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Chapter 301 The simulation is wrong

Chapter 301 The simulation is wrong
  A remote area within the cosmic sea.

The chaotic air flow rages wildly, and the vortex of air flow generated can easily annihilate the Lord of the Universe.

At this time.

A majestic figure descended out of thin air, and the endless pressure on the figure suddenly rolled in all directions. The air vortex was directly crushed by the pressure and disappeared.


The chaotic air flow is no longer as strong as before.

At this moment, in the center of the original airflow vortex, a bronze pumpkin-shaped hammer with a hammer head was suspended.

"Oh, haha, I didn't expect that just in a hurry, I would encounter the birth of the treasure." The ancestor of the monster beast looked at the treasure hammer with joy in his eyes.

The ancestor of the monster beast moved his hand, and the treasure hammer turned into a stream of light and fell into his hand.

"The topmost treasure weapon, the eight-treasure gilded hammer, is still of the highest level."

"Could it be."

"Am I about to be transferred?"

For a long time, the ancestor of the monster beast felt that he had not obtained the most powerful treasure, not because of lack of strength, but because of bad luck.

And now.

Even in a hurry, you can pick up a top-notch treasure weapon. This is definitely a lucky break.

His bad luck is about to end!
  The ancestor of the monster beast suddenly smiled and put away the hammer happily.

"Let's go to the space ship. I'm lucky now. Maybe I can get the most powerful treasure this time." The ancestor of the monster beast looked forward to it, and when he was about to teleport away, he received a message.

"Huh? The ancient master of mankind is in the Qingfeng Realm?"

He rolled his eyes.

"The Ancient Lord has two most powerful treasures on his body, but this is the Universe Sea. With my strength, I should have no problem suppressing him. When the time comes, won't those two most powerful treasures fall into my hands?"

"Go to Qingfeng Realm!"

The ancestor of the monster beast immediately turned around, no longer going to the space ship, but rushed towards Qingfeng Realm.

The rest of the cosmic sea.

"Hahaha, Lord of the Ancients, you have finally come to the Universe Sea. I have been waiting so hard for you." In the misty chaotic airflow, the extremely excited voice of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe came from a black sphere. Then, this black The sphere disappeared.

"The Ancient Lord, the new Lord of the Universe for mankind in the Third Universe Era." A humanoid creature. His whole body exudes hazy white light, and there are circles of white light behind his head. There is a huge one-eyed shadow in the white light. , "I'm really lucky. I actually got two powerful treasures in the original universe."


"It's true for humans, this most powerful treasure doesn't give priority to the giant axe."

"That's good, otherwise, how would our God Eye Clan stand a chance?"

The birth of the original universe gave birth to hundreds of millions of people and countless strong people. As time goes by, after reaching the most prosperous peak, the original universe will rapidly decline and even be destroyed, and then new births will begin.

Every reincarnation will give birth to many geniuses from billions of people, some of the strongest people in the universe, and a large number of masters of the universe.

And this God Eye Clan is a very mysterious and terrifying ethnic group. It should be considered that in the original universe reincarnation, there may have been some special accidents during the evolution of the original universe, which led to the emergence of such a heaven-defying ethnic group.

There are seven of the strongest people in the universe in this group, known as the Seven Gods, and they are extremely powerful.

In the endless sea of ​​universe, they can be called the strongest peak group in the first universe era!
  at this time.

In the universe sea, many powerful people who are interested in the most powerful treasure and think they have the strength to suppress Chen Zong are rushing towards Qingfeng Realm.

Qingfeng Realm.

Qingfengjie is extremely majestic. The main mountain is about 9802 million light-years high and the maximum diameter of the truncated peak is 1226 million light-years.

The outside of the mountain is an outer domain with a low degree of danger, but some dangerous places can still cause the death of some universe masters who are less able to save their lives.

Inside the mountain is the inner domain, which is extremely dangerous. Even the strongest master of the universe may fall.

In the core of the mountain, even the strongest person in the universe may perish!

