Chapter 299 Layout
  The cosmic sea.

A void is filled with endless chaotic airflows. These chaotic airflows do not deliberately attack, but the pressure they naturally emit is enough to wipe out an immortal god.

The oppression is so strong that it is simply appalling.

In addition to the chaotic airflow, there are a total of 39 twisted space openings around this void. These space openings are all natural wormholes.

at this time.

In the chaotic airflow around the 39 natural wormholes, there is a six-armed giant made of countless hexagonal blue ice crystals. There are two long tentacles on the top of his head, and two more long tentacles on the ends of the tentacles. A ball with blue light, behind it is a scorpion tail with thousands of knots, and the surface of the blue hook of the scorpion tail glows with a frightening cold light.

"These 39 natural wormholes have different hole sizes and different distances. They lead to dangerous places in the cosmic sea." The six-armed giant hidden in the chaotic air flow only stared at the natural wormhole area, "Then If the 'Ancient Lord' comes out of Toa's black hole and heads to the cosmic sea, he must pass through here."

"As long as I stay here."

"Not only can we see whether the 'Ancient Lord' comes to the Cosmic Sea, but we can also see which wormhole he enters and which area of ​​the Cosmic Sea he goes to."


"It's a pity that Teacher, Demon Zhenzu and the others are busy, so they can't wait here for a long time like me to wait for the appearance of the 'Ancient Lord'."

"Otherwise, the 'Ancient Lord' will definitely die here!"



"Lord of the Ancients, you kill my life-and-death brother, the Lord of Heavenly Wolf. Although I, Guifeng, cannot kill you directly, I don't necessarily have to rely on strength to kill you."

The eyes of the six-armed scorpion-tailed giant Lord of the Wind were full of anger and murderous intent.

At this time.

"Huh? There's something moving!" The Lord of the Wind suddenly felt something and looked at a certain location in front of the natural wormhole.


A figure appeared there out of thin air.

"Lord of Yuan'ao?" Seeing the person coming, the Lord of Guilefeng suddenly lost his expectations and couldn't help but spat, "Bah, why is this such a terrible thing?"

He didn't have any serious feud with the Lord of Yuan'ao, but he had some feuds.

Once, he competed with the Lord of Huyi from the second reincarnation era for a newly born high-level treasure. When he was about to win, the Lord of Yuan'ao intervened, causing the high-level treasure to be taken away by the Lord of Huyi.

This issue
  He usually doesn't take it to heart, but whenever he sees the Lord of Yuan Ao, he can't help but think of it.

It's so bad!

"What is he doing?"

The Lord of the Wind discovered that the Lord of Yuan'ao did not enter any natural wormhole, but entered the surrounding chaotic airflow, and then it could not sense the figure of the Lord of Yuan'ao.

"Could it be that he discovered another route in the surrounding area?"

The Lord of Strange Wind was a little surprised.

For example, the other ends of these 39 natural wormholes have long been explored by powerful men from all major forces. Even if there are good things, they have been taken away long ago.

And if new routes can be discovered, then there may be many new gains.


It is not impossible to obtain the most powerful treasure!
  He had only heard of it a few times!
  "Would you like to follow us and have a look?" The Lord of the Wind hesitated.


The Lord of Strange Wind raised his steps and was about to step out.

"Forget it." He shook his head, "I don't have a map, so I definitely won't be able to catch up with the Lord of Yuan'ao. Moreover, there may not be good things on the new route. Maybe death?"

"It's better to wait here for the 'Ancient Lord'!"

the other side.

"I must complete the master's order." Lord Yuan'ao also stared at the 39 natural wormhole areas, thinking in his heart, "Just wait here for the appearance of the 'Ancient Lord'."

Ancient mysterious realm, Nine Star Continent, ancient imperial city.

In the temple square where three fixed space passages were built, there was movement in the fixed space passages leading to the earth.


