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Chapter 247 The original will comes

Chapter 247 The original will comes
  The ancient mysterious realm, the island in the middle of the lake, and the ancient palace.

A round topaz table was filled with all kinds of food and wine, most of which were specialties from the Nine Star Continent.

This was what the ancient god Chen Zong ordered Venerable Zou to do when he returned to the Nine Star Continent.

at this time.

The ancient god Chen Zong entered the ancient emperor's palace with his giant ax and mountain guest, and sat in a triangular position at the round topaz table.

Next to them, Venerable Zhao immediately stepped forward to pour wine for the three of them.

For Master Zhen, Juaxe was not surprised because he had known about it for a long time.

As for Sishanke, he knew that it would not be difficult for Chen Zong, who possessed the ‘Will Beast’, to enslave a cosmic lord.

After Venerable Zhen poured the wine, he stood behind the ancient god Chen Zong.

The ancient god Chen Zong picked up the wine glass, stood up, looked at the mountain guest and the giant ax with a smile: "Welcome you two, I'll toast you two first."

After saying that, Ancient God Chen Zong drank it all in one gulp.


Master Zhan came over to refill the cup.

Afterwards, the ancient god Chen Zongyi toasted to the mountain guest and the giant axe, thanking them sincerely.

Thanks to the mountain guest for the treasure, and thanks to the giant ax for his protection.


After three rounds of drinking.

"Senior Mountain Guest," Ancient God Chen Zong said, "I thought I was the only one who knew the magic of the 'divine beast', but I didn't expect you, senior, to know it too."

"Is it possible that you have seen the 'Fantasy Beast' elsewhere?"

Although Chen Zong also knew that the Mountain Guest must have seen the Will Beast in the Origin Continent, he was considered a native of the original universe and it was hard for him to show that he knew there was such a place as the Origin Continent. .


He really wants to know what level of treasure this 'Magic Mountain' is on the Origin Continent.


Although Chen Zong is the owner of the 'Shenhuan Mountain', just like Luo Feng didn't know the level of the 'Star Tower' after he obtained the 'Star Tower', he also didn't know the level of the 'Shenhuan Mountain'.

After hearing Chen Zong's doubts, Mountain Guest's mind immediately drifted to the Origin Continent.

at this time.

He was extremely emotional.

When he was still the 'God King of Jin', as a master of weapon refining, he also visited other masters of weapon refining.

Among these masters of weapon refining, the one whom the mountain guest admires the most is an extremely powerful god king.

In front of the God King, he can only be regarded as a junior.

Not only is his strength inferior, but his ability to refine weapons is also inferior.

And the 'will beast' was what he saw when he visited the supreme god king.


There are hundreds of 'will beasts' seen in the supreme god king, and those with strength reaching the god king level, and as for the saint level, there are even more countless!
  And when he learned that the 'Will Beast' was actually a 'special life' derived from a peerless weapon, he was even more shocked beyond words.

  That peerless weapon was not refined by the supreme god king, but obtained from a 'forbidden place'.

After the supreme god-king obtained the peerless weapon, he was also studying how to refine it.

After countless years of research, the Supreme God King has actually refined a weapon that can derive the 'Will Beast'.


Among these weapons, the best can also derive weapons of the 'Eternal True God' level 'Will Beast'.

But compared to peerless weapons, it is simply garbage.

To that supreme god-king, the eternal true god-level ‘will beast’ was like a weed on the roadside, not worth mentioning at all.


The supreme god king destroyed all those weapons.

He didn't even leave one for his subordinates.


The Supreme God King once said that if the refined weapon cannot produce a 'saint-level' will beast, it is not worthy of being engraved with his signature!

It's not that he is arrogant.

But as the ultimate weapon refining master in the Origin Continent, he has this qualification!

Those weapons were completely destroyed before they could be circulated.

The mountain guest has never seen the destroyed weapons.

