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Chapter 263 The Choice of the Longjing Clan

Chapter 263 The Choice of the Longjing Clan
  In the dark universe, a huge battleship was traveling rapidly.

In the lounge of the battleship.

The Dream Demon Ancestor hovered on the throne, and below the throne, the Lord of the Birds of Prey stood respectfully aside.

The other masters of the universe of the demon clan alliance have already dispersed.

On the throne of God.

The Dream Demon Ancestor looked down at the Lord of Predators and was quite dissatisfied.

after all.

The Lord of the Birds and Raccoons caused the Monster Clan to lose the opportunity to compete with humans for the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm', and even competed with the 'Longjing Clan Territory'.


Seeing the extremely respectful Lord of the Birds and Raccoons below, this was impossible in the past, so the Dream Demon Ancestor felt much less dissatisfied.

"Not long ago, Venerable Jian Si from the Longjing Clan submitted an application to the alliance to resurrect the Universe Venerable in his clan. But now, Venerable Jian Si is also dead." Meng Yao Ancestor said.

"Later, I will resurrect Venerable Jiansi and Venerable Ba Mang."

"The other two will be resurrected by you."

"Yes!" The Lord of Predators nodded and responded.

Shortly after.

The battleship began to slow down, and then appeared in a void. In front of the battleship, there was a light green planet with a diameter of more than 300 million kilometers. On the planet, countless people of the Longjing tribe lived.

This is the secret realm of the Longjing tribe.

As soon as the battleship appeared, the cosmic sages of the Longjing tribe on the light green planet raised their heads and looked at the battleship, with excited expressions on their faces.

They had already received the message and knew that the Dream Demon Ancestor would come to resurrect the clan ancestor.

"Welcome the Dream Demon Ancestor!"

"Welcome the Lord of Predators"

The cosmic sages of the Yujian tribe all flew out of the light green planet, came to the outside of the battleship, and greeted him in unison.


The battleship disappeared, and the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Lord of the Birds of Prey appeared in the void.

Shortly after.

"Thank you, Dream Demon Ancestor, for resurrecting us." In the void, the resurrected Venerable Jiansi thanked him with his clan's Universe Venerable.

"Yes." The Dream Demon Ancestor nodded slightly, then looked at the Lord of Predators and said, "It's up to you to tell them about the territory."

"Yes!" The Lord of Birds of Prey responded.

The figure of the Dream Demon Ancestor gradually became illusory until it completely disappeared.

"Lord of the Birds of Prey, what does the Dream Demon Ancestor mean by 'territory matters'?" Venerable Jiansi asked in confusion.

"Venerable Jiansi, from today on, the territory you occupy no longer belongs to you, but to humans." The Lord of Birds and Raccoons sighed softly.

"What?" Lord Jiansi said in disbelief.

"We, the Monster Clan Alliance, have reached an agreement with humans, each getting what it needs. As for the specific content, you don't need to ask any more," said the Lord of Birds and Raccoons.

"of course."

"You don't have to pay the cost of resurrecting you this time. It's considered as compensation for you."

The words of the Lord of Birds and Raccoons made Venerable Jiansi and the others startled.

They, the Longjing tribe, were originally the natives of this secret land of Longjing.

After hundreds of millions of years of conquest and development, their territory now spans more than 3 million light-years.

"How can you do this?"

"This is our clan's land, how can we leave like this?"

"Yes, we are not leaving."

Many sages of the Longjing tribe said excitedly.

The Lord of the Birds and Raccoons frowned, and he also knew that it was indeed inappropriate for the Yujing people to give up their territory and leave their ancestral land.


Without this condition, the Ancient Lord would not have been able to let him go.

Therefore, from another perspective, it was the leader of the Yujing tribe who drove them away from their ancestral land.

The master of the bird of prey feels guilty.

However, this matter is of great importance, and it cannot be given up just because of the persistence of the Longjian people.

"Quiet!" Venerable Jian Si reached out and pressed his hand into the void to silence the tribesmen, and then asked, "Lord of the Birds and Raccoons, what will happen if we are not prepared to move?"

