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Chapter 300 Qingfeng Realm

Chapter 300 Qingfeng Realm

In the quiet starry sky, there is a vast supercontinent suspended.

The stars and planets floating above the giant continent are like bright pearls, strung together by a light blue river, forming a pearl necklace exuding starlight, luxurious and exquisite.

And below the starlight necklace, there is the top of the highest mountain range.

A golden spherical shield has been standing here for several years.

At this time.

The golden spherical shield burst open like foam and turned into dots of golden light with a pop.

These golden light spots reunited to form a square golden chessboard.


On the top of the mountain, there were two more figures.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother, this 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' of yours is really a good treasure." The Lord of Ice Peak smiled, "Just after playing a few games of chess with Junior Brother, the new secret method that I imagined in the early years is now available. Eyebrow."

"Junior brother."

The Lord of Ice Peak looked at the Immortal Emperor's clone, with a hint of embarrassment on his cold face: "Originally, I came to take you to the Universe Sea this time, but..."

"Judging from the current situation, I won't be going to the Universe Sea in a short time."

"It's better to let Senior Brother Chaos pick you up."

"Yes." The clone of the Immortal Emperor smiled and nodded, "Senior brother, you can rest assured and go into seclusion to create secret techniques. Junior brother would like to congratulate senior brother in advance."

"Hey, I haven't even finished my horoscope yet. Junior brother, don't flatter me anymore." The Lord of Ice Peak waved his hand quickly.


The corners of his mouth turned upward.

Obviously, the words of the Immortal Emperor's clone were still very useful to him.

after all.

If he could successfully create the imaginary Master of the Universe Fusion Secret Technique, then he would have the strength of a fifth-level Master of the Universe, which was something he had only dreamed of for endless years.

"Then I won't stay any longer." The Lord of Ice Peak said.

"Yes. Senior brother, walk slowly." The clone of the Immortal Emperor nodded.


The Lord of Ice Peak swiped his hand, and a spatial crack appeared in front of him, and he stepped into it.

On the top of the mountain.

The Immortal Emperor's clone looked down, ignoring the layers of white mist. He saw Venerable Jifeng and Venerable Beiji in the gorgeous palace, and heard their conversation.

"In the past few years, the spying by the demon clan has become less and less. I think it is coming to an end." A smile appeared on Venerable Jufeng's face.

"Hahaha, thanks to His Majesty the Ancient Emperor's foreknowledge of the enemy and his precautions, he was able to fool the demon tribe into miscalculating the number of divine beasts." Venerable Beiji laughed, then raised his head to look at the mountains. In the direction of the top, there was a look of admiration in his eyes.

"Yes." Venerable Jufeng nodded in agreement.

"However, even if it comes to the end, we cannot take it lightly. We must perform this play until the end, and we must not fall short of the success." Venerable Beijiang said.

"Yes." Venerable Jufeng nodded in agreement.

On the top of the mountain, the Immortal Emperor's clone smiled slightly, and then put away the Heaven and Earth chessboard next to it.

After one month.

Ancient God Space.

In the void, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air.

Over the years (several years in the outside world, but nearly ten epochs have passed in the secret chamber space), he has been refining weapons in the secret chamber space of the Hall of Illusions.

After successfully refining the 'Soul Suppressing Cauldron', Chen Zong thought that he could also refine Cangyun Temple and Moonlight River, which were ordinary treasures.


The previous refining attempts all ended in failure.

This also let Chen Zong know that his weapon refining level has not really reached the level where he can refine ordinary treasures at will.


He also knew that he was not far away from this level.


In the following years, Chen Zong kept refining weapons, and his hard work paid off. His skill in refining weapons finally reached the level of refining ordinary treasures.


As a result of refining many common treasure-level Cangyun Temple, Moonlight River, and Soul-Suppressing Cauldron, he also obtained a lot of special energy, and the strength of his divine body finally reached the level of ordinary treasure armor.

