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Chapter 252 Qi and Blood Furnace

Chapter 252 Qi and Blood Furnace
  The territory of the snipe clan, the temple of the snipe and raccoon dog.

In the center of the palace, the Lord of the Birds of Prey was lying on an oval stone seat. The aura emanating from his body made the space in the palace faintly distorted.

At this time.

A golden ball emerged from the middle head of the Lord of Predator and Raccoon Dog, floating in front of its eyes.

The golden light on the ball gradually dissipated, and on the surface of the ball, patterns similar to honeycomb grids could be seen. Within each grid, there was a crescent-shaped secret pattern.

"Sun Jin Lun, you have been in my hands for tens of millions of epochs, but I have always regarded you as a high-level soul treasure." The Lord of the Birds and Raccoons sighed as he looked at the golden ball.

"If I hadn't accidentally obtained a black token in the space boat last time, and found a moon blade-shaped telepathic weapon in the secret room space corresponding to the black token, I wouldn't have known that you were part of a certain treasure."

"It's quick, it won't take long and you will be complete!"

The face of the Lord of Prey and Raccoon Dogs showed excitement.

At this time.

"Huh?" The Lord of the Predator suddenly realized, and a diamond-shaped token appeared out of thin air.

On this token, one side is engraved with a mountain range, and the other side is engraved with two strange characters. No need to recognize them, as long as you see these two characters, you can understand its meaning - God of Craftsman.

This token is the Craftsman God's Order from the Master of the Craftsman God!
  The reason why the token is in the hands of the Lord of Birds and Raccoons is because whenever the Lord of Craftsmen agrees to refine and repair treasures for other powerful people, he will give the token recording the treasure information to the person who entrusted him with it.

Once the treasure is successfully refined and repaired, the master of the God of Craftsman will pass the God of Craftsman Order and pass the news to the entrusted person.

When the Lord of Craftsman God delivers the treasure, he only looks at the token, not the holder.

Hand over the treasure in one hand and the token in the other.

at this time.

"It's fixed! Hahaha, I was thinking about it just now, and now it's here." After seeing the text message in the Craftsman's Order, the Lord of the Birds laughed loudly, and the surrounding time and space trembled.

  The Lord of Birds and Raccoons flapped his wings lightly and disappeared in an instant.

In the vast starry sky, a ray of light flashed, a divine kingdom transmission channel appeared out of thin air, and then the Lord of the Birds of Prey escaped from the light.

Without stopping for a moment, it crashed directly into the dark universe and flew towards the Yin Fa Secret Realm.

In a remote place in the distant universe, there is a secret realm called Yin Fa Secret Realm.

It is one of the most dangerous secret realms among the large number of cosmic secret realms in the universe. In terms of danger level, it is almost the same as the Ancestral Mysterious Realm. However, the Yin Fa Secret Realm is approximately equivalent to the size of the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory, but it is much smaller than the Ancestral Mysterious Realm.

at this time.

In the secret territory of Yin Fa, the figure of the Lord of Birds and Raccoons appeared.

The void in front of it is like a huge ocean with thousands of whirlpools. There are only spatial whirlpools randomly distributed everywhere. At a glance, there is no end in sight.

And in the deepest part of the void filled with countless space whirlpools, there is a huge planet. It is the destination of the Lord of Predator - the Artisan Star.

Artisan, a very large planet with a diameter of about 3.2 trillion kilometers.

Although such a large planet is very strange, it is actually not a few among the many secret realms in the universe. Many such huge planets are not well-known.


Craftsman is very famous.

Because there lives a great being on the planet Craftsman—the great Lord of the Universe who is called the ‘Craftsman God’ by hundreds of millions of people in the universe!

The God of Craftsman is a powerful solo master of the universe who has never joined any force!
  He was originally a mountain giant with a special life, and he was naturally fond of refining weapons.

When he was weak, he liked to refine weapons.

Keep making breakthroughs...

The 'Craftsman God', who has spent endless years refining weapons, is also unique in the universe in this regard, because he can refine top-notch treasures!
  Of course, he is not the only one who can refine top-level treasures!
  The 'Craftsman God' is recognized by hundreds of millions of people in the universe as the great being who is best at refining treasures.