"The Alliance will not help you resist the human cosmic army." The Lord of the Birds of Prey said.

"This" Venerable Jian Si suddenly felt something in his heart and sighed heavily, "It seems that the Monster Clan Alliance is planning to give up on our Longjing Clan!"

"That's not true!" The Lord of the Predators shook his head and said, "You are a member of the alliance, and the alliance will naturally not let you suffer."

"To compensate you, the alliance has decided that each of you will have a chance to be resurrected for free."


"You can choose to move to a secret realm within the territory of the Monster Clan. That secret realm belongs entirely to you, the Longjing Clan. Well, you can also choose to move to a remote starry sky. The Alliance will help you regain a foothold there."

A free chance to revive?
  This surprised the venerables of the Yujian clan.

Under normal circumstances, just to resurrect the ‘Venerable Jiansi’ who has the strength of the top universe overlord, the Yujing clan would have to pay an extremely expensive price.

Even if the entire group is sold, it will be difficult to afford it.

You can only rely on endless years to slowly repay it, or you can be lucky enough to get extremely precious treasures and repay them with treasures.

Calculated in this way, these dozen cosmic lords can all get a chance to be resurrected for free, which is enough to compensate for the losses caused by withdrawing from the territory.

  When they think about leaving their ancestral land and heading to other areas, the joy in their hearts diminishes a lot.

"The Alliance has not treated you badly," said the Lord of Predators. "As for how to choose, it's up to you."


"It's better to seize the time before humans send out the cosmic army."

Venerable Jiansi looked back at the other Venerables of the Longjing Clan and saw that they were no longer determined to evacuate as before, so he had a plan in mind.

"Lord of the Birds of Prey, we choose to go to the remote starry sky." Venerable Jiansi decided.

Entering the secret realm of the demon clan to live, although the secret realm belongs entirely to the Longjing clan, this is already considered to be a vassal of the demon clan, and Venerable Jiansi certainly does not want this.

But to stay here and fight humanity is to seek death, which is not advisable.


Only going to the remote starry sky is the best option.


In the heart of Venerable Jiansi, he is still a little angry with the Demon Clan Alliance.

Now, far away from the territory of the demon clan, if it wants, it can even withdraw from the demon clan alliance and join other forces without having to worry about the demon clan alliance taking action.

Looking at it this way, there is still a way out.

"Okay, I will inform the alliance of your decision right now." The Lord of the Birds smiled and nodded.

"You can now discuss the location you plan to move to."

"And tell your subordinates to prepare for migration!"

"Yes." Venerable Jiansi nodded.

The territory of the Lujiang people.

"What? Migration?"

"Has the territory of our Lujiang tribe become the territory of humans?"


"I want to see His Holiness."

Within the territory, countless strong men from the Longjing tribe made a fuss after receiving the news from the top.

"Hmph! This order was given by the ancestor himself. Why, do you still want to deny the order of the ancestor?"

"Clan Ancestor."

"Yes, we respect your order!"

After hearing the order from the Venerable Jiansi, the strong men of the Longjing tribe suppressed their dissatisfaction and joined the migration.

Virtual universe, Temple of the Great Ax.

The highest level of the human race gathered together again.

"In this battle, we not only defended the 'ancient mysterious realm', but also incorporated the 'Longjing tribe's territory' into our human territory." From the main seat, Juaxe said with a smile.

"That is to say, there is no obstacle for us humans to create the 1009th cosmic state - the Ancient God Cosmic State."


"All we have to do is send the space army to take over the territory."

Juaxe looked at Chen Zong: "Lord of the Ancients, when do you think it is better to receive it?"

It was Chen Zong who proposed the creation of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom, so it was naturally better for Chen Zong to decide on the right time.

"The sooner the better!" Chen Zong replied.

"Okay." Juaxe nodded and said, "If you want to accept the territory as soon as possible, then 1008 Universe Kingdom, each of the Universe Kingdoms will send a space army to march towards the territory of the Yujing Clan."

"Yeah, there's more."

"A cosmic country is just an empty shell if it only has territory and no people."

"Therefore, announcements must be made on all major official websites in the virtual universe in the name of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom for mobilization."


