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Chapter 248 Understanding the Secret Pattern of the Law

Chapter 248 Understanding the Secret Pattern of the Law

The Hall of Illusions, the secret room space.

Entering the secret room space, what greeted the demon dragon clone's eyes was a square paved with blue boulders hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter.

A circular blue stone platform is located in the center of the square. The stone platform is carved with golden secret patterns. These secret patterns are connected to each other to form a giant secret pattern.

At the outermost edge of the Bluestone Square, there are nine blue stone pillars carved with mythical beasts.

The blue stone pillars are also engraved with golden secret patterns.

On the ground of the square, there are also nine golden secret patterns carved on it. These nine golden secret patterns connect the blue stone pillars and the blue stone platform.

The layout of all 'secret room spaces' is exactly the same.

The demon dragon's clone swayed and landed directly on the bluestone platform.

"Time accelerates, Kai!"

As soon as the demon dragon clone finished speaking, the golden secret patterns on the bluestone platform, bluestone square, and bluestone pillars all lit up at the same time.

In the secret room space.

The speed of time changes rapidly, 10 times, 50 times, 900 times, 1000 times.

In less than ten seconds, the time flow rate reached 1000 times that of the outside world, and it stopped increasing.

The demon dragon clone did not activate the 'will impact'.


He was not here to cultivate his will this time, but to analyze the 'Secret Pattern of Laws' of the micro-universe.

at this time.

The demon dragon clone sat cross-legged on the bluestone platform.

  With a flip of his hand, a 'miniature universe' the size of an ordinary glass marble appeared in his hand, which was exactly the one used to scare away 'Venerable Jiansi'.

This micro-universe has taken shape and can no longer be used to suppress the enemy.

Its only current use is to comprehend the 'Secret Pattern of Laws'.

The demon dragon clone sank all his consciousness into it, and an extremely complex and mysterious 'Secret Pattern of Laws' appeared in his consciousness.

"Ha, although my 'Universe in the Palm' is a sealing secret method, it cannot directly kill the opponent like Luo Feng's 'I am the Universe', but..."

"But I don't have to keep burning divine power to maintain the 'miniature universe' like him."


"Unfortunately, only I, as the owner of my 'miniature universe', can penetrate my consciousness into it and sense the 'Secret Pattern of Laws'."

"Other people's consciousness will be blocked by the 'cosmic membrane wall'."

"of course."

"If the consciousness is strong enough to break through the 'cosmic membrane wall', then it will be useless!"

"Because once someone else's consciousness breaks through the 'cosmic membrane wall', the 'miniature universe' will instantly collapse and cease to exist, leaving no chance for others to observe the 'Secret Pattern of Laws'."

"As for the enemies who are themselves suppressed, although their consciousness can move, they are just like the beings living in the original universe. They cannot see the 'Secret Pattern of Laws' of the original universe."

Sighed for a while.

The demon dragon clone focused its attention on the 'Secret Pattern of Laws'.

What a mess!
  This is the first impression the demon dragon clone has of the ‘Secret Pattern of Laws’.

It’s too complicated and mysterious!
  "Sure enough, without the 64 secret patterns of the Beast God Realm, it is really difficult to analyze the 'Secret Patterns of Laws' in a short time." The demon dragon clone sighed.


"It's not impossible!"

I saw.

On the bluestone platform, the demon dragon's clone directly transformed into a 90,000-kilometer-long divine dragon, braving demonic flames.

The dragon is so powerful!

He separated part of his consciousness and landed on the scales on his body.

The secret patterns on the demon dragon's clone as the 'Second Generation Demon Dragon' are actually the same as the secret patterns on the body of the 'First Demon Dragon - Fire and Sky Beast God', but they are a little incomplete.

The secret pattern on the body of the Fire and Sky Beast God is actually composed of 8 secret patterns of 'Fire and Sky Fusion'.

"Well, although the lines on the body are incomplete, as long as you spend some time, you can still use this to decompose the secret pattern of 'Fire and Sky Fusion' from the 'Secret Pattern of Law'." The demon dragon clone showed a smile.


