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Chapter 251 Trial Space

Chapter 251 Trial Space
  The fourth floor of the ancient temple.

The ancient heaven-refining stele exuding golden light is like a 'black hole', firmly attracting the glowing mineral planets around it and rotating around it.

at this time.

Chen Zong in the void turned into a stream of light and landed on the base of the ancient heaven-refining stele.

"First collect some weapon refining materials, and then enter the ancient heaven refining monument." Since the 'ancient refining technique' is so magical, Chen Zong is naturally unwilling to let it go.

Chen Zong's consciousness was directly integrated into the fourth floor of the ancient temple, screening the mineral planet.

On the nearest planet glowing with red light, Chen Zong's consciousness descended.

"Uh, I don't know!" Chen Zong shook his head.

He looks at other planets.

"I don't know him either!"

"Still don't know me!"

After checking more than 100,000 planets, there was no weapon refining material that he recognized.

Another moment passed.

"Ha, 'Hai Si Jin', I finally found one I recognize." Chen Zong's face showed joy.

"This 'Silk Gold' looks almost transparent, but there are khaki silk threads invisible to the naked eye all over its interior. It can only be discovered by looking into it with consciousness."

"Well, since there is 'Silk Gold' here that is also found in the original universe, there may be more that are also found in the original universe. It's just that I am short-sighted and don't know it!"

"Go and have a look in the virtual universe!"

This time, Chen Zong did not want to upload these materials to the virtual universe company's treasure house.

after all.

It’s hard to get these weapon-refining materials out, and more importantly, there aren’t many of each type in stock!
  Virtual universe, ancient temple.

"Weiss, record all the refining materials recorded in the virtual universe system!" Chen Zong ordered from the throne in the ancient temple hall.

Before this.

Chen Zong was not interested in refining weapons, so Weiss rarely collected information on weapon refining materials.

"Yes, Master!" The elf-like Weiss on Chen Zong's shoulder responded.

Shortly after.

"Master, everything is downloaded." Weiss smiled.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded.

On the fourth floor of the ancient temple, on the base of the ancient heaven-refining stele.

"Weiss, analyze and compare the refining materials to see how many of them are found in the original universe." Chen Zong ordered.

"Yes." Weiss was interested.

In the fourth level, there are hundreds of millions of material planets, which means there are hundreds of millions of refining materials.

time flies.

"Master, we have compared everything." Weiss's voice sounded, "Of the hundreds of millions of materials, 28.78% also exist in the original universe."

"And they are all precious materials for refining the 'treasure', which are extremely rare in the original universe."

"Hey, Master, they are rare in the original universe, but here, each kind has the amount of a planet, and the stock is extremely abundant!"

"Now. I've marked them."

Weiss's voice was slightly excited.

"Well done!" Chen Zong said with a smile as he looked at the refining materials marked with the words 'Original Universe - XXX' on the three-dimensional simulation diagram.


With a move of his hand, a mountain with a diameter of 1000 kilometers trembled slightly on the surface of the 'Golden Silk' planet. Immediately, the mountain peak separated from the planet and turned into a stream of light across the endless space. Finally, it fell on Chen Zong's palm. Like a transparent figure.

"Use this to exchange for materials for refining heavy treasures!" Chen Zong smiled slightly.

"There are a lot of heavy treasure materials in the original universe, and even within the Virtual Universe Company."


"There is no need to waste the precious materials in stock when practicing the first level of ancient alchemy."

"after all."

"If you use some of these precious materials, you will lose some of them."

Chen Zong immediately exited the fourth level of Ancient God.

Nine Star Continent, Ancient Emperor's Palace.

Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air, and then he walked out of the hall.

at this time.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor is sitting cross-legged above the nine-color sea of ​​clouds, assigning tasks to Emperor Zeguo and Emperor Manglei.

For example, some dangerous places that have been discovered where treasures can be born need to be guarded by strong people to prevent the treasure places from being discovered by foreign races.

  Although the Longjing tribe has withdrawn from the ‘ancient mysterious realm’, they cannot relax just yet.

after all.

Maybe other alien races were also lucky and accidentally entered the 'ancient mysterious realm'.

and so.

You have to be careful about this!
  When Chen Zong walked out of the ancient palace, he asked Weiss to apply to go to Chaos City, then started the teleportation from the Kingdom of God and left the ancient mysterious realm.

The vast starry sky.

A huge supercontinent is suspended in the void, with countless F-class spaceships coming and going, making it very lively.

