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Chapter 293 Death of Sirius

Chapter 293 Death of Sirius
  In the vast starry sky.

  A majestic figure shrouded in black flames appeared out of thin air. In the black flames, two rays of scarlet light were faintly revealed. The scarlet light swept the surrounding starry sky, and the extremely powerful pressure crushed into the starry sky, causing the starry sky to tremble.

Those stars embedded in the starry sky that exuded the luster of gems were trembling even more, as if they were about to explode.

And the next moment.

The pressure that made Xingkong surrender suddenly disappeared.

"Well, ahead is the Wuhua Secret Realm." The figure in the black flame said softly.

This figure is the demon dragon's clone.

Originally, the demonic flames burning on the demonic dragon's clone were only in a few places such as the dragon's tail and horns.


Just when his will broke through to the will of the strongest man in the universe, the demonic flames on his body spread throughout his body.

At this time, this magic flame is still exuding super strong will impact.

And this impact of will is like the innateness of the demon dragon clone, and it is not something he deliberately releases.

The reason for this is all because of the secret technique of will, the ‘Shen Illusion Art’.

After cultivating the secret art of will, the 'Magic Magic Art', every divine power in Chen Zong's body is shrouded in 'golden magical mountains'.

And this ‘Golden Magical Mountain’ was condensed from his will.

In other words, Chen Zong's will has penetrated into the life imprint of every ounce of divine power and merged with the divine body.

The will of a normal strong person is like a rootless tree. Once it falls, even if the divine body remains, the divine body will not produce a terrible impact on the will.

And if the will is integrated with the divine body, then the will is like having a 'root'.

A strong person with a "root" of will, even if he stands there and does not use the secret technique of will, his divine body can still emit a super strong impact of will. The impact of will seems to have become something similar to instinct.

  Even if he dies, a drop of his blood, a hair, or a tooth will contain super strong will!
  Moreover, only when the will has a "root" can the secret technique of will be performed. This is a prerequisite for the use of all will-type secret techniques.

"Well, the system task of killing the Lord of the Universe alone has not been completed yet. The Lord of Sirius should also come to the Ice Prison Star this time, which is an opportunity." The demon dragon clone thought, "It seems that I have to hide first stand up."

"Wait until the Lord of Heavenly Wolf leaves the Heavenly Wolf Palace and wait for an opportunity to kill him!"

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf is not very powerful, but if it hides in the high-level flying palace-type treasure ‘Sirius Palace’, it will be difficult for Chen Zong to kill it.

Thinking of this, the demon dragon clone restrained the impact of will on his body.

Even if the impact of will emitted by instinct is natural, if the demon dragon clone is willing, it can be completely restrained and will not affect others.

Under normal circumstances, all of Chen Zong's clones would restrain their will to attack.


The demon dragon clone took a step forward, leaving a space ripple in the starry sky, and entered the Wuhua Secret Realm, hidden on the periphery of the Ice Prison Star Belt.

Virtual universe, ancient god world, ancient temple.

"Teacher, I have successfully traded with Sirius Sibwa and obtained the Beast God's inheritance order." In the main hall, Luo Feng said, "But after obtaining the order, I found that this Beast God's inheritance order is 'Earth, Space' 'The way of the beast god, not the 'gold, space' way of the beast god that I followed."

"It doesn't matter." Chen Zong smiled and said, "There are still a few Beast God inheritance orders in our human race, and among them is the 'Gold and Space' Beast God inheritance order."

"You can use the Beast God's Inheritance Token in your hand to exchange for the Beast God's Inheritance Token that you need."


"I don't advise you to do this."

"Teacher, why is this?" Luo Feng had a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Your other teacher, 'King Zhenyan', actually practices the way of the beast god, and it happens to be the way of the beast god of 'earth and space'." Chen Zong said.


"His talent is not as good as the Seven Swords King, let alone you, so the tribe did not grant him the Beast God inheritance order."

"With his strength, it is quite difficult to break through and become the Lord of the Universe, to be honest. And it is even more difficult for him to find a Beast God inheritance order in the vast universe."

"If you give this Beast God inheritance order directly to your teacher."

"It is a great opportunity for him to go to the place of inheritance. He is likely to take this opportunity to break through and become the Lord of the Universe."

"Teacher, I am willing to give this Beast God inheritance order to Teacher Zhenyan King." Luo Feng did not hesitate at all.

Teacher Zhenyan Wang treats me like a parent, how can I not repay him?

Luo Feng is confident that his talent is stronger than that of the Seven Swords King. The Seven Swords Kings can all obtain the Beast God inheritance order from the clan. There is no reason why he cannot obtain it.

However, it may take immortality to obtain it.

"Okay." Chen Zong smiled and nodded, "By the way, my master is coming to the Ice Prison Star Belt now. If you have something to do in the Ice Prison, do it as soon as possible."

"Yes, teacher!" Luo Feng said in surprise.

I can finally leave this ice prison!

Wuhua Secret Realm, Ice Prison Star Belt.