Except for the "Sitting Mountain Guest" who is low-key and few people know about his weapon-refining abilities, the reason why the "Craftsman God" can overwhelm other great beings is because of the "Craftsman God Star".

The ‘Craftsman’s Star’ itself is a top-notch flying palace treasure!

The Lord of the Demon Tribe, Sirius, relies on a high-level flying palace treasure that even fifth-level universe lords like the Lord of Chaos City find it difficult.


No one would mess with the ‘Craftsman God’ who possesses the top flying palace treasure for no reason.

Looking at the Craftsman Star in front of him, the Lord of the Birds of Prey took out the ‘Craftsman God Order’.


A crimson light path extended from the Craftsman Star and landed in front of the Lord of Birds of Prey.

  The Lord of Greedy and Raccoon Dog stepped onto the red light path, which shrank back, and even the Lord of Greedy and Raccoon Dog arrived at the Craftsman Star.

"The Lord of the Craftsman God." He folded his four pairs of wings and said with a smile.

The Master of the Craftsman God is a mountain range tens of millions of kilometers high, and there are also huge glazed arms stretching out from the mountains. At a glance, there are hundreds of extremely huge arms.

At the same time, there is a huge eye on the mountain rock wall.

"Lord of the Predator, I have repaired your treasure. Please take out the 'Token of the Craftsman God'." The Lord of the Craftsman God waved his huge glazed arm, and a moon blade weapon like a waning moon appeared in the air.

The Lord of the Birds and Raccoons also took out the ‘Craftsman’s Token’. The ‘Craftsman’s Token’ flew into the hands of the Lord of the Craftsmen, and the moon blade also landed on one of the wings of the Lord of the Birds and Raccoons.

"Thank you, Master of the God of Craftsman!" The Master of the Predator did not immediately check the moon blade weapon, but put the moon blade weapon away.

No one who comes here to ask the Master of Craftsman to refine weapons will question the ability of the Master of Craftsman.

If the Master of Craftsman God says it’s fixed, it must be fixed!
  of course.

It's okay if you want to test it, and the Master of Craftsman God doesn't care.

But no one would do that!
  "You're welcome, it's just a fair trade." The Lord of Craftsman's God said indifferently, "If you don't have the material I want, I may not necessarily help you repair the treasure."

The Lord of Birds and Raccoons responded with a smile. He knew that the Lord of Craftsman God had this character, so he didn't care about the indifference of the Lord of Craftsman God.


The Lord of the Birds of Prey nodded slightly to the Lord of the Craftsman God, and then flew away from the ‘Craftsman God Star’.

After leaving Artisan Star.

The Lord of the Birds of Prey cast his divine power on the moon blade, leaving a mark of life on it and recognizing it as its master.

"It turns out that this telepathy weapon is called the 'Moon Golden Wheel'!" The Lord of the Birds of Prey said softly.

After the Moon Golden Wheel was damaged, the owner of the eagle and raccoon dog tried to recognize the owner, but was unable to recognize the owner. Therefore, it did not know the name of the Moon Golden Wheel.

At the moment when the moon and gold wheel recognized its master.

The Lord of Prey and Raccoon Dog felt that although the Sun Golden Wheel and the Moon Golden Wheel were not fused together but were still separate, their auras were closely connected.

Originally they were all high-level treasures, but now the sun and moon golden wheels have become top-level treasures.

"Hahaha!" The Lord of Prey and Raccoon was overjoyed.


Its eyes showed murderous intent and excitement.

"The ancient mysterious realm. The ancient lord."

"Go to the Longjian tribe first!"

Although the Lord of the Birds and Raccoons is very confident, it doesn't know much about the 'Ancient Lord'. The only ones who have a record of fighting with the 'Ancient Lord' are a few cosmic sages from the Longjing tribe.

  The Lord of the Birds and Raccoons summoned the soul slave and asked the soul slave to start the teleportation from the Kingdom of God and head towards the Yujing clan.

Ancient heaven refining stele, weapon refining space.

In the center of the gray-brown alloy platform, Chen Zong took his eyes back from the stone tablet.

"Good guy, you actually want me to refine an ordinary flying palace treasure." Chen Zong felt helpless when he saw his trial mission.

When it comes to refining weapons, the treasures and weapons of the same level are the best to refine, followed by the armor type, and the domain type, flying palace type, etc. are more difficult.

