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Chapter 287 Countdown: 1 year

Chapter 287 Countdown: One Year

The chessboard of heaven and earth, satellite galaxies, and wild planets.

On the top of the majestic sacred mountain, Puti sat quietly cross-legged.

And Emperor Yan also left here long after the mountain guest left.

after all.

In Emperor Yan's eyes, although Puti was a senior brother, he was actually just a servant. Therefore, Emperor Yan looked down upon Puti.

  Puti is closely involved with humans, and has left a clone in the human race, and humans are the enemies of Emperor Yan.


Emperor Yan didn't want to stay at the top of the mountain any longer, so he directly released the divine clone.

Come on, out of sight, out of mind!

at this time.

A majestic figure broke through the void and appeared on the top of the sacred mountain. Puti suddenly felt that the origin of the original universe had left him.

"Teacher!" Puti, who was sitting cross-legged, immediately stood up and saluted respectfully towards the majestic figure.

"Yes." Sitting Mountain Guest smiled and nodded, "Puti, from now on, you no longer need to guard the 'Star Tower'. Come with me to the Universe Sea."

"What?" Puti was stunned for a moment.


He then reacted, with a look of joy on his face, and congratulated: "Congratulations, teacher, congratulations to the teacher, the third junior brother is finally here."

Puti knew very well that the teacher’s greatest wish has always been for someone to successfully recognize the ‘Star Tower’.

But he also knew very well how difficult it was for the Star Tower to recognize its owner.

In his opinion, it is impossible for anyone to survive the process of recognizing one's master, which involves ten deaths and no life.

And now.

Someone actually broke the situation of certain death and became the master of the ‘Star Tower’, becoming the teacher’s third disciple.

This is simply shocking!
  That’s great too!

The teacher's wish finally came true!

"Teacher, is the third junior brother Na Luo Feng?" Puti raised her head and asked.

Puti had long known about Luo Feng's practice of the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code". He even helped arrange most of the many tests that Teacher Sishanke set for Luo Feng.


Maybe things may have changed over the past thousands of years, and that's why Puti asked this question.

"Well, it's him." Mountain Rider nodded.

"Let's not talk about Luo Feng for now. How is the situation here?" Mountain Guest asked.

"Hey." Puti sighed, "Teacher, I let you down."

"Today, I am in the 2013th calamity, and I am ranked fifth on the gold list. The Ancient Lord is still ranked first, and he is in the 3369th calamity."

"A difference of more than a thousand kalpas?" The mountain guest shook his hands slightly, his eyes showing shock.

He also knows the difficulty of the Heaven and Earth chess game.

The further back you go, the harder it gets.

It stands to reason that the gap between the Ancient Lord and Puti will become smaller and smaller.

It seems that the last time I asked, it was only a few hundred kalpas away, right?
  But now there is a gap of more than a thousand kalpas. Not only has the gap not narrowed, but it has become wider and wider.

This is incredible!
  "Is there a breakthrough in the 'Secret Pattern Diagram School', or is there a breakthrough in 'chess power'?" Sitting Mountain Guest lowered his head and thought, "Maybe there are breakthroughs in both?"

"Yes, that should be the case."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Ancient Lord to stand out from the crowd and stand out!"

"Even if there is a time acceleration of ten thousand times in the small universe of the giant axe, this breakthrough can be achieved."

"What a monster!"

After sighing in his heart, the mountain guest recovered his mind and looked at Puti: "Now there are only more than three thousand years left before the '1st Era', and in the 4000th calamity, according to calculations, the 'Secret Pattern Diagram' will definitely reach He has reached the level of the secret method of the strongest person in the universe."

"With the difficulty of the 4000th calamity, it is simply impossible for the Ancient Lord to get through it in such a short period of time."

"Even if we give him another era, it's impossible."


"The third stage of the trial. You still have a chance."

As for Emperor Yan, after understanding the rules of the chessboard of heaven and earth, Sitting Mountain Guest had no hope for him at all.

After all, Emperor Yan has not even reached the 1000th calamity, so how can he compete with the Ancient Lord?

"Yeah." Puti nodded.

Puti's clone left in the small universe of Sitting Mountain Guest continued to study the chess game with high morale.