This is even better!


A voice full of surprise came into Chen Zong's mind: "Master!"

"Tatian, you're awake." Chen Zong looked happily at the bronze ball in front of him. The bronze ball immediately turned into a stream of light and escaped into Chen Zong's body.


Blood lines reappeared on both sides of Chen Zong's cheeks, he once again wore a blood-colored headband on his head, and put on a blood-colored shirt again.
  "You woke up just right, I just need you." Chen Zong said with a smile.

"Ta Tian also wants to serve the master!" In the golden space inside the bronze ball, hearing Chen Zong's words, Ta Tian's spirit jumped a few times with joy.

"Haha." Chen Zongchang smiled heartily.


Chen Zong's figure disappeared into the Ancient God Space.

The ancient mysterious realm, the Nine-Star Continent, the ancient imperial palace.

"Senior Brother Chaos is coming soon, I should make some preparations." Next to the throne, Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air, and then stepped out to the square in front of the Ancient Emperor's Palace.

The Cosmic Sea is extremely dangerous, so naturally the most powerful ancient god himself goes there.

The demon dragon clone stayed in the secret room space to study the secret patterns and create secret techniques, while the Immortal Emperor clone still guarded the 'Ancient Mysterious Realm' and the 'Ancient God Continent'.

A clone of divine power sits in the Kingdom of God.

The World Tree clone entered the secret room space of the Hall of Illusions to hone its will.

on the square.

"Hmm~~" Chen Zong thought, "I am only missing one domain treasure, so I'll take the 'Weak Water' with me."

Although he can transfer treasures at will through coordinate points, the 'Weak Water' is now over the Ancient God Continent. If there is an urgent need, it may be too late to put it away and transfer it again.


What made him plan to bring "Weak Water" was another more important thing, that is, he didn't know whether the coordinate points could still be used in the cosmic sea.

The reason for this doubt is mainly because the cosmic sea is different from the original universe.

The special structure of the original universe can confirm its coordinates anywhere, but it is impossible to confirm the coordinates in the cosmic sea.

There is no way to confirm the coordinates, so the 'coordinate points' that connect the Ancient God Space and the major clones may not be available.

It's really unusable.
  Then he must be fully prepared and bring everything he can.

and so.

Not only the 'Weak Water', but also the 'Dragon Ball of Life' and the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard', he will bring with him!
  at this time.

In the sky above the Ancient God Continent, the 'weak water' like a blue ribbon quickly gathered and then disappeared, which aroused the surprise of the people living in the major cities below.

The top of the mountain.

The Immortal Emperor's clone waved, put away the 'Weak Water', and sent the 'Weak Water' and the 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' into the Ancient God Space and into Chen Zong's hands.

Ancient mysterious land, in the square in front of the ancient emperor's palace.

Chen Zong put 'Weak Water' and 'Heaven and Earth Chessboard' into the world ring and stayed with the 'Original Dragon Ball'.

Not long after.

A figure wearing a golden robe, with green scales on his head, and a face that looked like an Earthling, appeared in front of Chen Zong.

This man's eyes were as calm as the endless starry sky. Even standing there, there was a monstrous power, as if the surrounding time and space could violently shatter at any time. This was a highly aggressive aura.

"Senior brother." Chen Zong nodded towards the golden-robed figure.

There are three divine bodies of the Lord of Chaos City. One is in charge of Chaos City, one is in the primitive secret realm, and the other is wandering in the cosmic sea.

And this golden-robed figure is the most powerful of the Chaos City Lords, and he has been wandering in the cosmic sea for a long time.

"Junior brother, come with me." The Lord of Chaos City led Chen Zong.

  First there was a teleportation, followed closely by the teleportation from the Kingdom of God.

The original universe, a place of extreme darkness.

"Junior brother, this is the Toya Black Hole." The Lord of Chaos City turned to look at Chen Zongdao, "Through here, you will reach the cosmic sea."

