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Chapter 288 Only those who love to fight will win

Chapter 288 Only those who love to fight will win

Heaven and earth chessboard, chessboard space.

"Is there only one year left?" Chen Zong glanced at the countdown on the golden list, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes.


He looked away and focused on the chess game.

"Sure enough, the secret pattern diagram of the 4000th calamity has indeed reached the level of the 'Secret Technique of the Strongest Person in the Universe'." Chen Zong sighed, "It is difficult to pass it!"

Although it was difficult, Chen Zong was naturally unwilling to give up.

  Must fight!
  The space of the ancient gods, the hall of fantasy.

In the past nearly ten thousand years, with the endless energy infusion from the ancient god's space, the ninety-nine giant bronze pillars in the hall are now all activated.

The fastest flow rate of time is already 2 times that of the outside world.


When only ten groups, that is, ninety roots, are opened, the time flow rate is not so exaggerated, only ten thousand times.


After the last group was activated, the ninety-nine giant bronze pillars responded to each other, their power increased dramatically, and the speed of time unexpectedly reached 2 times that of the outside world.


The strongest level of will impact actually exceeds the level of the strongest person in the universe and reaches the level of the True God of the Void.

The True God of the Void, this is a powerful person who has surpassed the strongest person in the universe. He is a super existence that can break through reincarnation and create the "Holy Land Universe".

The impact of the will of such beings can completely annihilate the soul of the Lord of the Universe in an instant.

Extremely powerful!

at this time.

In the secret room space, the clone of the Immortal Emperor sat cross-legged on the bluestone platform, his eyelids twitching faintly, as if he was suffering from immense pain.

"The impact of the will of the True God of the Void is indeed not so easy to withstand." The Immortal Emperor sighed in his mind, but he did not control the secret patterns on the bluestone platform to weaken the impact of the will.

Because time is running out now.

The reason why he can withstand the will impact of the 'Void True God Level' is mainly due to the perfection of the second level of his mind.

Luo Feng and Hong were just entering the second level of the state of mind for the first time. One could withstand the 'Star Tower' and recognize the master, and the other could almost clear the 'Illusion Realm Sea' at the cosmic level.

As for the perfection of the second level of the state of mind, it is only a little short of breaking through to the third level of the state of mind, "My heart is the heart of heaven", which is not comparable to the first level.


Even though the Immortal King's cloned body is very powerful, the impact of the Void True God-level will is already the limit that he can bear at present.

"Now, the speed of time here is 2 times that of the outside world, giving me two epochs of time." The clone of the Immortal Emperor thought, "If the will breaks through to the level of the strongest person in the universe, then I still have a chance to pass the 2th Tribulation.”

Thinking of this, the Immortal Emperor's clone stopped being distracted and tried its best to improve its will.

And the divine clones who stayed in the ancient mysterious realm and the ancient emperor's palace also entered a secret space in the divine hall of fantasy.


The divine clone only turned on time acceleration and did not turn on will impact.

The main purpose of his coming here is to study the 'secret pattern'.

after all.

Time accelerated by 2 times cannot be wasted.

The small universe of the giant axe.

The demon dragon clone is still sitting in the starry sky.

"No, it's not like that." The demon dragon's clone waved his hand, and the secret pattern pattern emitting black and white light in front of him collapsed.

"Which link is the problem? Or is the idea simply wrong?"

"Come a few more times and see."

"If this is still the case, then the idea is wrong."

I saw.

The demon dragon clone used both hands together, using the starry sky as the canvas, and started a new round of painting.

A series of law threads appeared out of thin air as the fingertips slid, and then extended outward. Gradually, these law threads formed two simple three-dimensional secret patterns.

These two three-dimensional secret pattern pictures are exactly the three-dimensional secret pattern pictures that Chen Zong encountered in his 4000th calamity.

There is no need to completely understand these two three-dimensional secret patterns, as long as they can be successfully sketched, Chen Zong is confident that he can successfully 'resolve the disaster'.


It is not easy to draw it.

after all.

These two three-dimensional secret patterns appeared like this when they first appeared. Chen Zong did not see the complete process of the move, and did not know where the secret patterns began and where they ended.

just now.

The demon dragon clones and the divine clones in the Hall of Illusions are all trying to analyze these two three-dimensional secret patterns.

Time from now on.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

The satellite galaxies around the chessboard of heaven and earth, the wild planet, and the top of the sacred mountain.

"Huh?" Puti raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" Above, the mountaineer asked.

