Chapter 262 Trading
  In the void.

Chen Zong forcefully suppressed the Lord of Prey and Raccoon Dog, shocking many of the Lords of the Universe present.


"The Lord of Predator was really suppressed and had no power to resist. The Ancient Lord is too terrifying."

"The most powerful treasure, the ancient lord actually possesses the most powerful treasure, it's incredible!"

Except for Lord Peng Gong and Lord Youhou, the other Lords of the Universe looked at Chen Zong in horror.

Especially the Lord Fengtian.

God Lord Fengtian, as the master of weapon refining within the Ancestral God Sect, naturally talked to the Ancestral God about the most powerful treasure ‘Colorful Aurora Lake’.

He learned from the Ancestral God that it was extremely difficult to obtain the recognition of the most powerful treasure.

Like the most powerful weapons in general, the Lord of the Universe needs to possess the ultimate will of the Lord of the Universe in order to successfully recognize the Lord.

As for the more precious domain type and flying palace type, basically, the will of the Lord of the Universe must reach the level of the strongest person in the universe in order to successfully recognize the Lord.

If the will does not meet the requirements, even if you obtain the most powerful treasure, you can only despair.

So, that is to say.
  Xiandi's will is already at the level of the strongest in the universe!
  This is too crazy!
  Lord Fengtian was extremely shocked.

You know, he was born almost at the beginning of the universe, but after hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, his will is only the limit of the master of the universe.

The ultimate will of the Lord of the Universe and the will of the strongest person in the universe seem to be only a little bit different, but in fact they are a billion points apart!
  At this time.

"Hahaha, you guys from the Monster Alliance, 12 versus 12, you are no match yet. Now that one of you is missing, how can you compete with us?" Chen Zong glanced at the Lord of the Universe from the Monster Alliance, and then set his sights on Sirius. The master laughed loudly.

"If you understand the situation, you will exit the 'ancient mysterious realm'."


"It's not impossible to suppress a few more!"

Being stared at by Chen Zong, the Lord of Heavenly Wolf's body trembled faintly.

This is not scary, but angry.

Damn the Ancient Lord, he actually regards himself as a soft persimmon!

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf was extremely angry.

"Arrogant!" Lord Sirius bared his teeth and said angrily, "Don't think that because you have the most powerful treasure, you can despise us."

"With the combined efforts of so many of us masters of the universe, we can knock your most powerful treasure away."

"What are you using to suppress me?"

"That's right." The Lord of Strange Wind said, "You want us to withdraw from the 'ancient mysterious realm', which is not a good idea for you."

Exit the ancient mysterious realm?

The purpose of their coming here is to occupy the 'ancient mysterious realm'.

But now, before the secret realm is occupied, the Lord of the Universe has been lost.

If they leave in such a dejected manner, the face of their demon clan alliance will be greatly lost.


The reason why the Ancient Lord was able to suppress the Lord of Birds and Raccoons was simply because the Lord of Birds and Raccoons was alone.

Now, the masters of the universe of their monster alliance are all staying together. They are no longer afraid of the suppression of the most powerful treasure, so why are they afraid of the human alliance?


The Lord of the Wind still wants to snatch the most powerful treasure.

"My dear brother, why bother arguing with them? Wouldn't it be better to just beat them up!" Lord Fengtian came to Chen Zong's side in one step and pointed the purple-gold spear at the Lord of the Wind.

Lord Peng Gong and Lord Youhou also came to Chen Zong.


The two teams faced each other.

"Kill!" A fierce battle broke out between the two sides again.


This time, the Lords of the Universe of the Monster Alliance did not disperse in a hurry like before, but always gathered within a certain range.

Chen Zong and the others naturally wanted to separate and fight, but the demon tribe gathered together, which forced Chen Zong and the others to get together as well.

Relying on the defense of the 'Original Dragon Ball', the human side does not have to worry about defense, and when attacking, it is even more brave.

as time flows.

Chen Zong and the others have a certain advantage, but they are not in an absolute advantage.

"This is not the way to go!" Chen Zong thought.

"Well, let's try and see if we can start with the Lord of Predators and Raccoons."