"The cosmic sea is vast and boundless."

"Once you enter the cosmic sea, it is no longer within the scope of the original universe, and you cannot rely on teleportation from the Kingdom of God, nor can you rely on dark space flight. If you want to travel in the cosmic sea, you must rely on teleportation and natural insects. Hole."      And."

"In the cosmic sea, it is impossible to distinguish the direction and coordinates. Therefore, the map is very important, and the reference objects on the map are also extremely important."

"Only by using maps and reference objects can you avoid getting lost in the sea of ​​space."

"It's very scary to get lost in the cosmic sea. Once lost, if you rely on teleporting again and again to find your way back, I'm afraid you will teleport further and further away, and then you will be lost in the cosmic sea forever. Maybe you are lucky, endless It will be found again after the epoch."


"Any master of the universe must leave an incarnation in the original universe to prevent being disturbed by some special circumstances in the universe sea and causing him to be completely lost."

"You have a clone sitting in the ancient mysterious realm. It doesn't matter whether the divine clone stays or not."

"And having an incarnation, or a clone in the original universe, can at least give you a map when you are lost."


"Even if you get the map, once you get too lost and can't find the reference object on the map, it's over."

The Lord of Chaos City sighed.

"So you can't run around in the Cosmic Sea. If you want to explore the Cosmic Sea, you must fly, because you can record the map in detail wherever you fly." The Lord of Chaos City solemnly said.

Chen Zonglian nodded.

"I will give you the map of the Cosmic Sea now. This is the most detailed map currently known to my human race. Of course, the area marked on this map is only a small area in the Cosmic Sea." The Lord of Chaos City said.

"But fortunately, at least the three Jedi are included."

"The three Jedi are the key areas for our exploration, especially the Qingfeng Realm."

"Later, we will head to Qingfeng Realm."


Chen Zong received a very complex and huge map symbol.

"Junior brother, you should have read the map." Before Chen Zong could answer, the Lord of Chaos City solemnly said, "On the map, teleportation is allowed in clearly marked places. However, teleportation is prohibited in unknown areas not covered by the map! "

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded seriously.

"Okay, I have told you everything I should tell you now. Let's go to the Universe Sea." The Lord of Chaos City flew directly towards the depths of Toya's black hole, and Chen Zong immediately followed.

The two quickly disappeared.

The cosmic sea.

A place in the void.

At a glance, I saw a huge membrane wall spreading out in all directions, as if there was a huge curtain wall that could never see the end, as if it directly blocked the other half of the entire cosmic sea.

But on this huge membrane wall, there is a very irregular membrane wall hole.

This membrane wall hole was torn open by the Toya black hole in the membrane wall of the original universe with its powerful twisting power that could instantly annihilate the Lord of the Universe.

At this time.

Chaos City Lord and Chen Zong emerged from the hole.

"Huh?" As soon as he arrived at the Universe Sea, Chen Zong's body trembled slightly, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Junior brother, what's wrong?" Next to him, seeing Chen Zong's state, the Lord of Chaos City asked with doubts in his eyes.

Is it the first time to enter the cosmic sea, so I am a little excited?
  But you shouldn’t be so excited, right?
  When the Lord of Chaos City thought about the first time he came to this cosmic sea with his teacher, he was just a little eager at most.

"Senior brother, seeing the boundless and powerful chaotic air flow in front of me, I feel that I have come to the right place!" The surprise in Chen Zong's eyes has not dissipated.

"This is the world where the strong should stay."

"I should have come earlier!"

"." The Lord of Chaos City was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Junior brother, you are right, the original universe is just a cradle, and the cosmic sea is where we should venture."

"Since you are looking forward to it so much, let's set off immediately."


The Lord of Chaos City took Chen Zong and teleported directly to a void.

There are 39 natural wormholes around this void.

"Junior brother, you should be able to accurately identify natural wormholes No. 1 to 39 among the natural wormholes here." The Lord of Chaos City smiled.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.

