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Chapter 423 Remember me? I'll blow you up with one punch!

Chapter 423 Remember me? I'll blow you up with one punch!
  Space boat, wind chime domain!
  "Ling ring ring~ ring ring ring~"

Bursts of wind chimes came from nowhere, echoing throughout the wind chimes domain. The closer to the core of the wind chimes domain, the louder the wind chimes became.

The core of the wind chime domain.

A canyon that is thousands of light-years long and no more than a trillion kilometers wide at its widest point. The universe here collapses amid the sound of wind chimes, turning into endless turbulence that rages endlessly.

No master of the universe can stay here without the most powerful and precious armor.

As soon as it appears, the divine body will be annihilated by the endless turbulence.

at this time.

In this endless turbulence, a ball burning with black flames cut through the waves like a giant ship, breaking through the turbulence and rushing straight towards the depths of the canyon.

This black sphere is the natal Dragon Ball.

Inside the natal dragon ball.

"The fluctuations are getting stronger and stronger, and they are continuing to increase. Could it be that the quality of this supreme treasure is far superior to that of the most powerful treasure?" Thinking of this, the eyes of the demon dragon clone lit up.

Of course, the most powerful treasure mentioned by the demon dragon clone refers to the true god-level treasure.

In the cosmic sea, true god-level treasures, void true god-level treasures, and even the God King's weapon "Star Tower" are all called the most powerful treasures, but there are still differences between them, and the differences are still very big.

Now, if it is just the pinnacle treasure, the demon dragon clone is not very interested.

But he is very interested in the most powerful treasure.

after all.

He can refine the most powerful treasure now. If he wants to refine a stronger treasure, he doesn't know when.

  The demon dragon clone poured a large amount of divine power into the natal dragon ball, activated the secret pattern, and the speed surged, reaching 100,000 times the speed of light.

More than ten days later.

"What's going on? This canyon is so deep?" The demon dragon clone frowned.

He felt something was wrong.



Breaking through a turbulent flow, the natal dragon ball entered a void space.

  Even within the natal Dragon Ball, the demon dragon clone could feel a powerful pressure, which shocked him.

He immediately looked around.

I saw that in this void space, there was no endless turbulence, nor the sound of wind chimes. There was only a huge illusory blue stone ring in front of me. The outer diameter of the stone ring was almost 1.2 billion kilometers, and the inner diameter was also one billion kilometers. The entire stone ring The stone ring is still shining with brilliant rays of light. Through the light, you can see the extremely complex secret patterns engraved on the stone ring.

Looking at the secret patterns on the illusory bluestone ring, the demon dragon clone felt that it was extremely obscure and difficult to understand.


Waves of powerful fluctuations rippled out from the illusory blue stone ring, sweeping across the entire void space.

"It's this wave!"

Feeling this fluctuation, the demon dragon clone instantly understood that this was the treasure he was looking for.

"What exactly is this illusory bluestone ring?"

The demon dragon clone released its divine power and headed towards the illusory bluestone ring.

Divine power passed through the void and touched the illusory bluestone ring.

  The illusory bluestone ring shook.

Like an egg hitting a stone, the divine power was directly shaken and annihilated by the illusory bluestone ring.

"This treasure has an owner?" The demon dragon clone was startled.

Only if the owner's treasure can be defended, his divine power will not be able to enter it, and his divine power will be annihilated.

"How is that possible?" The demon dragon clone frowned.

With the intensity of the wind chimes outside just now, there is no way to enter this void without the most powerful soul defense treasure.

And in the cosmic sea, there are powerful people who possess the most powerful soul defense treasures, and they can be counted on their fingers.

If this illusory bluestone ring belongs to one of them, there is no need to put it here. It is better to put it in your own small universe than to put it here.


Just when the demon dragon clone was confused.

I saw that in the void area in the center of the illusory bluestone ring, there seemed to be transparent water flowing.

  A huge palm with purple scales with golden lines on the back directly broke through the water flow and appeared in the void space. The powerful aura of law lingered on the five fingers, like dragons of law winding and flying, causing the surrounding void to tremble and collapse. Turn into endless turbulence.