A figure wearing purple-black rattan armor walked out of the space passage.

"I have met His Highness Hong." The guards guarding the temple square saluted respectfully towards the figure.

"Yes." Hong smiled and nodded, then flew into the air and flew towards the outside of the ancient imperial city.

Inside the city.

"Who dares to fly in the ancient imperial city? Huh? The Imperial City Guards didn't step forward to capture it?" On the street, a young man with golden fish scales on both sides of his cheeks asked in surprise.

"Star level?" Next to him, a domain master level ape-man glanced at the young man and said with a smile, "You should be the new batch of Universe Kingdom geniuses who arrived a few days ago. No wonder I don't know His Highness Hong."

In the years since the founding of the Ancient God's Universe Kingdom, the humans of the Kingdom of God who have migrated to the territory of the starry sky have reproduced for at least a hundred generations.

Nature has also given birth to some geniuses.

The Ancient God Cosmos Kingdom, like the Ganwu Cosmos Kingdom and other cosmic nations, recruits geniuses born in the Cosmos Country.

Those geniuses, after selection and assessment, those who meet the conditions can become the core disciples of the ancient mysterious realm.


If the talent meets the requirements of the five major forces, they will be poached by the five major forces.

of course.

This was also tacitly approved by Chen Zong.

after all.

Without his acquiescence, the Lord of the Universe second only to the giant axe, the five major forces would not have come to poach the ancient mysterious realm.

"I've met my senior. I'm indeed new here. I don't know much about the situation in the ancient imperial city yet." After hearing the response, the young man turned around and saw the ape-man. He bowed respectfully and said, "Senior, please give me some advice."

"Well, this isn't a secret, so I'll tell you about it," the ape-man said.

"In our Ancient God Universe, His Majesty the Ancient Emperor has 18 princes, 3 disciples, and 26 grandsons, and His Highness Hong just now is the eldest disciple of His Majesty the Ancient Emperor, 'Hong'."


"His Royal Highness Hong, he is also the Realm Lord-level core disciple of the Taichu Secret Realm of Virtual Universe Company."

"Not only His Highness Hong, but also any other Highness, they are like dragons and phoenixes among men. They are not comparable to you or me."


"As far as your highnesses are concerned, among the rules of this ancient imperial city, except that you can't do anything, there are no other restrictions."

The young man's body trembled slightly as he listened to the ape-man domain lord's words, and his eyes showed excitement.

"I must become the disciple of His Majesty the Ancient Emperor!" the young man swore in his heart.

And the ape-man domain lord saw the young man's excited look and smiled on his face. How could he not know what the young man was thinking?
  after all.

He was like this back then!

Over the years, he has also recognized his talent, which is the level of a three-star core disciple of the ancient mysterious realm. He cannot even reach the five-star level, let alone become a disciple of His Majesty the Ancient Emperor?

The core disciples of the Ancient Mysterious Realm are different from the way Virtual Universe Company divides the major secret realms, and are judged by star ratings.

Depending on the level of talent, the core disciple's status is as low as one star and as high as five stars.

The higher the star rating, the more resources you will get.

And at this time.

Hong has arrived at the Ancient Emperor's Palace.

Inside the ancient palace.

"Disciple has met the teacher." Hong saluted respectfully to Chen Zong's divine clone on the throne.

"Hong, I didn't come here with your second junior brother. I guess you are already a black warrior, right?" The divine clone looked at Hong with a smile.

"Hey, teacher, you have a sharp eye!" Hong smiled.

"Okay, very good." The divine clone nodded, "In that case, then you should also participate in the 'Sacred World Trial'."


"One thing you must remember is that you absolutely cannot advance to immortality in the 'Holy Realm', otherwise you will never think of it again."

After advancing to immortality in the ancient holy world, when the body transforms into a divine body, it uses the origin of the holy world.

Being marked with traces of the Holy World's origins, one is considered a member of the Holy World.