The Ancient God spacecraft was also among them.

Inside the spaceship.

"It seems it's time for the Ancient God spacecraft to retire!" In the control room, Chen Zong said softly as he looked at the virtual universe company's all-universe headquarters getting closer and closer.

This is what he just thought of!


As its strength becomes stronger and stronger, the Ancient God spacecraft has indeed become useless.

"It seems that it is necessary to exchange for another flying palace treasure!" Chen Zong thought.


"Flying palace type treasures are a bit expensive."

Chen Zong now has quite a lot of treasures, but he needs those treasures for his own use and cannot contribute them to the clan.

"That's right!" Chen Zong's eyes lit up, "The Universe Venerable of the Longjing Clan."

He remembered that he still had three cosmic sages from the Longjing tribe in his hands, and one of them was still a cosmic overlord, so he must have some treasures.


"Now that I have been promoted to the Master of the Universe, there is no need to keep them to contain the Yujing Clan!"

Think of this.

Chen Zong's consciousness flickered, and a chaotic-colored glass marble appeared in the palm of his hand. It was the 'Micro Universe'.

On the surface of this 'miniature universe', the chaotic airflow has long solidified and turned into flowing water-like secret lines!
  Chen Zong put his consciousness into it.

In endless darkness.

"Hey, I still can't contact the outside world!" Venerable Ba Mang sighed.

During the years of confinement, they stopped trying to contact the outside world all the time.

  What makes them helpless is that this place is like an isolated place. Let alone contact with the 'virtual world', they can't even get in touch with the divine clone.

The other two cosmic sages of the Longjing tribe also sighed.


"It's not all bad news!"

"At least it is now confirmed that we have not fallen into the hands of the Master of the Universe of the 'Human Alliance'. Otherwise, we should have been killed long ago."

Venerable Ba Mang and the others also know that the relationship between the Luoji tribe and the human alliance is hostile, and it is also the worst type of hostile relationship.

Even surrender is not accepted!

While Venerable Ba Mang and the others were talking.


In the endless darkness above them, a pair of golden pupils suddenly opened. Immediately, the brilliant power of heaven surged out from these golden pupils and fell on Lord Ba Mang and the others below, shocking them.

They have felt this pressure before.


The pressure this time far exceeds the pressure last time!

"Greetings to the Ancient Lord!" Lord Ba Mang and the others said respectfully.

"The Yujing Clan." A majestic voice sounded, "You, the Yujing Clan, once assassinated my children. Logically speaking, I should kill you directly. However, it seems that it is not easy for you to cultivate."


"I'm going to give you a way to survive."

"As long as you surrender to me, I will spare your lives!"

Chen Zong's words made Venerable Ba Mang and the others stunned!
  Assassinating the children of the Old Lord?

How can this be?

"Lord of the Ancients, our Longjian tribe has only assassinated human geniuses, never your children!" Venerable Ba Mang exclaimed.

"And you also know that a hundred years ago, it was the first time we discovered and mistakenly entered your secret realm."

"We have never even seen your child, so how can we assassinate your child."

Venerable Ba Mang explained frantically.


He also felt a little thump in his heart. Could it be done by the same race from other roads?
  "Hmph, can I, the Ancient Lord, still deceive you?" The majestic voice was filled with anger.

"Don't dare!" Venerable Ba Mang said quickly.

"Ancient Lord, when you say surrender, what kind of surrender do you mean?" Next to him, Venerable Zhaoji asked cautiously.

"Of course you will become my soul slave!" This voice echoed in the minds of Lord Ba Mang and others, and could not be dissipated for a long time.

Soul slave?

"Oh, Ancient Lord, becoming your soul slaves? Tell you, this is impossible!" Venerable Ba Mang roared, "Even if we die, we will not be your soul slaves!"

"Yes!" Venerable Zhaochao and the others responded.

They know what it means to be a soul slave.

and so.

They will never allow themselves to become soul slaves!
  Even if you have to pay an extremely expensive price for resurrection.

"If that's the case, then I won't keep you!" An illusory voice fell from the sky.

In the spaceship Ancient God.

"Unfortunately, my 'Secret Technique of Will' is an attack-type secret method, not a enslavement-type secret method." Chen Zong shook his head regretfully.

"If it is a enslavement-type will secret method, it should be able to enslave by force!"


"The only option is to kill them!"

Chen Zong's eyes turned cold.

"The virtual soul is extinguished!"