Ancient mysterious realm, Nine Star Continent, Lake Center Island.

With the ancient imperial palace as the center, colorful haloes of light spread out, extending to the sea of ​​nine-colored clouds and then disappearing.

Under the sea of ​​nine-colored clouds, in the ancient imperial city, there are many fixed space passages in the square in front of a towering palace.

These fixed space passages are newly built.

at this time.

In one of the space passages, a figure stepped out, it was Luo Feng.

Last time, after meeting Chen Zong in the Ancient God Realm of the virtual universe, Luo Feng did not immediately withdraw from the extraterrestrial battlefield. Instead, he controlled the space passage in the Star Tower, sealed off the forbidden space, and enslaved some alien peak or king kings. Extremely strong.

Then he went to the Twin Spin Domain to deal with his grievances with the Heavenly Formation King.

Now, the Heavenly Formation King has become Luo Feng's soul slave.

Now that the matter of the extraterritorial battlefield has been resolved, Luo Feng naturally left the extraterritorial battlefield and returned to the Ancient God Continent. Through the fixed space passage on the Ancient God Continent, he came to the ancient imperial city of the ancient mysterious realm.

"I have met His Highness Luo Feng!" The guard responsible for guarding the space passage saluted respectfully after seeing Luo Feng.

"Yes." Luo Feng smiled slightly, and then left here, heading towards the ancient palace above the nine-colored sea of ​​clouds.


He arrived at the square in front of the Ancient Emperor's Palace.

"Huh? Such a strong aura." Luo Feng looked at the eighteen phantom beast guards in front of the Ancient Emperor's Palace, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"If the King of Seven Swords doesn't use heavy treasures, he may not be able to defeat them, right?"

Luo Feng was shocked.

He originally thought that his strength was already strong enough, but when he saw the teacher casually letting these powerful beasts serve as guards, Luo Feng suddenly felt that his current strength was just that, average.

"I still want to be stronger, and I must be stronger!" Luo Feng thought.

At this time.

"Coming?" A voice echoed in Luo Feng's mind.

Luo Feng immediately walked into the ancient temple.

In the ancient palace.

"I've met the teacher!" Luo Feng said respectfully.

"Yes." On the throne, the divine clone smiled and nodded, "You can return safely from the battlefield outside the territory, and you have also earned the title of 'King of Sword River'. You are not weaker than the King of Seven Swords and others. I am very happy for you as a teacher."


With a move of his divine power clone, Venerable Zhao who was standing next to him immediately walked to Luo Feng's side. With a flip of his hand, a jar of fine wine from the 'ancient sacred world' appeared in Venerable Zhao's hand.

"This is the 'celebration wine' prepared by Master for you."


"Currently, I have something to deal with as my master, so I can't drink with you. Just take this altar of 'Yunlong Breathing Mist' back."

The divine clone said with a smile.

Yunlong spits mist, ranking third in the wine world of the ancient sacred world, and is extremely precious.

"This 'Yunlong Breathes Mist'." The divine clone continued, "One cup can change the system of ordinary people, giving them a strong talent for understanding the law."

"Even becoming immortal is not difficult."

"As for whether you can become a powerful immortal, you still have to rely on your own efforts and opportunities."

"Become immortal?" Luo Feng looked at the wine jar with a look of surprise on his face.

What he is most worried about now is how to let his family break through immortality and have eternal life.

after all.

Whether it is his parents, or Xu Xin, Luo Ping, Luo Hai and others, their talents are average or even a little bit poor. If they practice on their own, it is impossible to become immortal.

And now.
  The jar of wine given by the teacher just solved this problem.

"Thank you, teacher." Luo Feng carefully took the wine jar and bowed.

"Well, go back." The divine clone waved his hand.

"Yes!" Luo Feng put away the wine jar and left the Ancient Emperor's Palace.

Returning to the Ancient Imperial City at the foot of Ancient Imperial Mountain, Luo Feng came to the temple with a fixed space passage in an excited mood, and then entered the space passage to the earth.

Luo Feng naturally believed what the teacher said.

and so.