Chen Zong looked at Qingfeng Realm with a lot of emotions in his heart.

In the original work, the giant ax obtained a most powerful and precious ax in the Qingfeng Realm, understood the secret pattern inside the axe, and created the ninth-level secret method, overwhelming the two gods of the God Eye Clan, and became the most popular for a while. .


It was also in this Qingfeng Realm that the giant ax fell into the core place of "darkness".

But this dark place is the lair of world beasts.

The giant ax is not good at soul methods, and it does not have the most powerful soul defense weapon. Its soul was annihilated by the world beast, and the path of life and death disappeared. It is really a great pity for the human race.

"Since I'm here, I can't let this regret happen." Looking at Qingfeng Realm, Chen Zong made up his mind.

In this world, there is no big cause and effect, let alone destiny.

and so.

Chen Zong is confident that he can prevent this unfortunate incident from happening.

"Junior brother." At this time, the Lord of Chaos City next to him flipped his hand and took out a transparent crystal ball glowing with golden light. He solemnly said, "If you want to make a fortune in the cosmic sea, you must know something about the cosmic sea." learn."

"This crystal ball contains messages recorded by powerful men in our original universe, the second universe era before the great destruction, the first universe era, and the two holy places in the cosmic sea."

"These are extremely high-end information materials that we humans have collected over a long period of time. Some of them even involve some extremely confidential events."

"Even if our primitive cosmic forces exchange information, there are still some extremely secrets that are hidden."

"Destroy it after you finish reading it."

Reaching out to take the transparent crystal ball, Chen Zong directly penetrated a trace of divine power into it.

Suddenly countless information began to rush into my mind.
  The original universe reincarnates from generation to generation, and the strong men of the first and second universe eras before them, even if they escaped the destruction of the original universe!
  But according to the information already known by the human race, the strong can live up to three reincarnation eras.

Once the time comes, the strong people in these groups, including the strongest people in the universe, will all fall.


Nothing is absolute.

The two holy land universes, 'Purple Moon Holy Land' and 'Eastern Emperor Holy Land', are special, but they are able to escape the curse of having a lifespan of only three reincarnation eras.

Seeing this, Chen Zong understood clearly.

The reason why those two holy places were able to escape the curse was because the owners of these two small universes broke through to the True God of the Void in the cosmic sea, successfully broke through the passage of reincarnation, and went to the Origin Continent.


Chen Zong read all the information.

"Let's go. Although the Qingfeng Realm is right in front of us, we are far away from it and we have to teleport for a while." Seeing Chen Zong destroying the crystal ball, the Lord of Chaos City smiled.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded.

After a while.

Chen Zong and the Lord of Chaos City entered the outer realm of Qingfeng Realm.

  Huge rocks that are almost endless in height are flying at high speed. Before, they looked like small rocks hundreds of millions of light years away. But now they look huge and almost endless. They are flying at several times the speed of light. .

But this is not the destination yet.

  Teleport in succession.

A long time passed.

After passing over celestial rocks that flew several times the speed of light, they finally landed on a celestial rock with a maximum diameter of about 8.2 light-years.

"There are countless celestial rocks in the outer realm of Qingfeng Realm, which are flying at super high speeds at all times." The Lord of Chaos City stood on the surface of the celestial rocks and looked at the surrounding void from a distance. "However, on the celestial rocks, you will find that other rocks are relatively opposite to each other. stationary."

Chen Zong nodded.

These rocks, those close to the main peak fly slowly, while those farther away fly faster, so that the relative distance between countless gravels remains unchanged.

"The founder of the giant ax is now in the Qingfeng Realm." The Lord of Chaos City smiled, "So the strong ones of our human race in the cosmic sea are mainly here in the Qingfeng Realm."

"This celestial mountain rock is the temporary gathering place of our human race."

"Of course, the universe masters of other ethnic groups in Hongmeng are also gathered here."

"Come with me."

The Lord of Chaos City teleported with Chen Zong over a short distance.

