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Chapter 294 I won’t take the blame!

Chapter 294 I won’t take the blame!
  The distant territory of the demon clan is in the virtual world shrouded in the secret realm of Mengzu.

There is a plane within the virtual world.

In an endless mountain range shrouded in clouds and mist, a large silver snake is entangled on a high throne. Under its throne are other powerful monster masters of the universe.

The Lord of Sirius is also among them.

at this time.

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf showed a look of horror, and then disappeared into the virtual world.

"Huh? What's going on?" On the throne, Dream Demon Ancestor looked at the place where Lord Sirius disappeared, showing a trace of doubt.

The other monster universe masters looked at each other and shook their heads.

They are also puzzled.

Under normal circumstances, they will not exit the virtual world. Even if they want to exit, they will not exit without saying a word.


The horrified look on Lord Tianlang's face before he disappeared made the Dream Demon Ancestor feel bad.

It immediately checked the incarnation of the divine power of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf that was left in the secret territory of Mengzu.

"Disappeared!" Dream Demon Ancestor was shocked.

Dream Demon Ancestor knows that the divine clone left here by the Lord of Heavenly Wolf is absolutely impossible to disperse unless the Lord of Heavenly Wolf dies.

Is Sirius really dead?

  Sirius owns the Sirius Palace and has always stayed in the original universe. Even if the strongest person in the universe wants to kill Sirius, it will take a lot of effort.

And with this time buffer, it is impossible for Sirius to be too late to ask for help!

It will never disappear like it is now.

Thinking of this, the Dream Demon Ancestor immediately began to send orders through the virtual world to the Universe Lord of the Sirius Clan and the disciples of the Lord of Sirius.

after all.

The cosmic sages of the Sirius clan and the disciples of the Lord of Sirius usually carry tokens given by the Lord of Sirius.


Dream Demon Ancestor received the reply.

"Demon Ancestor, the token left by my teacher has become ownerless. Teacher, teacher, he is dead!"

"Demon Ancestor, the leader has fallen!"

The replies one after another all prove one thing, that is, the Lord of Heavenly Wolf has really fallen.

This news made the Dream Demon Ancestor breathless.

Shocked and angry!
  The other monster universe masters under the throne immediately discovered the state of the Dream Demon Ancestor.

"Teacher, what happened?" the Lord of Forbidden Destruction asked.

"Sirius has fallen!" Dream Demon Ancestor's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The words of the Dream Demon Ancestor shocked the masters of the Demon Clan Universe present.

"What? Sirius has fallen?"

"How can this be?"

"Sirius has been staying in the territory of our demon clan, and there is also the Sirius Palace. Who dares to enter the territory of our demon clan, and even kill Sirius silently?"

"The tokens left by Sirius have become ownerless and must have perished." The Dream Demon Ancestor also didn't believe it, but when the facts were in front of him, it had no choice but to believe it.

At this time.

Another message came.

"Huh? In order to receive a letter from Wang Wudi's descendant, Sirius went to the Wuhua Secret Realm?" Dream Demon Ancestor's face was as cold as frost, "Did Sirius die there?"

"Wuhua Secret Realm, what kind of place is this? Who among you knows?"

There are countless secrets in the original universe, and even if it is the strongest person in the universe, it is impossible to know them all.

"The Wuhua Secret Realm is a small secret realm, which is extremely far away from the territory of our demon clan. The people who occupy this secret realm are the special beings 'Jikou Clan'. There are two powerful people in this Jikou Clan, the Venerable Qing Jikou and Zi Yan. Lord Kou." The Lord of the Bird Universe said.

"The strongest Venerable Zi Yankou is the divine general of the Ancestral God Sect."

"With their strength, it is impossible for them to be Tianlang's opponent."

"I think Sirius should have died somewhere else."

"Tell me the location of the Wuhua Secret Realm, and I'll go check it out." The Dream Demon Ancestor looked at the Lord of the Bird Universe. This is the only place where there may be clues. Can it let it go?

"Yes!" The Lord of the Bird Universe responded.


In Mengzu's secret realm, a silver snake covered the void and then disappeared into the secret realm.

Wuhua Secret Realm, Ice Prison Star Belt.

The demonic dragon's clone's nearly 100,000-kilometer-long divine body suppresses the entire Ice Prison Star Belt.

  The person who killed the Lord of Heavenly Wolf was actually not the Mountain Guest, but the Ancient Lord.

Venerable Qing Yin Kou and Venerable Zi Yin Kou looked at each other and saw the look of disbelief in each other's eyes.

Isn't the Ancient Lord a new Lord of the Universe?
  How could he kill the Lord of Sirius?
  And it’s still an instant kill?

Venerable Qing Yin Kou and Venerable Zi Yin Kou, their impressions of Chen Zong still remain as the newly promoted Lord of the Universe, the Ancient God Lord of the Ancestral God Sect, and the Lord of the Universe Kingdom of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom.

  The fact that Chen Zong blocked a group of the strongest people in the universe has not been spread yet because it just ended not long ago.

and so.