In the endless turbulence, it seems that universes are being born and annihilated.

  Carrying the most powerful pressure, this half of the purple arm was grabbed directly towards the demon dragon clone.

"The law of fusion of three systems!"

"Level 12!!"

Seeing the huge palm that covered the sky and the sun crushing towards him, the demon dragon clone's pupils shrank and he was extremely shocked.

How can this be?

How could there be twelfth-level combat power in the universe?

And also mastered the three-system fusion law?

If this kind of existence really existed, then it would not be the turn of the original ancestor, the turn of the first God, or the turn of him to be the most powerful person in this universe sea.

However, there was not much time for the dragon clone to think.

Within the path of true God.

The ancient demon's true form frowned and immediately stopped refining the weapon. The half-refined 'cloak' was directly scrapped. He followed the coordinate points and returned directly to the ancient god's universe. At the same time, the ancient demon's true form and the immortal appeared. The clone of the emperor and the clone of the world tree.

  They disappeared again.

Wind chimes domain, empty space.

  The real body of the demon, the clone of the Immortal Emperor, and the clone of the World Tree appeared out of thin air. Only Chen Zong himself did not come over. After all, he was still undergoing the ‘title trial’. Once he left, the trial would be considered a failure.

Boom boom boom~~~
  They all burned their divine power like crazy.

"Broken Star!"

"Fen Ji!"

“Holding the sun and moon in hand and picking up the stars!”

"The universe in the palm of your hand!"

Explode with full force.

Four golden giant palms entwined with chaotic air flow merged together to form a solid golden giant palm.

At the same time, the weak water surged out and blessed the golden giant palm.

  An extremely powerful aura erupted from the giant golden palm.

Level 11!
  Several clones exploded with all their strength, and the combined power made the power of the golden giant palm reach the eleventh level!
  The golden giant palm directly faced the purple scale giant palm.

  Giant palms collided with giant palms.

Like billions of stars exploding, golden light and purple light filled the entire void space. Rumbling, the void space kept trembling, and space cracks traversed the void space, tearing apart this black curtain-like space. Come.

The illusory blue stone ring also trembled.

  There are also cracks on the stone ring, and it looks like it will collapse at any time.

"%#@¥%*¥#¥%" A roar came from the purple arm.

Inside the natal dragon ball.

All the clones have entered it and are standing in the square in front of the black stone palace, looking at the situation outside.

They also heard the sound coming from the purple arm.

It was a language that had never been heard before.

However, at their level, communication is no longer limited to language, but more through fluctuations of consciousness. Therefore, the demon dragon clone also understood what the purple arm said.

What it means is - "Damn it, there are actually eleven levels of combat power. No, the Tianwei Gate has not yet completely condensed."

The roar of the purple arm just fell.

  The golden giant palm was crushed by the purple giant palm!
  A bigger impact rushed towards the illusory blue stone ring.

  The blue stone ring, which was already full of cracks, could no longer bear it at this moment and exploded directly.

"I remember you!" the voice came from the purple arm again.


The purple arm quickly retracted, and the fingertips disappeared into the transparent water area. As soon as they disappeared, the transparent water area also twisted and collapsed.

Inside the natal dragon ball.

Seeing the illusory bluestone ring that exploded and disappeared, not even a single piece of gravel was left behind. It was completely empty. The demon dragon clone frowned.

"The Gate of Tianwei? What is this?"    "Behind the Gate of Tianwei, is a prison where the owner of the purple arm is imprisoned?"

"Or is it a space portal?"

"Or is it"

After thinking about many possibilities, the demon dragon clone couldn't be sure which one it was, and it might even be none of them.

"It seems that no matter what the situation is, a clone must be left here to take charge."

"As long as the 'Heavenly Gate' comes again, we will smash it before it condenses into shape!"


"Do you still remember me?"

"Remember me, is it useful? I'll blow you up as soon as I show up!"