"If I can practice the 'Fire Beast God' to the extreme and completely control the 'Fire and Sky Fusion', then the secret patterns on my body will no longer be incomplete and transform into complete secret patterns."


"My current 'Beast God Heritage' is only at the fourth level, and there is still a long way to go before the complete seventh level."

The demon dragon clone gathered his mind, and then devoted himself wholeheartedly to comprehending the 'Secret Pattern of Laws'.

The reason why Chen Zong wants to follow the secret pattern diagram flow is not only because of the 'Secret Pattern Diagram of Laws' and the demon dragon clone who is the 'Second Generation of Demonic Dragon', but also because the secret pattern diagram flow can create things far beyond his own. The secret method of realm.

This is the end.

The demon dragon clone began to retreat.

Virtual universe, Yuxiang Mountain, primitive zone.

In Luo Feng's training ground.

Originally, the interior of each original secret realm member's training ground had a fixed size.


Chen Zong upgraded Luo Feng's 'training ground'. At this time, Luo Feng's training ground became like a 'killing field' with extremely high external operating fees, and the internal virtual space was infinitely vast.


Luo Feng also began to create his own secret techniques.


After watching Luo Feng perform his secret technique, Chen Zong set a targeted opponent for Luo Feng based on the characteristics of Luo Feng's secret technique and then based on Luo Feng's weaknesses.


The most powerful secret technique created by Chen Zong is the "ultimate secret technique of the universe overlord", and he can easily create a peak secret technique that is enough to kill the 1000th opponent.

I still have eyesight.

Teaching Luo Feng the secret method of creating the peak is not a problem at all.

at this time.

Luo Feng's training ground turned into a vast starry sky.

Standing in the starry sky, Luo Feng immediately changed his body and turned into a golden-horned giant beast with a length of more than a hundred kilometers.

And opposite him.


A vague shadow suddenly appeared in the starry sky of the universe and then gradually condensed.

He is a foreign god with a height of more than ten kilometers, and his whole body is covered with black rocks. At the same time, there are flames erupting from the cracks in the rocks. His eyes are completely like burning purple flames. That powerful aura is spreading, he In his hand was a long bloody fork about thirty kilometers long.

Of course, in terms of volume.

He was like a baby in front of the golden-horned giant beast.

"Woo~~" The golden-horned giant beast also let out a low roar.

"I can definitely create the pinnacle secret skill!" The golden-horned beast's eyes were full of fighting spirit!
  The first battle begins!
  Virtual universe, Thunder Island, Chen Zong Palace.


Chen Zong was the only one in the palace.

Lord Yaoyang, Lord Ganwu and others had already left after the expedition team was disbanded.

"Now that the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm', which is the ancient god's cosmic kingdom, has been won, we just have to create the cosmic kingdom." Chen Zong was thinking on the throne of the palace.


"Although we can rely on the power of ethnic groups to create a cosmic country,"

"You have to rely on yourself to protect the country of the universe."

"The strength of the top cosmic overlord is completely enough for other people."


"I am different from others."

"As the target of the Monster Tribe, the Zerg Tribe, and the Mechanical Tribe, if I am only as strong as the top cosmic overlord, and if I dare to blatantly sit in the Cosmic Kingdom, I will definitely be assassinated by the strongest person in the universe."

"What happened on Bauhinia Island is proof!"

"Therefore, if you want to sit firmly in the Universe Kingdom, you must be promoted to the 'Universe Lord'!"


"It would be best to create the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe. As for the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe, it depends on whether the demon dragon clone can find a way on the 'secret pattern flow'!"


"The most important thing now is to create the secret method of the master of the universe and advance to the master of the universe!"

As soon as Chen Zong thought about it, the 'World Tree Clone' in the Kingdom of God escaped into the space of the ancient gods, then shrank the divine body and entered the Hall of Illusion.

The demon dragon clone chose to enter the 'Secret Chamber Space' because he wanted to understand the 'Secret Pattern of Laws' without any interference.

But the World Tree clone doesn't need it. “Meet the Ancient Emperor!” The 1 divine beasts in the Divine Hall of Illusions all knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully after seeing the clone of the World Tree.