According to the information in the stone tablet, it can be seen that the difficulty of the trial will be different according to the potential of the trialist, and different tasks will appear.


Under normal circumstances, trial tasks are all about refining weapons, and even armors rarely appear, let alone flying palaces.

"The stone tablet will not cause convulsions!"

"It seems that I am good at refining weapons, and my talent is pretty good!"

Chen Zong is not only happy to be recognized, but also worried about the difficulty of the trial.

after all.

Before this, he had never seriously refined a weapon.

"Well, the task is to refine the 'Cang Yun Palace'." Chen Zong looked at the details of the trial task.

Cangyun Palace is an ordinary standard flying palace treasure with a four-star refining difficulty!
  There are five levels of refining difficulty given by the stone tablet, with one star being the easiest and five stars being the hardest!
  One star basically represents the weapon type, and five stars represents the soul type!

"Four stars? It seems that it is not easy to complete the trial mission!" Chen Zong said softly.

"Good thing."

"The stone tablet also gives the refining method of the 'Cang Yun Palace'."

"Well, this refining technique is based on the 'Ancient Refining Technique'. If you don't know the 'Ancient Refining Technique', then you won't be able to use this refining technique at all."

The ancient art of refining!

This is a very special weapon refining school, created based on the "bloody secret pattern" on the ancient god's body.

Blood Secret Pattern
  then. Chen Zong lived in the first floor of the ancient temple for a period of time and absorbed enough 'Qi of the Ancient God' to transform the body of the Ancient God, forming a 'bloody secret pattern' in his body.

"Ha!" Chen Zong said with a smile, "Before, I only regarded the 'Blood Secret Pattern' as a symbol of the complete ancient god's body."

"did not expect."

"Having the 'Blood Secret Pattern' is actually a prerequisite for the 'Ancient Refining Technique'!"


Chen Zong possesses only the first level of the 'Ancient Refining Technique', and its only use is to activate the 'Blood Secret Pattern', which, driven by a large amount of divine power, forms a 'blood furnace'!
  "Come over there and try it!" Chen Zong looked forward to it.

  According to the method of 'ancient refining', Chen Zong poured divine power into the 'Blood Secret Pattern', and immediately, the 'Blood Secret Pattern' glowed with blood.

Her long scarlet hair was now even darker.


Under Chen Zong's control, the blood light turned into blood-colored threads, leaving his body and gathering in the air. Gradually, the blood-colored threads gradually formed a furnace similar to a 'Bagua Furnace'.


There was a bang.

This 'Qi and Blood Furnace' with only a slight outline collapsed!
  "Come again!" Chen Zong was full of energy. It was just a failure. It was not a big problem.

"Bang!" Twice!
  Five times ten times thirty times. One hundred times
  as time flows.

Chen Zong has failed thousands of times!

He starts over!
  In mid-air, the blood light turned into blood threads again and floated into the air. This time, the 'Qi-Blood Furnace' was formed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, a ten-meter-high, extremely exquisite 'Bagua Qi-Blood Furnace' was suspended in mid-air.

"It's finally done!" Chen Zong looked at the 'Bagua Qi and Blood Furnace' with joy.

The blood on his body has disappeared.

A sudden awareness.


The 'Qi and Blood Furnace' shook slightly, and the lid was opened, but there was nothing inside the 'Qi and Blood Furnace', it was empty.

"Godly power, burn it for me!" Chen Zong shouted loudly.

  A powerful aura erupted from Chen Zong, and the pressure swept across all directions.

Ordinary cosmic lords would also be subdued under this pressure!

The burning divine power was continuously poured into the 'Qi-Blood Furnace'. Suddenly, the secret patterns on the inner wall of the 'Qi-Blood Furnace' shone, and with a bang, the bloody flames suddenly filled the entire internal space.


A bloody hammer appeared on the inner wall, and a bloody platform rose from the bottom.


When he saw the bloody flames, Chen Zong's expression was relatively normal, but when he saw the appearance of the bloody hammer and the bloody platform, Chen Zong was stunned for a moment.

High-end weapon refining techniques only require simple tools?


Not simple either.

After all, the secret patterns on the 'Qi and Blood Furnace' are quite complicated!

  On the platform, there were suddenly a lot of weapon refining materials.