Naturally, the two of them didn't know that Chen Zong already had the sixth level of top combat power.

What confused them even more was why the Ancient Lord appeared here and took action against the Lord of Sirius?
  Is it for the immortality of that human being?
  Hmm. That's right.

If Sibwa can invite the Lord of Heavenly Wolf, then this human immortal talent is not weaker than Sibwa, so it is not impossible to invite the Ancient Lord.

Before, Luo Feng called the Demon Dragon Clone Teacher through sound transmission, so the two of them did not know the relationship between the Demon Dragon Clone and Luo Feng.

Although they didn't know the reason, Venerable Qing Yin Kou and Venerable Zi Yin Kou did not dare to neglect: "The Ancient Lord (the Ancient God Lord)!"

"Zi Yin Kou, seeing that you are also a member of the Ancestral God Sect, let me give you a piece of advice." The demon dragon clone looked at Venerable Zi Yin Kou and said, "Quickly move the tribe to other places, otherwise, the strong demon clan will Come, you may not escape death."

"of course."

"It's also possible that the strong demon clan won't take action against you."

"How you decide is up to you."

The demon dragon clone knows that the death of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf will definitely cause an internal shock in the demon clan, and they will definitely find out the cause of the death of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf.

As for the whereabouts of Lord Tianlang before his death, the demon clan naturally knew it.

Either send other universe masters to investigate, or the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Shock Demon Ancestor come in person.

But whether they are the Lord of the Universe or the Demon Ancestor, Venerable Zi Yin Kou and Venerable Qing Yin Kou are no match.

As for staying to help them?

how can that be!

Venerable Zi Yin Kou and Qing Yin Kou imprisoned Luo Feng. Although it was the arrangement of the mountain guest, this could be regarded as ignoring the strength of the human race.

It's good enough that the demon dragon clone doesn't blame them, so how could he still help them?


The demon dragon clone waved and pulled Luo Feng in front of him.

"That snow white wolf, how do you feel?" The demon dragon clone looked at Luo Feng and smiled.

"Not bad!" Luo Feng nodded.

"Well, you will take me as my soul slave." The demon dragon clone looked at Snow White Wolf. Suddenly, Snow White Wolf fell directly into the illusion and fell into a coma.

Luo Feng's eyes lit up, and without hesitation, he directly used the soul enslavement method.

An invincible King-level Sirius slave, don’t give it up for free!


This Sirius almost killed himself.

How can you let it go so easily?

Now I can enslave it and relieve it naturally.

"I've met the master!" After the enslavement was successful, Sibuwa immediately kneeled on the ground respectfully and saluted Luo Feng.

Luo Feng nodded, and then put Si Buwa into the world ring.

"Let's go!" Immediately, the demon dragon clone took Luo Feng out of the Ice Prison Star Belt and left the Wuhua Secret Realm. Only the Venerable Zi Yin Kou and the Venerable Qing Yin Kou are left here.

"What should we do now?" asked Venerable Qing Yankou.

"Just now, I have sent the news of the death of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf to the mountain guest. I will wait for his reply first. If he can come over, we will not have to move." Venerable Zi Yankou said.

In the star field not too far from Wuhua Secret Realm.

A blue planet. There is no continent on the surface of this planet, only a small island. It is almost a water world.

On the small island.

A towering figure with a transparent horn on its head sits cross-legged, it is the mountain guest.

prior to.

The mountain guest received the message from Venerable Kou and rushed over.

Although he told Luo Feng that he didn't care about his disciple's life or death, he actually did care.

Otherwise, there would be no need for him to refine the robbery armor.

In addition, now, his third disciple Luo Feng is also a disciple of the Ancient Lord.

This gave Sishanke more ideas.

Moreover, in his opinion, the Ancient Lord's talent and strength, as well as the opportunities that he envied, meant that his future achievements would be limitless.

Even if he fails to train a disciple, if he can establish a good relationship with the Ancient Lord, he may have one more god-king-level friend.

When the time comes, he will have one more helper when he fights against the three monarchs of the Shi Kingdom.

and so.

In his eyes, Luo Feng's value became even higher.

after all.

Luo Feng can serve as a link between him and the Ancient Lord.

However, when he came here, he found the demon dragon clone hidden outside the Ice Prison Star Belt, so he sent a message to Venerable Zi Yankou, asking them to release Luo Feng, while he himself was outside the Wuhua Secret Territory Find a foothold in the starry sky.

at this time.

"The Lord of Heavenly Wolf is dead? And he was killed by his soul?" After looking at the token in his hand, Sitting Mountain Guest was a little surprised.

"It seems."

"The Ancient Lord is hiding very deep!"

"However, the stronger he is, the better it will be for me."

The mountain guest looked towards Wuhua Secret Realm and felt the demon dragon's clone leave.


He shook his head, stood up, and stepped out into the Wuhua Secret Realm.

Venerable Zi Yankou and Venerable Qing Yankou trained Luo Feng according to his wishes. Now if something happens, Sishanke will naturally not ignore it.

