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Chapter 415 Here it comes!

Chapter 415 Here it comes!

In the endless chaotic air flow of the cosmic sea.

The Jinhuang Demon God and his two friends broke through the space together, traveling at speeds exceeding a hundred times the speed of light and a thousand times the speed of light. They quickly rushed towards the space ship.

"The battle for the number one person in the universe sea is too rare. If you miss this opportunity to watch the battle, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to watch it in the future." The humanoid being in a purple robe with a purple halo behind his head is none other than Jin. Huang Demon God's friend, Purple Sun Saint, at this moment, his eyes showed expectation.

"Fortunately, this duel is public, otherwise, we would have no chance to watch it!" A voice appeared from a life in dark blue armor that looked like a ball of water. He was none other than another friend of Jinhuang Demon God, Tiansuo Demon. Emperor.

"Yes!" Jinhuang Demon God nodded.

"Jin Huang, have you ever seen the Ancient Lord take action? Do you think the Ancient Lord can defeat the First Allah?" Holy Lord Ziyang looked at Demon God Jin Huang and said.

"It doesn't feel right." Jinhuang Demon God shook his head, "So, I thought before that the Ancient Lord had been looking for terrain that was beneficial to him in the past hundred years, but he chose the ninth abyss. This ninth abyss The abyss has no advantage at all for the Ancient Lord!"

"So, the Ancient Lord is really a great supporter!" Saint Ziyang said with emotion.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that we would lose the most powerful treasure 'Star Kingdom' in vain?" The Demon Emperor Tiansuo looked confused.

"If my guess is correct, the Ancient Lord does not directly break through to the strongest person in the universe, but fights against the First Allah as the Lord of the Universe. Maybe he wants to feel the pressure and get some inspiration to move to the next level. Building, and then break through to the strongest in the universe, and then the strength will be even stronger." Jinhuang Demon God thought for a moment and said seriously.

"Going to the next level? If this is the case, you will definitely lose a most powerful treasure. If you don't realize it, wouldn't it be a loss!" Holy Lord Ziyang shook his head slightly.

"Loss? In our opinion, this is a bit of a loss, but the Ancient Lord owns many powerful treasures and does not care about the gain or loss of one powerful treasure at all. Moreover, this powerful treasure 'Star Kingdom' was originally his What is gained in the hands of the Third God, it is not difficult to accept losing it." Jinhuang Demon God had a different opinion.

"I was mistaken. For the Ancient Lord, the loss of a powerful treasure in exchange for an opportunity to reach a higher level is indeed nothing!" Saint Ziyang laughed at himself.

There is no way, who allows him to only have one most powerful treasure?

Unlike the Ancient Lord, he was only the Lord of the Universe, but he possessed several powerful treasures.

The most powerful and precious treasures are few, so naturally the most powerful and precious treasures are more important.

But now, after thinking about the number of powerful treasures possessed by the Ancient Lord, Holy Lord Ziyang understood.

Envy it too!
  "Jin Huang, Zi Yang, you two never thought that the Ancient Lord might win?" Next to him, a voice came from the body of the Heavenly Lock Demon Emperor whose mouth and hands and feet could not be seen.

"Oh? Tiansuo, do you think the Ancient Lord will win?" Jinhuang Demon God said in surprise.

"He dares to challenge and uses the 'Kingdom of Stars' as a bet. Doesn't this show that he is confident?" Demon Emperor Tiansuo said seriously, "After all, judging from the actions of the Ancient Lord in the past, it seems that he has never suffered a loss. !”

The Jinhuang Demon God and the Purple Sun Saint were startled!
  It seems that is indeed the case!
  Could the Ancient Lord still win?

is it possible?

The three of them were heading towards the Ninth Abyss while predicting the outcome of the duel.

The original universe, the territory of the mechanical race.

In the hall shrouded in black mist.

"Huh? One year later, the Ninth Abyss?" A voice came from the black sphere hidden in the black mist. "It's actually a place where the duel is open. Ancient Lord, you really have confidence in yourself!"

