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Chapter 416 There can only be one strongest person in the universe sea.

Chapter 416 There can only be one strongest person in the universe sea

The ancient demon's true form appeared out of thin air.

The huge secret pattern also dispersed and disappeared without a trace.


"It's the Ancient Lord!"

"What a powerful aura!"

"What kind of method is this? It can actually appear out of thin air in a space-blocked area!"

The strongest people in the universe were shocked.

"Is this the 'Holy Cult Core Inheritance Secret Technique' that the Ancient Lord obtained in the 'Tianluo World'?" Within the black sphere, twisted black figures appeared around the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, and his eyes were even scarlet. one slice.

“So special, for sure!”

"I thought the ancient master had obtained some powerful secret method, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be just a secret method of space teleportation. No wonder he mastered it so quickly." The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time a smile appeared on his face, "Follow me Compared to the 'Heavenly Demon and Evil Spirit Method', it's far behind!"

far away.

Inside the Conferred God Platform.

"It's the secret method that goes into the depths of the ice and earth!" Luo Feng's eyes lit up, secretly surprised, "This secret method can still be used in this way?"

And in the center of the battlefield.

"The Ancient Lord!" The First Lord looked at the ancient demon's true form with a serious look on his face.

The way the ancient demon clone appeared just now really shocked him.

The Ancient Lord has this secret method. Unless the Ancient Lord is suppressed before he uses this secret method, who can leave him behind in this cosmic sea?


This time the decisive battle is decisive.

Even if the Ancient Lord possesses this secret method, once he uses it and escapes from here, it will be a failure!
  The Kingdom of Stars will also be able to return to their Divine Eye Clan.

"First Allah!" The ancient demon's real body smiled and looked at the First Allah, "Your name has long been known to me. You have always been recognized as the most powerful person in the universe sea, but I am also recognized as He is the number one person with the will of the universe sea.”

"I have long wanted to see whether you, the most powerful person, or I, the person with the most will, are better."

"this time."

"Finally a chance!"

The voice of the ancient demon's true form, full of war intent, spread through the ninth abyss.

"I have to admire you. Just a master of the universe, you can create a ninth-level secret method. With such a talent, even your original ancestor of mankind was inferior." The First God praised.

"If you become the strongest person in the universe, then I will definitely not be your opponent."

"But you are still a little behind now."

The First God has spanned the universe and sea for nearly three reincarnation eras and is very confident in his own strength.


He is the strongest person in the universe and possesses the Heart of a True God. The Heart of a True God stores vast sea-like divine power. Even if he tries hard to consume it, he can kill the clone of the Ancient Lord.

The eyes of the First Allah are also full of fighting spirit.

Although he said that, he also knew that the Ancient Lord was able to exert the ninth level of top-notch combat power.

That was enough for him to take it seriously.

If only one move determines the outcome, then he really may not be able to defeat the Ancient Lord.

"here we go!"

"The showdown is finally about to begin!"

"I don't know how long the Ancient Lord can last."

"Is it impossible for the Ancient Lord to win? After all, I heard that the Ancient Lord has ninth-level top-notch combat power!"

"The ninth-level peak combat power is indeed very strong, but the First Allah is not weak either. In addition, the power of the First Allah is infinitely greater than that of the Ancient Lord, and it can even consume the Ancient Lord to death! What do you want to win?"

Seeing the fighting spirit of the ancient demon's true form and the First Allah, all the strongest men in the universe were a little excited.

"What confidence do you have, Ancient Lord, that you can defeat the First God?" Looking at the ancient demon's true form, Sitting Mountain Guest's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Hahaha, come on, Lord of the Ancients, you'd better kill the First Lord!" A burst of wild laughter sounded, it was the Skeleton Lord of the Skeleton Clan, the mortal enemy of the Divine Eye Clan.

The First Lord glanced at the skeleton master and snorted coldly.

If the Skeleton Master dared to be so impudent elsewhere, he would definitely fight against the Skeleton Master.


Now his opponent is the Ancient Lord, not the Skeleton Lord.

He looked back.

"Come on!" The First Lord shouted. At the same time, the one-eyed shadow behind him that had disappeared reappeared at this moment. The one-eyed shadow suddenly grew in size, and was larger than the entire body of the First Lord.

  The surrounding void was shaking.

Immediately afterwards, the one-eyed shadow instantly burst out with dazzling light in all directions.

The world changes dramatically.

  The ancient demon's true form seemed to be trapped in a brand new world. There was a huge one-eye hanging high in the sky overlooking the endless land. In this new world, there were eight sky-supporting pillars of different colors.

The pillar supporting the sky is surrounded by countless secret patterns.

In front of the middle of the sky-supporting pillar, there is also a single eye suspended, one size smaller than the one in the sky.

"Hiss~, when the First Lord takes action, it turns out to be the most powerful trick 'Nine Heavens Hunting'."

