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Chapter 286 Da Mengqiu, 1 Qi Juechen

Chapter 286: A great dream, a great journey (Wish you all a Happy New Year)
  The cosmic sea.

One of the three Jedi, the core area of ​​Qingfeng Realm.

In a canyon that is a million light-years long and nearly a hundred thousand light-years wide, three stalwart figures stand in the sky.

"It's strange. Over the years, it seems that we haven't heard much news about the strongest people in the original universe. It's very abnormal." There are pieces of brown rock all over the body, like reptiles in the majestic mountains, making a low roaring sound.

"King Zhenjia, you have a soul slave, the 'Lord of Yuanao'. This 'Lord of Yuanao' is the master of the universe in this primitive universe era and can enter the primitive universe."

"You want him to investigate?"

"Not knowing their situation could hinder our plans."

The sound of the majestic reptile contains endless power and makes the valley tremble.

"Qiu Yan, your worries are also my worries. Therefore, I have asked him to take action a long time ago." A towering man, whose whole body seemed to be made of steel, and his eyes were like two burning fireballs. These fireballs were probably bigger than billions of them. Stars are still terrible.

"According to the information he detected, a powerful and powerful treasure, the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', appeared in the original universe."

"In order to compete for this most powerful treasure, those immature strongest people in the universe all returned to the original universe."

"My soul slave has also entered the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' and participated in the battle."

"The most powerful treasure?" The reptile named Qiu Yan and another huge thunder giant asked in shock.

This thunder giant is called Haolei Star Lord. He has a thunder sphere on his chest. The thunder sphere is like a star, emitting endless thunder and lightning.

"Another most powerful treasure actually appeared in the original universe?" The Thunder Giant rumbled, "In our time in the universe, there was none."

"What a blessing this cosmic era has been."

The most powerful treasure is extremely rare even in the universe sea.

Many of the strongest people in the universe who were unlucky in the first and second reincarnation eras had the most powerful treasures, which were at the peak level of treasures.

"Good luck? Not necessarily." King Zhenjia sneered, "They can't lift the 'Star Tower', and now this 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard'."

"If you want to obtain it, you must participate in the 'Selection Trial'."

"And the 'selection trial' is extremely dangerous. If you make a mistake, your body will be severely damaged."

"Even the strongest person in the universe has a small universe and can use the origin of the small universe to recover."

"However, you also know that the origin of the small universe cannot be consumed at will."

"Once too much is consumed, it will not be conducive to the evolution of the small universe."

"The small universe is the foundation for us, the strongest people in the universe. If the small universe is destroyed, then we will be like the strongest people in the universe who have lost the 'Holy Land Universe' of the small universe, and will forever lose the possibility of progress."

"And now."

"In order to compete for the 'Supreme Treasure', they refused to give in to anyone, and they consumed extremely huge amounts of divine power."

"During this period of time, the evolution of their small universe has tended to stagnate, I think, which is equivalent to weakening their strength in disguised form!"

"This is a good thing for us."

"That makes sense!" Star Master Haolei and the others nodded.

"Now, we should complete the task first, explore this area, and then set up the trap. After that, we only need to wait for the prey to take the bait." King Zhenjia said.

"Well, we must complete this mission well." The Thunder Giant said, "This time in the universe era is our last chance. If we don't even seize the last chance, the three of us will surely perish!"

"Once we die, our tribe will be dead forever."

"Yes, for eternity and for the sake of the race, we must succeed." King Zhenjia nodded solemnly.

"For eternity, for the ethnic group." Qiu Long Ancestral God and Haolei Star Master followed.

There was absolute conviction in the voice.

The vast cosmic sea is filled with endless chaotic air currents and is boundless. No one has been able to discover its end so far.

In the endless chaotic air flow, the original universe is the largest known celestial body!
  In addition to the original universe, there are other small universes.

These small universes are less than one trillionth of the volume of the original universe, just like an endless ocean and a drop of water!

