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Chapter 275 Special inheritance

Chapter 275 Special inheritance
  On a desert planet with a diameter of more than a million kilometers, wind blades roared past, ravaging the earth, rolling up flying sand, covering most of the sky.

Each of these wind blades can kill a star level easily.

In areas with dense wind blades, it is difficult for even the cosmic level to gain a foothold, and in some more dangerous places, the Territory Lord may fail.

at this time.

In the endless wind blade sand, several vague figures could be vaguely seen. Judging from their breath, they were all of the cosmic level.

"As expected of a planet in a secret realm, this sandstorm comes just as soon as it comes, without any warning." One of them said, "Let's go down quickly and find a valley or cave to escape this sandstorm first."

"Yeah." Others nodded.

Then, they quickly fell down and soon stood in a valley.

This valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, which is just enough to block the raging wind blades. Although there are still wind blades in the valley, their power and number have been greatly reduced, so they cannot affect them.

As soon as this group of people entered the valley, their figures that were originally blurry and unreal were now clearly visible.

The colors of the Force suits they wore were different, but they all had long flowing blood-colored hair, and they all had three red dots between their eyebrows.

Ancient God!

They are all ancient gods!
  Yes, they are the third generation ancient god, the grandson and granddaughter of Chen Zong.

There are a total of 26 ancient gods from these three generations. After they were born on earth, they were placed by Chen Zong in the 'Ancient Sacred Realm' to absorb the power of the ancient gods and condense the 'Blood Secret Pattern'.

An ancient god without the 'bloody secret pattern' is not a complete ancient god.

And when the "bloody secret patterns" on their bodies were condensed and formed, they left the "ancient sacred world" and returned to the original universe.

After these years of training, they have all advanced to the ninth level of the cosmic level.


Like Chen Gusi and others, they were arranged by Chen Zong to enter the 'Virtual Universe Company Special Training Camp', and now they are participating in the assessment of the 'Apocalyptic Secret Realm'.

As long as they pass the assessment, they can enter the 'secret realm of the apocalypse' and become the core geniuses of Virtual Universe Company.

at this time.

The little ancient gods opened a cave on the mountain wall of the valley. In the cave, there was no wind blade at all.

They sat around in the center of the cave.

"Our mission this time is to collect 'sand crystals'. Each person has 10 crystals. There are six of us, so we need 60 crystals in total." One of the young men wearing a bloody shirt said, "According to the information, the 'sand crystals' are all used by this person." There are indigenous alien beasts on this planet guarding it. Without domain lord level strength, it is difficult to obtain 'sand crystals' from the indigenous alien beasts."

"Brother, the strength of the Territory Lord is just that. Although we are at the ninth level of the universe level, we can kill them beyond the level. Those indigenous beasts are no match for us at all." A young man wearing silver-white armor said confidently.

The other little ancient gods also nodded.

The one who is called the eldest brother is named ‘Chen Yuanjin’, who is Chen Gusi’s eldest son.

Chen Gusi also has a little daughter, who is twin to Chen Yuanjin, named ‘Chen Yuanjing’, and she is also in this cave.

"Not bad." Chen Yuanjin said, "So, I think we can be divided into two groups of three, so that we can collect all 60 'sand crystals' faster."

"We must be faster than Yuan Qi and Yuan Ming."

"Yeah." Others nodded.


Obtaining 'sand crystals' is not difficult for them, but now they are more concerned about the speed of completing the task.

This time, all 26 of their brothers and sisters participated in the trial.


Due to the different content of the trial, they were divided into three teams and went to different trial locations. Before the trial started, the three teams made a bet, and each of them pressured their own team to complete the trial task first.

Shortly after.

The sandstorm outside the cave has stopped, and the dim orange sky gradually returns to clear and clear.

"Let's go. We have been delayed for some time by the wind and sand, and we can't delay any more." Chen Yuanjin said.

Then, they flew out of the cave, divided into two groups, and flew in different directions.


They weren't too far apart either.

after all.

In the event of an emergency, we are close and can provide timely support.

Virtual universe, ancient god world, ancient temple.

  Luo Feng appeared out of thin air outside the palace entrance, then stepped into the palace and walked inside step by step.

"Teacher." Standing in the main hall, Luo Feng saluted respectfully.

"Have you created another peak secret technique?" On the throne, Chen Zong asked with slight curiosity in his eyes, "Let's use it!"

"Well, the disciple hasn't created a new peak secret method yet." Luo Feng said respectfully, "The reason why I came to the teacher this time is because the disciple was on the battlefield outside the territory and got a treasure by chance."

"This treasure is the inheritance crystal of the 'Dream Light Divine Envoy inheritance'."

"The Divine Envoy Heritage Crystal?" Chen Zong's eyes showed a look of surprise.


When I saw Luo Feng killing the young man from the Nashi tribe, I only thought of the metal plate carrying the 'Nine Tribulations Secret Code' and forgot about the 'God's Inheritance Crystal'.


This is normal, after all, the ‘God Envoy Heritage Crystal’ is too common.

I didn't pay attention, I really didn't think of it.

