Chapter 276 Accident
  Lingwu Secret Realm.

The entire secret realm and most areas are filled with mist.

In these areas, some of the white fog is thinner, and you can see the majestic sacred mountains, suspended deep pools, extremely cold planets, etc. suspended in the fog, while some are completely shrouded in white fog, and you can't see anything in the fog at all. scene.

The area where you can see the scene is considered a relatively safe area in this 'Lingwu Secret Realm'.

Those who cannot see the scene belong to the category of "dangerous areas". All the venerables of the universe must be careful, otherwise, if they are not careful, they will be surrounded and killed by the "Lingwu beasts" living in the fog.

These 'Lingwu ferocious beasts' were born in the white mist and are indigenous creatures of the Lingwu secret realm.

Wherever there is fog, there are ferocious beasts of mist.

at this time.

A snow-white Lingwu ferocious beast, with only one thick hind limb with long scimitar-like claws, it flapped its wings on its back, carrying a head that was more than twice as big as its body, and was shuttling through the thick white. In the fog, a whining sound came from his mouth, and stringy green saliva dropped from the roots of his fangs, dyeing the surrounding white fog with a touch of green.


The white mist surged, diluting the green, and the green mist turned into white mist again.

At this time.


A wave came from far away.


As if it had discovered something, the large-headed cold fog beast stopped and roared excitedly. The roar dispersed the white mist in front of it.


It changed direction, turned into a stream of light with a whoosh, and flew quickly in the direction of the wave.

at this time.

Ironclad spacecraft control room.

The polyhedral crystal ball bloomed with dazzling white light, illuminating the entire control room, and even some dark corners looked like daylight.

The control room became a sea of ​​light.

"Here we are, right here." Venerable Jueguang's eyes widened in surprise.

Following the information from the crystal ball, he immediately reached out and touched the crystal ball lightly.



A wave was born from the crystal ball and spread in all directions.

At the same time, the white light in the control room trembled slightly, and then seemed to be dissolved, turning into a mist, covering everything.

Venerable Jueguang looked shocked.

This white mist seems to be exactly the same as the white mist that permeates the entire 'Lingwu Secret Realm', but it is more than ten thousand times thicker.

The divine power radiated out was like being trapped in a swamp, making it extremely difficult to move.


"Ho! Roar! Roar!."

Countless beast roars were transmitted into the Iron Beetle spacecraft.

"Not good!" Venerable Jueguang was shocked.

Previously, he controlled the spaceship and flew slowly in the white mist, just to avoid attracting the attention of the ferocious beast of Lingwu.

This line
  He was not looking for treasures in the white mist, but heading to the inheritance place, so naturally he didn't want to encounter any accidents.

However, unexpectedly, the crystal ball actually released waves, attracting the Lingwu beast.


Listening to this sound, it seems that there are quite a lot of Lingwu ferocious beasts!

"No, we must deal with them as soon as possible, otherwise, the Lingwu ferocious beasts will gather more and more." Venerable Jueguang looked serious, put away the crystal ball, then teleported out of the spaceship, and put away the spaceship.

  A golden arc-shaped telepathy weapon was instantly suspended in front of Venerable Jueguang.

Looking at the telepathy weapon in front of him, Venerable Jueguang felt a twinge of physical pain.

This telekinesis weapon, called the 'Golden Arc Sword', is nothing more than a top-notch treasure. It cannot be compared with the ordinary telekinesis weapon 'Golden Light Wheel' that he used before.


The 'Golden Light Wheel' was left on Bauhinia Island because of its assassination of humans, and was taken away by the Ancestral God Sect.

I am used to using the 'Golden Light Wheel', and now I use this 'Golden Arc Knife', I always feel empty and unhappy!
  at this time.

Venerable Jueguang looked forward, looking through the thick white fog, and saw a long insect with nine heads, opening its huge mouth and swooping towards him.

"Hmph!" Venerable Jueguang snorted coldly, and the golden arc knife suddenly turned into a stream of light and slashed at the nine-headed long insect.

The strength of this nine-headed long insect is only at the level of a king, so naturally it cannot stop this sword.

