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Chapter 246 The Joy of the Giant Ax

Chapter 246 The Joy of the Giant Ax

Virtual universe, the highest place on Thunder Island.

  Chen Zong's figure appeared outside the Chaos Temple, and then hurriedly entered the hall.

"Senior brother, it's not good, junior brother, I was blocked by a mountain rider!" Chen Zong shouted as soon as he entered the hall.


There was a "snap" sound in the hall.

I saw.

On the throne, the wine glass in Chaos City Lord's hand suddenly broke into several pieces, slipped from his hand, and hit the ground with a clang.

Mountain rider?
  The Lord of Chaos City was shocked!
  Isn’t Junior Brother in the ‘ancient mysterious realm’? How could he meet a mountain visitor?


How could the mountain guest block the little junior brother?

Could it be that the person who went to Bauhinia Island to assassinate the junior brother last time was the mountain guest?
  not good!

The mountain guest is cunning and cunning, and has many tricks.

Even if the junior brother has the soul treasure ‘Tian Yuan’, he may be killed by the soul of the mountain guest.

For today's plan, we can only...
  "Junior brother, please self-destruct quickly!" The Lord of Chaos City suddenly stood up and said urgently, "Don't give the mountain rider time to annihilate your soul."

"Annihilate my soul?" Chen Zong was stunned and asked, "Senior brother, what did you say?"

"What? Didn't the mountain guest come to assassinate you?" The Lord of Chaos City was also stunned.

"Probably not, he hasn't done anything to me yet." Chen Zong shook his head, "But I'm worried that he will do something to me later."

"Okay, send me the coordinates and I'll talk to Giant Axe." Although the Lord of Chaos City didn't understand what was going on, he was very concerned about the safety of his junior brother.

of course.

If the junior brother's opponent is a foreign race of the same level, then he will definitely not bother the giant axe.

But now, the junior brother is facing the strongest person in the universe.

And the only one who can deal with the strongest person in the universe is the strongest person in the universe!
  Fortunately, the giant ax is currently in the original universe and not in the cosmic sea, otherwise it would be absolutely too late.

Chen Zong immediately sent the coordinates.


The Lord of Chaos City also contacted Juaxe and forwarded the coordinates to Juaxe.

Great Ax Secret Realm.

This is the top secret realm owned by the Giant Ax Arena, just like the ‘original secret realm’ owned by Virtual Universe Company.

There is a majestic palace suspended in the void.

In the square in front of the palace, there is a fixed space transmission channel.

at this time.

The giant ax walked out of the palace and walked towards the fixed space passage, intending to go to his own 'small universe'.

As the strongest person in the universe, Giant Ax's Kingdom of God has been promoted to a 'small universe', leaving the original universe and entering the cosmic sea.

The connection between the 'small universe' and the original universe is through the space transmission channels between universes.

at this time.

"Huh? It's Chaos!" The giant ax stopped because he received an email. When he opened it, his eyes widened. Then he picked up a huge ax and then disappeared.

Ancient mysterious realm, Flame Mountains.

"One drop of blood gave you the perfect gene?" Sitting Mountain Guest didn't believe it.

Are there any treasures of this level in this primitive universe?
  "Yeah!" Ancient God Chen Zong nodded.

It is true that he was promoted to a perfect genetic life because of a drop of blood.

This is not a lie either.

"Show me that drop of blood." The mountain guest looked expectantly in his eyes.

He did not doubt what Chen Zong said.

after all.

Without special encounters, Chen Zong’s life gene level would not have reached 10081 times!

"Yes!" Ancient God Chen Zong thought about it for a moment.


He used his consciousness to simulate a drop of purple blood. This drop of blood exuded an extremely ancient and mysterious aura.

"Hiss~" Feeling the breath of purple blood droplets, the mountain guest was shocked!
  As a former God King, Mountain Guest's vision was not comparable to that of Chen Zong.


He couldn't even understand the purple blood drops!
  After suppressing the shock in his heart, the mountain guest wrote down the simulated blood drops, and then looked at the ancient god Chen Zong: "Do you still have such blood drops?"

