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Chapter 285 Orthodox Classification of Moods

Chapter 285 Orthodox Classification of Moods
  Checkerboard space.

In the vast white light, there is a huge lotus-shaped sapphire stone platform suspended.

This sapphire stone platform is a arena.

at this time.

The white-robed Yuanling waved his hand gently, and the time and space on one side of the arena froze directly. The two majestic figures who were fighting fiercely were also frozen, as was the shock wave generated by the collision of weapons.

In every calamity, the trialists are at an absolute disadvantage.

If the players are not familiar with the chess game and the secret patterns, they will basically not make a move immediately.


Even if the tester does not make a move, the object is still fighting. When the battle of the object is over and the object has not yet been made, then the 'Transformation Tribulation' will undoubtedly be defeated.

But now, Yuan Ling has stabilized the concrete image, delaying the defeat of the concrete image to which Chen Zong belongs.

"Are you helping me? But isn't this a 'selection trial'? How could Yuan Ling do this?" Chen Zong looked at Yuan Ling and was greatly confused, "Or is this 1000th calamity different from the previous ones? , have things started to change?”

At this time.

Yuan Ling turned to look at Chen Zong and sighed: "Among the strongest people in the universe, the machines of the mechanical race have the fastest improvement in chess strength due to their racial talents, but they are only at the 'second level' of chess strength."

"Among the rest of the true gods, the one with the highest chess skill is only at the first level of chess, and the one with the lowest level has not even reached the first level."

"And you"

"You are just a Universe Venerable, but your state of mind has reached the second level of perfection. This has made your chess power reach a higher level - the third level of chess power!"

Regarding the chess level, Yuan Ling mentioned it when Chen Zong was first promoted to the ‘Elite Candidate’.

In terms of chess strength, 1st dan is the lowest and 9th dan is the highest.

Normally speaking, as long as the 'Secret Pattern Stream' is not too lagging behind, then one's chess ability reaches a certain level, and it is completely possible to reach the first level of the 'Xuan Yuan Tribulation', which is the 1000th calamity.

If your chess strength reaches nine levels, you can completely resolve all 10081 calamities.

As for Chen Zong, with his current attainments in the 'Secret Pattern Diagram', he has been able to create the 'Ultimate Secret Technique of the Lord of the Universe'. Coupled with his profound chess skills, he can indeed be ahead of the strongest players in the universe.

  The second level of perfect state of mind?

According to the divisions on earth, Chen Zong is now at the third level of perfect state of mind. But now that he heard another division of state of mind from Yuan Ling, Chen Zong was a little surprised.


Chen Zong immediately said curiously: "Senior, you said that the second level of my state of mind is perfect, which is different from the levels of state of mind that I know."

Immediately, Chen Zong divided the levels of mood on the earth.

"Well, actually, these three states of mind you mentioned are actually the second level of state of mind." After hearing this, Yuan Ling smiled slightly and said, "The state of mind can be divided into three levels according to the orthodox classification."

"This is the first level of 'heart like glass'. If you want to reach this level, you must have no confusion, no worries, an empty mind, and a single mind. This is the most basic requirement for success in the legal route."

"The second level is similar to what you said. It is because the mind is like a knife, and all obstacles are cut through by the mind. On the road of cultivation, no one can let his mind change, and he has the potential to become a super strong person. .”

"And the heart of a child, tolerance is great, and it can be regarded as this level."

"It is really rare that you can reach the second level of perfection during the period of the Universe Venerable."

"after all!"

"Many super-powerful people at the 'sacred level' are still at the second level."


"Even if you are now at the second level of perfection, it is still difficult to reach the third level of mental state."

The white-robed Yuanling shook his head and said: "This third level of 'my heart is the heart of heaven'."

"My heart is the heart of heaven, which is completely different from the previous two levels."

"When you realize this step."

"The soul will be covered with a layer of immeasurable dharma, which can almost ignore most soul attacks. Moreover, the soul seems to have entered a 'condensed' state from a 'loose state', and its power is greatly enhanced."

"The will is also condensed and the power is greatly increased."