After a while, Giant Ax talked about many things related to the creation of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom.


One order after another was passed to all major cosmic countries.

In the virtual universe, "Amethyst Island" is under the jurisdiction of Qianwu Continent.

In the center of Amethyst Island, inside the art-like Amethyst Palace. The three giants of the Qianwu branch of the Virtual Universe Company are sitting at the huge round table in the hall.

At this time.

"Huh?" The barefoot girl 'Hei Yanhou', who was completely covered in black gauze, looked at the email in front of her and was extremely shocked.

"What's wrong?" The ape-man Zidianhou noticed something strange and asked.

Marquis Jin Yu also looked at Marquis Hei Yan.

"The 1009th cosmic country - the ancient god cosmic country." Hei Yanhou said excitedly, "We humans have another cosmic country!"

"Ancient God Cosmic Kingdom?" Jin Yuhou and Zidian Hou looked confused.

I have never heard of what is going on.

"Yes." Hei Yanhou said, "On the edge of Jiuyan Universe, there is a territory of more than 3 million light years, which is now ours."

"And this territory is the place where the ancient god's cosmic country was established."

"Just now."

"I received an email from a high-level person asking me to send a space army to take over that territory."

The words of Hei Yanhou shocked Zidianhou and Jin Yuhou.

"The edge of Jiuyan Universe? More than 3 million light years?"

"I remember that it was the territory of the alien race, the Yurong Clan. When did it become my human territory?"

"It doesn't matter when it is, as long as it is!"

"However, how can one space army suffice for such a large area?"

Zidianhou and Jinyuhou were a little confused.

"A cosmic army? Of course it's impossible." Hei Yanhou laughed, "Instead, every cosmic country sends a cosmic army, a total of 1008 cosmic armies."

"Hiss~" Zidian Hou and Jin Yuhou shrank their eyes, greatly shocked.

"Actually, what shocks me even more is the founder of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom." Hei Yanhou moved a bunch of black hair on the side of his face and sighed.

"Who is it?" Zidianhou asked curiously.

"It's the Ancient Lord." Hei Yanhou said with a look of reverence.

The Ancient Lord?
  It was as if thunder sounded in the minds of Zidianhou and Jinyuhou, and their whole bodies were shaken to the point of numbness.

The Ancient Lord, who can use such a title, is definitely the Lord of the Universe.

The Lord of the Universe creates the Kingdom of the Universe?

This is the first time in history!

No wonder the territory of 3 million light-years in diameter has been classified as human territory before any news has spread.

It’s too shocking!

It's just that there doesn't seem to be anyone called the Ancient Lord among humans.


Even though the news that Chen Zong is the Ancient Lord has been made public, due to the short time, all that can be known are the super powerful men who dominate the universe.

Naturally, the powerful men at the level of the three giants of the Qianwu branch don't know.


For lone strong men like Hu Yanbo, in their eyes, the most powerful person is the Lord of the Universe. They may not even know what the Lord of the Universe is.


This is normal. After all, whether it is the Lord of the Universe or the Lord of the Universe, in their eyes, they are existences that they can only look up to from afar, and they do not have the strength to distinguish the difference between the two.

"We all know the Ancient Lord." Black Marquis continued, "He is Chen Zong who served as the 'Supervisory Envoy' of our Qianwu branch back then."

This is the content of the email. Otherwise, even if Hei Yanhou tried to break his head, he would not know the identity of the Ancient Lord.


After hearing the words of Hou Heiyan, the thunder and lightning on Zidian Hou exploded suddenly, the wine glasses on the round table were shattered by lightning, and the scarlet red wine fell to the ground.

Jin Yuhou's performance was not much worse.

"He, King Hanhai, has become the 'Lord of the Universe'?"


For a while.

The entire Amethyst Palace hall was silent.


"Hahaha, King Hanhai, um, His Highness Chen Gusi, the son of the Ancient Lord, is currently the 'Supervisory Envoy' of our Qianwu branch." Zidianhou laughed loudly, "Let's quickly invite His Highness Gusi 'come over."