  Coming to another place three light years away from the Celestial Rock, a random groove on the surface of the Celestial Rock is more than a million kilometers deep, and there is a temple in this canyon.

There are a total of five universe masters in the temple, 2 of them are from the human race and 3 are from the non-human race in Hongmeng.

at this time.

The figures of Chen Zong and the Lord of Chaos City appeared out of thin air.



"The Ancient Lord."

"The Ancient Lord."

Five figures in the temple came out to greet him. Chen Zong and the Lord of Chaos City smiled and nodded.

Inside the temple.

The seven Lords of the Universe sat down at the round table.

"Lord of Peng Gong, Lord of Youhou, Lord of Anjue, Lord of Flint, and Lord of Rats, please welcome me here." Chen Zong looked around and said with a smile.

"It's your first time entering the Universe Sea. We will welcome you." Lord Peng Gong stroked his beard and smiled, "Some other Universe Lords have to go deep into the waters of the Qingfeng Realm or within the Qingfeng Realm. When I came out, I had to fly to avoid many dangerous places, ranging from a hundred years to an era, which is why I couldn't make it."

Chen Zong nodded.

The more dangerous the place is, the more difficult it is to teleport blindly. If you teleport, you may end up in trouble.

At this time.

"The ancient lord first entered the cosmic sea and followed the old rules." The Lord of Chaos City smiled and waved his hand, and suddenly there was a wine glass in front of the seven lords of the universe, and the glasses were filled with wine.

"The Ancient Lord, I wish you endless treasures and eternal life!" The Lord of Chaos City smiled at Chen Zongdao.

"The treasure is endless and life is eternal." The other five masters of the universe all said.

Chen Zong also nodded: "The treasure is endless and life is eternal!"

Come to the universe sea to explore for treasures and become stronger.

This rule of offering blessings to newcomers coming to the universe sea is just like celebrating the New Year on earth. On the first day of the new year, you say "Happy New Year", just to get a good omen!

Shortly after.

The welcome ceremony ends,
  The Lord of Youhou, the Lord of Peng Gong, the Lord of Anjue, the Lord of Flintstone, the Lord of Jialan, and the Lord of Chaos City all left this gathering place and began to venture into the Qingfeng Realm.

The strong men who are wandering in the cosmic sea have been sharpening themselves.

If it weren't for Chen Zong's arrival this time, they would still have to go on adventures and have no time to return here.

And the Lord of Flint did not remind Chen Zong like he reminded Luo Feng in the original work.

This is normal.

after all.

Chen Zong's sixth-level combat power was obvious, and the Lord of Flintstone was only at the third level.

The third level reminds the sixth level that the cosmic sea is dangerous?

This is not necessary at all!

Watching everyone leave, Chen Zong withdrew his gaze and re-entered the temple, but did not immediately start to enter the Qingfeng Realm.

  He has a more important thing to do!

Inside the temple.

"Whether it can be used depends on the next test." Chen Zong's eyes showed anticipation. He turned his hand and a 'Cang Yun Palace' appeared in his palm.

  Cangyun Temple disappeared in an instant, but it was not Chen Zong who put it back into the world ring, but entered the ancient god space.


In the Ancient God Space, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Originally, the Ancient God Space was just an endless void, with at most some areas containing interstellar dust. But now, many areas of the Ancient God Space seem to have formed deep wells.


What gushes out of the springs at the bottom of these deep wells is not water, but the endless chaotic airflow.

The time when the deep well was formed was when Chen Zong came out of Toya's black hole.

At that time.

The reason why Chen Zong was surprised was because of these deep wells and the chaotic airflow that continuously emerged, which was no different from the chaotic airflow of the cosmic sea.

This is the first time there has been a change in the Ancient God Space since he owned it.

Although he didn't know why, he felt that this change was definitely not a bad thing.

at this time.

Chen Zong did not focus on the chaotic airflow, but he was sent into the ancient god's space, the 'Cang Yun Palace' suspended in the void.