"If there is any, I am willing to exchange it with you for the most powerful treasure."

Chen Zong and himself have some connections.

Not long ago, he even considered Chen Zong as his 'second disciple' candidate.

and so.

He doesn’t want to grab it directly!
  And a most powerful treasure is nothing to him. If you want it, you can just refine it yourself!

"Senior, I have only encountered one drop, there is nothing more." Ancient God Chen Zong sighed.

He also wants to get a few more drops!
  But this is not something he can have if he wants to.

The eyes are a window to the soul. The mountain guest saw from the eyes of Ancient God Chen Zong that Ancient God Chen Zong did not lie.

"Hey, what a pity!" Mountain Guest shook his head slightly.

If he could get even one drop, he would probably go one step further!
  At this time.

"Senior, is this 'Golden Sky-Splitting Sword' yours?" Ancient God Chen Zong changed the subject in order not to talk about the 'Purple Blood Drops'.

He held up the golden sword in his hand.

"Yeah!" After looking at the Golden Sky Splitting Sword, the mountaineer nodded.

"Chen Zong, seeing you, I have to believe that there are really people with excellent luck in this world!"

"Not to mention getting the 'Purple Blood Drops' that I covet."

"Tell me about the sword in your hand."

"When this secret realm was born, I placed this semi-finished 'Golden Sky Splitting Sword' in this crater and calcined it with the help of golden flames to make it a finished product."

“Until it is transformed into a finished product, it is impossible to recognize its owner.”

"After countless years of calcination, the 'Golden Sky Splitting Sword' has finally become a perfect top-notch treasure."

"And as soon as it became a finished product, here you were."

"It's as if it was made just for you!"

The mountain visitor couldn't help but sigh.

Billions of years ago, he discovered this secret realm, and when passing by this flaming mountain, he unexpectedly had a sudden idea and made a semi-finished top-notch treasure.

all the time.

He all believed that the final owner of this sword should be a strong man in the secret realm.


After so many years, the person who obtained this top-notch treasure turned out to be from the human race, and it came from the earth that he had transformed!

So to say.

Chen Zong's ability to obtain the 'Golden Sky-Splitting Sword' may not only be due to his excellent luck, but also may be related to the relationship between Chen Zong and himself.

"Thank you, senior, for the treasure!" Chen Zong understood the mountain guest's words and immediately saluted respectfully.

"Hahaha, the reason why you can obtain it is because of your strength." Sitting Mountain Guest said with a smile.

At this time.

The mountain guest raised his head and looked into the distance, his eyes moving slightly.

I saw.

In the distance in the void, a burly figure carrying a giant ax came through the air.

"Hmph! Mountain Guest, as the strongest person in the universe, you actually attack my little human being. Do you really think that my giant ax does not exist?" The giant ax came directly in front of Chen Zong and looked at Mountain Guest coldly. .

"." Hearing Juaxe's words, he looked at Ancient God Chen Zong again, and the mountain guest was speechless.

This Chen Zong actually moved reinforcements!


This seems to be normal.

after all.

No matter who it is, when facing a strong person who cannot resist, and does not know whether the strong person is an enemy or a friend, it is a normal method to ask for help from the strong person in the ethnic group.


"Giant Axe, when did you see me take action against Chen Zong?" Sitting Mountain Guest said with a smile, "I came here just to see which lucky person got the treasure I refined."

"Uh." Giant Ax was startled.

He turned his head and looked at Ancient God Chen Zong: "Chen Zong, is things as he said?"

"I have met the founder of the giant axe." Ancient God Chen Zongxian bowed slightly and said.

"Well, what this senior said is correct."

"Previously, senior suddenly appeared, and I couldn't feel the original law of the universe. I was shocked immediately, so I asked for help directly."


Chen Zong briefly explained what happened.

Even the matter of the perfect gene and the purple blood drop was not concealed.


There's nothing to hide.

Moreover, Juaxe has long known about his divine body of more than 90,000 kilometers.

With the giant axe's eyesight, he can naturally guess that it is the perfect genetic level!