Tens of billions of light years away from the original universe, in the endless chaotic air flow, the giant ax's small universe is here.

In the giant ax mini-universe.

An area where time accelerates ten thousand times, this is a starry sky.

at this time.

The demon dragon clone is sitting in the starry sky, holding a 'miniature universe' in his left hand, and around him, there are secret patterns shining with mysterious light suspended one after another.

In terms of chess power, there is no breakthrough in a short period of time. Therefore, the demon dragon clone is now focusing all its energy on studying the secret pattern map.

If it were before.

The demon dragon clone still feels a little headache when it comes to studying the secret patterns.

And now.
  After studying thousands of secret pattern diagrams in the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', the demon dragon clone has made great progress in the 'Secret Pattern Diagram Flow'.

at this time.

The demon dragon clone opened its eyes, and a ray of light shot out. The starry sky in front of it was directly distorted, and then turned into a huge hole.


Under the operation of the rules of the small universe, the void slowly disappeared.

"It's done!" the demon dragon clone said happily.

The demon dragon clone stretched out his right hand, and with a crack of thunder, a small thunder and lightning appeared on his finger, and then more thunder and lightning rushed out.

In a blink of an eye.

These thunder and lightning turned into a "mysterious pattern of the thunder beast".

But the demon dragon clone didn't stop.

Soon, there were more and more ‘mysterious beast patterns’ around him, and the number directly reached 64.

Every picture is so perfect.

The outside world has experienced thousands of years, but in the giant axe's small universe, the demon dragon clone has spent thousands of epochs. Now, he finally analyzed the complete 64 "Beasts" from the "Micro Universe Law Secret Pattern" Mysterious pattern'.

These 64 secret pattern pictures shine brightly in the starry sky.

When these 64 secret pattern diagrams were successfully analyzed, on the 'Secret Pattern Diagram Flow', the demon dragon clone had reached the level of the Lord of the Universe, and it was not yet the initial stage.

It is not very far from the ultimate level of the Lord of the Universe.

"With my current attainments in the 'Secret Pattern Style', I can easily create the pinnacle secret method of the Lord of the Universe, which is the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe. It only takes a little more time." A light flashed in the eyes of the demon dragon clone.

"The most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe cannot defeat me."

"In fact, as long as I spend a lot of time and study hard, I am confident that I can even create the Master of the Universe's secret method of fusion."


"This is not enough. There are only more than 6000 years left before the one-era deadline given by Yuan Ling."

"If you cannot successfully 'resolve' 4000 calamities in one era, then you can only enter the third stage of the 'selection trial'."

Chen Zong doesn't know what the third stage is, but based on experience, this third stage is likely to be improved by several levels based on the second stage.

"Continue!" The demon dragon clone showed a determined look in his eyes.

With the experience of successfully analyzing 64 "Mysterious Beast Patterns", the Demonic Dragon clone seemed much more relaxed in studying the "Secret Patterns".

at this time.

At the highest point in the starry sky, a figure was hidden in the void, and even the demon dragon clone did not notice it.

The only person who can make the demon dragon clone unable to sense it is the master of the small universe, the giant axe.

"The ancient master's talent in the 'Secret Pattern School' is really amazing. He has been able to reach such a level in such a short period of time." The giant ax looked shocked and praised, "No wonder he can defeat all the universes." The strongest one will be the first on the gold list."

Talk about gold list ranking.

There was a moment of embarrassment on Juaxe's face.

Currently, he is ranked 7th, at the 1996th calamity. Compared with Chen Zong, he is far behind.

"Fortunately, there is an Ancient Lord." Giant Ax looked at the demon dragon clone with a smile on his face.

If it were a fight, then the giant ax would definitely be worthy of any other strongest person in the universe.

  The chess game of heaven and earth is a rare treasure of the 'Secret Pattern School', and it is more focused on research and deduction.

This is not what the giant ax is good at.

"It's up to you." Giant Ax glanced at the demon dragon clone again, and then the figure disappeared and left the starry sky.