This made the mountaineer regretful for a long time.

after all.

If the weapons hadn't been destroyed, he might have gotten one.

When the time comes, he will also study it, and then his weapon refining ability will definitely reach another level!
  In the years that followed, he also paid attention to the research on the supreme god king.


Before the supreme god king could refine a weapon capable of deriving a 'saint-level' will beast, he was hunted down and destroyed by the three god kings of the 'Food Kingdom'.

In the end, in order to make a comeback, he chose to escape into the cosmic sea!

Not everyone can break into the cosmic sea.

He was considered a success, but also a failure.

after all.

He was reincarnated.

Instead of appearing here as a god king.

"Shiguo, hum, I will go back sooner or later, and when the time comes, it will be the end of you." The mountain guest's heart was burning with anger, but his face was indifferent.

at this time.

The mountain guest looked at the ancient god Chen Zong, with a flash of light in his eyes.

Chen Zong possesses the ‘Will Beast’, which shows that the supreme god king has succeeded.

  It's also a bit strange.

If the will beast weapon owned by Chen Zong was refined by the god king, then the strongest divine beast should be at the 'sacred level'.

Even if the 'sacred level' is restricted by the original universe, it cannot come out.

But there is no problem with being at the level of the strongest person in the universe or the level of the master of the universe.

But the strongest one here is only the Universe Venerable level!

Could it be that Chen Zong wanted to hide his strength?
  But that’s not right either!
  There is a large group of "divine beasts" at the level of the strongest person in the universe. Chen Zong is invincible and there is no need to hide.

In other words, the strongest of the 'divine beasts' owned by Chen Zong is the Universe Venerable level.

This is not right either!
  Why don't you borrow the 'Will Beast Weapon' from Chen Zong later and study it.

If I can also refine a 'will beast weapon', or even a weapon that can derive a 'god-king-level' will beast, then I will become the same as the supreme god king and become an unshakable superpower on the Origin Continent. By.


In a blink of an eye.

The mountain guest laughed at himself.

If we could study the weapon of the Supreme God King, there might be a little hope.

And what Chen Zong owns absolutely cannot be that one.

and so.

The best way to study Chen Zong's 'Will Beast Weapon' is to understand the refining techniques of the 'Will Beast Weapon'.

at this time.

The mountain guest fell silent because he was lost in thought, which made the atmosphere in the Qi Ancient Emperor's Palace slightly awkward.

Just when the giant ax was about to speak to relieve the embarrassment, the Mountain Guest said: "Well, I did see it, but that was..."

Just when the mountain guest was about to say "a far away place", the original will of the original universe came to the ancient emperor's palace.

Ancient gods Chen Zong and Master Zhan didn't notice anything.


"Original Will!" Giant Ax looked shocked.

How could the original will of the universe come here?
  Is it
  Juaxe looked at the Mountain Guest and saw that the Mountain Guest was not surprised, and he had the answer in his heart.

It seems that the matter of the ‘magical beast’ is very involved.


The original will of the universe did not directly suppress the mountain guest, which also shows that the matter of the ‘divine beast’ is not as serious as imagined.

Compared with the original ancestor, it is much worse.

at this time.

Sitting Mountain Guest shook his head. He was targeted even for saying 'normal' words. Looking at Chen Zong, he couldn't even get the 'Will Beast'.

He is also very helpless.

"Well, you may know where I have seen it in the future, but now, this is not something you should consider." Mountain Sitting Guest looked at Ancient God Chen Zong and said.

Seeing that the mountain guest did not violate the 'rules', the original consciousness of the universe stayed for a while and then left.

"Yeah!" Ancient God Chen Zong nodded.

He also knew that since Mountain Guest did not say anything, he must have been threatened by the original universe consciousness.

Shortly after.

"Well, the purpose of coming here has been achieved, and it's time for me to go back." Sitting Mountain Guest stood up and said.