"Teacher, my ranking dropped one place, and I was surpassed by the Demon God of Xu Zhen." Puti was a little helpless.

"Is he the Demon God of False Truth?" Sitting Mountain Guest said, "He is quite accomplished in the soul, and his deduction ability is also good. If you didn't have my help, it would be difficult to keep him behind for so many years."

Although Puti's ranking dropped, the mountaineer didn't pay too much attention.

after all.

His third disciple has appeared.

The third disciple is his hope.

Even if Luo Feng disappoints him in the future this time, he can at least be sure that the Star Tower can successfully recognize its owner.

If one Luo Feng falls, thousands of Luo Feng will stand up.

of course.

It would be better if Luo Feng didn't fall. It would save him time and effort in training new disciples!
  "Hey, the 'Ice Prison' is a good place, Luo Feng, I hope you won't disappoint me." The mountain guest looked into the distance, as if he saw the Wuhua secret realm through layers of space.

at this time.

Luo Feng had already gone deep into the Wuhua Secret Realm for the third metal plate, and the strong men of the special life form "Jikou Clan" were imprisoned in the "Ice Prison".

Ice Prison, as the name suggests, means prison.

The ancient god space, the hall of fantasy, and the secret room space.

"Ho! Roar! Roar~~~"

It's like endless beasts roaring.

The powerful impact of will was like a tidal wave, crushing the will of the Immortal Emperor's clone crazily, approaching his limit.

Sharpening your will under extreme conditions is the most effective.

At this time.

"Almost, almost." The will of the Immortal Emperor's clone was roaring. He could feel that under the extreme pressure at this moment, his will had reached a critical point.

As long as he can break through this critical point, his will will definitely be able to break through.


"Break it for me!"

The Immortal Emperor's clone roared with will. At this moment, he was closer to a breakthrough than ever before.

If you can't break through now, then if you want to have this feeling again, you have to do it next time.

And next time, I don’t know how long it will take.

  What he lacks most now is time.

after all.

Now there is only half a year left before the end of the 'Xuan Yuan Tribulation'.

He can't wait!

"Break it for me, ahhhhhh~" the Immortal Emperor's clone shouted loudly on the bluestone platform.

  boom! ! !
  Like a thunderbolt!
  It’s as if the endless chaotic world instantly evolved into billions of stars and countless living beings in the universe.
  this moment!
  Chen Zong's will was cheering and jumping for joy.

There is a sense of joy in the vastness of the sea, allowing fish to leap high into the sky and letting birds fly. It also feels like the dragon trapped in the shoal finally struggled out of the shoal and flew up to the nine heavens, roaming freely.

On the bluestone platform, the clone of the Immortal Emperor who was sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes. The galaxy vortex in his eyes seemed to have stopped for a moment, and an extremely powerful will burst out from his eyes.

"Hahaha~~~" The Immortal Emperor's clone stood up and laughed heartily.

"My will finally transformed and reached the level of the strongest person in the universe!"

Will is handsome! Consciousness for many generals! Divine power as a soldier!
  The transformation of will is of great benefit to both cultivation and combat.


"With the breakthrough of my will, my speed of deduction and thinking has been greatly improved. I am more confident about surviving this 4000th calamity."

The clone of the Immortal Emperor said happily.


He waved his hand and turned off the will impact, leaving only 2 times the time acceleration.

The Immortal Emperor's clone also joined the team studying the secret pattern diagram.

Heaven and earth chessboard, chessboard space.

"hold head high!"

In the endless starry sky, two divine dragons roared to the sky.

These two dragons, one black and one white, are intertwined with each other like a DNA double helix.

However, the DNA double helix complements each other, but the two dragons are in a hostile state, vowing not to give up until the other is destroyed.


After the black and white divine dragons left a scratch on each other's bodies, they turned into streams of light and flew to both ends of the galaxy.

Outside the Shenlong battlefield.

"Hahaha, my will finally broke through." Chen Zong was overjoyed in his heart.


Chen Zong looked at the chess game.

In his eyes, it was like a mirror reflecting the entire chess game.

I saw.

In the chess game in the mirror world, the black and white pieces fell one after another. Soon after, the white dragon failed.

"It can't be like this." Chen Zong shook his head and continued to deduce.

The mirror chess game in his eyes once again transformed into the current chess game situation in the outside world, and then the chess pieces appeared again.

"It's still wrong." Chen Zong still shook his head.


There was a smile on his face.

Before his will was promoted to the strongest in the universe, he could not make such a clear deduction, but now, it seems as if he is really making a move.