"Well!" said the World Tree clone: ​​"You are all carefully selected by me from the 'Fantasy World', and you are all close to the 'Emperor Level'."


"With the help of the bronze giant pillar, I hope you can break through yourself and advance successfully!"

"We will do our best!" the magical beasts responded in unison.

"Yeah!" The World Tree clone's roots swiped and appeared directly next to the nine giant bronze pillars.

Within a range of 1000 billion kilometers around the bronze pillar, the impact of will is at the 'ordinary universe master level', and the time flow rate is times that of the outside world!
  The World Tree clone took root directly in the void, and then began to fully comprehend the 'original law of space'.


Chen Zong has long mastered the three unique skills of the space system: 'blocking', 'teleporting', and 'strangling'. He just needs to completely fuse them together to form a complete space law!

The World Tree clone itself is the 'darling of time and space', and coupled with the obtained 'space origin beads', it can be said to be uniquely endowed in understanding the origin laws of space!

The World Tree clone and the Demonic Dragon clone are not idle, so the Immortal Emperor clone naturally has something to do.

In the ancient mysterious realm.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor took the ‘Zunhuang Zeguo’, ‘Zunhuang Manglei’, and millions of divine beasts and began to sweep away the ‘Ancient Mysterious Realm’.

The sweep mission is not difficult, but it is extremely time-consuming.

and so.

The Immortal Emperor's clone does not intend to turn the 'ancient mysterious realm' upside down, but only needs to explore some key areas.

Chen Zong, on the other hand, is sitting in the Nine Star Continent and preparing to create the peak secret method of the Lord of the Universe.

prior to.

After obtaining the 'Oracle Sword', the 'turbulence of time and space' combined with the 'Endless Sea of ​​Swords' is as powerful as the 'Master of the Universe's Peak Secret Technique'.

and so.

Chen Zong planned to start by studying the two sets of secret patterns of the 'Oracle Sword'.

He is currently following the 'Secret Pattern Diagram Stream', and studying more Secret Pattern Diagrams will also be of some help to the Demonic Dragon's clone in studying the 'Secret Pattern Diagram'.

The island in the middle of the lake, the ancient palace.

Chen Zong was sitting on the sacred throne on the high platform. When he turned his hand, the oracle sword appeared in his hand.


The oracle sword is unsheathed!
  The sword edge trembled slightly, and suddenly, a small turbulence of time and space appeared in front of Chen Zong's eyes.


He poured his divine power into it.

The turbulence of time and space at the sword's edge grew from small to large, and soon formed a 'little river'. The 'little river' flowed and extended into the distance. It didn't take long for the 'little river' to be everywhere in the ancient temple.

Chen Zong stretched out his hand and pointed, and tens of thousands of sword energy shot out from his fingertips, and then fell into the "small river".

The sword energy either merges into the "little river" or cuts off the "little river".
  Part of Chen Zong's consciousness enveloped the entire ancient palace, observing different changes.

Virtual universe, Thunder Island.

Two figures flew from different directions and then stood face to face.

"Qianwu." Lord Jiuyan said with a smile.

"Jiuyan." Lord Qianwu also smiled, "Let's go to Hanhai together!"

"Yeah!" The two of them turned around and flew towards Chen Zong's palace.

Thunder Island, Chen Zong’s palace.

Lord Ganwu and Lord Jiuyan appeared beside the waterfall, and then they heard Chen Zong's voice coming from the palace: "You two, come in."

  The two of them landed directly on the square in front of the main hall, and then stepped into the main hall.

Chen Zong walked down from the throne, and then came to the stone table on the left side of the main hall and invited the Lord of Qianwu and the Lord of Jiuyan to take a seat.

Food and wine have been prepared on the stone table.

After the three people took their seats.

"Gan Wu, Jiu Yan, I invited you here today because I want to talk about the children's marriage." Chen Zong poured a glass of wine for the two of them and said with a smile.

"Yes, it's about time." Lord Ganwu and Lord Jiuyan nodded.

a hundred years ago.

