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Chapter 232 Identity Exposed

Chapter 232 Identity Exposed
  Virtual universe, mountainside of Thunder Island.

In a golden palace, two figures sat opposite each other.

"Jiu Yan, I actually let you find a new secret realm of the higher universe. You are really lucky." The leader of Ganwu Kingdom took a sip of wine, "It's a pity that I can't go with you."

"What's wrong?" Lord Jiuyan asked in confusion, "There are many treasures in this new secret realm, but you are not tempted at all?"

"Oh no!" The leader of the Ganwu Kingdom sighed, "You also know that I owe the clan a lot, and now I will train the geniuses in the universe to repay it slowly."

"Over the years, many geniuses have emerged from our universe, such as King Hanhai."

“I also got a lot of contribution points, which made me feel a little more relaxed.”

"Therefore, I am paying more attention to cultivating talents now. I believe that in another billions of epochs, I will be able to repay what I owe to my clan and my friends."

"Billions of Era." The Lord of Jiuyan Kingdom was slightly stunned, "Gan Wu, this time is a bit long!"

"Ha!" Venerable Ganwu laughed at himself, "This is the safest method!"

"You also know that back then I was still very ambitious and motivated, and I even dared to break into the original star."


"Falling down several times in a row made me completely sober."

"Safety is the most important thing!"

"Although I am also very excited about the mirage secret realm you discovered this time, the danger factor of this secret realm is very high, and I dare not take the risk!"

"If we die again, we don't know when we will be able to pay off our debts!"

"Gan Wu, you also know my situation well. Apart from the fact that I have no debts, I am not much better than you. Otherwise, I would not have founded the Universe Kingdom." The Lord of Jiuyan Kingdom also sighed.


"I feel that the brave will be exhausted to death and the timid will be starved to death."

"If we want to stand up, we must dare to break through!"

"Moreover, this Mirage Secret Realm is not a special place like the Primordial Star. In this secret realm, if there is really danger, with you, me, Tian Dao, and the strong men he invited, we can work together to escape. no problem."

The words of the Lord of Jiuyan made the Lord of Qianwu slightly shaken.

And in the secret realm of mirage, far away from human territory.

In the void, in a turbulent blue river, a big golden fish swam forward with its tail fin shaking.

This big golden fish is a spaceship fused with immortal metal life.

In the control room of the golden fish spacecraft.

Lord Tiandao and Lord Jiuyan sat opposite each other on the sofa.

"Jiuyan, you invited Qian Wu, did he agree?" Lord Tiandao asked.

"Not yet." Lord Jiuyan shook his head.

Explore new secrets, and those who don’t trust are definitely not invited.

He has a life-long friendship with the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom, so when he discovered a new secret realm this time, he would immediately invite the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom.


I also have the idea of ​​​​getting Gan Wu out of debt!
  "By the way, where are you? How many have you invited?" Lord Jiuyan looked at Lord Tiandao.

"." Venerable Tiandao shook his head, "You know, all my senior brothers are busy and really don't have time."

Lord Tiandao was also helpless.

His senior brothers either have to guard the secret realm or have other tasks, making it difficult for them to leave.


Lord Tiandao received an email.

"Huh? It's Senior Brother Yaoyang." After reading the content of the email, Venerable Tiandao smiled and said, "Jiuyan, we may have a new partner!"


He separated his consciousness and landed in the virtual universe.

Virtual universe, Thunder Island.

Lord Tiandao flew into the air and flew towards Chen Zong's palace.

In the main hall.

"I've met my junior uncle!" Seeing Chen Zong, Venerable Tiandao said respectfully, "Yes, senior brother Yaoyang, senior brother Heiyu."

"Tiandao, are you still in the Mirage Secret Realm now?" Chen Zong looked at Venerable Tiandao and asked.

"Well, after the Lord Jiuyan and I discovered the secret realm, we entered it to explore and have not returned yet." Lord Tiandao said.

"Okay then, send us the coordinates and we'll meet you right away." Chen Zong said with a smile.

"Uncle Junior Master, are you coming too?" Lord Tiandao said in surprise.

Junior uncle is just immortal!

Although he has the strength of a Universe Venerable, he should only be at the level of an ordinary Venerable.

The danger factor of the Mirage Secret Realm is quite high. If the young master accidentally falls into despair, he cannot be held responsible!

At this time.

"Haha, junior brother, you don't know something." Next to him, Venerable Yaoyang laughed, hearing the hidden meaning of Venerable Tiandao's words, "My junior uncle's strength is no less than mine."

"What?" Lord Tiandao exclaimed.


Venerable Yaoyang briefly told Venerable Tiandao what happened in the abyss of purgatory.

"Hiss~~" Venerable Tiandao looked at Chen Zong in shock, and then an excited smile appeared on his face, "Hahaha, with Junior Uncle, Senior Brother Yaoyang, and Senior Brother Heiyu here, we will definitely be able to survive in the 'Mirage Secret Realm' 'Full harvest!"

just now.