In the blink of an eye.

More than two thousand years have passed.

Virtual universe, ancient god world.

An exquisite pavilion, located on the mountainside of a majestic sacred mountain on the central island of the Ancient God Realm.

"Luo Feng, you said you would turn off reception in the virtual universe if you were doing something very important. However, you disappeared this time for a full 6000 years. You can't be found and can't be contacted. Why aren't you worried?" Xu Xin sat sideways on the stone bench. Although the surrounding scenery was beautiful, she had no intention of admiring it at the moment.

at this time.

Xu Xin's face, which still looked young, looked a little haggard, and there was a lingering sadness deep in her eyes.


"Email?" Seeing the email from Luo Feng, Xu Xin suddenly looked happy.

Got in touch!

She quickly opened the email.

Looking at the email, Luo Feng's sweet words filled Xu Xin's face with a smile.


As she watched... her expression changed, her body trembled slightly, and there was a hint of fear in her eyes.

"No, it won't. I don't want your guilt." Xu Xin stood up suddenly, tears flowing from the corners of her eyes, sliding down her cheeks, and dripping on the ground.

"Master of the temple, yes, look for the master of the temple." Xu Xin immediately flew out of the pavilion and flew high into the sky.


"Mom." Luo Ping was a little surprised to see Xu Xin flying towards the ancient temple, and he immediately followed.

high in the sky.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Luo Ping was shocked when he saw tears in Xu Xin's eyes, feeling that something bad had happened, "Is it true that my father..."

"Your father just sent an email. In the email, he said that he encountered a disaster and that he would return in the distant future. It could be as short as ten thousand years or as long as millions of years." Xu Xin said with a trembling voice.

Millions of years, tens of millions of years?

By then, she is no longer there, so how can she see Luo Feng again?

"So, I want to see the temple master and ask him to rescue your father." Xu Xin said.

"I'll go too." Luo Ping nodded.


They arrived at the ancient temple.

Chen Zong, who was in the Temple of Chaos, looked into the distance.

"I have something to take care of first and I'll be back soon." Chen Zong said.

"Yes." Chaos City Lord and the others nodded.

Inside the ancient temple.

Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air and landed on the throne.

Looking outside, he saw Xu Xin and Luo Ping.

Under normal circumstances, no one would dare to come to the ancient temple without his order.


If there is an emergency, you can come directly without Chen Zong's order.


Only Xu Xin and Luo Ping would fly directly towards the ancient temple.

"It seems that Luo Feng's mail has arrived." Chen Zong sighed, but he did not stop Xu Xin and the others from coming.

A few years before Luo Feng disappeared, he also sent emails, but he only received automatic replies from Luo Feng.

Yes. Then he knew that Luo Feng should have begun to recognize the "Star Tower" as the master.


With his attention this time, no one dared to take action against the Luo family. However, he also asked Xu Xin to take this opportunity to rectify the Luo family's playboys.

And now.

After 6000 years, the process of recognizing the master should be coming to an end.

at this time.

Xu Xin and Luo Ping entered the ancient temple.

"Viewer." Xu Xin briefly explained the content of the email.

"Yes, I understand." Chen Zong nodded, "As for Luo Feng, don't worry, he will be fine."

"It will only take a few years at most. He will definitely come back."

"I won't let you wait for millions or tens of millions of years."

"Relax and go back."

After Chen Zong finished speaking, he waved his hand gently.

"Yes, thank you Monk Master (Grandpa Grandpa)" After hearing this, Xu Xin and Luo Ping's worries disappeared from their eyes.

Although they had no idea about Chen Zong's strength, they knew that as long as Chen Zong said there was no problem, there would be absolutely no problem.

In other words, Luo Feng will be back soon.

The two of them showed joy on their faces, and then they bowed, exited the ancient temple, and went back.

"It seems that Mountain Guest still cares more about the 'Three Disciples' and is interested in the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', but not very much." Chen Zong thought in his mind, "Otherwise, with his strength, he will definitely be number one on the gold list. , not me."