"Go!" Chen Zong's immortal divine power swept out, and a piece of metal glowing with purple starlight flew into the 'Qi and Blood Furnace'.

This piece of metal glowing with purple starlight is called 'Purple Sky Star Gold', and is a material used to refine the 'Cang Yun Palace'.

Before refining the 'Cang Yun Temple', all materials need to be purified and impurities removed.

When the 'Purple Sky Star Gold' fell into the 'Qi and Blood Furnace', the bloody flames wrapped around it and heated the 'Purple Sky Star Gold'.

At this time.

The stone tablet in the center of the platform emits a red light and hits the 'Qi and Blood Furnace', but it does not cause any damage to the 'Qi and Blood Furnace'. Instead, it helps Chen Zong stabilize the 'Qi and Blood Furnace'.

This trial space is for cultivating masters of weapon refining.

As long as the trialist can successfully condense the 'Qi and Blood Furnace', the stone tablet will help the trialist stabilize the 'Qi and Blood Furnace', so that the trialist does not need to worry about consuming too much divine power and only needs to concentrate on refining the weapon!

After a long time.

The 'Purple Sky Star Gold' turned red, and then landed on the blood-colored stone platform. The one hundred blood-colored hammers above merged together to form a huge blood hammer.


The blood hammer hit the 'Purple Sky Star Gold', making a sound of metal collision.

Sparks flew everywhere.

The blood hammer struck one after another, extremely fast!

On the platform, Chen Zong looked relaxed.

It's just purifying the metal and doesn't require much effort at all.

"Well, collecting the flames from the outside and integrating them into the 'Blood Flame' will make the 'Blood Flame' more powerful and more conducive to purifying metals and refining treasures."

“Let’s not purify the materials for now!”

Chen Zong stopped burning his divine power.

The blood flames, blood hammer, and blood platform in the 'Qi and Blood Furnace' all disappeared.


The 'Qi and Blood Furnace' collapsed as if weathered for hundreds of millions of years, turned into blood again, returned to Chen Zong's body, and merged into the 'Blood Secret Pattern'.

Chen Zong put away the weapon refining materials on the platform and left the trial space.

This trial space is different from other trial spaces. Trialists do not need to stay in the trial space until the trial task is completed.


Each ancient god has a different "bloody secret pattern" on their bodies, and the treasures they refine have unique marks.

In the trial assessment, you only need to confirm that the treasure delivered by the trialer was refined by the trialer himself. It does not matter how long it took or where it went.

Ancient mysterious realm, Nine Star Continent.

In the Ancient Emperor's Palace, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air, and then left the Nine Star Continent and came to the wormhole.

He escaped directly into the wormhole and headed towards the 'Flame Mountain Range' at the other end of the wormhole.

Metaverse, Thunder Island, Temple of Chaos.

"When my junior brother was immortal, he was able to suppress the top overlords of the universe. Now that he has become the Lord of the Universe, his strength has definitely reached the level of the 'Lord of the Universe'." The Lord of Chaos City said softly.


"Now that the teacher is in retreat, I can't tell the teacher this news for the time being."


"You still need to inform Juaxe and the others that your junior brother has reached the level of 'Lord of the Universe'. After all, becoming the Lord of the Universe will also receive blessings from the clan."

"That is a top-notch treasure!"

"The three clones of Junior Brother need three times the number of treasures as the clones without clones. This is exactly what we need."

"It seems that we should talk to our junior brother."

The Lord of Chaos City immediately contacted Chen Zong: "Junior Brother, come here!"

After a while.

Chen Zong came to the Temple of Chaos.

"I've met senior brother!" Chen Zong said respectfully.

"Yeah!" The Lord of Chaos City smiled and nodded.


The Lord of Chaos City told Chen Zong his thoughts.

"Junior brother, you are now listed as a must-kill target by the demon race, machine race, and insect race. This is because you have only shown the talent to have the chance to become the 'Lord of the Universe'."


"Once you become the 'Lord of the Universe', they will have no choice but to give up on assassinating you."

"after all."

"The price required to assassinate a master of the universe is too high. Although they can afford it, they are definitely not willing to pay it."

"Coupled with the top-notch treasure given by the clan, your safety will be greatly improved!"


"Senior brother, what you say makes sense, I listen to you!" Chen Zong nodded.

"Yeah!" The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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