He directly burned his divine power, and then used the will-type attack secret method 'Void Soul Annihilation'.

Although this 'Void Soul Annihilation' is only the first level of attack method in the inheritance of will, its power cannot be underestimated, and it has completely reached the level of 'the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe'.


Executing this secret technique consumes a lot of energy!
  Even though Chen Zong had a divine body of more than 50 kilometers, less than % of his divine body was left after this attack.

Although there are World Tree clones to replenish divine power during the battle, the speed of divine power replenishment cannot keep up with the speed of consumption.

That is
  Chen Zong was unable to continuously use ‘Virtual God Annihilation’ in a short period of time.

Once he needs to use this move to deal with his opponent, if the opponent survives, then Chen Zong can only avoid the edge temporarily!

At this time.

An extremely powerful impact of will rushed towards the sages of the Longjing clan in the 'miniature universe'. In less than a ten thousandth of a second, their wills collapsed and their souls were annihilated.

The dead can no longer die!

After sending the 'miniature universe' into the ancient god space, and then deactivating the 'miniature universe', the corpses of three cosmic sages of the Longjing tribe appeared in the ancient god space.

at this time.

The armor they wear, the weapons they use, the world rings, etc. are all ownerless things.

Chen Zong's immortal divine power penetrated from the coordinate point and fell on these treasures, imprinting the mark of life belonging to Chen Zong.

call out! call out! call out.
  These treasures immediately turned into light, following the coordinate points, and appeared in Chen Zong's hand.

"Haha, one treasure, ten important treasures!" Chen Zong said happily looking at the treasure in his hand.

The most precious treasure is an ordinary war sword. It belongs to the overlord of the universe, ‘Venerable Ba Mang’.

Among the ten heavy treasures, three are top-grade heavy treasures, namely armor-type heavy treasures and weapon-type heavy treasures.

One is a high-level treasure.

One is an ordinary treasure set, and its value is comparable to high-level treasures.

The remaining five treasures are all ordinary.

"With them, my 'Silk Gold' seems worthless!" Chen Zong sighed.


"Since you have already taken it out, let's contribute it as well."

Chen Zong also knew that there was not much stock of Husi Gold in the virtual universe company's treasure house.

Although his mountain with a diameter of 1000 kilometers is only a drop in the bucket he owns, it is a little more than twice the inventory.

Put the treasure into the world ring.

Chen Zong looked outside. At this time, the spacecraft had arrived at the Virtual Universe Company's universal headquarters.

Universal headquarters.

A pitch-black War Sword spaceship opened its hatch. King Feng Wuwu, who was in charge of piloting the spacecraft, flew out of the hatch with his subordinate Immortal and landed on the silver-white alloy ground.

People who had been waiting here for a long time flocked over immediately when they saw them.

"Hahaha, the spaceship is finally here, let's go there quickly." From another place, an immortal wearing a red uniform rushed over with a group of world lords and domain lords.


Just as they approached the War Sword spacecraft, a loud shout sounded.

"Stop all of you!" The one who spoke was the powerful man who was responsible for piloting the spaceship.


He no longer restrained his momentum, but instead pressed it against the people swarming over.

These people suddenly felt as if they were hit by a stormy wave and fell backwards.

"King of Dead Wood, what are you doing?" the immortal in red uniform said in confusion.

"Hmph! You all get out of here and come back in an hour, otherwise you won't have to go to the 'Initial Universe' anymore!" King Witherwood said coldly.

"Why? We have spent a huge price to gain the qualification to enter the 'Initial Universe'. How can you cancel it at will?" A Dragon Realm Master with red scales on his face was very unhappy and shouted loudly road.

"Not bad!"

"That's right, why!"

Some people responded.

"Huh?" King Witherwood glanced coldly, and the people who spoke suddenly felt like they couldn't breathe, and then fell to their knees on the ground.

"King of Deadwood, please calm down." The immortal in red uniform stepped forward quickly and said.


He sent a message to the Deadwood King: "King of the Deadwood, these are the juniors of the senior management of our Virtual Universe Company. Please show your respect and don't be like them. I will take them away immediately."

After hearing the immortal words in red uniform, the aura of the Withered Wood King also calmed down a little.

Although he was meeting a big shot this time and needed to clear the place, there was no need to make enemies for himself.

of course.

Since these senior juniors spent money to enter the "Initial Universe", they are definitely not geniuses, and they may not be paid attention to by the senior officials.