"Could it be that you have really successfully cultivated the 'Secret Technique of the Holy Religion's Core Inheritance'?"

Inside the black sphere, the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe shook his head and denied this possibility.

after all.

He knew clearly how difficult it was to practice the 'Holy Cult Core Inherited Secret Technique'. It was quite difficult, even more difficult than when he had broken through to the strongest person in the universe.

It is impossible for the Ancient Lord to be able to master it so quickly!

The black sphere shook, and a vortex appeared on the surface, swallowing up the surrounding black mist, and the entire hall suddenly became brighter.

"I want to see what other methods you have!" The eyes of the Father God of the Mechanical Clan flashed with black light.

  The black sphere disappeared out of thin air and rushed towards the ninth abyss of the space ship.

"Why do we have to fight in the Ninth Abyss? How can I, the Lord of the Universe, get in there?"

"Hey, I couldn't even see the battle for the strongest person in the universe sea."

"I have to find the ancestor and ask him to take me in. This duel must not be missed!"

Some of the masters of the universe sighed, while others immediately went to find the strongest person in the universe within their clan or within the same force.
  The black-grained stone pillar space is vast and strange, with 16 black-grained stone pillars reaching endless heights.

The No. 12 black-patterned stone pillar is the area of ​​will of the strongest person in the universe.

  Palace Master Nanming flew towards the boulder where Master Beizhen Star was.

"Beizhen Star Master! You have also heard that one year later, the Ancient Lord will confront the God Eye Tribe's No. 1 God in the Ninth Abyss. Instead of us staying here, waiting for the Ancient Lord to fight. We don't know when he will come out. The clone, it is better to go directly to the Ninth Abyss." Palace Master Nanming said in a message.


The two holy places sent them here to kill the Ancient Lord.

But after such a long time, the Ancient Lord has not been seen coming out of it.

Therefore, Palace Master Nanming planned to change the place to take action.

"Go to the Ninth Abyss?" Beizhen Star Master looked at Palace Master Nanming, "Is this what Ziyue Ancestor told you?"

"Not bad!" Palace Master Nanming nodded.

"No matter the outcome of the duel between the Ancient Lord and the First God, the Ancient Lord will definitely consume a lot of money. When the time comes, wouldn't it be easier for us to deal with the Ancient Lord than to deal with his main combat clone?" Palace Master Nanming said.

Palace Master Beizhen nodded slightly, and felt that what Palace Master Nanming said was reasonable.

He immediately thought of the instructions given by the founder of the Eastern Emperor.

Whether or not to take action against Guzhi depends on the outcome of the duel.

If you don't take action, it doesn't matter where you are, but if the final decision is to take action, then staying in the Ninth Abyss is indeed the best choice.

"Okay!" Palace Master Beizhen agreed.


The two of them immediately headed towards the Ninth Abyss.

At the same time, they also notified the strongest people in the universe in the Holy Land to rush to the Ninth Abyss.

One year is enough time for any strongest person in the universe who wants to watch the battle to reach the Ninth Abyss!
  At this time, the cosmic sea, the primitive universe, and many of the strongest people in the universe have already set off and rushed to the ninth abyss, all wanting to watch this rare showdown with their own eyes.

In the black stone pillar space, another place.

"Haha, it took me half a month to finally find my spatial secret room." Luo Feng looked at a black spire building in the distance and couldn't help but smile. He had already sensed it, because he could only sense it at close range. So these days, he is indeed running from black-patterned stone pillar to pillar.

"Wuhun, Wuhun."

"Your black token fell into my hands. I don't know what you left behind in this secret room of space."

  Luo Feng turned into a stream of light and flew away quickly.

This space secret room is very huge, and it is almost the same as those huge rocks flying around the black-grained stone pillars.

When Luo Feng flew in front of it, he felt how small he was. His hand lightly touched the wall, but it penetrated easily.

"Huh?" Luo Feng smiled in surprise.

Then he took a step forward and walked directly through the wall of the building and entered inside.

Space secret room, memory is an independent space.