Chen Zong immediately released a trace of his divine power and entered the 'Original Dragon Ball'. In the 'Sealed Space' under the Demonic Dragon Temple, he condensed a divine clone and stood in front of the Lord of the Birds of Prey.

"Lord of the Birds of Prey." The divine power clone waved his hand, and the magic flame chain withdrew the crazy will impact.

The Lord of Birds of Prey suddenly relaxed.

At this time, it discovered Chen Zong's divine clone.

"The Ancient Lord!" The Lord of Predators glared at the divine clone.

"Lord of the Birds of Prey, if you want to live, just listen to me." The divine clone smiled.

"What?" The Lord of Prey and Raccoon was startled at first, and then said in surprise, "You won't kill me?"

"Yeah." The divine clone nodded.

It's not that Chen Zong doesn't want to kill, it's just that he doesn't have the strength to directly kill the Lord of the Birds.


The life of the Lord of Predators and Raccoons could be used to complete another mission.

Mengzu secret realm, virtual space.

In a vast mist.

There were more than a dozen figures sitting at a long table. On the main seat, the huge silver-white body of the Dream Demon Ancestor stretched into the distance, looming in the clouds and mist.

At this time.

"Please save my life!" The Lord of Birds and Raccoons suddenly shouted loudly.

"Well, Lord of the Birds, aren't we rescuing you?" The Lord of the Wind looked at the Lord of the Birds, frowning slightly.

The Lord of Strange Wind was really disgusted with the Lord of Birds and Raccoons being suppressed so easily.


The Lord of the Birds of Prey is also a member of the Monster Alliance, so the Lord of the Wind does not show his boredom.

"What exactly do you want to say?" In the main seat, Dream Demon Ancestor noticed something unusual and asked.

At this time, the other masters of the universe also realized that something was wrong, and they all looked at the master of the raccoon dog.

"Dream Demon Ancestor, the Ancient Lord just talked to me." Anger flashed across the Lord's face, and then he sighed, "He said that based on the current battle situation, you can't save me at all."


"As the battle continues, our Monster Alliance will not be able to take advantage, and sooner or later we will have to withdraw from the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm'."

"Fart!" the Lord of the Wind, who was closest to the main position, shouted loudly.

Seeing the change in the face of the Lord of Prey and Raccoon, the Lord of Strange Wind continued: "I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the 'Ancient Lord'."

"Humph, we can't take advantage, how can they?"

"Are we going to exit the 'ancient mysterious realm' after all?"

"The Ancient Lord is really thoughtful!"

The Lord of the Strange Wind, as the fourth most powerful person in the demon clan, how could he allow himself to bear such a record?

"Yes, Gui Feng is right."

"Up to this point in the battle, although we are slightly weaker because we do not have the most powerful treasure, once they reveal their flaws, we will definitely be able to come back in one fell swoop."

The other masters of the universe spoke one after another to boost their morale.

"Okay." The voice of the Dream Demon Ancestor sounded from the main seat, "The Ancient Lord has the most powerful treasure and is in an invincible position. We are indeed at a disadvantage."


"Zhenyao Ancestor is now in the Universe Sea. Otherwise, even if the Ancient Lord has the most powerful treasure, so what?"

Dream Demon Ancestor sighed.

"Lord of the Predator, since the Ancient Lord is looking for you to talk, I can't just tell you what I just said, right?" The Dream Demon Ancestor revealed a long snake letter, signaling to the Lord of the Predator.

"Yes." The Lord of Predators nodded.

"The Ancient Lord told me that he plans to open up the Kingdom of the Universe, so he wants to decide on this 'Ancient Mysterious Realm', and he also wants the territory of the Lujiang Clan near this secret realm," said the Lord of the Birds and Raccoons.

"Impossible!" The masters of the monster universe said angrily.

If this were the only thing in the ancient mysterious realm, it would be barely acceptable.

But the territory of the Lujian tribe?
  The Ancient Lord really dares to open his mouth!
  The territory of the Lujiang people is about 3.2 million light years long. Such a large territory is almost comparable to the territory of the three cosmic kingdoms of mankind combined.

"Quiet." The Dream Demon Ancestor silenced the noisy voice, "Lord of the Predator, you continue."