In addition, it’s not like he has no background.

and so.

He didn't panic either!

"Hmph, take them away." The Deadwood King restrained his breath and glanced at the immortal in red uniform.

"Yes!" The immortal in red uniform breathed a sigh of relief.

After the strong suppression of the Deadwood King, those who wanted to board the ship did not dare to speak anymore. Some followed the immortals in red uniforms and left, while others left here in twos and threes.

In a spacious and bright passage.

"Damn it!" The Red Scale Dragon Realm Master gritted his teeth and wanted to curse a few words. However, when he recalled the overwhelming pressure just now, fear suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he swallowed all the bad words in his stomach.

Several other people behaved similarly to him.

"Senior, wasn't that spaceship just here to pick us up? Why were we kicked back as soon as we got there?" In the team, a beautiful woman with blond hair and a pair of white wings on her back asked the immortal in red uniform .

"This is not something you should know!" The immortal in red uniform glanced at the winged woman.

These people don’t understand. Don’t you, as a staff member, also understand?

When this happens, there is only one possibility, that is, the person the spaceship is waiting to meet is either someone with an extremely noble status, someone with extremely powerful strength, or both.

"Yes!" The winged woman nodded.

When the others saw the winged woman hitting a wall, they became even more curious, but they did not dare to step forward to ask.

And the spaceship is parked.

"Hmph, these people are really stupid." An immortal standing behind the Withered Wood King snorted coldly.

"So, they can only enter the 'Initial Universe' by purchasing qualifications." Another immortal looked disdainful.

"Okay." King Kumu frowned, "Our mission is to pick up and drop off King Hanhai. What happens to these people is not our business."

"Yes!" The immortals behind the Withered Wood King bowed and responded.

They waited quietly.

Not long after.

A stream of red light streaked across the sky, and as soon as it appeared in the sight of King Witherwood, it fell in front of King Witherwood in the blink of an eye.

"I've seen King Hanhai!" King Kumu and the others said respectfully.


King Kumu looked at Chen Zong and found that the aura on Chen Zong was extremely vast.

His eyes widened and the corners of his mouth twitched.

What a powerful breath!

Is this what immortality can have?
  Impossible, absolutely impossible!
  Could it be that King Hanhai has been promoted to the Master of the Universe?

No, this is absolutely impossible!
  King Hanhai has been promoted to immortality for less than a thousand years. How can he become the Lord of the Universe?
  Feeling Chen Zong's vast and incomparable aura, the dead wood king and the others trembled slightly, their minds were in a state of confusion, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

Chen Zong smiled slightly at the shock of King Kumu and others.


He is considered to be at the pinnacle level of the universe, so there is no need to hide it!
  But there’s no need to explain!
  "Sorry to trouble you!" Chen Zong said with a smile, and then stepped into the War Sword spaceship.

The Deadwood King and the others followed.

"Huh? Is this spaceship a little empty?" Chen Zong asked doubtfully when he saw that the spacecraft was empty.

in the past.

The spaceship leading to Chaos City is not overcrowded, but it is not so deserted, right?

"I'll let them take the next spaceship." King Deadwood immediately stepped forward to explain.

Chen Zong was slightly surprised.

He knew why.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded slightly, looked at everyone and said, "By the way, I want to take a rest now."

"Please come with me." King Kumu led Chen Zong to the door of the lounge, "Please!"

"Well, thank you." Chen Zong nodded and walked in.

When Chen Zong entered the lounge, the shocking pressure disappeared.

at this time.

The immortals on the spaceship looked at each other and saw incomparable shock in each other's eyes.

"Captain, do you mean the 'King of the Vast Sea'? Is it possible that he is already the 'Venerable of the Vast Sea'?" A purple-haired immortal's voice was a little erratic, as if he was out of breath.

"I don't know that either!" King Witherwood shook his head.

"Okay, we have received the people, it's time to set off." King Kumu said, "Well, remember, you must not talk nonsense about what you saw today, at least not in a short period of time!"

"Yes, Captain, we understand!" The immortals nodded in response.


The spaceship buzzed, started to take off, and headed towards Chaos City.

Initial universe, Chaos City.

The War Sword spaceship docked above the gate of Chaos City.

  The hatch opens.

"Bearing off King Hanhai." In the spaceship passage, King Kumu and the others sent off Chen Zong.

"Yes." Chen Zong smiled and nodded, then flew out of the hatch, then teleported back to his residence in Chaos City - the Ancient Shrine.