Cangyun Palace disappeared again.

In the original universe, on the top of the mountains of the Ancient God Continent, the clone of the Immortal Emperor was still sitting cross-legged on the futon.

At this time.

Cangyun Palace, which disappeared from the Ancient God Space, actually appeared in front of the Immortal Emperor's clone.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that we can transfer items to each other even when we are in the universe sea." The Immortal Emperor's clone looked delighted, "Well, let's see if I can get there."

  The clone of the Immortal Emperor disappeared on the top of the mountain range, and then appeared in the outer realm temple at the Qingfeng Peak of the Universe Sea, landing next to Chen Zong.

"Okay!" Chen Zong and the Immortal Emperor clone looked at each other and smiled.


Chen Zong and the Immortal Emperor clones both entered the Ancient God Space.

The Immortal Emperor's clone returned to the Ancient God Continent, but Chen Zong stayed in the Ancient God's space.

"There are no so-called coordinates in the cosmic sea. Although the coordinate points can stay in the cosmic sea, I don't know what will happen after moving the coordinate points." Chen Zong thought.


He hid in the ancient god's space and controlled the coordinate points left in the temple to start moving.

After only moving a hundred meters, he stopped.

"Be safe." Chen Zong thought for a while, then took off all the equipment on his body, and then returned to the cosmic sea along the coordinate points.


The place where Chen Zong is located is exactly one hundred meters away from where he entered the ancient god's space.

"It's the same as in the original universe!" Chen Zong looked delighted, "Well, let's test how fast the movement speed can be."

Although there is no dark universe in the cosmic sea, there is no limit to the speed of light.

He escaped into the ancient god space again.


Chen Zong used his divine power to simulate an extremely complex map in the void. This map was the map of the cosmic sea given by the Lord of Chaos City.

Although there is only the Qingfeng boundary area, it is enough for use.

On the map, there is a red dot, which is exactly where the coordinate point is.

"Well, this route has more safe areas, so just move along this route and take a look." Chen Zong looked at the route on the map and chose the safest one.

It's just a test, there's no need to do anything difficult.


Chen Zong began to move the coordinate points left in the temple.

On the map, the red dot also started to move.

One time the speed of light. Ten times the speed of light. One hundred times the speed of light. The moving speed of the coordinate points is still increasing a million times. Ten million times!
  Finally, after the moving speed of the coordinate point reached tens of millions of times the speed of light, Chen Zong felt that the speed could no longer be increased.

"Thousands of times the speed of light, the strongest person in the universe should not be that fast in the cosmic sea!" Chen Zong was very surprised. "It seems that if the consciousness of will reaches the level of the strongest person in the universe, as long as the divine body can resist, then The speed limit in the cosmic sea should be tens of millions of times the speed of light."

"I relied on coordinate points to reach this limit, but it was a clever trick."


He looked at the map. The red dot was in a safe area on the map.

"The moving route of the red dot and its final stop are all simulated by my deductions. They are not the coordinate points and the real Qingfeng boundary." Chen Zong thought.

"At a million times the speed of light, it's relatively easy for me to deduce."

"But when it reaches millions or tens of millions of times the speed of light, it becomes a lot more difficult."

"I don't know if the current coordinate point is really at this location on the map as I simulated?"

"Well, even if there is a difference, it shouldn't be too far."

"Let's go out and take a look first!"

Chen Zong still didn't bring any equipment, not even the world ring. The shirt on his body was condensed with divine power.

  Following the coordinate points, Chen Zong exited the Ancient God Space.

As soon as he came out of the ancient god space, Chen Zong suddenly felt a golden light in front of his eyes. At the same time, he felt a powerful pressure coming on him. His figure swayed and he almost fell down.

He stabilized his body immediately!
  Although he was not swaying around, he kept falling downwards and was unable to move his body normally.

"Oops, the simulation was wrong. This is definitely not the safe zone!" Chen Zong's heart tightened.

(End of this chapter)

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