Chen Gusi and Qian Lanyin confirmed their relationship and should have held their wedding earlier. However, because Chen Zong and the leader of Qianwu Kingdom were exploring the secret realm, their wedding was postponed.

And during this period.

One of the outstanding descendants of the Lord of Jiuyan Kingdom, ‘Yunika’, fell in love with ‘Chen Gurong’, who served as the supervisor of Jiuyan Universe Kingdom, and the two parties also confirmed their relationship.

Among Chen Zong's children, except for the two of them, eight others have partners.

But Chen Guyan, Chen Guya and the other eight were focused on cultivation and didn't think much about love.

"The preparations for the wedding will take about a month, so how do you feel about holding their wedding in one month?" Chen Zong said.

"No problem." Lord Ganwu and Lord Jiuyan nodded.


They chatted for a while about the wedding.

The wedding was held in the virtual universe, Chen Zong's Ancient God Realm.

The weddings of ten children, including Chen Gusi and Chen Gulong, were held on the same day, and the bride's wedding party was located in various cosmic countries in the human territory. If it were held in reality, it would be time-consuming and labor-intensive, and accidents would easily occur.


In today's big universe era, there are countless people who choose to hold various banquets in the virtual universe.

after all.

The virtual universe can also be regarded as the second world of human beings, a world where we can live like the real world.

After talking about wedding related matters.

The three of them also discussed their cultivation experiences.

After a long time.

The Lord of Ganwu and the Lord of Jiuyan left with smiles on their faces and were satisfied.

Inside the palace.

"Weiss, go to the Ancient God Realm!" Chen Zong ordered.

"Yes, Master." Weiss's voice sounded, and then Chen Zong came to the Ancient God Realm.

Virtual universe, ancient god world.

In the ancient temple, it was still as usual, relatively lonely.

  On the island below the ancient temple, it was very lively.

"Wow, this is the 'Ancient God Realm' of 'Grandpa Patriarch'. It is simply the 'Heavenly Palace'. It is so beautiful!" On the top of a sacred mountain, Luo Hai, wearing a silver-white armor, looked at the picturesque scenery around him. I marveled at the scenery, and then saw cranes, elves, flying horses, etc. going around the suspended river, pavilion and other scenes.

In order to hold the children's wedding, this is the first time that the Ancient God Realm has appeared in front of most people.

In the past.

Only a few people have been here.

Next to Luo Hai.

"Haha, originally we needed to advance to the 'World Lord' before Father God would allow us to enter the 'Ancient God Realm'. Now that the eldest brother, third brother, and eighteenth brother are holding a wedding, they have allowed us to enter in advance!" Chen Guyan said with a smile. .

"How about you, why don't you thank us?" Chen Gusi joked.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Chen Guyan, Chen Guya and others immediately smiled and thanked them.

"Okay, stop it! We are not here to see the scenery." Chen Gusi shook his head helplessly, and then looked at Xu Xin next to him, "Sister-in-law, which peak do you think we should set the venue on?"

"Well, that one. Although it's not the highest, it's big enough, and you can see both the mountain view and the sea view from there." Xu Xin had already observed it, and she pointed in the distance. Said a sacred mountain.

"It's really good. As expected of my sister-in-law, I found the right place right away." Chen Gusi nodded.

Others nodded.


They flew towards the sacred mountain.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Within the Ancient God Realm.

At the foot of the sacred mountain used as a wedding venue, figures appeared out of thin air.

Above the island are the clouds, and above the clouds is the ancient temple.

at this time.

The Lords of the Ganwu Kingdom and the Lord of the Jiuyan Kingdom had already arrived at the square in front of the ancient temple.

In the square.

A banquet has been arranged.

This place is used to entertain the ‘Venerable Master of the Universe’ who comes to congratulate him. Everyone below the Venerable Master is on the sacred mountain below the ancient temple.

"Congratulations to Uncle Master, congratulations to the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom, and congratulations to the Lord of Jiuyan Kingdom!" The figure of Venerable Yaoyang appeared in the square.
  (End of this chapter)

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