This chaotic city has remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years.

In the gray sky, huge space cracks still appear from time to time, and traces of golden secret patterns appear around the cracks. The secret patterns are intertwined together, like a broken gauze covering the space cracks.


As his strength and vision improved, when Chen Zong looked at these secret patterns again, it seemed that many things had become simpler!

This made Chen Zong a little happy.

"It seems that it is necessary to live in Chaos City for a while." Chen Zong thought as he took his eyes back from the secret pattern in the sky.

At this time.

"Master, the Lord of Chaos City has sent you an email." Weiss's voice sounded.

"Senior Brother Chaos?" Chen Zong clicked on it and asked, "Want me to go to Chaos Ruins to find him?" Chen Zong was not surprised when he saw the content of the email.

after all.

Senior Brother Chaos is stationed in Chaos City and he arrived at Chaos City. Senior Brother Chaos must know.

Chen Zong immediately teleported, appeared at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, and then walked towards the inner palace.

along the way.

Many people greeted Chen Zong, who responded with a smile.


When those people felt the vast aura on Chen Zong's body, they were immediately shocked!

None of them came forward to ask.

When Chen Zong left.

"Hiss, King Hanhai is too strong!"

"In front of him, I feel like a boat floating in the waves."

"I also have this feeling!"

Many people preached to each other.


Chen Zong arrived at the inner palace.

"I've met Master Uncle!" Venerable Guiyi said respectfully.


He also felt the vast aura of Chen Zong, and because he was the overlord of the universe and was stronger, the feeling was deeper.

Could it be that my junior uncle has been promoted to the Master of the Universe?

Just when Venerable Gui Yi was in shock, Chen Zong smiled and nodded to him, then passed Venerable Gui Yi and arrived at Chaos Ruins in the blink of an eye.

The endless vast land.

Chen Zong crossed the endless distance in one step and appeared in front of the Lord of Chaos City.

"I've met senior brother!" Chen Zong said respectfully.

"Junior brother." The Lord of Chaos City looked at Chen Zong.

Stared for a long time.

There was silence for a long time.

"Senior brother!" Chen Zong said.

"Junior brother, Master of the Universe. I didn't expect you to be promoted to Master of the Universe so quickly!" The Lord of Chaos City sighed.

Controlling the initial universe, the Chaos City Lord can see Chen Zong's current true level at a glance.


"With your current strength, you must be able to create the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe. Even if you are the Lord of the Universe, your strength should not be weaker than that of the Lord of the Universe!"


"Our human race has another pillar!"

The Lord of Chaos City became more and more excited as he spoke.

Generally, the Lord of the Universe is the pillar of a group, and the strongest person in the universe is the pillar of pillars!
  "Such good news should be told to the teacher, and it is necessary to start a 'giant ax meeting'!" said the Lord of Chaos City.

"Senior brother." At this time, Chen Zong said with a smile, "There is no rush in advance. It will not be too late to notify you after I create the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe."


At present, with the help of the two super secret techniques of 'Universe in Palm' and 'Nirvana of Virtual God', Chen Zong is confident that he has the combat power of the Lord of the Universe, but this is not enough.

Only by creating the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe can he be considered the true Lord of the Universe!

"Yes, that's okay." The Lord of Chaos City nodded and smiled, "I believe that this day won't be far away!"

"Junior brother." The Lord of Chaos City said solemnly.

"Huh?" Chen Zong looked at the Lord of Chaos City.

"I know that you will not give up on creating a cosmic kingdom, but I suggest that you focus on creating the secret method first." The Lord of Chaos City looked serious.

"You have three major clones. As long as you successfully create the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe, you will have the combat power of the three Lords of the Universe!"

"The stronger the strength, the less resistance we will encounter when we create a cosmic country."

"Yes, senior brother is right!" Chen Zong nodded.

The Lord of Chaos City considers the overall situation of the human race, and naturally hopes to obtain the final victory at the minimum cost.

As for Chen Zong, he also understands the painstaking efforts of Senior Brother Chaos, so naturally he will not refuse.

of course.

In addition to this reason, the reasons why Chen Zong agreed also included the giant bronze pillar and the ancient art of refining.

As long as he makes good use of these two things, his strength can be greatly improved in a short period of time.

Of course I won’t be reckless!

Upon hearing Chen Zong's agreement, the Lord of Chaos City nodded with satisfaction.

"By the way, senior brother, I came back this time mainly because I want to contribute some treasures to the tribe." Chen Zong said.