In the outer void, the demon dragon clone was waiting quietly.

"Huh? Here we come!" The demon dragon clone sensed the changes in the void. Sure enough, the next moment, he saw the Lord of Sirius driving the Sirius Palace to the Ice Prison Star Belt.

at this time.

The core area of ​​the Ice Prison Star Belt.

A snow-white wolf came out of the ice prison and rolled in the starry sky before standing still.

"What's going on?" Snow White Wolf's green eyes showed doubts.

It immediately glanced around and saw the Sirius Palace bathed in flames, as well as the majestic black Sirius figure full of endless pressure, and it suddenly showed a look of disbelief.

"Leader." Sirius Sibwar knelt down, extremely excited.

It never expected that the person who came to rescue it would be the legendary leader of the Sirius clan!

What an honor it is for the leader to pick him up!
  "Qing Yankou, our Tianlang clan has reached the level of invincible kingship. With this talent, you still imprison us? Do you want to challenge the majesty of our Tianlang clan?" The Lord of Tianlang's voice rumbled, and he looked at Qing Yan with his eyes. Kou.


boom! ! !
  An invisible impact swept through Lord Qingyukou, causing him to fly backwards like a meteor. Most of his divine body was broken into pieces, and then condensed again.

"Lord of the Heavenly Wolf." Venerable Zi Yankou shouted.

"Don't worry, because of you, I won't really hurt him." Lord Tianlang's anger dissipated, "It's just a small punishment."

This Venerable Zi Yankou is a divine general of the Ancestral God Sect, so the Lord of Heavenly Wolf will still give him some face.

"Don't ever have a next time." The Lord of Heavenly Wolf glanced at Venerable Zi Yin Kou and Qing Yin Kou coldly, and then left.

At this time.

The white Sirius Sibwa knelt down respectfully and said, "Chief, there is a human in that ice prison, and that human possesses the inheritance order of the beast god."

He did not dare to say that the Beast God inheritance order was given to humans by him, for fear of arousing the anger of the leader.

"Inheritance Order of the Beast God?" Lord Tianlang immediately looked at Venerable Zi Yankou.

"There is still a human being imprisoned in your ice prison. Let him go and I will take him away." The Lord of Heavenly Wolf said. It is so worth it to be able to get a copy of the Beast God's inheritance order in just one sentence.

after all.

The Beast God inheritance order is also a restricted resource for a group of people, and its quantity is extremely rare.

"Humans?" Venerable Zi Yin Kou and Venerable Qing Yin Kou looked at each other. No, we are in big trouble!
  "There are no humans." Venerable Zi Yankou shook his head.

They had contacted the Mountain Guest and knew that the human being was the disciple that the Mountain Guest wanted to cultivate, so how could they hand it over.

However, they can't defeat the Lord of Sirius, so what should they do?


"I think it's better to contact Mountain Guest as soon as possible. If he can come, the Lord of Heavenly Wolf will have no choice but to leave in despair." Venerable Qing Yin Kou sent a message to Venerable Zi Yin Kou.

Although sending a message to the mountain guest would offend the Lord of Heavenly Wolf, if you didn't send the message, you might offend the mountain guest.

They can still live if they offend the Lord of Sirius. Even the Ancestral God Sect cannot protect them if they offend the Mountain Guests.


Naturally, they would rather offend Lord Sirius than offend Mountain Guest.

"You dare to say not!" The voice of Lord Sirius exploded suddenly, causing the surrounding space and time to vibrate. The space was shaking and twisting like sea water. "You forgot that my tribe just came out. Of course you know that there is a human inside."

"Indeed not, the little guy must have remembered it wrong." Venerable Zi Yankou said.

He still had to buy time to wait for the mountain rider to arrive.

"Huh? Who is this human being? It seems to have quite an origin." The Lord of Sirius stood in front of the majestic palace, overlooking the two venerables, "Could it be that a certain super being from the human race has made an agreement with you? So you two would rather disobey me? Haha, of course I will destroy the good things of the human race!"

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf remembered that in the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' and the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', not only did their demon race not take advantage, but they also suffered huge losses, and he became angry.

But now, being able to destroy good things for human beings and release anger will naturally make it happy.

"Hand over humans! No matter how big his background is, even if he is a disciple valued by the founder of the giant axe, as long as he is from the human race, we, the demon clan, will naturally have nothing to fear." The eyes of Lord Sirius flickered fiercely, "If you don't hand over , then I can only take it."

At this time.

"Huh? The Mountain Guest actually asked us to hand over the human being, and not to expose the relationship between the Mountain Guest and the human being?" After receiving the reply from the Mountain Guest, the Venerable Zi Yankou was very confused. Handing over the human being, isn't this right? Let humans die?

Is this considered a part of training and cultivating disciples?
  How can anyone train disciples like this? Unless you feel that this disciple does not meet expectations and want to deal with it with the help of Lord Tianlang!
  If you are not dissatisfied with this disciple, but use death to temper the disciple.
  That mountain rider is simply crazy!
  "Since the mountain guest has said so, why should we resist?" The two venerables looked at each other.