His deduction ability has simply improved several levels!
  He didn't know if the strongest people in the universe could do this, but he didn't care anymore. After all, he wasn't distracted by such meaningless things now.


The deduction ability has improved, but the chess game of this 4000th calamity is too complex and mysterious, and the difficulty of 'resolving the calamity' is still very high.

"Huh?" At this time, Chen Zong noticed that the White Dragon in the galaxy was already at a disadvantage.

"We can't wait any longer, we have to make a move."

From the several deductions just now, Chen Zong chose the best plan.


This so-called best plan still ended in failure, but Chen Zong would definitely not follow this plan. Every step you take is performed several times.

This is the route Chen Zong has set for himself.

Following Chen Zongyi's pointing, dozens of secret patterns appeared on the white three-dimensional secret pattern diagram, greatly increasing its power.

In the galaxy, the white dragon's injuries healed immediately, and at the same time, its size increased several times.


A sunspot dropped from the white-robed figure.

"He indeed landed there." Seeing where the white-robed figure landed, Chen Zong's eyes flashed with joy, and his deduction was correct.

The next few moves were all within his deduction.

"Now this chess piece must not be placed there." Chen Zong looked at the area surrounded by a group of stars in the galaxy.

This is where he made his move in the deduction.

The reason why I chose this place is because of this ‘star position’, which can bring the overall situation into play no matter how you look at it.


In the deduction, when Chen Zong lost a piece, the white-robed figure made a decisive move, causing Chen Zong to lose.

"Hahaha, that's it. This is a 'trap' to lure me into taking the bait." After a while, Chen Zong suddenly laughed loudly, then looked at the white-robed figure and said, "You have been laying it out for so long just because you want to Give me a killing blow."

"How could I be fooled?"

Chen Zong directly placed the chess piece where the white-robed figure wanted to place it.


It's where he figured it out.

After the chess piece fell, the power of the white divine dragon did not increase much, but Chen Zong didn't care. After all, what he wanted was to destroy the layout of the white-robed figure.

At this time.

The figure in white robe stretched out his hand.

"That's not right." Chen Zong's eyelids twitched when he saw where the white-robed figure landed, "How could he get down there?"


Before Chen Zong could recover, his white chess piece 'White Divine Dragon' had been killed by the 'Black Divine Dragon'.

"It turned out to be a double kill!" Chen Zong said helplessly.

He had encountered a double-kill chess game before, and it was extremely difficult to resolve.

Even if the initial moves are different, a double-win game will eventually appear.

There are two ways to resolve the double-kill chess game.

One is to win directly before the 'double winning chess game' is formed, and the other is to forcibly resolve it by relying on super strength.

If possible, naturally choose the first option.

But in most cases, you can only rely on the second option.

Just when Chen Zong was thinking about how to resolve this 'double killing chess game', a golden light fell, and Chen Zong's divine body directly lost 20%.

The power of golden light did not increase with the number of disasters in this 'Xuan Yuan Tribulation'.


A large amount of divine power was transmitted from the World Tree clone to Chen Zong through the coordinate points.

The divine body began to recover, and soon it reached 70%.

The frozen chess game started again.

The game starts again.

The game returned to its original point and solidified again.

"It's so difficult to encounter a double-kill chess game!" Chen Zong sighed, and then began to absorb divine power.

The game begins again.



  Time is starting over and gradually passing by.

"There's still one month left." Chen Zong looked at the countdown on the golden list in the sky. Although time was running out, he was still high-spirited.


He had already suppressed the white-robed figure's 'double winning chess game' by hundreds of moves.

As long as the 'double winning chess game' is formed later, the chance of victory will be greater.

Giant ax mini-universe.

In the starry sky where time is accelerating ten thousand times, the demon dragon clone is still sitting cross-legged.


In front of him, there was no longer a black and white three-dimensional secret pattern, but a secret pattern with black flames.

This black flame is exactly the same as the black flame in the magic dragon's clone's innate secret method "Devil Flame". It burns everything and is accompanied by a powerful will impact.


The impact of will contained in the black flames on the Demon Flame Secret Pattern is much stronger than that of the 'Devil Flame Towering to the Sky'.


This magic flame secret pattern is deduced by the demon dragon clone from the most powerful treasure, the "Original Dragon Ball".


Since the breakthrough of Chen Zong's will, it was enough for the Immortal Emperor's clones to analyze the secret pattern of the chess game. Therefore, the Demon Dragon clone found another way to directly understand the secret pattern in the most powerful treasure.