This is the purpose of his coming to Chaos City.

Contribute treasures, obtain contribution points, and then use the contribution points to purchase the refining materials for refining ‘heavy treasures’.

Chongbao's weapon refining materials can only be obtained easily by relying on the clan.

If you are a lone traveler and want to get a lot of materials, you basically have to grab them!
  You may not necessarily get what you need!

"Contribute treasures?" The Lord of Chaos City asked doubtfully, "Junior Brother, there is basically no need for the treasures in your 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' to go to Chaos City."


"You should use all the treasures you have, right?"

"This can't be a random contribution!"

"And the tribe doesn't lack this little treasure like you!"

"It's not those things in dangerous places." Chen Zong smiled, "Some time ago, I killed three cosmic sages of the Longjian tribe and obtained a treasure and several important treasures."

"These treasures are of no use to me."

"Moreover, by contributing to the ethnic group, I can also get contribution points. With this contribution point, I can also exchange it for treasures that are useful to me."

"That's no problem!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded and continued, "The treasures presented to the ethnic group must be in a special place in Chaos City. The virtual universe system will carefully check and determine the value and give a contribution value."

"The reason for letting the virtual universe system determine"

"That's because, in terms of judgment value, no one can match the virtual universe system."

"And the virtual universe system's judgment is absolutely fair, because it is a perfectly executed intelligent system, and there is no need to worry about personal emotions and selfish interests involved."


"All the strong men are convinced."

"If you want to go, the location is right here."

"Yes." Chen Zong listened carefully and then said goodbye, "Brother, I'll leave first!"

"Yeah." Chaos City Lord nodded.

Chen Zong left Chaos Ruins.

But he did not leave the city lord's palace.


The place where the treasure is presented is in an ancient side hall of the city lord's palace.

"Weiss, send out the application." Chen Zong ordered.

To present treasures, one must apply in advance in the virtual universe, because the ancient side hall is usually closed. Only after applying, the side hall will be automatically opened once the applicant arrives there.

"Yes, Master, the application is successful." Weiss replied.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.

Shortly after.

The moment Chen Zong walked to the side hall.


The ancient palace door slowly opened, and the bronze door about a hundred meters wide was fully opened.

Chen Zongmai stepped inside.


The palace door was closed again.

Entering the side hall, Chen Zong saw that the side hall was very vast, but there was only a huge stone plate about a hundred meters in diameter placed in the center, and nothing else.

As for donating treasures, as long as the treasures are placed in the stone plate, the virtual universe system can conduct a detailed inspection of the treasures through the stone plate.

  Chen Zong turned his hand, and a treasured sword appeared in his hand.

He took a step forward and at the same time eliminated the mark of his life on the sword, and placed the sword on the stone plate.


A series of blue silk threads rose up from the stone plate, covering the entire sword, and began to carefully examine the entire sword.

Suddenly a voice sounded in the side hall.

"The ordinary treasure sword 'Shi Jin Dao' can be given to the tribe to get 1 treasure point. Chen Zong, are you willing to dedicate this treasure to the tribe?" The voice was gentle and refreshing.

"Of course." Chen Zong nodded.

  The center of the stone plate suddenly cracked and split to both sides. The 'Shi Jin Dao' fell directly and slowly under invisible control, and then the stone plate closed again and returned to its original state.


Chen Zong donated all those valuable treasures!
  "My contribution is over. Well, I have obtained a total of 1 treasure point and 868 heavy treasure points." Chen Zong looked at his contribution with a smile on his face.

At this time.

"This is the detailed exchange form for the precious treasures of the human race." The gentle voice continued.


A huge, hazy gray form suddenly appeared in mid-air in the entire side hall. There were four huge categories on the form - treasures, heavy treasures, materials, and special resources.

Although there are only four major categories of forms, there are many subdivisions within each category.

For example, the treasure category is divided into five categories: 'ordinary treasure', 'high-level treasure', 'top treasure', 'peak treasure' and 'the most powerful treasure'.

Like materials, etc. Generally, those who are good at refining weapons, refining potions, etc. will find a lot of precious materials here.

There are all kinds of special resources, and there are even special world lord-level beings for sale!

Chen Zong's current goal is nothing else but weapon refining materials.

"Materials." Looking at the list, Chen Zong said without hesitation.

  The form changes, and a large number of complex resource exchanges appear.

The material form is the one with the most items listed among the four major forms.