The Divine Envoy Heritage Crystal was placed by the Ancestral God Religion throughout the original universe. It contains a ‘God Envoy Secret Technique’ used to cultivate ‘God Envoys’.

The inheritance of divine envoys is one level lower than the inheritance of divine generals.

Even if you practice the divine envoy inheritance to great perfection and become a 'god envoy candidate', it will only be the limit of a king.

Only by merging inheritance crystals and becoming the only kind of divine envoy can one have the strength to compete with the most ordinary cosmic sages, which can be regarded as the level of 'king and invincibility'.


There is a drawback to accepting the inheritance of the God Envoy. It is okay if you have not reached great success in cultivation. Once you reach the Dacheng in cultivation, the limit of your achievements in this life will be the 'God Envoy'.

In other words, if you practice the 'God's Secret Technique' to great perfection, you will never be able to become a true cosmic venerable.

of course.

The Master of the Universe is not so easy to achieve.

Even a genius like Bo Lan only has a slight chance of becoming a 'Space Master'.


Countless geniuses in the universe still value the 'Heritage of Divine Envoys'.

at this time.

In the ancient temple.

"Well, you are quite lucky to be able to get the 'God's Heritage Crystal'." Chen Zong smiled and said, "Today, Hongmeng has only collected a total of more than 8000 God's Heritage Crystals."

"Among them, the largest number of the same divine envoy inheritance crystals is 101."

"Because of the relatively large number of this kind of 'God's Inheritance Crystal' and the many opportunities for inheritance, its value is much lower."

"And the 'Dream Light Divine Envoy Heritage Crystal' you have in your hand only has one in Hongmeng, so the value of yours is higher."


"I don't want you to accept the 'Mengguang Divine Envoy inheritance'."

Luo Feng was stunned when he heard this.

Chen Zong briefly told Luo Feng the information about the 'Heritage of Divine Envoys'.

"It turns out that the 'Heritage of God's Envoy' can only reach the limit of immortality and cannot break through the Universe Venerable." Luo Feng sighed in his heart.


This 'Dream Light Envoy Inheritance Crystal' is the same as the 'Magic Sound Divine General Inheritance', which is passed down once every 10081 epochs. Moreover, the young man from the Nana Shi clan accepted the inheritance before the 82nd epoch.

  Maybe as soon as I obtained the ‘Dream Light Divine Envoy Inheritance Crystal’, I accepted the inheritance in a daze.

If you practice the 'Dream Light Divine Envoy Secret Technique' to great perfection, you will never be able to break through to the Master of the Universe. How can you follow the teacher again?

In the past, Luo Feng would not have dared to hope to catch up with his teacher.


After obtaining the second calamity of the 'Nameless Secret Code', Luo Feng naturally felt more energetic as he knew how powerful the 'Nameless Secret Code' was.

"So, do you still want to accept the 'Mengguang Divine Envoy inheritance'?" Chen Zong looked at Luo Feng from the throne.

Luo Feng shook his head.

"Well, in that case, it is useless for the 'Dream Light Divine Envoy Heritage Crystal' to remain in your hands." Chen Zong said, "You sell it to Virtual Universe Company for 300 billion points."

"With these 300 billion points, you can exchange them for various treasures. If you use them well, your strength will soar at critical moments."

"This is the best choice for you now."

In the original work, Luo Feng kept the ‘Mengguang Divine Envoy Inheritance Crystal’, but later on, Mao had no use for it.

and so.

Chen Zong directly asked Luo Feng to sell it, so that it could at least have some effect. “Yes.” Luo Feng felt that what the teacher said was reasonable and nodded in agreement.

"By the way, you are already qualified to be absorbed by the 'Hongmeng' by virtue of your record of killing the King's Junior. Soon, the Hongmeng will send a special envoy team to invite you to join." Chen Zong said with a smile.

"Hongmeng?" Luo Feng said in surprise.

The teacher was invited to join the Hongmeng when he was a Realm Master, and now, he has joined the Hongmeng during his Realm Master period.

I am one step closer to the teacher!
  Luo Feng is happy!


Luo Feng left the Ancient God Realm with joy. At the same time, he applied to the Virtual Universe Company to sell the 'Dream Light Divine Envoy Inheritance Crystal'.

Ancient mysterious realm, Nine Star Continent.

The Immortal Emperor's clone is guarding the Ancient Emperor's Palace.

At this time.

"Huh?" A trace of surprise appeared on the Immortal Emperor's clone's face. Then, he waved his hand, and a token appeared in front of him.

It is the order of the ancestral god!
  "I don't know what happened, but the Ancestral God Sect actually sent me a message." The clone of the Immortal Emperor said doubtfully, "It stands to reason that there shouldn't be anything big going on at this time."

"Let's see and then talk."

After a while.

"Hmph, Venerable Jueguang, I didn't expect you to dare to show up." The eyes of the Immortal Emperor's clone showed a hint of murderous intent.

Venerable Jueguang, after assassinating Chen Zong on Bauhinia Island, was given a 'kill order' by the Ancestral God Sect.

Logically speaking, Venerable Awakening Light should not dare to reappear in this world, otherwise, he would definitely die.