  The golden arc knife quickly cut through the nine heads of the nine-headed long insect. The nine heads slid down smoothly, and then, like weathering, they decomposed into countless white particles and blended into the surrounding white mist.

The white mist became a little thicker.

The Lingwu ferocious beasts are called ferocious beasts because they only have instincts and no wisdom.


These Lingwu ferocious beasts did not wait for the number to increase before besieging the Reverend Jueguang together, but came first, first up, one after another.


as time flows.

There was always the Lingwu ferocious beast that felt it almost at the same time. Suddenly, Venerable Jueguang also began to feel the pressure.

And in another part of this white fog area.

"Damn it, what happened? How could there be a tide of beasts?" A humanoid Universe Venerable, wearing a simple purple battle armor covered with mysterious patterns, holding two blue scimitars, and whose body was made of blue water, asked in surprise.

"Could it be."

"Is it related to the fluctuation just now?"

"Well, the fluctuation seems to have come from the Venerable Jueguang. Could it be that the fluctuation was caused by the Venerable Jueguang?"

"Damn Master Jueguang, he's about to die, yet he still doesn't let me worry."

The Universe Venerable cursed angrily, raised his two swords at the same time, and killed a Lingwu beast.

This blue water-shaped humanoid cosmic lord is named 'Venerable Lan Dao'. He is a special being with a life gene level of 600 times. He is a core member of the Ancestral God Cult. It was also he who discovered the traces of Venerable Jueguang and reported it to him. The Ancestral God Sect sent a message.


"Venerable Jueguang was very cautious before, how could he be so reckless?"

"Could it be."

Thinking of this, a flash of light flashed in the eyes of Venerable Lan Dao, and he said slightly excitedly: "Hahaha, there must be a rare treasure born. Depending on the situation, Venerable Jueguang has not yet succeeded in collecting it. I have to hurry over, otherwise it will be too late."

His strength is almost the same as that of Venerable Jueguang.


Previously, he did not directly kill the Reverend Jueguang, but sent the news back to the Ancestral God Sect and asked the Ancestral God Sect to send stronger ones.

But now that a strange treasure has been born, Master Lan Dao is naturally unwilling to let it go.

after all.

He came here not only to practice secret techniques with the help of Bai Wu, but also to search for treasures.

  Lord Lan Dao turned into a stream of light and flew towards the direction of the wave.

Although you can teleport in this thick white mist, it will be dangerous once you teleport into a group of ferocious beasts. Therefore, the strong people who come to explore basically rely on flying to get there.

Unless it is in those areas where the white fog is relatively thin, teleportation will be performed at will.

Neither Venerable Jueguang nor Venerable Landao noticed that this wave did not attenuate as the diffusion distance became farther.


This fluctuation is getting faster and faster, even directly crossing the endless space and sweeping towards the entire secret realm.

Endless starry sky.

  On a dark asteroid at the edge of the star system, a misty red beam fell from the sky, illuminating the asteroid's sky.


Two figures walked out of the red beam, it was Chen Zong and the Immortal Bird Monster Clan.

As soon as he stepped out of the beam, Chen Zong put the demon immortal into the world ring, and then the figure appeared in the starry sky in a flash, and his speed continued to increase.


Chen Zong entered the dark universe.

This place is still far away from the Lingwu Secret Realm, and we can only reach it as soon as possible through the dark universe.

In the dark universe, Chen Zong continuously performed teleportation and crossed the endless void.

"Well, we're here." Chen Zong's figure stopped instantly. This is the coordinates of the dark universe corresponding to the 'Lingwu Secret Realm'.

at this time.

The 'Imitation Mountains and Rivers Map' on the Immortal Emperor's clone entered Chen Zong's body through the coordinate points.


  The scene before my eyes changes.

What came into view was a vast expanse of white fog.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Then, a series of beast roars sounded in Chen Zong's ears.

"Hmph!" Chen Zong snorted coldly, releasing unparalleled pressure, sweeping in all directions, and the roars of the surrounding beasts suddenly disappeared.

He didn't kill these 'Lingwu beasts', he just suppressed them with coercion and couldn't move.

after all.

There is no point in killing these ferocious beasts.