Ice Hell Star Belt.

The figure of the mountain guest appeared out of thin air.

"I've seen the mountain guest!" Upon seeing the mountain guest, Venerable Zi Yin Kou and Qing Yin Kou were overjoyed and saluted respectfully.

"Yes." Mountain Guest nodded slightly.

At this time.

Another powerful pressure came, and then a silver snake enveloped the starry sky.

"It turns out it's you, Mountain Guest." Dream Demon Ancestor said angrily, "When has the Lord of Heavenly Wolf ever offended you and you wanted to kill him?"

If it were a human giant axe, or the Queen of the Zerg Race, or the Father God of the Mechanical Race, who killed Sirius, then the Dream Demon Ancestor would not be so surprised.

after all.

The hatred between the four major ethnic groups is as deep as the sea.

But Mountain Guest, the demon clan thinks that they have never offended Mountain Guest. Why would Mountain Guest kill Sirius?

"Dream Demon Ancestor, you may have misunderstood me." Mountain Guest shook his head and said, "It was not me who killed the Lord of Heavenly Wolf, but the Ancient Lord of Humanity."

"Do not believe?"

"You can go back in time and see!"

Naturally, Mountain Guest is not willing to take the blame for the Ancient Master.

There is another main reason why he is willing to come here to face the strongest person in the monster universe who may appear, and that is. He was not the one who killed the Lord of Heavenly Wolf.

"Huh?" Dream Demon Ancestor was startled when he heard the mountain guest's words.

Could it be that there was a misunderstanding?

"Okay." The Dream Demon Ancestor also didn't want to be a mountain guest. After all, the mountain guest is one of the most difficult to deal with and one of the strongest people in the universe.

After a while.

The Ice Hell Star Belt, which was already extremely cold, became even colder now.

This air-conditioning comes entirely from that big silver snake in the starry sky.

"The Ancient Lord!" Dream Demon Ancestor gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with cold murderous intent, "I will definitely kill you!"


Dream Demon Ancestor looked at Venerable Zi Yin Kou and Qing Yin Kou, his eyes also filled with murderous intent.

These two venerable men were completely the culprits in its eyes.

after all.

If it weren't for these two juniors who imprisoned Sirius, Sirius wouldn't have come here, and if he didn't come here, he wouldn't have been tricked to death by the Ancient Lord.

At this time.

The mountain guest waved his hand to disperse the murderous intention that enveloped the Venerable Zi Yin Kou and the Venerable Qing Yin Kou.

"Dream Demon Ancestor, it was the Ancient Lord who killed the Lord of Heavenly Wolf, and it had nothing to do with them." Sitting Mountain Guest said, "There are grievances and debtors. Instead of going to the Ancient Lord, you are spreading your grievances on them. I can't just sit back and watch this happen."

"Sitting Mountain Guest, are you tired of being a lone traveler and planning to form a force?" Dream Demon Ancestor looked at Mountain Guest coldly.

"I'm used to being a loner, so naturally I won't be able to form a force." Sitting Mountain Guest shook his head.


"They're old to me."

"If you want to take action against them regardless of your identity, then I will only have a few fights with you."

The mountain guest looked at the Dream Demon Ancestor with a smile.

"Damn the mountain guest." Dream Demon Ancestor cursed in his heart, but he also knew that it was extremely unwise to provoke the mountain guest.

It's a good thing that he didn't offend the mountain guest, and now it's just the Lord of Heavenly Wolf who is dead.

And if the mountain guest is provoked, then in the cosmic sea, with the madness of the mountain guest, the master of the universe of their demon clan is likely to die more.

"Hmph!" The Dream Demon Ancestor snorted, turned around and left, disappearing into the Ice Prison Star Belt.

"Okay, it's time for me to leave." After saying this, the Mountain Guest also left here.

Watching the two strongest men in the universe leaving.

Venerable Zi Yankou and Venerable Qing Yankou breathed a sigh of relief.

This level has been passed!

The ancient Chaos City is as peaceful as it has been for hundreds of millions of years.

Three purple-clothed envoys walked on the street and soon arrived in front of Prince Zhenyan's residence.

"It's the purple-robed messenger from the City Lord's Mansion."

"The messenger in purple is here."

Some of the registered disciples in Prince Zhenyan's residence were secretly surprised when they saw this. The most common messengers in the city lord's residence were black-robed messengers, while purple-robed messengers were rare. It seemed that it was no small matter to come to Prince Zhenyan's mansion.

"Quick, call the teacher immediately."

"Tongzhen teacher."

After a while, King Zhenyan came out to greet him in person and waited outside the entrance hall of the reception hall. He was also full of doubts: "Three purple-robed envoys from the City Lord's Mansion came at once. Even if something happens, a black-robed envoy is usually sent to convey the order immediately. But. What’s the matter with the three messengers in purple?”

"King Zhenyan." The tall purple-clothed envoy at the head smiled, "Congratulations."

"Congratulations, congratulations." The other two messengers in purple also smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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