"Weiss, list what we need and see how many contribution points we need." There were too many and too complicated, so Chen Zong asked Weiss to do it.

Weiss was indeed an intelligent being who dealt with data. It only took him an hour to compile the form.

"Master, although the materials we need are not very precious, they are in large quantities." Weiss's voice sounded.

"After comparison and calculation, a total of 568 treasure points are needed."

"568 points?" Chen Zong nodded, "It's okay, not too much."


Chen Zong's contribution points are 568 less treasure points.

Regarding contribution points, there are two levels.

If you dedicate treasures to the clan, the clan will grant you a 'heavy treasure point' or a 'ultimate treasure point'.

Generally, the most common heavy treasure, dedicated to the tribe, will get 0.5 heavy treasure points - 1.5 heavy treasure points. Of course, some special heavy treasures, even set heavy treasures, and even 'field heavy treasures', 'flying palace heavy treasures' and souls are worth as much as ordinary treasures. If it's like Chongbao, the price will be higher.

As for the treasure, if you present the most common treasure to the tribe, you will get about 1 treasure point.

The exchange of heavy treasure points and ultimate treasure points is always subject to fluctuation.

Under normal circumstances, 1 treasure point = 3000 heavy treasure points - 4000 heavy treasure points.


1 treasure point can be exchanged for 3668 treasure points.

After Chen Zong’s heavy treasure points were reduced.


The stone plate slowly cracked open, very slowly, until a passage leading to the bottomless abyss was revealed.


Like a fountain, piles of refining materials flew out of the bottomless abyss passage and appeared in front of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong quickly included them in the world ring.

After a long time.

The weapon refining materials no longer appeared in the passage, and the stone plates were put back together again.

Chen Zong also left this ancient side hall with satisfaction.

Then apply to leave Chaos City.


Chen Zong left Chaos City again and returned to the ancient mysterious realm.

The territory of the Longjing tribe, the secret realm of the Longjing people.

In a majestic palace.

The divine clone of Venerable Ba Mang is giving lectures to his disciples.

"Chiben, what's your problem?" Venerable Ba Mang looked at the disciples below.

Chi Bing looked excited when his name was read.

It's finally my turn!
  He looked at the teacher with great respect, waiting for the teacher to answer his questions.



However, Venerable Ba Mang said in horror: "No!"

Although he didn't know what happened to me, he knew that he was dead.


The divine clone of Lord Ba Mang suddenly collapsed!

"No, the teacher has died!"

"Go and inform the ancestors!"

Venerable Ba Mang's disciples also looked frightened, while Chi Ping immediately flew to the highest temple.

at the same time.

Panic sounds were also heard from the other two palaces, and the Longjing tribe also flew towards the highest temple.

Inside the palace.

"What, all three of Ba Mang and the others have died?" On the divine throne, Venerable Jiansi's eyes were filled with anger.

"Damn the 'Ancient Lord', we have already withdrawn from the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm', yet we are still attacking Ba Mang and the others."


Venerable Jiansi roared angrily.


He summoned the other cosmic lords of his clan.

in fact.

There was no need for him to summon them. After hearing the noise, the cosmic sages had already arrived outside the temple.

"Ancestor, because Ba Mang and the others were still alive, we did not reveal the news about the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm'. But now that they are dead, I think there is no need to hide the news about the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' anymore." A cosmic lord sprayed out clouds of green mist from his fanged mouth.

"What's the use of this?" said another universe venerable.

"Oh, the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' is an extremely high-level secret realm. If the Monster Alliance knows about this secret realm, then it will definitely send the Lord of the Universe to investigate. By then, the Ancient Lord will definitely not be able to take advantage of it! "Explained the Master of the Universe who was spraying green mist.

"Then what if the Ancient Lord chooses to join the 'Monster Alliance'?"


Suddenly, the entire hall fell into silence.


Their supporter of the Longjing Clan is the Monster Clan Alliance, but if the Ancient Lord also joins the Monster Clan Alliance, then the Monster Clan Alliance will have to choose between the Longjing Clan and the Ancient Lord, and will most likely choose the Ancient Lord.

"I'll go find the 'Lord of the Birds' first and see what he says." Venerable Jiansi stood up and said, "As long as the 'Lord of the Birds' still supports us, then the 'Ancient Lord' will never have a chance to join us. Monster Alliance!"

The other cosmic sages of the Longjing clan nodded.


Venerable Jiansi left the secret realm of Longjing.