Once the life in the holy world enters the original universe, there is only one end, and that is death.

"Yes, disciple, please remember this!" Hong nodded seriously.

"Are you ready?" the divine clone asked.

"Always be ready!" Hong waved the back of his right hand, and a pure black spear suddenly appeared in his hand. "Okay!" The divine clone raised his hand, and a space vortex suddenly formed where Hong was, swallowing Hong in, and then the space vortex dissipated.

The third floor of the ancient temple, the ancient sacred world.

A huge city exuding an ancient atmosphere, like a ferocious beast, lies on the endless wilderness.

This city is extremely prosperous and lively.

There are all kinds of stores on both sides of the wide street, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going on the street.

There were warriors who rode strange beasts and wore animal skins and entered the Spirit Beast Pavilion. There were also spiritual masters who stepped on telepathic weapons and flew into the weapon refining workshop. There were also people who entered restaurants and teahouses.
  The business atmosphere is strong.

And tens of thousands of kilometers away from this bustling place, there is a secluded and elegant courtyard.

In the courtyard.

In the waterside pavilion.

"After working hard for so long, we finally bought a courtyard in this 'Tianque City', and we will have a place to stay in the future." Chen Gusi said with a smile.

"Yes. In this chaotic place where no one cares, only the giant city is safe." Chen Guyan sighed, "Once you leave the giant city, danger is everywhere and may come at any time."

Others nodded in agreement.

"Moreover, there have been several battles." Chen Gusi said, "Our opponents are also world lords, but we can't do anything about them for the time being."

"It can be seen from this that there are many people in this holy world who are more talented than us."

"I think maybe Father sent us here because he wanted to use this place to use their hands to train us."


Chen Gusi stood up and glanced at everyone: "Are you confident to complete this trial?"

"Yes!" Chen Guyan and others also stood up and responded in unison.

At this time.

A spatial vortex appeared in front of them, and at the same time they received a message from Chen Zong. At the corner of the waterside pavilion, Chang Yu, who was hiding in the corner, also received a message from Chen Zong.

"Your Highness Hong?" Chang Yu looked at the space vortex with some curiosity.


Hong walked out of the space vortex and looked around with a wary expression.

"Brother Hong." The voices of Chen Gusi and others made Hong stunned.

"Huh? It's you." Seeing the people in front of him, Hong said in surprise, "Just now I was thinking about how to find you after entering the holy world. Unexpectedly, the teacher sent me directly to you."

"Brother Hong, there are so many powerful people in this holy world. It would be too dangerous for us to fight alone. Therefore, my father will naturally not let you, Brother Hong, act alone." Chen Gusi sighed.

"Oh?" Hong looked a little solemn.

He knew that Chen Gusi was named the 'Axe King' on the battlefield outside the territory, and his strength reached a high level of kingship. He even had powerful defensive treasures that even the kingship limit could not stop Chen Gusi.

But now, Chen Gusi actually thinks this place is dangerous?

Is it
  Is there a Universe Venerable here?
  "Okay, brother, don't scare Brother Hong." Chen Guyan smiled and said, "Brother Hong, although there are indeed many masters in the Holy World, in the chaotic land we are now in, the strongest ones are some City Lords at the level of Universe Venerables. , the island owner.”

"And how can they, these beings, have time to care about us!"

"Second brother is right." Others followed.

"By the way, Brother Hong, we have just finished resting and are about to leave the city. Do you want to go with us?" Chen Gusi asked.

"Go!" Hong looked at the spear in his hand and said, "Look, aren't I ready?"

"Okay, on the way, we will explain to you the situation in the Holy Realm so that your eyes won't be blinded." Chen Gusi smiled and nodded.

"Yeah." Hong nodded.


They left the courtyard and headed towards the east gate of Tianque City, and Chang Yu, who was hiding in the dark, followed them.

The vast starry sky, the territory of the ancient god’s cosmic kingdom.