Naturally, he planned to return to Earth first and let his parents, Xu Xin and others drink the 'Yunlong Mist', so that he would feel more at ease and focus more on his cultivation.

Earth, Yangzhou City, Luo Family.

"What, a glass of wine can give us the potential to become immortal?" Luo Hongguo said in shock, looking at the wine jar in Luo Feng's hand.

"Wouldn't it be nice if I had a few more drinks?"

"Dad, this wine is only effective for the first glass. No matter how much you drink later, it will be useless." Luo Feng smiled and shook his head.

"That's it, that's a pity." Luo Hongguo sighed, "Otherwise, Feng'er, if you finish this jar of wine, you can go to less dangerous places."

Luo Feng was slightly startled by Luo Hongguo's words.


I worry that my parents and others will not become immortal and will eventually disappear.

His parents and others were naturally worried about his safety.


Luo Feng smiled and said: "Dad, don't worry, I have always acted within my ability, so isn't this always good? It will be the same in the future."     "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

"Here, I'll pour you some wine."

Luo Feng smiled and waved, and several normal-sized red wine glasses appeared on the table. Then he opened the wine jar, and a strong aroma of wine suddenly filled the air.

Smelling the aroma of the wine, Luo Hongguo and others felt as if their bodies had suddenly become much stronger.

"Whoa whoa whoa~"

Every glass of red wine was only half filled.

This half is enough!
  After they finished drinking, a lot of white mist appeared on everyone's body, and more and more white mist enveloped them.

Luo Feng's body shook slightly and absorbed the white mist.

But Luo Hongguo, Xu Xin and others fell into a deep sleep.

"Well, it will take about ten days." Luo Feng sat cross-legged and guarded his family.

It was only ten days, he could afford to wait.


Ten days passed.

Luo Hongguo, Xu Xin and others woke up one after another and were in very good condition.

In the original work, Xu Xin still had to take away a special life form in order to become immortal, but now she has the potential to become immortal, so there is no need to take away a life form.


Luo Feng invited the families of Hong and Lei Shen, as well as his friend Wei Wen, and they all drank the 'Yunlong Mist'.

Ten days later.

Luo Feng left the earth easily and went to Chaos City.

Chaos City, the residence of Prince Zhenyan.

"Good disciple, King of Daohe, hehe." In the courtyard, King Zhenyan said with a smile.

This is in Chaos City, and it's in his own mansion. It doesn't matter what you say. There is no need to worry about Luo Feng's identity as the King of Sword River being exposed.

"Teacher, don't make fun of me. Compared with Teacher Chen Zong, I'm still far behind." Luo Feng smiled and shook his head.

"No one can compare with the Ancient Lord." King Zhenyan shook his head slightly, "You are already very good now."


"Didn't you say you were going to break through Tongtian Mountain? Now, you go and break through first, and then we'll have a celebratory drink."

"Okay." Luo Feng nodded, and then his consciousness landed in the virtual universe.

Virtual universe, Tongtian Mountain plane.

The top of the original Tongtian Mountain.

"Finally standing on the highest peak." Luo Feng overlooked the entire Tongtian Mountain plane and said in silence, "However, this is not the end."

"Teacher is my goal."

"Go to Tongtianqiao plane."

Luo Feng carried endless dreams and passion, and then disappeared on the top of the primitive Tongtian Mountain.

And the news that he had broken through the 'World Lord Level Original Tongtian Mountain' spread quickly like a hurricane, causing a wave of exclamation.

Tongtianqiao plane.

Inside the Jiuyutong Overpass.

"A line of whip shadow!"

A phantom of a beast god appeared out of thin air. Luo Feng used his strongest means, but was still broken open by the gatekeeper. Then Luo Feng's entire body turned into bubbles and dissipated.

Chaos City, the residence of Prince Zhenyan.

"Hey!" Luo Feng sighed in his heart, "Sure enough, with my current strength, there is no way I can get through the 21st floor."


"I at least broke the 'seal' of the 21st gatekeeper."

"One step closer to the teacher."

Luo Feng had a smile on his face.

Afterwards, Luo Feng and King Zhenyan drank happily.

After the celebration banquet was over, Luo Feng returned to his residence.