The description on the map given by the Lord of Chaos City is very accurate, and there are multiple ways of describing it, so I'm afraid I might get it wrong.

"Our route this time is along this natural wormhole No. 15." Chen Zongyao pointed to one of the larger twisted space holes not far away.

"Yes." The Lord of Chaos City nodded, "Let's go."

The two of them immediately entered the natural wormhole.

And then.

The Lord of the Wind, who was hidden in the chaotic airflow around the natural wormhole, stepped out and came to the natural wormhole No. 15.

"Hmph! Ancient Lord, I've finally waited for you." The Lord of the Wind's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

He looked at the wormhole.

"Natural wormhole No. 15? This wormhole can go to Qingfeng Realm. It seems that they should be heading to Qingfeng Realm."

There are three great places in the Universe Sea, namely Qingfeng Realm, Universe Boat, and Liuzhong Mountain.

Of course there are other dangerous places that are not as dangerous as the Jedi.

However, these three Jedi have produced the most treasures, and almost all the major forces in the universe gather together in these three Jedi.

As for other dangerous places, the danger level is high and there are not many treasures. Going to these dangerous places is simply a waste of time.

and so.

When the Lord of the Strange Wind saw that this natural wormhole led to the Qingfeng Realm, he immediately concluded that Chen Zong must be heading to the Qingfeng Realm.

Its divine clone left in Meng Yao Zu's secret realm immediately reported the news to Meng Yao Ancestor.


It also spread the news about Chen Zong going to Qingfeng Realm through various channels.

the other side.

The Lord of Yuan Ao was about to appear when he also entered Wormhole No. 15.

"Huh? Lord of the Wind? Why is it here?" Lord Yuan Ao looked at the Lord of the Wind in front of the wormhole in surprise, and then disappeared into the chaotic airflow again.

"Look what it wants to do!"


He then saw that the Lord of the Wind had also entered the natural wormhole No. 15.

"Could it be."

"It's the same as me, squatting here as the Ancient Lord?"


"It has no reason to do that."

Lord Yuan Ao shook his head. At this time, he did not know the news that Lord Tianlang was dead.

"Could it be that the demon clan wants to snatch the ancient master's most powerful treasure?" Lord Yuan Ao's eyes lit up, "Haha, we have a way."

Lord Yuan Ao also exited the chaotic airflow and entered the No. 15 natural wormhole.

The endless cosmic sea is filled with chaotic airflow everywhere. However, when they reach the level of the Lord of the Universe, they do not rely solely on sight. For example, the diffused divine power can also allow them to accurately 'see' the surrounding situation, and it is clearer than what they can see with their eyes.

Natural wormhole!

Teleport! Teleport! Teleport!

The limit of each teleport is 1 light years, and the will and consciousness of the Lord of the Universe can maintain extremely high frequency teleports.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the eighth day in the cosmic sea.

"Soon we will be able to see the 'Qingfeng Realm', one of the three great Jedi." The Lord of Chaos City took Chen Zong and finally stopped after teleporting again.

Chen Zong and the Lord of Chaos City stood side by side in the void, looking far ahead.

"This is the Qingfeng Realm!" Chen Zong's pupils shrank.

So beautiful.

Look from afar
  I saw a towering mountain in the distance, but the peak of the mountain fell halfway down the mountainside. It was as if there was an existence with endless power that cut across the mountain with a knife, causing the peak to fall directly onto the mountainside.

"Hua Hua Hua~~~"

There was an endless huge waterfall pouring down from the smooth main mountain, hitting the mountainside below. The water flow filled the surroundings and submerged less than half of the top of the mountain that fell there.

At the same time, countless pieces of gravel were constantly flying around the mountain peak.

When Chen Zong and the others arrived at Qingfeng Realm.

However, the Lord of Strange Wind has already spread the news of Chen Zong's whereabouts throughout the entire universe.

(End of this chapter)

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