brother Chaos!" Chen Zong received a message from the Lord of Chaos City.

He immediately separated his consciousness and landed in the virtual universe.

Virtual Universe, Thunder Island, Chaos Temple.

On the edge of the cliff, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air, and then strode into the Temple of Chaos.

"I've met senior brother!" Chen Zong said respectfully in the center of the temple.

"Well, little junior brother, the treasure you obtained this time is the 'Supreme Treasure', and it is also the only supreme treasure among our human race!" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Chen Zong and said with a smile.

"Senior brother, do you know?" Chen Zong asked doubtfully, "Then why did you keep it until now and let me collect it?"

Chen Zong knows.

Although he himself is the number one genius in the current human race, and also possesses the strength of the Universe Lord, if it is a treasure at the level of 'the most powerful treasure', he is not qualified to possess it.

"Uh." The Lord of Chaos City was silent for a moment, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, but he still told what happened.

"That's it!" Chen Zong nodded.


He was also glad in his heart that this 'birth dragon ball' recognized someone else, otherwise, this 'powerful treasure' would have missed him.

"By the way." The Lord of Chaos City said, "Junior brother, the 'Chaos Jade' you contributed to the clan last time was supposed to be a pinnacle treasure given to you after you became immortal."

"but now"

"Although the 'Supreme Treasure' was collected by you, it itself is the treasure of our human race."


"After discussion, this 'most powerful treasure' can be yours, but you also need to pay, so that peak treasure will no longer be given to you."

"Junior brother, the 'Supreme Treasure' is much stronger than the 'Peak Treasure'. The two are not on the same level."

"Any peak ethnic group would be happy to exchange a peak treasure for a 'powerful treasure'."

"Moreover, this can also make the other four powerful universe masters feel more balanced."

Hearing this, Chen Zong understood that in addition to informing him of the results of the negotiation, Brother Chaos was actually afraid that he did not understand the value of the 'most powerful treasure' and would be dissatisfied with the clan for not granting him the ultimate treasure.


"Senior brother." Chen Zong smiled and said, "After obtaining the 'Dragon Ball of Life', I understand the value of the most powerful treasure!"

"Not to mention one pinnacle treasure, even ten pinnacle treasures, I am willing to exchange them for the 'most powerful treasure'."

"Yes." The Lord of Chaos City smiled and nodded.

"Your 'Supreme Treasure' is called the 'Dragon Ball of Life'?"


"No wonder you are the only one who can collect it. Your 'Dragon Clone' is closely related to the 'Dragon Shadow'. It can even be said to be the 'Second Generation of the Demon Dragon'!"

"Second Generation Demon Dragon. Senior brother, what you said is quite appropriate!"

"By the way, what type of 'Supreme Treasure' is the 'Original Dragon Ball'?"

"It is the most powerful palace treasure!"

"Palace type?" Chaos City Lord exclaimed, "Hahaha, with it, your life-saving ability is definitely the strongest among us humans!"


"It's best to keep the news that you possess the 'Supreme Treasure' secret first."

"Otherwise, not to mention the alien masters of the universe, even the strongest ones in the universe will take action against you."

"Of course, after you become the master of the universe, it doesn't matter whether you expose yourself or not!"

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded.


Chen Zong left the Temple of Chaos and exited the virtual universe.

Yaoyang Mountain.

The Universe Venerables from the other two sacred mountains also came to Yaoyang Divine Mountain, invited by Chen Zong.

Of these two, one is Venerable Black Feather, a disciple of the Lord of Darkness, and the other is Venerable Changyi, a disciple of the Lord of Ice Peak. Like Venerable Yaoyang, they are also Chen Zong's nephews.

On the top of the mountain.

Chen Zong waved his hand, and a stone table appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone takes their seats.

Chen Zong took out the best wine and the best spiritual fruit to entertain the three of them.

Several people chatted.

"Well, Uncle Master, recently I heard from Tiandao that he seemed to have discovered a new secret realm in the universe. It is estimated that it is definitely of an extremely high level." Lord Yaoyang said.

"Below you, your Majesty, you will almost die if you enter."

A new secret realm in the universe?

And it’s a high-level secret realm!

Chen Zong’s eyes lit up!
  A secret realm in the universe can actually make 'venerables and below' almost certain to die if they enter it, so this secret realm in the universe must be very terrifying.


The more terrifying it is, the more it means that some real cosmic treasures are likely to appear in the secret realm, treasures that make the venerables and even the Lord of the Universe excited.

just now.

Chen Zong didn't have many good things except the treasures he wanted to use.

So poor!
  They are so poor that they don’t even have the treasure to compensate Yaoyang and the others for their losses!
  But now, with such a new secret realm appearing, you can try it out and earn some pocket money!

At this time, the system panel changed.

Look towards the panel.

【Name】Chen Zong

【Ethnic Group】Human Ethnic Group (Ancient God)

[Level] Immortal God (Fantasy Warrior Style)

[Secret Technique] Xuanzong Sword Code (Ultimate Overlord of the Universe), Phantom Xiaoyao (Peak), Spirit Realm Phantom (Peak)

[Special Secret Technique] Ancient God Technique (Fourth level, body amplitude 100 times)
  [Secret Talents] Universe in Palm, Ancient God Broken Star, Ancient God Roar, Ancient God Finger
  [Talent Clone] World Tree Clone, Demonic Dragon Clone, Immortal Emperor Clone
  [Gene level] 10081 times.

[Original Law] The ten original laws are recognized (the original law of earth is fully understood).

【Task 1】Open up the Ancient God Universe Kingdom.

[Reward] Ancient Pattern Armguards (One of the Sky-Treading Sets)

[Mission 2] Occupy the Mirage Secret Realm and make it the exclusive secret realm of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom
  [Reward] Oracle Sword (Peak Treasure)
  Mirage secret realm?

Chen Zong looked at Lord Yaoyang: "Yaoyang, does this new secret realm have a name?"

"Well, Tian Dao gave it a name, it seems to be - Mirage Secret Realm." Lord Yaoyang said.

Indeed it is!

A light flashed in Chen Zong's eyes!
  "Uncle Master, are you interested in this secret realm?" Lord Yaoyang asked.

"Well, that's right. I haven't explored a new secret realm yet, so this is an opportunity." Chen Zong nodded.

Not only Chen Zong, but also Venerable Black Feather and Venerable Changyi showed a hint of interest.

(End of this chapter)

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