The secret pattern contained in the most powerful treasure is extremely complex and mysterious.


Before, the demon dragon clone had no ability to comprehend and analyze.

But now, the will has reached the level of the strongest person in the universe, which greatly increases the strength of the demon dragon clone. It already has the ability to analyze the secret pattern of the 'Dragon Ball of Life'.


At present, he has only comprehended a 'Secret Pattern of Demon Flame' from it.

"It's still a little short of it. This 'Demon Flame Secret Pattern' is not in its final form yet." The demon dragon clone looked at the 'Original Dragon Ball' suspended in his hand, then looked at the 'Devil Flame Secret Pattern' and said softly.


"This 'Demon Flame Secret Pattern' is already the ultimate level of the Master of the Universe's fusion secret method. If it can be perfected, it is very likely that it will reach the level of the strongest person's secret method in the universe."


The demon dragon clone continued to study the secret patterns in the 'Original Dragon Ball'.

Two hundred thousand days (more than five hundred years) (twenty days in the outside world) later.


In the starry sky, the black magic flame of the magic flame secret pattern suddenly shot up, burning through the void. Endless time and space flowed in, but it was also burned into nothingness by the magic flame.


An extremely strong will spread from this demonic flame.

"Haha, the secret method of the strongest man in the universe is finally here!" Sensing this will, the demon dragon clone looked delighted.

The magic flame secret pattern has reached the level of the secret method of the strongest person in the universe!
  And very far away.

Juaxe felt this will and turned his head to look over. .

"Hiss! This is the secret method of the strongest person in the universe?" A look of shock appeared on Giant Ax's face, "A venerable person in the universe can actually create the secret method of the strongest person in the universe?"

"How can this be?"

"It's incredible!"

Only a few of his senior brothers and Juaxe knew that Chen Zong was the Master of the Universe.


Maybe we’ll add another teacher, the original ancestor!

"Maybe there is still a chance." Juaxe thought of the 'Xuanyuan Tribulation', but as soon as this idea appeared, he was rejected, "No, it's too late."

"There are only ten days left, it's too late!"

"If we could create this secret technique earlier, we might have a chance."


Greataxe sighed.

Time continues to turn.

Heaven and earth chessboard, chessboard space.

"It's the last day." Venerable Jueguang sighed.

Now, his divine body is less than 50%, and he has no treasure to restore his divine body, so he is naturally eliminated early.

and so.

Venerable Jueguang had long been looking forward to the end of the trial so that he could leave this heartbreaking space.


At this moment, a smile appeared on his face.

"Hahaha, Ancient Lord, it's too late." Venerable Jueguang laughed heartily.

Another chessboard space.

"Well, there are only ten hours left." The machine of the mechanical tribe looked at the countdown, hiding in the black sphere, and showed a smile.

at this time.

He stopped making moves and waited quietly for the countdown to end.

"Ancient Lord, I wonder if you can still crush me and the strongest in the universe in the third stage of the trial?" There was a hint of coldness in the machine's eyes.

Chen Zong's performance has impressed the machine.

But the more this happens, the stronger the machine's murderous intention towards Chen Zong becomes.

He had already hatched a plan in his mind and was just waiting for the trial to be over.

In another chessboard space.

"Countdown, 19, 9, 8" Demon God Xu Zhen looked at the countdown and said with a smile, "The third stage of the trial will be my home court!"

"Ancient Lord, although you are temporarily in the lead, so what?"

"Sooner or later I will overtake you!"

The reason why Demon God Xu Zhen is so confident is that he is now ranked fourth.

His progress can be considered rapid. After all, he is the latest among the strongest in the universe, but he can soar up the list.

and so.

With such progress, Demon God Xu Zhen has full confidence in his own strength.

in all board spaces.

Most of the powerful men, like the Machinery and the Demonic Demon God, stopped making moves and stared at the countdown on the gold list, and at the same time looked at Chen Zong, who was firmly ranked first on the gold list.

"Countdown, 2."

After hearing this, these strong men were ready for the third stage of the trial.


A voice spread across all the chessboard space: "The elite candidate, human Chen Zong, has successfully passed the 4000th calamity. The 'selection trial' is over."

For a time, there were bursts of exclamations in all the chessboard space.


"how is this possible?"

"It's absolutely impossible to go through the 4000th calamity in one year?"

"There's definitely something wrong!"

 Thanks to book friend ‘Hongmeng Tianyuan’ for the 1500 starting coin reward

  (End of this chapter)

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