  Chen Zong waved his hand, and the Ancestral God Order appeared out of thin air. He put his consciousness into the Ancestral God Order, condensed the words, and asked: "Ancestral God, is Venerable Jueguang still in the area mentioned earlier?"

"According to the latest information, it's still there." The words sent back by the Ancestral God appeared in the Ancestral God's Order, "Well, by the way, something seems to have happened in the Lingwu Secret Realm, and now those Lingwu ferocious beasts are going crazy. Yes, gather at Venerable Jueguang."


"Venerable Lan Dao, who is responsible for delivering information, is now besieged by the Lingwu beast and is in danger."

"You can save him on the way." "This is natural." Chen Zong nodded.

Without Venerable Lan Dao, he would not know the whereabouts of Venerable Jue Guang. Now that Venerable Lan Dao is in trouble, he naturally cannot sit idly by.

Putting away the Ancestral God Order, Chen Zong looked down.

The surroundings were filled with white mist, and it was impossible to tell the difference between up, down, left and right. However, the ferocious beasts of Lingwu that he had suppressed were the best guiding signs.

Put away the pressure.

The Lingwu beast was full of energy again and flew in the same direction.

Chen Zong smiled slightly, and then used the movement technique 'Phantom Xiaoyao', turning into a stream of light, breaking through the white mist, and disappeared.

  White mist swirls, like white dragons, tumbling and dancing, swallowing the surrounding white mist and strengthening itself.

"Extremely high vortex!" A voice full of murderous intent resounded throughout the world.


Hundreds of white mist vortexes stopped absorbing the white mist, then flew behind Master Lan Dao, and then merged together to form a super white mist vortex.


Master Lan Dao slashed forward with both swords, and the super white mist whirlpool suddenly swooped down and rushed into the white mist.


Within the white mist, there is a white stone giant that looks like a white stone. It is about the same size as the white mist whirlpool, and it actually exudes the aura of the Lord of the Universe.

This is actually a ‘Lingwu Ferocious Beast’ at the level of a cosmic venerable!
  at this time.

The white stone giant waved nearly a hundred long stone pillar-like arms and grabbed directly towards the white mist whirlpool.

Bang bang bang!
  When hundreds of white stone pillar arms encountered the white mist whirlpool, they could not withstand the tearing force. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen of them collapsed and turned into countless rubbles, which were swallowed by the whirlpool.


The white stone giant roared angrily, and purple flames ignited in its eyes. The purple flames floated upward along the corners of its eyes, and then, purple lines appeared on its white body.

The purple lines bloomed with dazzling purple light, completely covering the white stone giant.


The purple light converged and merged into the white stone on the head of the white stone giant, dyeing the white stone purple, making it look like a purple boulder helmet.


The white stone giant jumped up with his whole body and crashed into the white mist whirlpool.


A loud noise resounded through the sky and shook the surrounding area.

The white mist swirled and was smashed into pieces by the white stone giant. However, the white stone giant also felt uncomfortable. Only a small part of its head with a purple helmet was left, and the overall aura was reduced a lot.

"Damn it!" In the distance, Venerable Lan Dao held the scimitar tightly in his hand and looked at the white stone giant warily.

I thought that even if this move could not kill the Lingwu beast, it would be seriously injured and unable to fight.


He had no idea that this Lingwu ferocious beast would be so powerful, only losing about 10% of its divine power.

At present, he can only use the 'Extremely Hyper Swirl' three more times.


There was no way he could kill the Lingwu beast in front of him.

Coupled with the Lingwu ferocious beasts surrounding him, his life was in danger!


"Can't sit still and wait for death!"

Thinking of this, Venerable Lan Dao immediately took out the Ancestral God Order and asked for support.

Previously, he had received information that the "Ancient God Lord" responsible for dealing with Venerable Jueguang had arrived. Now, he could only place his hope on the "Ancient God Lord".

"I hope it's in time." Lord Lan Dao put away the Ancestral God's Order, clenched his two swords, and looked at the White Stone Giant warily, but did not take action again.


He has changed his thinking of fighting, from 'killing' to 'drag'.

Buy time and gain a chance for yourself.

At this time.