"Okay." Venerable Zi Yankou nodded, "Let's let it go."

  Another figure came out of the ice prison, it was Luo Feng.

Luo Feng kept rolling in the starry sky, then spread his wings and stabilized his divine body.

"The teacher should have arrived." Luo Feng secretly guessed, and at the same time looked around, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Not a teacher?

Didn’t the teacher mention it?

Why aren't you here?


Is the aura of the black Sirius the lord of the universe?
  high in the sky.

"Your origin seems to be unusual." The Lord of Heavenly Wolf looked down at Luo Feng with a cold and dismissive look, "It's a pity that you have to die, and the human race will never resurrect you."

Luo Feng's expression changed.

at this time.

Outside the ice prison belt.

"The time has come!" Seeing the Lord of Heavenly Wolf taking action to kill Luo Feng, the eyes of the demon dragon clone lit up.

Under normal circumstances, due to limited energy, the defense is at its weakest when attacking.

This is the opportunity that the demon dragon clone has been waiting for a long time.

"The virtual god is destroyed!"


The will has reached the level of the strongest person in the universe, and the will-like secret method 'Void God Nirvana' used by the demon dragon clone is much more powerful than when he fought against the Lord of the Birds in the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm'.

An unparalleled impact of will crossed time and space and rushed directly into the consciousness of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf.

This will impact has completely reached the top level of the sixth level.

The Lord of the Heavenly Wolf is just a second-level universe master with extremely average strength. Now that he is without the protection of the Heavenly Wolf Palace, he is even weaker.

Sixth level versus second level, crushing!

Just hear.


The originally indifferent face of Lord Sirius suddenly became extremely distorted, and then let out a scream that resounded through the starry sky, and the breath of life suddenly disappeared.

The ice prison star belt, the time and space controlled by the Lord of Sirius, now returns to its original appearance.


In this starry sky.

Whether it was Venerable Qing Yin Kou, Venerable Zi Yin Kou, Luo Feng, or Bai Tianlang, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them.

In front of them, the Lord of Sirius, who was originally aloof and dominated everything, fell down at this moment and was suspended motionless in the starry sky.

The Heavenly Wolf Palace, which was burning with flames, also put away its flames at this moment, floating quietly in the starry sky.


The Lord of Sirius is dead?

Did the majestic Lord of the Universe die so easily?

What happened?
  A series of questions echoed in their minds.

"Could it be that the teacher is here?" Luo Feng thought immediately, and was shocked by the teacher's strength.

Killing an alien universe lord without even showing his face?
  The teacher is too strong!
  "The leader is dead? The leader is dead? How is this possible?" Snow White Wolf was horrified.

The Lord of Sirius is the Optimus Pillar of their Sirius clan and the majestic Lord of the Universe. How could he die like this?
  Do not!
  If the Master of the Universe dies, he can still be resurrected.

But when the Lord of the Universe dies, he dies forever.

The Sirius clan is finished!

"Ouch!" Snow White Wolf raised his head and roared.

"It was me who killed the leader. If I hadn't asked for help, the leader wouldn't have come here. If the leader hadn't come here, the leader wouldn't have died. If the leader didn't die, the Sirius clan wouldn't have lost its pillar."

Snow White Wolf's green eyes were extremely frightened at this moment.

It wanted to escape, but it couldn't move forward, as if it was imprisoned in the starry sky.

But in fact, it is free.

It's just that due to excessive fright, the brain can no longer control the body.

As for the Venerable Qing Yin Kou and the Venerable Zi Yin Kou, they were even more shocked at this moment because they were stronger.

They are well aware of the power of Lord Sirius.

But now.
  The Lord of Sirius died in their Wuhua Secret Realm and in their Ice Prison Star Belt without any explanation.

  Their eyes met.

"The Mountain Guest? Yes, the Mountain Guest has unfathomable strength and has many tricks. It was definitely the Mountain Guest who took action."

"Let's just say, you train your disciples, how can you let them die?"

"No wonder the mountain guest asked us to release humans before. It turns out he is around."

"But just now, seeing that the Lord of Heavenly Wolf wanted to kill humans, Mountain Guest secretly took action to kill the Lord of Heavenly Wolf."

not good!

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf dies here, even if it is the mountain guest who takes action, the demon clan will definitely spread its anger on the Kou clan.

Sishanke, Sishanke, we help you train and train your disciples, but you harm us like this!

At this time.

The majestic dragon figure of the demon dragon clone stepped forward from the void and landed next to the body of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf.

A wave.

The corpses of the Heavenly Wolf Palace and the Lord of Heavenly Wolf were collected by him.

"Teacher!" Luo Feng said in surprise when he saw the demon dragon clone.

"The Ancient Lord! It turned out to be the Ancient Lord!" Venerable Qing Yin Kou and Venerable Zi Yin Kou felt like they were dreaming!
  (End of this chapter)

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