"Fortunately so."

Puti did not reveal to Chen Zong, Juaxe, or the Lord of Chaos City about his relationship with Sitting Mountain Guest.


It was also difficult for Chen Zong to ask Puti about the situation of the mountain visitors.


Chen Zong's figure disappeared and returned to the Temple of Chaos.

Extraterritorial battlefield, Star Tower.

In the main hall in the center of countless sealed stars, the mountain guest took Luo Feng as his disciple, gave him some instructions and gave him some greetings, and then left. Now only Luo Feng is left here.

in the hall.

To Luo Feng, these 6000 years of experience seemed like a dream.

A long and painful nightmare.

But after the nightmare ended, spring came, and everything got better.

at this time.

Luo Feng looked at a picture in his hand, the 'Star Picture', which was a spiritual master's treasure and one of the greeting gifts given by the mountain guest.

The weapons that spiritual masters need usually consume precious materials and then imprint the secret methods of combat they have discovered on them. In this way, when fighting, you only need to activate these secret communication rules, which can save a lot of energy and allow you to play more effectively. Strong combat effectiveness.


Unlike other spiritual master weapons, the foundation of this 'Star Map' is 'Sealing Stars', and no matter how powerful the secret method is, it can be imprinted or erased at any time.


With this 'Star Map' and the fact that Luo Feng's 'Beast God's Will' is now comparable to the 20th floor of Tongtian Bridge, Luo Feng's combat power has definitely improved a lot.

"Well, apart from the 'Star Map', my most important gain is of course the 'Star Tower'. Now, the core device of the Star Tower, the 'Tower Bead', has now been integrated into my soul." Luo Feng said in surprise.

"Now, the soul has ten thousand times the power of the world lord's soul given by 'general soul', and the 'Tazhu' is in charge. Coupled with the breakthroughs in my will and consciousness over the years, this brings me one step closer to the teacher."

of course.

The teacher Luo Feng was talking about was naturally Chen Zong.

"Go to the Ancient God Realm." Thinking of Chen Zong and his family, Luo Feng immediately logged into the virtual universe.

Seeing Luo Feng appear, Xu Xin and others were extremely excited.

"I've made you worry all these years." Luo Feng said guiltily, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Xu Xin's eyes.

These tears are tears of joy.

"As long as you are safe and sound," Xu Xin said with a smile on her face.

Luo Feng reunited with his family for a while and then went to the ancient temple.

"Your consciousness of will is extremely condensed. It seems that you have gained a lot over the years." Chen Zong smiled and said, "Moreover, you have also received high-level recognition from the 'original law of space'."

"You should be able to teleport!"

"very nice."

"However, in the past 6000 years, you have not performed at all, and there has been a lot of gossip. I think your strength and status do not match, and it is time to change."

"Now that you have returned, it's time to show off your skills."

"The more outstanding you are, the more attention you will receive from our human race. This is very important to you and your Luo family."


"Whenever, find some time to explore the original Tongtian Mountain."

"Only by passing through the 'Boundary Lord Level Original Tongtian Mountain', in the eyes of everyone, will you be qualified to truly compete with a group of geniuses such as Kedi and Master Eclipse Fire."

"You are now qualified to challenge the 'Chen Zong-level' genius that you represent as a teacher."

On the throne, Chen Zong smiled.

"Yes, this disciple will do his best." Luo Feng responded respectfully.

‘Chen Zong level’ genius, this is also the goal in his mind.

after all.

The 'Chen Zong-level' genius is the highest benchmark of human genius and has the potential to become the master of the universe.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it, Master." Chen Zong nodded slightly, and then said, "You just came back, I guess you still have a lot of things to do, so go ahead and get busy."

"Yes!" Luo Feng bowed and left.

Heaven and earth chessboard.

More than six thousand years have passed since the appearance of the Heaven and Earth Chessboard.

at this time.