The vast starry sky, a long river-shaped galaxy far away from human territory.

This is the territory of the Goddess Clan. The Goddess Clan is a member of the Monster Clan Alliance, and its supreme ruler is the Lord of the Goddess Raccoon Dog.

at this time.

Venerable Jiansi was teleported through the Kingdom of God and then traveled for more than ten days in a spaceship to appear on the outskirts of the river-shaped galaxy.

"Jian Si asks to see the Lord of Birds of Prey!" Venerable Jian Si saluted respectfully towards the void.


The void rippled, and a voice came: "Come in."


A space vortex appeared in front of Venerable Aijasi, and he immediately flew into the space vortex.

Passing through the space passage, Venerable Jiansi came to a majestic temple carved with various birds.

"I have seen the Lord of Predators and Raccoons!" Venerable Jiansi saluted respectfully.

At this time.

A strange bird with three eagle heads, four pairs of wings, and a height of tens of thousands of kilometers flew out of the temple.

Its feathers are all brown, but there are a bunch of golden feathers on its three heads.

It is the Lord of Birds of Prey.

"Jian Si, what kind of trouble did you encounter when you came to me?" The strange and cruel voice of the Lord of Birds and Raccoons sounded.

The Lord of the Birds and Raccoons is very optimistic about Venerable Jusi and feels that Venerable Jusi has the hope of becoming the 'Lord of the Universe'. In addition, Venerable Jusi once saved his child.


It is extremely friendly to Venerable Jiansi.

It's an early investment, but it's also a way of repaying a favor.

Venerable Jiansi exaggerated the matter and told it again.

"Hmph, this ancient master actually bullies the minor with the big one." The master of the raccoon dog said angrily, "Jian Si, don't worry, I will definitely seek justice!"


"This matter needs to be slowed down for a while."

Hearing this, Venerable Jiansi's heart skipped a beat, and a look of anxiety appeared on his face.

The Lord of Prey and Raccoon naturally saw it.

"Don't worry, it's not that I don't care, it's just that my treasure has been damaged, and it is now with the Master of the God of Craftsman. When the treasure is repaired, that will be the day when I find justice for you." The Master of the Birds and Birds said.

"According to the news from the Master of Craftsman God, this day is not far away!"

"As for resurrecting Ba Mang and the others, you first apply to the alliance."

"When the time comes, I will take action!"

"Thank you, Lord of the Birds of prey!" Venerable Jiansi bowed and thanked.

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Venerable Jiansi left quickly.

"Ancient Lord? Haha, a Lord of the Universe who only dares to hide in the secret realm, at most he has just been promoted. It is very likely that he has not even created the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe, and even the life gene level is only 100 times ." The Lord of Birds of Prey snorted coldly.

"When the time comes, with my peak Master of the Universe strength and that treasure, I will definitely be able to defeat him."

"Just deal with the Ancient Lord"

"That high-level secret realm belongs to our Godaw clan."

Just now.

In addition to using the card of emotion, Venerable Jiansi also used the card of benefit.

The ancient mysterious realm was the advantage that Venerable Jiansi used to lure the Lord of Birds and Raccoons into action!

after all.

Exclusively occupying a high-level secret realm that has not yet been developed much is an opportunity for the tribe to rise!

The Lord of Predators is looking forward to it!

Ancient God Space, the fourth floor of the Ancient Temple.

Chen Zong returned to the Ancient Heaven Refining Monument again, and then divine power poured into the Ancient Heaven Refining Monument. Suddenly, a space vortex appeared on the Ancient Heaven Refining Monument.

  Chen Zong did not hesitate and escaped into it.

"Is this the trial space?" Chen Zong looked around. What he saw was a majestic sacred mountain that was as bare as alloy, and he was on the platform at the foot of the mountain.

Looking up along the alloy stairs, there is a platform every certain distance.

In the center of the platform, there is a stone tablet.

Chen Zong walked to the stone tablet.

He recognized the words on it, they were the words of the ancient gods!
  "After refining an ordinary heavy treasure, you can enter the next stage of trial."

"Put your consciousness into the stone tablet, and you will get the specific assessment content."

Chen Zong followed suit.


A huge amount of information appeared in Chen Zong's mind.

Information is all-encompassing.

Among them are the names and uses of many low-level weapon refining materials on the fourth floor of the ancient temple.

 Thanks to the book friend "Chun Feng's Little Watermelon" for the 1500 starting coins.

  (End of this chapter)

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