"Well, this is the 'Golden Sky-Splitting Sword' refined by seniors." Ancient God Chen Zong raised the golden sword in his hand.

"Hahaha!" After hearing the words of Ancient God Chen Zong, the giant ax laughed, and the giant ax in his hand had been put away without knowing when.

"Sitting Mountain Guest, it seems that I misunderstood you!"

"Founder of the Giant Axe, it's not your fault. It's because I didn't understand the situation." Next to him, Ancient God Chen Zong said.

"It's not your fault. After all, asking for help was the right choice for you at that time." Juaxe looked at Ancient God Chen Zong and smiled.


The mountain guest raised his eyebrows. I don’t blame you two, but me?
  of course.

This is what I was thinking in my mind, but Mountain Guest didn't say it out loud.

after all.

If you don’t say it’s okay, just pretend you don’t know.

And having said that, maybe Chen Zong and Juaxe didn't think so at first, but they couldn't be sure later.

At this time.

"Chen Zong." The voice of the giant ax sounded, "Since the mountain guest has given you a 'top treasure', you should also thank him. Well, let's go to your Nine Star Continent."

A top-level treasure, although it is nothing to the giant axe, but to Chen Zong, it is a good treasure.

It’s time to thank the mountaineer!

"Yes." Ancient God Chen Zong nodded, then looked at the mountain guest and extended an invitation.

"Okay!" Mountain Guest replied with a smile.

I have nothing to do at the moment, so I might as well go over and have a look.

Seeing the mountain guest nodding, he took a giant ax step forward and took Chen Zong directly back to the Nine Star Continent.

The mountain rider also followed.

Nine Star Continent?
  Isn't it the continent with the natural 'space blockade' formation?
  When did this continent become Chen Zong's?
  The mountain guest thought in his mind.

Nine Star Continent, Lake Center Island.

On a floating island in the sea of ​​nine-colored clouds, three figures appeared out of thin air.

"Well, it is indeed here." Seeing the nine-colored sea of ​​clouds, the mountain guest understood clearly.


The smile on his face froze instantly.

"That's the will beast?" Seeing the magical beast wandering in the sea of ​​nine-colored clouds, the mountain guest was shocked.

"How can it be!"

"How could there be a will beast here!"

The mountain guest stretched out his hand to grab it. In the sea of ​​clouds, a magical beast suddenly fell into the palm of the mountain guest.

His consciousness penetrated into the body of the magical beast.

After some investigation.

"It's really a beast of will!" The shock on Mountain Guest's face has not dissipated.

"Will beast?" Next to him, Ancient God Chen Zong asked in confusion, "Senior Sishanke, do you know the divine beast?"

The mythical beast comes from the Magic Mountain, but the mountain guest knows it.

Doesn't this mean that on the Origin Continent, there are likely to be creatures of will similar to magical beasts.

will creature
  Well, yes, the magical beast is formed by the condensed will, so it is appropriate to call it a 'will beast'.

It seems.

Shenhuan Mountain should come from the Origin Continent!

Giant Ax also looked confused.

Chen Zong has a large group of special life subordinates, and he knows it.

In the eyes of Giant Ax and others, the mythical beast is a special life form that has never appeared before.


It’s not wrong to think so!

"The phantom beast?" The mountain guest looked at the ancient god Chen Zong, "This will beast, um, is the phantom beast yours?"

"Well, they are my subordinates." Ancient God Chen Zong nodded.

"Subordinate? Hahaha, yes, that's right." Sitting Mountain Guest laughed, and then his eyes softened and said, "Chen Zong, it seems that you have the will of the Lord of the Universe, you should be the same as the birthplace of the mythical beast. It’s related.”

The mountain guest didn’t say much.


What follows is likely to attract the attention of the original will of the universe.

As for the divine beast, or the beast of will, there is no problem in saying so.

after all.

The magical beast is like a weapon.

His god-king-level weapon ‘Star Tower’ can also appear in the original universe. There is no reason why it cannot be in the place where ‘divine beasts’ were born.

Moreover, Sishanke also believed that Chen Zong would definitely understand what he said.