"Thinking about the secrets of deducing the laws in my mind, my efficiency has also increased sharply, as if I am eating something to assist my practice all the time."

"So, this third level of state of mind is a ticket to the peak of power."

"With this ticket, the road ahead will be much easier."

"of course."

"It doesn't mean that if you reach the third level of mental state, you will definitely be able to become a peak powerhouse. After all, if you want to become a peak powerhouse, it requires more than just a breakthrough in mental state."

"I think you don't need to say more, you know it."

"These are the three levels of state of mind!"

The white-robed Yuanling smiled.

"Thank you, senior, for clearing up the confusion." Chen Zong bowed his hands and said.

He has always been exploring whether there is a higher level of state of mind.

And now.

Through Yuan Ling's explanation, Chen Zong knew that there is indeed a higher level of state of mind - my heart is the heart of heaven!

Chen Zong felt that the world seemed to be much wider all of a sudden.

"I wonder how I can break through to 'My heart is the heart of heaven'?" Although Chen Zong had no hope, he still asked.

"To improve your state of mind, you need to rely on your own enlightenment. No matter what others say, it is useless." White-robed Yuanling shook his head.

Just like now, Yuan Ling talked about the third level of mental state, and Chen Zong did not directly break through to the third level of mental state.

It is useless to say that there is a spiritual breakthrough.

after all.

Mood is actually the deepest level of the mind's understanding of the world.

And this kind of cognitive improvement can only rely on seeing more, experiencing more, and thinking more.

What others say is ultimately theirs, not yours.

"Okay, let's not talk about the state of mind." After Yuan Ling finished speaking, he waved his hand, and countless golden light spots suddenly appeared in front of him. These golden light spots gathered together to form a page of golden paper.

"This is the 'Xuanyuan True Solution'. Every trialist who reaches the 1000th calamity can get a copy."

"It records a solution for each calamity."

"Of course, only by reaching the corresponding calamity can we obtain the corresponding solution."

"Good luck to you!"

After Yuan Ling finished speaking, he disappeared, and the solidified sapphire arena returned to its original state.

Two burly figures, one holding a spear and the other holding a sword, started a fierce battle.


No matter how fierce the battle was, the sapphire arena was not damaged at all!
  And the gold paper in mid-air floated towards Chen Zong.

Reaching out to take the gold paper, Chen Zong knew how to use it. He put his consciousness into the gold paper and immediately saw that in the huge space inside the gold paper, the same 'tribulation' as in the chessboard space also appeared.


A big golden hand appeared inside the gold paper, making moves on the chessboard of heaven and earth.

The chess pieces fell one after another, and the 1000th calamity was broken.

"That's it." Like an enlightenment, Chen Zong suddenly realized something.


Doubt suddenly arose in his heart.

Doesn’t he need to break this 1000th calamity? Why did you give the answer directly?

Is this trial still necessary?
  Just now.

A message appeared in his mind.

"Um" Chen Zong was slightly startled.

The message is very simple, that is, Chen Zong cannot use the method of 'resolving tribulation' in the gold paper space in the next 'resolving tribulation'.

Need to find another way!
  Chen Zong thought for a while and felt speechless.

The method of 'resolving calamity' in the golden paper space is very similar to his usual method, or this method is deduced based on Chen Zong's method.

In other words, the golden paper space blocked the road that Chen Zong often took.

"I thought this was help, but I didn't expect it was resistance!" Chen Zong looked at the gold paper in his hand and sighed, "Now, the difficulty of 'resolving the calamity' has increased again!"

Pressing down on the helplessness in his heart, he looked at the chess game and went through the methods of 'resolving calamity' in the golden paper space in his mind.

"Well, let's see if it's true." Chen Zong thought for a while and decided to test it first to see if it really couldn't be used. He stretched out his hand and made a move according to the method.

At this time.

An invisible force appeared, and Chen Zong couldn't make a successful move no matter what.

"It seems true." Chen Zong said softly, "We can only start from other angles."

At this time.

Chen Zong looked at the sapphire arena. His chess pieces looked like they could hold on for a while longer.

"Let's study the chess game first."