"The Ancient Lord said that humans have a total of 1008 cosmic kingdoms and countless secret realms. However, the number of cosmic lords is only a dozen." The Lord of the Birds and Raccoons continued.

"On average, it takes nearly a hundred universe kingdoms to give birth to a Lord of the Universe."

"And now."

"Our Monster Alliance can exchange for a Lord of the Universe with only a high-level secret realm and a territory of the Universe Kingdom."


"This secret realm originally belonged to his 'Ancient Lord'."


"This transaction benefits our Monster Alliance and loses to the Ancient Lord." "These are what the Ancient Lord wants to convey to me!"

The Lord of Birds of Prey looked at the Dream Demon Ancestor expectantly.

The only one who can make the decision is the Dream Demon Ancestor.

The words that the Ancient Lord asked me to convey were meant for the Dream Demon Ancestor.


Not only the Lord of Prey and the Raccoon Dog, but also the other Lords of the Universe are looking towards the Dream Demon Ancestor, especially the Lords of the Universe who are not demon clan.

after all.

The identity of the Lord of Predators and Raccoons is the same as them.

If the Dream Demon Ancestor can give up the Lord of the Birds and Raccoons for the secret realm of the universe, then he will definitely give up the Lords of the Universe who join him in the future.

But now, even the Lord of Strange Wind, who had always been opposed, unexpectedly remained silent.


It is very clear that this matter is no longer a simple transaction of the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' and the 'Longjing Clan Territory' with the 'Lord of the Birds and Raccoons', but how the Monster Clan treats the Lord of the Joined Universe.

This is a matter of face and dignity.

If you choose the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' and the 'Longjing Clan Territory', then the 'Lord of the Birds and Raccoons' will definitely not be protected, and you may not be able to occupy the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm'.

It may even cause dissatisfaction from other joining universe masters.

It may also lead to the joining of the Master of the Universe to break away from the Monster Alliance, greatly reducing the strength of the alliance and losing its dignity.

This is definitely not what the Lord of the Wind and other demon clan masters want to see.

  If you choose to trade.

Then their action this time was a complete failure!
  I lost my wife and lost my troops!
  If this spreads out, then their demon alliance will be inferior to the human alliance.

All face is lost!
  In their view, besides strength, face is the most important thing.

Now, we are really in a dilemma.


Want face? Or do you want lining?
  "The Lord of the Predator." After being silent for a while, the Dream Demon Ancestor said, "Tell the Ancient Lord that I agree with his plan."

"The 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' belongs to him, but he has to conquer the territory of the Longjing Clan by himself."

"Okay, you don't have to fight anymore."

"Yes!" All the masters of the universe responded in unison.

"Thank you, Dream Demon Ancestor!" The Lord of the Birds of Prey looked excited and bowed to thank him.

Its life is saved!

The other non-monster masters of the universe also felt very comfortable inside.

The choice of the Dream Demon Ancestor is completely in line with their wishes.

The natal dragon ball seals the space.

"The Ancient Lord, the Dream Demon Ancestor has agreed to your plan, when will you let me out?" the Lord of the Birds and Raccoons said, looking at Chen Zong's divine clone in front of him.

"Agreed? So fast!" The divine clone smiled, "It seems that I have lost a lot, or else I'll kill you!"

"The Ancient Lord, as the majestic Lord of the universe, how can you go back on your word?" The Lord of the Birds was in great distress.

"Oh, what should I do, do you need to tell me?" The divine clone chuckled, "However, what you said is not unreasonable."


"But what?" The Lord of Prey and Raccoon suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"You have a treasure that matches the 'Moon Golden Wheel'. Hand it over." The divine clone thought for a moment, "In this case, it's not too bad for me."

"You" the Lord of Predators and Raccoons was furious and cursed in his heart.


It didn't dare to curse out loud, fearing that if it cursed out loud, there would be no chance of survival.

After a while.

"Okay, I can give it to you." The Lord of Predators struggled for a while, but finally chose to abandon the treasure and choose survival.

Treasures, as long as you are alive, you have a chance to obtain them.

Dead, but nothing left.