Of course there is no need to say more.

"Well, it does have something to do with it." Chen Zong nodded.

He is now also sure that the ‘Shenhuan Mountain’ does come from the ‘Origin Continent’.

Next to him, Juaxe heard their conversation, and his eyes were full of confusion.

"I asked, what riddles are you two playing?" Juaxe, always straight-tempered, asked directly.

"The giant axe." The mountaineer turned to look at the giant axe, "This magical beast is actually a weapon, an extremely powerful weapon."


The mountain guest grabbed the magical beast's hand and shook it gently.

  The magical beast exploded suddenly and turned into countless white light spots.

Followed by.

These white light spots regrouped, and the previously 'dead' magical beasts were 'resurrected'.

Greataxe was shocked.

Just now, he clearly saw that the Mountain Guest had used the power of the Annihilation Divine Body.

He thought that the magical beast would just die.

  The results were unexpected.

"What is going on?" Giant Ax asked in surprise.

"Chen Zong, you should know, right? Can you tell me?" Mountain Guest smiled and looked at Ancient God Chen Zong.

"Yes." Ancient God Chen Zong nodded.


He looked at the giant axe: "According to what I know, this 'divine beast' is actually condensed by 'will'. If the will is not destroyed, it will be immortal!"

"Hiss!" Giant Ax said in shock, "I didn't expect there to be such a creature!"

It can only be destroyed by will!

This method sounds simple, but you must know that will is the most difficult to destroy.

after all.

Will is elusive, unlike soul and consciousness, which have traces to follow!
  "Hahaha, Chen Zong, you have tens of millions of magical beasts, which is equivalent to having tens of millions of 'king-conferring strong men' who cannot die. This is great!" Juaxe exclaimed.


"You also have two phantom beasts at the Universe Lord level, which means that the phantom beasts should be able to advance."


Juaxe did not continue, but Chen Zong and Sishanke also knew what Juaxe wanted to say.

after all.

In front of them in the sea of ​​nine-colored clouds, there were millions of magical beasts living.

"Unfortunately, it is difficult for these magical beasts to advance." Ancient God Chen Zong smiled and shook his head.

"But there is hope, isn't it?" Juaxe said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Ancient God Chen Zong nodded.


"Hey, I forgot about it while we were chatting. Please come with me, you two. That is my 'Ancient Emperor's Palace.'" Ancient God Chen Zong slapped his forehead and said.

"Yes." Giant Ax and Mountain Guest smiled and nodded.

The three of them left the floating island and entered the ancient emperor's palace.

Distant foreign battlefields.

Shawu Island.

In a huge cold pool, Luo Feng sat cross-legged at the bottom of the cold pool.

"It's really not easy to create a secret method."

"It's especially difficult to create the top secret method!" Luo Feng shook his head slightly.

just now.

After hundreds of years of high-intensity battles and frequent consultation with ‘Teacher Chen Zong’ on cultivation issues, his strength has improved significantly.


The horizons are also higher.

"It's time to see Teacher Chen Zong." Luo Feng used a ray of consciousness to connect to the virtual universe network.

In the virtual universe, on the mountainside of Thunder Island, there is Chen Zong's palace.

A figure fell on the square in front of the palace, it was Luo Feng.

He did not enter the main hall, but walked to the side courtyard.

There is a small bridge and flowing water in the courtyard, and goldfish are chasing each other in the pool.

Carefree and full of joy.

Chen Zong sat by the pool and watched the goldfish playing in the pool.

I was frightened by the mountain rider and needed to relax!
  At this time.

"I've met the teacher!" Luo Feng walked over and saluted respectfully.

"Yes." Chen Zong raised his head, looked at Luo Feng, and said with a smile, "Luo Feng, have you created a new secret attack method?"

"My self-created secret method of killing Wu Yuyi has been successful for the first time. It is considered a small success. Please comment on it, teacher." Luo Feng said respectfully.

"Let's do it." Chen Zong nodded.


Luo Feng said respectfully.

With a thought, Luo Feng disappeared, and a golden-horned giant beast hundreds of kilometers long appeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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