He is more outstanding in chess skills, so he naturally studies the chess game first.

Metaverse, Thunder Island, Temple of Chaos.

"Hey!" Chen Zong sighed.

"Well, what's wrong?" Giant Ax turned his head and asked, "Is the 1000th calamity too difficult?"

Next to them, Puti and the Lord of Chaos City also looked at Chen Zong.

"Yes and no." Chen Zong said, "Juaxe, Puti, after you reach the 1000th calamity, Yuan Ling will appear again and give you a copy of the 'Xuan Yuan True Solution'."

"The specific situation is this."


"When the time comes, if you can reject the 'Xuanyuan True Interpretation', then you can do so." "I have accepted it now, and there is no way to return it. I don't want it anymore."

After hearing this, Juaxe, the Lord of Chaos City, and Puti looked at each other, and they all saw surprise in each other's eyes.

This 'transformation of calamity' is quite difficult in itself, but the difficulty has been raised again.

There is no guarantee that this will not happen later.

It seems that it is simply impossible to achieve the highest requirement of 'transforming calamity' and obtain exotic treasures directly within an era.

The highest requirement for 'transforming tribulations', whether it is Chen Zong of the Lord of the Universe, Puti of the Lord of the Universe, or the giant ax of the strongest person in the universe, is 4000 kalpas.

Those with low strength will indeed suffer!
  "Okay!" Juaxe and Puti nodded after hearing Chen Zong's suggestion.

"However, I think this may not be refused." The Lord of Chaos City said.

"Well, if that's the case, then all trialists are the same, so it doesn't matter." Chen Zong said.

next to.

Puti sighed in her heart: "Teacher, with the Ancient Lord here, it is too difficult for me to win the final victory."

Currently, Puti is ranked fifth on the gold list and is in the 813th calamity. Her performance is better than that of many of the strongest people in the universe. However, compared with Chen Zongyi, it is far behind.


Puti doesn't have much confidence in herself.

The ancient mysterious realm, the Nine-Star Continent, and the ancient imperial palace.

On the throne of the main hall, the Immortal Emperor's clone created an incarnation of divine power, and then escaped into the ancient god space at the entrance, while the incarnation of divine power sat on the throne.


Every area in the ancient mysterious realm is guarded by strong men, so under normal circumstances, there is no need to worry about safety.


On this Nine-Star Continent, there is also the top cosmic overlord ‘Venerable Yang’an’ sitting in charge. If something happens, he can still resist it for a while.


The clone of the Immortal Emperor only enters the space of the ancient gods, not travels far away. It can completely appear in time to protect the ancient mysterious realm.

at this time.

In the ancient god space.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor appeared out of thin air, then entered the Hall of Illusions and entered a secret room.

"If the will can break through, it can also help me to 'resolve the calamity'." The clone of the Immortal Emperor landed on the bluestone platform and directly opened the secret pattern in the secret room space.


The flow of time began to accelerate, 1000 times, 3000 times, 5000 times, and the impact of will directly reached the limit of the Lord of the Universe.

The 'Golden Magical Mountain' integrated into every life mark in the Immortal Emperor's avatar body, under his control, put away its defensive capabilities.

If the defense of the Golden Fantasy Mountain is turned on, let alone the ultimate will of the Lord of the Universe, even the will of the strongest person in the universe will be difficult to affect the Immortal Emperor's clone.

  After putting away his defenses, the Immortal Emperor's clone suddenly felt a strong impact of will, but he was still able to withstand it.

"Very good, that's it!"

A look of satisfaction appeared on the Immortal Emperor's clone's face, and then he sat cross-legged on the bluestone platform, concentrating on resisting the impact of his will.

Time flies.

Three thousand years have passed since Chen Zong obtained the 'Xuan Yuan True Solution'.

A black chessboard space.

"The 2000th calamity, I finally broke through to the 2000th calamity." A joyful voice came from a black sphere.

"Fortunately, my chess strength has broken through to the third level before. Otherwise, if I want to reach the second bottleneck of the 'Xuanyuan Tribulation', I will have to spend more time."

"I should be ranked second now!"

Speaking of which.