The three demons in the Purgatory Abyss are all dead, so only one person is needed to guard there.

Lord Changyi is on guard, while Yaoyang and Heiyu are temporarily on vacation!
  "Uncle Junior, there is no need to send coordinates, I will come directly to pick you up." Lord Tiandao smiled.

"Well, that's okay." Chen Zong nodded.

The secret realm of mirage.

In the golden fish spaceship.

"Jiuyan, I'll go pick up my uncle and senior brothers." Lord Tiandao stood up.

"Okay!" Lord Jiuyan nodded.


Lord Tiandao teleported away from the spaceship and appeared above the river. He then summoned an alien soul slave, started teleportation from the Kingdom of God, and left here.


The separate consciousness of the Lord of Jiuyan Kingdom is still in the palace of Lord Qianwu.

"Gan Wu, good news, Tiandao's uncle and senior brother are rushing to the Mirage Secret Realm. With them here, even if they are in danger, they can be rescued in time." The Lord of Jiuyan Kingdom said with a smile.

The leader of Ganwu Kingdom, who was already a little moved, was now completely shaken.

He knew very well that the senior brothers of Lord Tiandao were all top-notch masters, and together with an uncle, well, the strength of this uncle, the weakest one, should not be lower than that of the overlord of the universe.

It will indeed be a lot safer to go into the secret realm with them.

"Jiu Yan. Then I'll be shameless and follow you!" Looking at the Lord of Jiu Yan, the Lord of Ganwu nodded.

"Hahaha, these are the coordinates, come here." The Lord of Jiuyan said happily.

Within the realm of Qianwu Universe, there is the Jade Star.

A flying saucer-shaped spacecraft emerged from the dark universe and appeared in the starry sky outside the Qiongyu Star.

Inside the spaceship.

"Gu Si, I'll see you soon." A beautiful woman with long flowing hair sat on the sofa in the control room, her eyes showing excitement and desire.

Her name is Qian Lanyin, a royal disciple of the Qianwu Universe Kingdom, and she met Chen Gusi in the virtual universe.

After many years of getting along.

Their relationship is getting closer and closer, and they are just about to break the last layer of paper.


The spacecraft reached the atmosphere of Qiongyu Star. She flew out of the spacecraft, then put the spacecraft away and flew towards a giant city below.

Xiangshui City, Shenjian Villa.

As a core member of the original secret realm, Chen Gusi was sent to the Qianwu Universe Kingdom as a special envoy to supervise and became a feudal official.

And Shenjian Villa naturally became his residence.

At this time.

In the Excalibur Villa, many servants were busy making delicacies from all over the universe and serving them on the table. In a bedroom in the villa.

"Angelo, what do you think of my clothes?" Chen Gusi, wearing exquisite clothes with a blue background, stood in front of the mirror, turned left and right, and asked the people standing next to him.

Angelo had silver hair and two silver-white horns on his forehead. He was wearing silver-white armor and stood next to Chen Gusi like a guard.

He is the leader of Chen Gusi's bodyguard, an immortal god comparable to the immortality of a feudal lord.

"Your Highness, you look very nice. Miss Lan Yin will like it." Angelo said with a smile.

"Really?" Chen Gusi's face turned slightly rosy.

"Yeah!" Angelo nodded.

"Then this is it." Chen Gusi turned around, waved his hand, and put away the pile of clothes piled on the bed.

At this time.

"Huh? She will be here soon." Chen Gusi immediately walked out of the bedroom and walked towards the door of the villa.

Soon, a figure descended from the sky and landed at the gate of the villa.



Both of them showed bright smiles, and then, Chen Gusi took Qian Lanyin and walked towards the main hall of the villa.

In the ancient god space.

The demon dragon clone is sitting cross-legged in the void, studying the 'Dragon Ball of Origin'.

"It turns out that this natal dragon ball was obtained by the 'Dragon Beast God' in the space ark."


"This natal dragon ball, in addition to being a palace-type supreme treasure, also contains a special inheritance - the inheritance of the ancient demonic dragon."

"The ancient demon dragon. The demon dragon beast god relied on this inheritance to break through and become the strongest person in the universe."

The demon dragon clone continued to check.

"Hahaha, this ancient demon dragon inheritance is actually a divine power route inheritance!" The demon dragon clone was delighted.

"Well, no!"

"This ancient dragon inheritance is too evil."

Seeing the information behind it, the demon dragon clone's face darkened.

The so-called Ancient Demonic Dragon's inheritance is true that it follows the route of divine power, but there are thousands of divine power routes, but the Ancient Demonic Dragon's inheritance is the most evil route among them.

To put it simply, it is ‘transformation into a demon’.

If you want to practice the ancient demon dragon inheritance, you must first 'transform into a demon'.

The so-called demon transformation is similar to the practice of becoming a demon, which causes the body to produce 'devil energy'.

Every time you are possessed by a demon, as long as you successfully survive it, a large amount of demonic energy will be produced in the body, and the demonic energy can enhance the level of life genes.