Giant Ax and Ancient God Chen Zong also stood up.

They walked out of the ancient palace.

"By the way, Chen Zong, are you willing to lend me some 'magical beasts'?" The mountain guest turned to look at the ancient god Chen Zong and said with a smile, "Of course, don't worry, after some time, I will Send them back." Just now.

After being warned by the original cosmic consciousness, the mountain guest gave up the idea of ​​studying Chen Zong's 'Will Beast Weapon'.


He turned his target to the 'Fantasy Beast'!

There is a huge difference between the 'divine beast' and the 'divine beast weapon'. Studying the 'will beast' will not arouse the vigilance of the primitive cosmic consciousness at all.

"Of course." Ancient God Chen Zong smiled.


He looked at the nine-colored sea of ​​clouds: "There are more than eight million 'divine beasts' in this sea of ​​clouds. Senior, you can choose as you like."

As a guest on the mountain, since I guarantee that I will not harm the life of the 'magical beast', I naturally follow my words and it is difficult to follow them.


I just got a top-grade treasure from the Mountain Guest, the Golden Sky Splitting Sword.

and so.

Chen Zong was too embarrassed to refuse!
  "Okay, then I'm welcome!" The mountain guest smiled and nodded, then reached out towards the sea of ​​clouds and grabbed a hundred 'divine beasts'.

Putting away the 'Fantasy Beast', the mountain guest looked at the giant axe, the ancient god Chen Zong, and nodded slightly.

Giant Axe, Ancient God Chen Zong also nodded.


The mountain guest disappeared.

Seeing that the Mountain Guest had left, Huaxe turned back and looked at Ancient God Chen Zong: "Chen Zong, you are lucky this time. You met the 'Mountain Guest'. This 'Mountain Guest' has some connection with the earth. So he won’t make things difficult for you.”


"Looking at him, he seems to be quite nice to you."

"If you can have a good relationship with him, hehe, our human race will have another strong support."


"Even if it cannot be a strong support, it should not become an enemy."

There was anticipation on Giant Ax's face.

"Well, I'll try my best!" Ancient God Chen Zong nodded.

"Yes." The giant ax nodded slightly, and then he took out a silver-white axe-shaped metal bar: "Of course, the mountain rider acted insidiously and cunningly, and no one can guess the purpose of what he did."

"Maybe it's because I'm with you this time that he's so friendly."

"In addition, Mountain Rider already knows you are here."


"Just in case, I will give you the token. If he wants to harm you next time he comes, just crush the token and I will come immediately."

"Thank you, founder of the giant axe!" Ancient God Chen Zong showed joy on his face, then took the token and respectfully thanked him.

Giant Ax smiled and nodded.

Then, he also left the Nine Star Continent and the ancient mysterious realm.

Ancient God Chen Zong looked at the small ax in his hand, smiled slightly, and then took it into the Ancient God's space.

at this time.

Ancient God Space.

The diameter of the funnel-shaped energy vortex on the Shenhuan Mountain exceeds hundreds of billions of kilometers.

Incomparably huge energy flowed down the funnel and poured into the huge bronze pillar in the Hall of Illusions.

On the sacred throne on the high platform of the main hall.

The demon dragon clone looked down, with some excitement on his face.

A hundred years have passed, and the formation composed of nine giant bronze pillars is now ready for use!

"Open!" The voice of the demon dragon clone echoed in the Hall of Fantasy.


The nine giant bronze pillars that absorbed endless energy erupted into dazzling golden light. At the same time, the 'divine beasts' carved on the bronze pillars seemed to come alive, emitting bursts of beast roars.


The space of the entire Divine Hall began to expand rapidly.

in a blink.

The diameter of the hall space actually exceeds one light-year!

In this vast space, secret chamber spaces sprung up one after another like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. Suddenly, the number of secret chamber spaces reached ten thousand.

The moment these secret chamber spaces were formed, the demon dragon clone knew the function of the secret chamber space.