In the silent starry sky, a flat circular spacecraft appeared out of thin air, and then flew towards a light blue planet ahead.


Follow the towing of the parking port and land in the parking area of ​​the E-class spacecraft.

A middle-aged man with a hooked nose and long yellow hair appeared at the door of the spacecraft cabin. He was wearing a gorgeous robe embroidered with gold. Then he flew out of the cabin door and flew towards a huge city thousands of kilometers away.

"Well, the organization asked me to come here to detect the presence of strange beasts. Let's start from that giant city." The hook-nosed man said secretly, and then dispersed the power of the world.

According to intelligence, apart from the alien beast, the strongest person on the planet should be a domain master.

If the power of the world can alert the strange beasts, then even if he dies, as long as the news is spread, then the mission will be considered complete.

And if the strange beasts are not alarmed, then the entire planet will be explored.

If no strange beasts are found, then you can eliminate one area and continue to the next target.

Time passed little by little.

"Huh? No?" The hook-nosed man breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time.

His world power spread to the last place on the planet, a valley shrouded in mist.


In the valley, another more powerful force of the world suddenly erupted, repelling the hook-nosed man's force of the world.

"Bold! Who dares to spy on me?" The white-haired Realm Master with a white mark on his eyebrows rose into the sky and came to the man with the hooked nose.

The powerful pressure made the hook-nosed man breathless.

"Huh? It's not there either." The hook-nosed man took advantage of the white-haired Realm Master to leave that place, and the power of the world instantly explored the place, and he had the answer in his heart.

"Who are you?" the white-haired Realm Lord asked.

"Sir, I am hunting down a traitor, and I got news not long ago that he is on this planet, so" the hook-nosed man quickly bowed and said, "I don't mean to disturb you, sir. Forgive me."


"I have found no trace of the traitor. The information must be wrong."

"I am willing to apologize to your lord for my recklessness."

Having already figured out the situation, and he felt that he was no match for the white-haired Realm Lord, the hook-nosed man had a very low posture, like a junior.


He took out a treasure from the inner world.

"Sir, this is 'Flame Gold', which is an excellent material for refining fifth-level force weapons." The hook-nosed man lowered his head, holding a piece of crimson metal in both hands, and handed it forward, "Sir, please Accept it."

"Well, seeing that you are so sincere, let's leave it at that." The white-haired Realm Master waved his hand and sent out a wave of world power to wrap the crimson metal, and then the crimson metal fell into his hands.

  The crimson metal was included in the world ring.

"Since there is no traitor you are looking for here, just leave!" the white-haired Realm Lord said.

"Yes, sir!" The hook-nosed man nodded, then flew towards the docking port of the spaceship, and drove the spacecraft away from the planet.

Watching the hook-nosed man leave, the white-haired Realm Master's eyes showed a cold light.

"Hmph, if it hadn't been for the instructions from above, how could I have allowed you to leave if you dared to be so presumptuous in front of me?" The white-haired world master disappeared in the air and returned to the valley where he was before.


The white-haired world master waved his hand, and a magical beast escaped from his world ring.

"Sir." The white-haired Realm Master saluted respectfully towards the magical beast.

"Well, the Realm Lord has left?" the magical beast asked.

"Yes." The white-haired Realm Lord nodded, "I have followed the instructions from the superiors and allowed him to leave safely."

"That's good!" The magical beast nodded slightly.

They had already received news that if a powerful world lord came to their planet, the mythical beast would first enter the accompanying world ring to avoid detection.

As soon as the hook-nosed man arrived on this planet, the white-haired World Lord already knew about it.


That’s why this drama happened!
  And this kind of thing has happened on many planets where magical beasts are staying, but those world masters have never found any trace of the magical beasts.


Nothing is absolute.

There are also a few places where the mythical beasts have been exposed, because the mythical beasts want to take action against the powerful ones attacking the planet.

(End of this chapter)

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