Once the demonic tribulation fails, the demonic energy will backfire and cause the cultivator to die suddenly on the spot! !

There are nine magic tribulations in total.

As long as you practice the ancient demon dragon inheritance, these nine demonic tribulations are inevitable.

It will come sooner or later!
  Moreover, according to the information, the demonic calamity will increase exponentially as the strength becomes stronger.

In other words.

It is best to survive the nine demonic tribulations during the period of being the Lord of the Universe. Otherwise, once you break through and become the strongest person in the universe, the possibility of surviving the demonic tribulation is almost zero.

According to legend, if one successfully survives nine demonic tribulations, one can elevate his divine body to a hundred thousand times the genetic level of life during the period of being the Lord of the Universe.

In other words.

The ultimate goal of this ancient dragon inheritance is to cultivate the Lord of the Universe with a gene level that is 100,000 times greater than that of life.

Anything less than 100,000 times will be wiped out by the ‘Demon Tribulation’!

After the Demonic Dragon Beast God survived two magical tribulations, he knew that he would never survive the third tribulation, so he chose to advance and become the strongest person in the universe.

In this way, he was famous for at least a while.


Compared with the three reincarnation eras, this period of time is a bit short.

In the middle of the reincarnation era where the Demonic Dragon Beast God was, the third demonic calamity had arrived. The Demonic Dragon Beast God's body died and his body disappeared, turning into the abyss of purgatory!
  "Hey, this inheritance is indeed powerful, but the risk is too great!" the demon dragon clone sighed.


He also plans to contribute this inheritance to the ethnic group.

But now it seems that the inheritance of the ancient demon dragon is not a weapon to strengthen the clan, but a demon weapon to destroy the clan!

If the Lord of the Universe of the human race is really allowed to practice, although the number of the strongest people in the universe can be increased in a short period of time, they may all die before the end of this reincarnation era, and the True God Universe will collapse!
  Success is the inheritance of the ancient demon dragon, and failure is the inheritance of the ancient demon dragon.

Putting away the 'Dragon Ball of Life', the demon dragon clone exited the ancient god's space and reappeared in the mansion on Bauhinia Island.

In the courtyard.

The demon dragon's clone created a trace of consciousness and connected to the world of glory.

"Huh? So many emails!"

Some of them are emails from some inheritors of Hongmeng, but among them are emails from the Glory World system.

He opened the message from the inheritor.

"This is a video file." The demon dragon clone opened the video directly.


His eyes widened.

"This is actually the scene of the ancient god himself fighting the lion and camel? What is going on?" The demon dragon clone was shocked in his heart.

He read a few more emails.

at last.

He got it.

This battle scene was simulated by Venerable Shituo with his consciousness and sent to the inheritors of the Monster Alliance.

There is no impermeable wall in the world.

This video slowly spread.


King Chaman and the others did not know that the ancient god himself was also himself. They sent this video just to inform the demon dragon clone that if they encounter the strong man in the video, it is best not to have a conflict.

  Since they can obtain the video, doesn’t the Glory World System also know about it?

In addition, the aliens may not know that the ancient god himself and the demon dragon clone are both Chen Zong, but the Colorful Aurora Lake system knows!


The last time the demon dragon clone was killed by the alien Lord Awakening Light, it was newly condensed from the ancient god's original body.

  The demon dragon clone looked at the email sent by the Glory World system.

"Zhu Rong (King Hanhai), you are the best among the hundreds of millions of inheritors of the Ancestral God Religion. You have proven your strength with your record. Moreover, because of your record, you have attracted the attention of the Beast God of our Ancestral God Religion! In the near future, The thunder beast god among the eight beast gods of my ancestral god sect will personally appear on Bauhinia Island, preside over the gifts on Bauhinia Island, and give you treasures."


"The Ancestral God Sect knows his true identity!" Looking at this message, the demon dragon clone sighed.

And the Ancestral God Sect knows that some of its members who are close to the alien race may inform the alien race of their identities.

So to say.

Zhu Rong's true identity will soon be exposed!

"Oh, just expose it if you expose it. With my current strength and equipment, do the aliens want to kill me? It's too late!" Chen Zong was very confident.

"By the way, in the original book, when Luo Feng kills the King of Barking Mirrors in the Immortal Realm, he can obtain a top-level domain-level treasure that is comparable to the treasure. But now I can kill the Universe Venerable in the Realm Lord Realm."

"Think about it, the treasure given to me by the Ancestral God Religion cannot possibly be lower than the level of treasure, right?"

"Is it a high-level treasure? Or an ordinary treasure set?"

Thinking of this, Chen Zong felt that exposing his identity was not a bad thing!

You also need to prepare for a rainy day!

If the aliens get angry and kill themselves no matter what the cost, it is still a bit dangerous.

"Well, while it's still safe, let's go to the inheritance place first." The demon dragon clone left the mansion and headed towards the inheritance place.

(End of this chapter)

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