The roars of the beasts dispersed the surrounding white mist. The white stone man's head had regrouped, and he and the surrounding 'Lingwu beasts' all charged towards Master Landao.

Venerable Lan Dao looked serious.

Facing the white stone man, he didn't have the upper hand yet, and now he had many more opponents.


Waving his two swords, Lord Lan Dao faced the Lingwu beast.

After a few rounds.

"No, I'm really going to die now." Lord Lan Dao had been forced into a desperate situation and looked lonely.

"In this case, you must die with dignity." Lord Lan Dao rose into the air, his two swords intertwined, and white mist swirled around him.

With a death wish in mind, he no longer hesitated and once again used the ultimate technique 'Extremely High Swirl'!

Venerable Lan Dao's breath stagnated, and the white mist swirling around him suddenly dispersed.

"Huh? Is this what happened?" Lord Lan Dao was surprised.


He found that the Lingwu ferocious beasts charging around him were stagnant in mid-air, motionless like statues.

"This is the space and time controlled by the Lord of the Universe, the 'Ancient Divine Lord'!" Suddenly, Venerable Lan Dao thought of what was going on, and looked surprised.

In his opinion, the one who can save him at this time is definitely the 'Ancient God Lord'.

Don't think otherwise!

At this time.

An extremely powerful aura fell from the sky, and Venerable Lan Dao was not affected. However, the Lingwu ferocious beasts around him turned into nothingness, even the white stone giant.


A figure appeared in front of Lord Lan Dao.

"Thank you to the 'Ancient God Lord' for saving me." After Venerable Lan Dao regained his ability to move, he saluted respectfully and thanked the figure in front of him.

"No need to be polite." Chen Zong said with a slight smile, "This 'Lingwu Secret Realm' is not very safe now, so just follow me."

"Yes!" Venerable Lan Dao saluted respectfully.

Chen Zong immediately took Master Lan Dao and continued on his way.

"By the way, do you know why such a change happened here?" Chen Zong asked curiously on the way.

"I don't know, but..." Venerable Lan Dao said what he saw.

"Huh? So, the source of the accident is still Venerable Jueguang?" Chen Zong frowned slightly.

Without thinking, he also knew that Venerable Jueguang definitely did not have such strength.

That is
  Maybe there was something in Venerable Jueguang that caused this incident.

There seems to be some trouble!

Chen Zong was not worried, after all, his strength lay here.

Moreover, if Venerable Jueguang is being hunted by the Ancestral God Sect, the Zerg Alliance will not intervene, so Chen Zong has nothing to worry about.

  Chen Zong led Master Lan Dao and cut through the white mist. The speed was so fast that Master Lan Dao was shocked.

Just when Chen Zong and the others were on their way.

The wave generated by the crystal ball has spread across the endless void and spread to the entire "Lingwu Secret Realm".



The roar resounded throughout the secret realm, and the area of ​​nearly 200 million light-years was trembling.

Ironclad spaceship.

"Huh?" Venerable Jueguang forced back a foggy beast, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  When he turned his hand, the crystal ball appeared in his palm.

at this time.

The crystal ball once again sent out a wave.

Fluctuations swept out and swept away the Lingwu beasts, but this time, these Lingwu beasts did not attack like crazy like before. Instead, they were all as gentle and elegant as if they were well versed in poetry.


Bang bang bang!
  The Lingwu ferocious beasts exploded one after another, turning into white mist and blending into the surrounding white mist.

Just a few seconds later.

All the ferocious Lingwu beasts in the Lingwu Secret Territory turned into white mist.

Something unexpected happened in Lingwu Secret Realm!

In the white mist.

  Two figures passed by.

"Huh?" Chen Zong sensed the changes in the Lingwu beast, with a look of surprise on his face.


The figure of Venerable Jueguang appeared in his field of vision.

"Venerable Jueguang." Seeing Venerable Jueguang, Chen Zong's eyes narrowed and his murderous intent rose. He did not think about the reasons for the changes around him for the time being. After all, the goal of his trip had already appeared.

And below.

"Huh? Ancient Lord! Why did he appear here?" Venerable Jueguang suddenly felt a chill. He looked up and saw Chen Zong's figure, and was shocked.

Venerable Jueguang panicked instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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