What's more important is that without it, the ethnic group will no longer be a strong ethnic group, and may even be exterminated in the distant future.

This is not what the Lord of Prey and Raccoon wants to see.

  The Lord of Birds of Prey took out the 'Sun Golden Wheel' and erased the mark of his life.

"That's it." said the Lord of Birds of Prey.

Another ray of divine power entered the sealed space from the outside and landed on the 'Sun Gold Wheel'.

"The Sun Golden Wheel, yes, yes, it is exactly the same as the Moon Golden Wheel." A smile appeared on the divine clone's face, and he looked at the Lord of the Birds of Prey, "Since you are so happy, then I will also give you a happy one."

"Later, when the Dream Demon Ancestor arrives and I personally confirm that what you said is correct, then you will be free."

"Yeah!" The Lord of Predators and Raccoons nodded.

Outside, space mezzanine.

at this time.

The fighting has stopped, but both sides are still wary of the other.

"Lord of the Ancients, are you sure you want to release the 'Lord of the Predator'?" Lord Peng Gong looked at Chen Zong and asked.

In the virtual universe, Chen Zong has already explained the contents of the transaction.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded slightly.

"Although this is a bit disadvantageous, it is very suitable." Master Peng Gong said.


If Chen Zong is determined to kill the 'Lord of the Birds of prey', then the demon clan will never give up.

By the time.

It may trigger a fierce showdown between the 'Monster Alliance' and the 'Hongmeng'.

At this time.

In the void, two figures appeared out of thin air, it was the Dream Demon Ancestor and the giant axe.

"Old Lord, release the Lord of Predators and Raccoons." The Dream Demon Ancestor said as soon as he appeared.

Chen Zong did not immediately release the Lord of Prey and Raccoon Dog, but looked at the giant axe.

Giant Ax smiled and nodded.

"Okay!" A flame vortex appeared again on the surface of the 'Original Dragon Ball' in Chen Zong's hand, and a stream of light escaped from the flame vortex.

The light dispersed, revealing the figure of the Lord of Predators and Raccoons.

"He is worthy of being a super genius who emerged from the eons of time. His circumstances are so extraordinary, and he was able to obtain a most powerful treasure!" Dream Demon Ancestor glanced at Chen Zong and praised him.

"Thank you." Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

"We accept your suggestion, but I also have a suggestion, that is, I don't want anyone to spread the word about what happened here today." Dream Demon Ancestor glanced around with a warning tone.

As a member of the Monster Clan Alliance, the Dream Demon Ancestor does not need to be warned.

after all.

Losing face is something we lose together, and no one will look for trouble.

"Okay." Giant Ax nodded.

Juaxe also knew that saying this would not do much good, but might arouse unnecessary hostility, so he agreed.

And Giant Ax agreed, so naturally the Lord of the Universe on the human side would have no problem either.

"That's good." The Dream Demon Ancestor still believed the giant ax's assurance, and then the Dream Demon Ancestor left with a group of Masters of the Universe from the Demon Clan Alliance.

"Hahaha, thanks to all of you this time, I would like to thank you for your help." Chen Zong thanked everyone with his hands.

"The Ancient Master is welcome."

"Yes, as members of the Hongmeng, we should help each other."


The masters of the universe smiled.


Chen Zong invited them to the ancient palace to hold a celebration banquet.

In this banquet, many of the delicacies were made from raw materials that came from the ‘ancient sacred world’. They were extremely delicious and amazed everyone.

At the banquet, the guests enjoyed themselves.

After a long time.

"Old Lord, thank you for your hospitality. It's time for us to leave." The Lord of Flint and the Lord of the Universe said goodbye.

"Well, come here often when you have time!" Chen Zong responded with a smile.

"Brother, the matter here has been settled, and it's time for me to leave." God Lord Fengtian said.

"Brother, don't go back in a hurry." Chen Zong said mysteriously, "Well, soon, a master of weapon refining will come to my place. Brother, I can discuss weapon refining with him."

"The master of weapon refining?" God Lord Fengtian asked in confusion, "Who is it?"

"You will know when the time comes." Chen Zong said.

"Well, okay then, I won't leave yet." God Lord Fengtian hesitated for a while and agreed to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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