Towering and vast.

Only the owner of the black token can enter.

Even if the other strong men are the strongest in the universe, they can't even think of breaking in.

For a long time, no strong person has been able to destroy the space chamber, not even the black token space chamber, which is the lowest among the three token chambers.

"It's really big." Luo Feng was suspended in mid-air, overlooking the endless land.

One side of the continuous mountains on the earth has been cut very flat. On the smooth rock wall, at a glance, you can see a large number of secret patterns, written records, etc.

  Luo Feng quickly descended and landed at the beginning of the countless carved records. There were ancient characters on them, which he didn't recognize at all. This characters were also different from the "characters of the ancient civilization that originally existed in the universe boat." However, the text itself contains a strong will and easily conveys the message to the viewer.

At Luo Feng's level, even a picture can convey a large amount of information through a picture.

"I, the Lord of Nine Mortals! I don't know how many generations have passed since this black token came to me. The strong men of the past have fallen one by one, and only a few traces can be identified. It really makes me sad. So, I have an idea, I hope that every subsequent generation of owners of this space secret room will leave some messages here. At least, even if they die due to the deadline, they can let those who come after know about it. I have lived for nearly three reincarnation eras, and the deadline is coming. Just wait here silently. If I die, the treasure will be left here and the descendants can get it. Haha, I don’t know which descendant has such an opportunity."

"I, Quequan! Senior Jiufan's treasures have come to me. I am also grateful to Senior Jiufan. Before Senior Jiufan, there may have been many owners of this space secret room, but the information is unknown. So I took it upon myself to regard Senior Jiufan as the first space master. Master. Then I am the second one. If I really have no hope of passing the deadline, I will leave the treasure here before the deadline. This is the secret map of the secret method I have learned."

"I, the Lord of Tongyu, am the 193rd space master."

I saw a large number of carvings on the vast smooth rock wall, and each carving represented each space owner.

Along the smooth rock wall, generations of space masters wrote, and as you looked, they continued, almost endlessly.

The further back you go, the more records there are.

Later, space owners continued to leave maps, and began to pass them on from generation to generation. There may be some troublemakers and destruction in the middle, but most of them still choose to pass on the recorded maps. This is already a tradition.

Among them, there are also many powerful people who have left behind some secret diagrams that they are proud of.

"I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of space masters." Luo Feng looked silently, as if he saw the changes in space masters in the past, and saw the powerful men of the reincarnation era in front of him.

It’s just that endless years have passed, and everything has dissipated in the cosmic sea, leaving only some traces here.

Smooth rock walls stretch as far as the eye can see.

Luo Feng walked step by step, looking at the stone carvings left on the rock wall.

Many powerful people have left behind secret maps of their own unique skills. Obviously, this is where they spend the most energy and where their hard work is concentrated.

"How can a secret method be created like this? Is there such a secret method?" Looking at these secret methods from countless endless years ago, many of them are very different from the current secret methods in the universe sea. This opened Luo Feng's eyes and revealed joy in his eyes. .

And the current last one is the Lord of the Five Hun!

The Lord of the Five Huns left behind the secret technique ‘Five Beast Gods’.


Luo Feng instantly rose into the sky and flew directly to the height of the entire mountain range, looking around the entire independent space.

Silver wings suddenly appeared behind him. As the divine power surged to drive the secret patterns on Wu's wings, a hazy golden light spread instantly. Although the entire independent space was large, it did not exceed the detection of the 'Golden Kingdom' scope.

In an instant, the entire independent space was enveloped.

The entire independent space can be viewed with just one thought.

"No treasures?" Luo Feng shook his head, "There is nothing in the entire independent space except a map. It seems that the Lord of the Five Huns has got away all the treasures."

"Forget it, if you don't have the treasure, then you won't have it. But this map is a bit precious."

Luo Feng walked up to the black crystal pillar with the map engraved on it, released a trace of divine power, and penetrated directly into it.

Three extremely vast three-dimensional images appeared in my mind.