If it is outside the secret room, then the will impact of the bronze pillar will be weaker the further away from the bronze pillar, and the proportion of time flow rate will be smaller.


If it is in the secret room space, then the temporary owner of the secret room space can adjust the 'will impact' and 'time flow rate' in the secret room at will.

of course.

This adjustment is also limited and cannot exceed the capabilities of the giant bronze pillar.

"Well, these secret rooms are like VIP boxes!" the demon dragon clone said with a smile.


He checked the capabilities of the giant bronze pillar.

The strongest will impact can reach the level of 'Ordinary Master of the Universe'.

The flow of time can be accelerated up to 1000 times.

"Huh?" The demon dragon clone frowned slightly.

"My current will is the Lord of the Universe level. The will impact of this giant bronze pillar is useful to me, but it is not big."


"1000 times the time flow rate. Not bad at all!"


As soon as the demon dragon clone's consciousness moved, a virtual mirror appeared in front of him.

The scene in the mirror is exactly the scene in the fantasy world.

at this time.

The demon dragon clone can see the giant continents suspended in the void, and in those vast areas, countless mythical beasts are either fighting or sleeping.
  "It's time to cultivate the magical beast!" The demon dragon clone smiled slightly.

He looked at the only King-level Emperor in the fantasy world - Emperor Qiling.

Unlike Zeguo Zunhuang and Manglei Zunhuang, this Qiling Zunhuang is the first Zunhuang canonized by Chen Zong.

The demon dragon clone waved his hand.

The figure of Emperor Qiling appeared on the high platform.

"Qi Ling pays homage to the ancient emperor!" Qi Ling kneeled on the ground respectfully.

"Well, get up." The demon dragon clone smiled.

"Thank you, Ancient Emperor!" Emperor Qiling raised his head, stood up, and stood respectfully.

"Qiling, you are the Emperor and have a noble status, but your strength is only at the pulse master level (king level), which is far from enough." said the demon dragon clone.

When Emperor Qiling heard this, he immediately panicked and knelt on the ground again: "My subordinate is incompetent, please punish me!"

"No need to panic." The demon dragon clone stretched out his hand, and Emperor Qiling stood up again.

"I call you out this time to give you a chance to improve your strength."


The demon dragon clone explained the function of the bronze pillar to Emperor Qiling.

"Thank you, Ancient Emperor!" Venerable Qiling looked excited.


Zun Huang, I finally have a chance to become a veritable Zun Emperor.

Once you become an emperor-level expert, you can do things for the ancient emperor, just like Ze Guo and Mang Lei.

It is the bounden duty of all magical beasts to work for the ancient emperor, and it is even more of an honor!
  "Well, you can choose a secret room space." The demon dragon clone said.

"Yes, Ancient Emperor!" Qiling Zunhuang's will spread out and touched a secret room space in the main hall. Immediately, Qiling Zunhuang turned into a stream of light and escaped into the secret room space.


The demon dragon clone spread the information about the giant bronze pillar to the fantasy world, so that countless mythical beasts knew the information about the giant bronze pillar.


He also selected 1 'Pulse Master Level Divine Beasts' from the fantasy world.


Nine giant bronze pillars can only satisfy the training of tens of thousands of 'divine beasts' at the same time.

If there are more, the will impact will be too scattered, making it difficult to form an effective will impact and unable to have a tempering effect.

This phantom beast did not enter the 'secret room space', but stayed in the main hall.

after all.

As a VIP room, the secret room consumes more energy!
  In order to ensure the efficiency of cultivation, there is no need for these magical beasts to enter the 'secret room space'.


The demon dragon clone stepped directly onto the high platform in one step.

On the throne of the high platform, although he will not be affected by the 'will impact', he cannot obtain the 'time acceleration' benefit!

He also turned into a stream of light and entered a 'secret room space'.

(End of this chapter)

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