"If I want to become a 'Chen Zong-level' genius, I'm too far behind now." In the study, Luo Feng thought silently, "It seems that we must obtain the third "Nine Tribulations Secret Code" as soon as possible."

There are five copies of the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code". Luo Feng has already obtained two copies, and the other three copies are in three dangerous places.

One of them is hidden on the Ice Prison Star.

"However, I have to prepare well before going to the Ice Prison Star." Luo Feng made a decision.


"Babata, you didn't want to tell who killed the master of the Falling Ink Star back then, but you can tell me now."

"Luo Feng, do you want to avenge your old master?" Babata looked very excited.

"Yes." Luo Feng nodded, "On the way to Ice Prison Star, let's take care of Teacher Hu Yanbo's enemies."

"Haha, okay, the enemy's name is 'Solopu', and his title is 'Demon Hand King'." Babata continued, "With your current strength, it will definitely be easy."

Virtual universe, temple of chaos.

"Junior brother, congratulations, your disciple Luo Feng has broken through the 'World Lord Level Original Tongtian Mountain'." The Lord of Chaos City looked at Chen Zong and said with a smile.

Juaxe and Puti also congratulated.

"Third Junior Brother, I hope you will not disappoint the teacher in the future." Puti thought in her heart.

"Thank you." Chen Zong responded with a smile.

Heaven and earth chessboard, chessboard space.

Time flies.


The first era mentioned by Yuan Ling is almost here. To be precise, it is already the 9998th year.

at this time.

Chen Zong naturally still ranks first on the gold list, at the 3999th calamity.

Within a black chessboard space.

The machine from the mechanical tribe looked at the golden list high in the sky and let out a laugh: "Hahaha, Lord of the Ancients, there are only 2 years left. You can't even reach the 4000th calamity. How can you get through the 4000th calamity within the limited time?" calamities?”

The machine was very happy.

As long as Chen Zong does not survive the 4000th calamity, then it still has a chance.

This 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' is a tailor-made treasure for it. If it can obtain it, its strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds, and it may even reach the original level of human beings back then.

Human beings were originally super beings that swept across the cosmic sea.

But now, it has a chance to reach that level mechanically. It is impossible not to be excited.

At this time.

A voice spread throughout all the 'chessboard space': "There is still one last year before the end of the first era."


At the top of the golden list, a countdown appears.

"Hahaha, there's only one year left." The machine said happily.


On the gold list, the number behind Chen Zong's name jumped.

"Huh?" The machine asked in surprise, "It actually reached the 4000th calamity at this time?"


"So what if I let you reach it? You have been in the 3999th calamity for a hundred years. Not to mention that there is only one year left. Even if you are given another thousand years, you will not be able to get through the 4000th calamity."

Although the machine was surprised, it was not worried at all.

within other board spaces.

"I wonder what the third stage of the trial is?" the old beast god said softly.

"There is only one year left." The Queen of the Zerg looked at the countdown on the golden list and said with emotion, "Sixth place, I am only ranked sixth."

"Hey, one era is too short. If it were longer..." Giant Ax sighed, "Now, it's impossible."

In a strange space within the chessboard of heaven and earth.

In this strange space, there are crisscrossing mountains and dense water networks. The mountains and water are in perfect harmony, making the scenery in this space extremely beautiful.

at this time.

On a beautiful and strange mountain, there is a simple palace.

Inside the palace.

Yuan Ling sat on the throne, looking through the layers of space and seeing all the strong men participating in the trial. Finally, he set his sights on Chen Zong.

"Hey." Yuan Ling sighed, "In one era, this Chen Zong can reach the 4000th calamity. Even there, he can be regarded as a peerless genius."


"Now there's only one year left."

"In the first two stages, although those true gods have advantages, they are not absolutely overwhelmed."


"If it reaches the third stage of the trial, then the advantage of the True God Powerhouse will completely explode. By then, even if Chen Zong has good attainments in the 'Secret Pattern School' and has a fourth-level 'chess ability', there is still no possibility of victory."


"If the rules weren't like this, I would have wanted Chen Zong to be the final winner directly."

"after all."

"He's so good!"

Yuan Ling sighed and looked away.

(End of this chapter)

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