The three three-dimensional pictures are Liuzhong Mountain, Universe Boat, and Qingfeng Realm!
  "What a rich and detailed map." Luo Feng showed joy, "Then I will also enrich my map."

Luo Feng didn't hide his secrets and quickly got in.

And he recorded all the maps of the three Jedi that he saw and knew in the silk map he got.

Virtual universe, Thunder Island.

Inside Chen Zong’s palace.

"Why did you come to see me?" Chen Zong looked at Luo Feng who was smiling and asked curiously.

"A happy event." Luo Feng smiled.

"What happy event?" Chen Zong said with a smile.

Luo Feng didn't say much, and pointed directly into the void in front of him. Wherever his thoughts went, the chaotic airflow in the surrounding void suddenly evolved, evolving into a huge ship, a disconnected towering mountain peak, and a superposition of peaks pouring countless waterfalls and beautiful water. At the same time, a large number of scenes appear inside these three huge mountains, and every scene is extremely detailed.

"This is the map of the three Jedi!" Chen Zongyi was happy looking at the map.

He is now powerful and can explore many areas of the three Jedi, but what he lacks is a map.

Now, many of the maps Luo Feng brought were places that humans had never been to before.

Great value!
  "I will send the detailed map to the teacher now." Luo Feng said.

The maps of the three Jedi are extremely detailed, and there are a lot of text explanations, etc. If he evolves alone, he may not be able to fully evolve in three to five days.

It is better to send it directly to the teacher, it will come faster.

After reading the map.

"Haha, yes, such a detailed map is probably comparable to the maps of the two holy land universes." Chen Zong said happily, he looked at Luo Feng, "The map you contributed this time, for the human race, Very important."

"The value is very high, but it's hard to give you too many contribution points as a teacher, so just 6000 treasure points!" Chen Zong said.

Nowadays, Chen Zong is one of the three pillars of the human race. Naturally, like the giant axe, he is qualified to determine the treasure point for contributing treasures.

"Yeah!" Luo Feng nodded.

"Teacher." Luo Feng thought for a while and asked, "I heard that the teacher has decided to fight the First Allah in the Ninth Abyss?"

Chen Zong smiled and said, "Why, you want to watch the battle?"

Luo Feng nodded.

"Okay, no problem. You are in the black-patterned stone pillar space now. Then I will tell Juaxe and let him take you there." Chen Zong said, as for himself, he did not have time to go to the black-patterned stone pillar space and take you there. Luo Feng went over.

As for the giant ax, he originally brought some masters of the human universe and the masters of the Hongmeng alien universe with him.

Bringing more Luo Feng would not be a problem at all.

"Thank you, teacher!" Luo Feng was delighted.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the one-year period has arrived.

The Ninth Abyss.

"Hiss, in the past, the strongest people in the universe who were rarely seen in the universe sea are now here to watch the battle!!" In a silver-white palace, a universe master said in shock, "This time, I came to the right place!"

The strongest people in the universe in the universe sea, including the strongest people in the universe who lost their small universes in the two holy places, all gathered in the ninth abyss.

"Giant Axe! We are all here, where is the Ancient Lord? Don't you dare to come?" The Third God looked at the giant ax standing on the 'God Conferring Platform' and spoke with ridicule.

"Yes! Where is the Ancient Lord?"

"Could it be that you really don't dare to come?"

"Then let's have fun?"

Voices rang out one after another, especially from the Purple Moon Holy Land, where the loudest voices were shouted.

"The Ancient Lord, he's already here!" Before the giant ax could reply, the mountaineer in the Bluestone Peak looked into the distance and smiled slightly.

The strongest man in the universe was stunned and looked around.


  While they were searching, suddenly, in the ninth abyss, opposite the First God, the light twisted and formed countless secret patterns. In the blink of an eye, a huge secret pattern with a radius of tens of billions of kilometers appeared out of thin air.

Followed by.

A majestic figure with a vast aura descended from the huge secret pattern.

"The Ancient Lord!"

Seeing that towering figure, all the strongest men in the universe were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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