"Yes." Jin Yuhou nodded.


Chen Gusi, who was dressed in a bloody shirt, also came to the Amethyst Palace.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, Congratulations, Your Highness." Hei Yanhou and the others stood up and congratulated.

"Huh?" Chen Gusi looked confused, "You three, where does the joy come from?"

Hei Yanhou told the story.

The Ancient Lord?
  Ancient God Universe Country?
  Chen Gusi looked confused.

He had heard Father God talk about the Ancient God Universe Kingdom a long time ago. However, according to Father God, it might take a long time before it could be established. But now... it's done?

As for the Ancient Lord, Father God, when he became the Lord of the Universe, he had no idea at all.

This is normal. During the period when Chen Zong became the Ancient Master, he was so busy that he never thought of telling his children and disciples.

of course.

It doesn’t seem like there’s much need to talk about it deliberately!

And now.

Chen Gu thought that even the three giants of Qianwu knew about this matter, so there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

At this time.

"Huh? Father God!" Chen Gusi received an email from Chen Zong.

"You three, I have to leave in advance." Chen Gusi said with a cupped hand.

"Yes!" Hei Yanhou and the others smiled and nodded, watching Chen Gusi leave.

"Hey, there is also information about the Ancient God Universe Kingdom on the official website." Jin Yuhou said in surprise, "Well, space adventurers, population migration."

"You two, do you have any ideas?" Zidian Hou said with a smile.

"Oh, what do you think?" Hei Yanhou turned around and asked.

"Hey, the Ancient God Universe Kingdom is a country opened by the Lord of the Universe. Therefore, I plan to let some of the younger generations of the clan go to the Ancient God Universe Kingdom." Zidianhou said, "With our relationship with 'His Royal Highness Gu Si' , the development of those younger generations in the Ancient God Universe Kingdom is definitely good."

The thoughts of Zidianhou made the eyes of Hei Yanhou and Jin Yuhou brighten.


Regardless of its territory or the strength of its leader, the Ancient God Universe Kingdom is considered the most powerful of the human universe nations.

Moreover, the first batch of people to settle in the Ancient God Universe Kingdom will definitely receive the highest preferential treatment.


The Black Marquis selected the most powerful cosmic army from the military headquarters and ordered them to rush to the Ancient God Cosmic Kingdom immediately.


The three giants of Ganwu immediately left the Amethyst Palace and contacted their juniors.

Virtual universe, ancient god world.

Inside the ancient temple.

Chen Zong is sitting on the throne, and below are his children and disciples.

“I’ve met God the Father (Teacher)!”


Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

"Well, except for Luo Feng, who is already at the realm lord level, the rest of you are at the domain lord level." Chen Zong said, "Domain lord level, you have stayed long enough, it's time to break through."

"After you break through, I have a task for you."

"As for you, Luo Feng"

Chen Zong looked at Luo Feng: "You are currently on the battlefield outside the territory and cannot leave. However, there is no need to leave. The battlefield outside the territory is very suitable for you to experience."

"Yes!" Chen Gusi, Luo Feng and others saluted respectfully.

"Father God." At this time, Chen Gusi asked, and he briefly stated the news he learned from the mouth of Hei Danhou.

"Well, not bad!" Chen Zong said with a smile, "My current title is the 'Lord of the Ancients', and the Ancient God Universe Kingdom has also begun to take shape."


"I am the leader of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom."

"Then, from today on, Gu Si, you will call me Father!"

"Yes, Father!" Chen Gusi and others looked delighted.

"Congratulations to my father (teacher)!" Everyone congratulated in unison.

"Yes!" Chen Zong smiled and nodded, "Okay, you go ahead and get busy."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded and exited the Ancient God Realm.

Ancient mysterious realm, Nine Star Continent.

A towering figure with transparent horns on its head broke through the space and appeared in the outer circle of the Nine Star Continent. It was the Mountain Guest.

Inside the ancient palace.

"Brother, the master of weapon refining I told you about is already here." Beside the stone table, Chen Zong stood up with a smile, "Let's go, let's go out to greet him."

"Yes." Lord Fengtian nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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