"Nine Heavenly Hunters, nine one-eyes turn into nine 'Nine Heavenly Hunters', which are extremely powerful. Rumor has it that the First Lord relied on this move to resist the attack of the original ancestor."

"He actually used this trick from the beginning."

"I'm afraid the Ancient Lord won't last long!"

The strongest man in the universe said in shock.

When they were communicating, in the Jiutian Hunter world, the nine one-eyed eyes split from the middle, and humanoid figures walked out. However, on the heads of these humanoid figures, there was only one vertical eye that occupied 90% of the face area!

This vertical eye is exactly the same as the one-eye before!
  The nine ‘Sky Hunters’ roared.

I saw.

They actually used the tallest 'Sky Hunter' in the sky as the core, just like forming the 'Eternal True God'. These 'Sky Hunters' also merged together to form a statue with nine heads and eighteen arms. A two-legged giant 'Sky Hunter', it exudes an aura that makes even the strongest person in the universe tremble.


The giant sky hunter roared angrily!
  As if teleporting, it appeared directly in front of the ancient demon's true body. The eighteen arms turned into eighteen giant hammers, stirring up the universe and space, carrying the aura of destroying everything, and smashed towards the ancient demon's true body.


It seemed as if all escape routes were cut off by eighteen giant hammers.

The giant hammer pressed down, but even before it touched the ancient demon's true body, the ancient demon's true body could feel that the divine body was being annihilated by the overwhelming sense of oppression.

"So strong! As expected of the First Lord!" The ancient demon's true form sighed.


The retreat was cut off.

Another powerful attack came.

But the ancient demon’s true form was not panicked at all!

"This battle must be won, and it must be won beautifully!" The ancient demon's true form's eyes narrowed.

The ancient demon's true form immediately burned with divine power.

"Ancient Demon Broken Star!"

"Fen Ji!"

“Holding the sun and moon in hand and picking up the stars!”

"The universe in the palm of your hand!"

A golden giant palm entwined with chaotic air currents appeared out of thin air. The ancient demon's true form simultaneously activated the weak water, and the weak water blessed the golden giant palm!
  The divine power route has reached the second stage, with a level of 60,000 times the life gene. The ancient demon's true form alone is comparable to the demon's true form when he suppressed Star Lord Haolei.

The power is vast and boundless!
  As soon as the giant golden palm appeared, the entire 'Tian Shou World' shook, as if it was about to burst.

Followed by.

A giant golden palm fell from the sky.

In the palm of your hand is a world, a world that is more stable and powerful than the 'Tian Shou World'.

I saw.

The space and time of the universe around the giant sky hunter seemed to be continuously expanding.

His eighteen giant hammers are getting further and further away from the ancient demon's true body.

At this time.

The golden giant palm has arrived, directly covering the giant sky hunter.   咘~
  A loud bang!
  The entire giant sky hunter was slapped deep into the strata of this world by a giant golden palm.


The giant sky hunter roared and swung the giant hammer wildly, trying to break open the golden giant palm and escape.


The world in the palm of the golden giant palm shrank rapidly.

For an instant.

The giant golden palm directly grasped the giant sky hunter, and with a strong squeeze, cracks suddenly appeared on the giant sky hunter's body.

"Tenth level!"

"It's actually the tenth level!"

"The Ancient Lord turned out to be a tenth-level combat power!"

The power of the golden giant palm is so vast that even the strongest person in the universe outside the 'Tian Shou World' can clearly feel the power of the golden giant palm.

The Ninth Abyss is completely crazy!

The strongest people in the universe were trembling in their hearts, and some even looked frightened.

Level ten!
  A tenth-level combat power that could easily kill many of the strongest men in the universe present.

"How is it possible? How could the Ancient Lord have tenth-level combat power? This is impossible!" The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe roared angrily.

"Tenth level!" Sitting Mountain Guest's pupils shrank, "I have thought about many possibilities, but I have never thought that the Ancient Lord actually has tenth level combat power. Tenth level, how did he do it. "

Except for the giant axe and the Lord of Chaos City who already knew about it, the other strongest people in the universe were all deceived at this moment!


The First Lord who fought against the ancient demon's true form reacted immediately.

"Ah~" the First Lord roared, his hair fluttering, exuding a powerful aura, "break it for me!"

From the one-eyed shadow behind him, another beam of light shot out, entered the 'Tian Shou World', and merged into the body of the giant Tian Shou, trying to repair the marks on the giant Tian Shou's body.


"Destroy!" A confused voice sounded.

The golden giant palm bloomed with dazzling golden light, and the golden light poured into the giant Tianshou's body along the cracks.

  The giant Tianshou exploded with a bang.

The entire 'Tian Shou World' was filled with space cracks, followed by a sudden collapse, and the ancient demon's true form reappeared in the Ninth Abyss.


Neither "Burning Silence" nor "Ancient Demon Broken Star" has stopped.