But now.
  Venerable Jueguang actually appeared!

Is this because he has drifted away, or does he think that the Ancestral God Cult can no longer use the sword?

Originally, the mission to hunt down Venerable Jueguang was carried out by the ‘Fengtian lineage’ of the Ancestral God Religion. However, now Chen Zong has also become the ‘Protector of the Religion’.


The pursuit mission was transferred from the 'Fengtian Lineage' to Chen Zong's 'Ancient Lineage'.


Currently, he is the only one of his ‘ancient lineage’.

"Since you want to die, I will help you." The clone of the Immortal Emperor said coldly.


In the ancient palace, a figure appeared out of thin air, it was Chen Zong.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor has to guard the 'ancient mysterious realm' and cannot leave. Therefore, the only way to kill the Reverend Jueguang is for Chen Zong, who is in the secret room, to complete it.

Chen Zong also had some considerations why he did not let 'Venerable Yangméi' take action.

after all.

Since Venerable Jueguang dared to appear, he must have prepared some means.

To be on the safe side, Chen Zong naturally took action himself.

  Chen Zong waved his hand, and an immortal bird monster appeared in the ancient palace.

"Start teleportation from the Kingdom of God." Chen Zong ordered.

"Yes, master's master." The Immortal Bird Monster lowered his head and saluted respectfully.

The place we are going to this time is called the ‘Lingwu Secret Realm’. It is a secret realm in the universe at the edge of the universe. It is too far away from the ancient mysterious realm.


This soul servant of the Black Water King left a token in the starry sky near the ‘Lingwu Secret Realm’.


In the ancient palace, a misty red light appeared out of thin air.

Chen Zong and the Immortal Demon Race stepped into the red light and disappeared.

The Lingwu Secret Realm is a secret realm in the universe with a maximum diameter of nearly 200 million light years. It was discovered at the beginning of the birth of the universe. It is a very ancient secret realm in the universe.

Most areas of the secret realm were shrouded in icy white mist.

This white mist is like a shield that can shield any detection equipment.

If you want to explore the situation inside the white mist, you can only enter it yourself.

Such magical white mist naturally attracted the attention of countless super beings, who first returned to the ‘Lingwu Secret Realm’ to explore.


These super beings discovered that the danger level of this secret realm was even close to the 'ancestral mysterious realm'. However, there were not many rare treasures in such a secret realm.

Moreover, the level of those rare treasures is not high enough to make super beings fight over them.


There were no treasures in the Lingwu Secret Realm to begin with, but after being plundered by super beings, the treasures became even rarer.

Many super beings also stopped coming.

of course.

There are also super beings who want to study Baiwu, but as time goes by, the super beings can’t find any clues. Moreover, this ‘Lingwu Secret Realm’ has no value, so they left.

The environment is extremely dangerous and most of the treasures have been taken away!

Moreover, with the existence of white mist, it is not suitable as a place for the survival of the ethnic group.


This ‘Lingwu Secret Realm’ is basically useless!

at this time.

In the secret realm of Lingwu.

A strange spaceship like a black iron beetle slowly flew into a white mist.

Inside the Ironclad spaceship.

"We're here, we're almost here." Venerable Jueguang's eyes were full of excitement.

In front of him, suspended in the air, was a multi-faceted crystal ball emitting white light.

"Buzz buzz~~~"

The crystal ball trembled slightly, and with each tremor, the white light it emitted became even brighter.

Seeing the changes in the crystal ball in front of him, the smile on Venerable Jueguang's face gradually grew.

This crystal ball was obtained by him in the 'Lingwu Secret Realm'. It is not a treasure, not even a heavy treasure, it is just a strange treasure.

After obtaining the crystal ball, he also studied it carefully.


Apart from discovering that this is an 'illusion attack' that can release an immortal effect, it has no other effect.

Not much use to him!


He then embedded the crystal ball on the top of the temple of the Kingdom of God to serve as a light source, and it has not been moved for countless years.

  Since the last time he assassinated the human ‘Zhu Rong’ and was killed by the Colorful Aurora Lake, he received some compensation from the Zerg Alliance.

Among these compensations was a small piece of special white jade.

When he took out this piece of white jade, the crystal ball on the top of the temple suddenly burst into dazzling white light.


The white jade turned into a stream of light and merged into the crystal ball.

This shocked Venerable Jueguang. He immediately took off the crystal ball, and then penetrated the crystal ball with his divine power.


A string of words he had never seen before appeared in his mind.

Fortunately, even if he can't understand, he can understand the meaning of the words.

Inheritance, a special kind of inheritance!

As for what the inheritance is, he doesn't know, but he has a vague feeling that this inheritance is very important to him, and he may even be promoted to the Lord of the Universe because of it.

This made Venerable Jueguang overjoyed.


Following the information prompts, he came to this 'Lingwu Secret Realm' which was regarded as an 'Abandoned Secret Realm'.

at this time.

Through the crystal ball perception, he knew that he was close to the inheritance!
  "Hey, Ancestral God Sect, when I get the inheritance, why should I be afraid of you." Venerable Jueguang looked delighted.

(End of this chapter)

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