On the golden list, the vast majority of trialists have not even reached the first bottleneck of the 'Xuanyuan Tribulation', and less than a hundred are between the 1000th and 2000th tribulation.

Only the top five existences are above the 2000th calamity.

Ranking second is the Father God Machine of the Mechanical Clan, which is in the 2364th calamity.

Inside the black chessboard space.

One party's concrete collapse.

"Finally passed." The machine sighed.

"This calamity is more difficult than the last. I don't know if I can survive the next calamity."

The machine looked at the golden list above its head.


A sigh.

"Although this ancient master is the master of the first universe and the new master of the universe, he is already in the 3369th calamity, which is more than a thousand calamities ahead of me."

"Yi Qi Jue Chen!"

"It's so crazy!"

"I think the ancient master's talent is no weaker than that lunatic's."

"Is humanity going to have another existence that sweeps across the cosmic sea?"

Thinking of this, the mechanical body couldn't help but tremble, obviously frightened.

"No, humans must not be allowed to have such an existence again." The machine has made up its mind, "The Ancient Lord must be killed, otherwise, humans will definitely become the largest force, and by then, the development of our machine race will be restricted. "


"In this primitive universe, the strongest people in the universe like us are suppressed at the sixth level."

"So, it is simply impossible to kill the Ancient Lord in the original universe."


"Only in the cosmic sea can we have a chance."

"Well, it seems that after the 'selection trial' is over, it is necessary to contact the Queen, Mengcha, and Zhenjiao."

Their true identities are now in the 'chessboard space', and their will and consciousness cannot break through the 'chessboard space', so they cannot communicate with each other, so they can only wait for the selection to end.

Now that he had made a plan, the machine refocused its attention on the chess game.

Over the years, in the process of studying the chess game, the machine feels that its computing power has improved significantly, and its efficiency in deducing the secrets of the rules has improved a lot.


Machines are already obsessed with "Heaven and Earth Chess".

"Huh, in one era, the Ancient Lord will never reach the 4000th calamity. The real winner will definitely be the third stage of the 'Selection Trial'." The machine snorted coldly.

"What I have to do now is to strengthen myself."

"The final victory definitely belongs to me."

Ranked second, coupled with the strength of the strongest person in the universe, Machinery is very confident in itself.

Another board space.

He looked like a giant carved from a huge mountain. His head was square, with only one huge eye and a mouth. His body was covered with a layer of gray armor that was constantly flowing like mercury.

He is the most famous Lord of Yuan Ao in the universe!
  The master of Yuan Mysterious Realm.

At this time.

High in the sky, a ray of golden light was extremely dazzling, crossing the dark void and falling towards the Lord Yuan Ao.

Bathed in golden light, Lord Yuan Ao looked extremely sacred, but his aura was rapidly decreasing.

"30%, only 30% of my divine body is left." Lord Yuan Ao's eyes showed a cold look, "A golden light actually annihilated 40% of my divine body."

This was not the first time he encountered golden light.

Last time, 40% of the divine body was also annihilated.

However, after he recovered to 70%, the frozen chess game revived again.

But this time, he still lost.

"The Ancient Lord has gone through more than three thousand tribulations and has definitely been hit by golden light more times than I have."

"He is not the strongest person in the universe, so why can he withstand so many golden lights?"

"Could it be that his divine body is huge?"

"But no matter how huge it is, how much bigger can it be than me?"

"In addition, the treasure that restores divine power is also extremely precious."

"How can this ancient lord be able to defeat the strongest men in the universe?"

The leader of Yuan Ao lost completely, so he took out his anger on Chen Zong.

"Hmph, Ancient Lord, just wait. Sooner or later, I will make you look good."

"And this day is not far away!"

Lord Yuan Ao suppressed the anger in his heart and resumed studying the chess game that had solidified again.

 I wish you all good health, all the best, all your wishes come true, and happiness to your family in the new year!
    Thanks to book friend ‘Hongmeng Tianyuan’ for the 500 starting coin reward

  (End of this chapter)

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