Suddenly, there was a vast aura, full of oppression, crushing the strongest people in the universe who were watching around.

Heart palpitations!

The hearts of many of the strongest people in the universe were beating wildly.

too crazy!

Although this aura could not cause any harm to them, they still couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The ancient demon's true form looked at the First Allah.

The battle is not over yet.

The golden giant palm blasts towards the First Lord!

"Roar~" the First Lord roared. At this moment, he no longer thought about winning, but thought about resisting this blow.

This duel has to decide the winner, so the Palace of the Most Powerful Treasure cannot be used.


If both sides of the duel hide in the Palace of the Supreme Treasure, then the battle will be over!
  The giant golden palm struck the First Lord, causing the First Lord to fly backwards, with cracks appearing on his body and blood flowing out.


The First Lord was defeated!

And he was defeated very simply!

Extremely silent!

When many of the strongest people in the universe knew that the ancient demon's true form had tenth-level combat power, they knew that the ancient demon's true form would definitely win in this battle, but they did not expect that it would win so quickly and so simply.

this time.

Even the Skeleton Master, seeing the First Lord being slapped away by a palm, didn't feel as happy as before.

Because, another super invincible strong man who can sweep across the cosmic sea has appeared in the cosmic sea.

Thinking about it again, the Ancient Lord is still the Lord of the Universe. If he were to break through to the strongest person in the universe, wouldn't he be even stronger?
  The skeleton owner was even more heartbroken!

"First Allah!" The ancient demon's true form looked at the First Allah with a vast aura.

"I lost!" The First God sighed, and he looked at the Third God, "Xingxing, hand over the 'Star Hand' to the Ancient Lord!"

Third, God is very reluctant to give up.

However, when he saw the Ancient Lord exuding a vast aura in the distance, no matter how reluctant he was, he could only reluctantly give up.

He erased the mark of life on the 'Star Hand'.

  The 'Star Hand' turned into a stream of light and flew into the hand of the ancient demon's true form.

Keep the treasures.

A huge secret pattern appeared in the sky again.

The ancient demon's true form disappeared directly.

The state of Ancient Demon Broken Star will not last long. He does not want others to see his flaws, so he can only leave immediately.

See the ancient demon's true form leaving.

The other strongest people in the universe soon left the Ninth Abyss.

As they leave.

The Ancient Lord, the new strongest man in the Universe Sea, has spread throughout the Universe Ocean.

Shake the universe sea!
  Ancient God Universe.

The ancient demon's true form looked at the panel.

【Name】Chen Zong

【Ethnic Group】Human Ethnic Group (Daogu)

[Level] Lord of the Universe (Fantasy Warrior Style)

[Secret Method] Xuanzong Sword Code (ninth level), Phantom Xiaoyao (ninth level), Spiritual Phantom (ninth level), Demonic Eye of Annihilation (sixth level), Baji Dao (eighth level)
  [Special Secret Techniques] Ancient God Technique (fourth level, body amplitude 100 times), Divine Illusion Technique (the first form 'Void God's Annihilation', the second form 'Divinity Seal'), Tian Yan Technique!

[Secret Talents] Universe in Palm, Ancient God Broken Star, Ancient God Roar, Ancient God Finger
  [Talent Clone] World Tree Clone, Demonic Dragon Clone, Immortal Emperor Clone
  [Gene level] 6 times.

[Original Laws] Understand the ten basic original laws (the eight great beast gods, the way of time and space).

【Task 1】Famous in the universe (completed)
  [Reward] Realm Heart Order
  【Task 2】Sealing——Wu (Unfinished)

[Reward] A lava demon.

[Task 3] Teach ten disciples of the Lord of the Universe (unfinished)

[Reward] Monument of Enlightenment
  Many years have passed since the decisive battle.

Deep inside the spaceship, there is endless black mud, as if there are black swamps everywhere, and high above it is an endless sea of ​​magma.

Hua Hua Hua~~~
  Large tracts of magma fell from high altitudes. During the fall, they quickly condensed and froze, then turned into black rocks, and then gradually softened. They flowed slowly like black mercury, forming this black swamp.

Magma sea above.

Black swamp below.

This is the notorious ‘Fire Ice Territory’. Because there are so many similar dangerous places in the depths of the Inner Domain, millions of them, so the names are very random, but you must not underestimate these dangerous places just because of their seemingly simple names.

"Gu Gu Gu~~"

Bubbles suddenly began to appear in one area of ​​the black swamp.

Then more and more bubbles followed, even causing some black swamps to splash up.

"Hua Hua Hua~~~~"

Circles of huge ripples appeared from this area of ​​​​the black swamp, and then spread out in all directions.

The noise is getting louder and louder!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!
  The entire area of ​​the Black Swamp began to tremble, and such a huge movement was shocking.

A war boat appeared in the swamp!

(End of this chapter)

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