The Father God Machine of the Mechanical Tribe looked at the golden list above his head.

The third-ranked machine on the golden list now jumped up one space, pushing the second-ranked Old Beast God to third place.

Before, he had put all his attention into the ‘catastrophe’ and had no intention of paying attention to the rankings.

Now that I have been promoted, I feel free to relax.

"Sure enough." Machine smiled.

However, when he saw Jin Cancan's name at the top of the list, the black sphere actually trembled.

"How is it possible?" Machine said in shock, "Isn't the Ancient Lord in the 2056th calamity? Why did he suddenly reach the 2689th calamity?"

"More than six hundred calamities!"

"How did he do that?"

The machine was stunned.

I thought that if I broke through to the third level of chess and was the strongest in the universe, I would soon be able to catch up with Chen Zong, and maybe even overtake him.

But now, that golden 2689 makes the machine's heart feel cold.

"Could it be that his chess skills are still better than mine?"


"He is just a human being, and he is also the master of the universe. In terms of computing power, I have an absolute advantage."

"Relying on strong computing power, my chess skills can improve by leaps and bounds."

"Why does the Ancient Lord have him?"

"Could it be that he is following the 'Secret Pattern Style'?"

The machine thought for a while.

The Secret Pattern Style, this style, was no longer a secret after the birth of Tiandi Chessboard. Many strong people knew about it.


"Even if he really follows the 'Secret Pattern Style', the 'Secret Pattern Style' is not something you can just do if you want to. If you don't have a certain amount of talent, you won't be able to get through it."


"It is impossible for him to achieve such attainments in the 'Secret Pattern Diagram Style' in such a short period of time."

"Could it be that he has mastered other methods of 'resolving calamities'?"

"Is there really such a way?"

The machine was extremely confused.

And at this time.

in another chessboard space.

There are two oceans in the void with turbulent waves. Of these two oceans, one is a white ocean and the other is a black ocean. They are clearly distinguishable.

at this time.

They cannibalize each other, each wanting to take a bite out of their opponent and expand the area they control.

And over the ocean.

Chen Zong suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.

"Break it!" I saw Chen Zong falling towards the dividing line between the black and white oceans.


In the void, a space crack opened across the two oceans, and countless white seawater poured down from the crack and poured into the two oceans.

The white ocean was supplemented by white sea water, setting off hundreds of millions of raging waves with overwhelming momentum.

The black ocean was suppressed by the white sea water. Even the original continuous waves were intermittent at this moment. In those areas hit by the white sea water, there was not even a drop of black sea water.

high in the sky.

Chen Zong looked down with a smile.

He has determined that this situation is stable!

The reason why he dares to be so sure is because Chen Zong is now at the fourth level of chess.


In the past three thousand years, relying on the second level of perfect state of mind, Chen Zong's chess ability has broken through to the fourth level.

If chess strength corresponds to the state of mind, then the first level of state of mind can reach up to level 3, while the second level of state of mind can reach level 6, and the third level of state of mind can reach level 9.

and so.

Chen Zongqi's strength has reached the fourth level, and he has only just unleashed the power of the second level of his state of mind.

of course.

If you want to fully unleash the power of the second level of the state of mind, you also need the support of the state of mind.

If the level of strength is insufficient, no matter how high the state of mind is, there will be a limit to the improvement of chess power, and it is impossible to reach the corresponding highest level of chess power.

On the other hand, having sufficient strength but low mental state will also affect your chess skill level.

Just like the strongest person in the universe, if his state of mind has not even reached the first level, then his chess ability will only be at one level.

The strongest person in the universe who is at the first level of state of mind can actually reach the third level of chess!

As for Chen Zong, due to his insufficient level of strength, his chess skills at the fourth level are already at their limit.


You can't improve in terms of chess skills, but you can in terms of will.

Currently, in terms of will, the Immortal Emperor's clone has already broken through to the limit of the will of the Lord of the Universe, and now it is advancing towards the will of the strongest person in the universe.

in chessboard space.

As Chen Zong lost two more sons, the black ocean completely collapsed.

The 2689th calamity, passed!
  (End of this chapter)

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