  In the natal Dragon Ball, the demon's true body, the World Tree's clone, and the Immortal Emperor's clone have all returned. This void space will be dominated by the demon dragon's clone!

The ancient demon's true form returned to the path of true god and started refining the 'cloak' again.

Several others also returned to their respective posts.

Qingfeng boundary, undercurrent canyon.

  The ancient demon's true form appeared out of thin air, and he looked at the 'virtual world' ahead.

"It's better to transfer the power of the world beasts in the 'virtual world' to the Ancient God Universe." The ancient demon's real body said softly.

Originally, the demon dragon clone was arranged to go to the tomb boat, but now the demon dragon clone is sitting in the void space and cannot leave, so the ancient demon's true form can only go there.

He immediately returned to the Ancient God Universe.

In the endless chaotic airflow, the ancient demon's true form looked ahead.

"The virtual world!"

A world between reality and illusion was born out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, the ancient demon's true form returned to Qingfeng Realm.

He controlled the virtual world in front of him, opened a huge opening, and the power of the world beast surged out.

The power of these world beasts was directly led by him to the Ancient God Universe. The newly created 'virtual world' has opened its big mouth, swallowing all the power of the world beasts without hesitation.

Direct transfer does not need to be completed immediately.

So it takes very little time.

In a moment, the power of the world beast was transferred.

The will of the ancient god's universe controls this new virtual world, controls the power of the beasts, and keeps flocking to Chen Zong who is on the road to the true god.

The will of the Ancient God Universe is Chen Zong’s will.

It’s the same will!
  Naturally, he can do what Chen Zong can do.

Qingfeng Realm.

The ancient demon's real body directly controlled the coordinate point and quickly moved towards the coordinate point of the demon dragon's clone in the space boat.

The space boat, the flame ice domain, the tomb boat.

"What are the rules of this game?" On the light pillar, the Shadow Master of the Divine Eye Clan studied the three-dimensional shadow, frowning, and glanced at the other light pillars.

"Huh?" The Lord of Shadows was suddenly stunned.

He saw that Luo Feng, General Yinyue, General Xiaolong, and nearly ten of their subordinates were all starting to try to solve the situation.

"Have they all understood the rules of the game?" The Lord of Shadows' heart trembled.

"They came in at the same time, how could they understand the rules of the game so quickly?"


"This is impossible!"

"Definitely just trying it out, learning the rules through trial and error, that's for sure."

"Yes, I can do that too!"

The Lord of Shadows' eyes lit up, and he immediately discussed with the Lord of Witches and Demons.

at this time.

On another light pillar.

Luo Feng tried to make a layout, and even had some basic elements that he was not sure about. He just relied on feeling.

as time flows.

His mind became clearer and clearer. In an instant, his mind sketched out tens of thousands of dimensions, combined with each other, and quickly determined the basic elements one by one. In this first solution, some of the previous insights suddenly had new experiences.

Before, he only looked at the results to understand.

But now, it is looking at the endgame to resolve the situation.

The solution is game 124!

At this time.

  A three-dimensional virtual shadow in the form of a cone is formed within the crystal pillar. The three-dimensional virtual shadow is perfect and suspended, without any trace of divine power dissipating.

However, only Luo Feng himself could see it, and no one outside could see it.

"The 124th game, perfect solution." A wave of waves was directly transmitted to Luo Feng's consciousness.

Luo Feng suddenly felt secretly happy.

"The solution was successful!"

"Continue to game 125."

time flies.

After the arrival of the powerful men from the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe, the battle outside the tomb boat has never stopped.

The Lord of the Nanming Palace of the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Lord of Beizhen Star of the East Emperor Holy Land spelled out the real fire.

"Beizhen, get out of here!" Palace Master Nanming shouted angrily.

"Hahaha, if you have the ability, just rush through. If you don't have the ability, don't cry here!" Beizhen Star Lord laughed. This time, their East Emperor Holy Land Universe went all out, and the strongest people in other universes borrowed the treasure. Give it to him, now he is carrying four powerful treasures!

They are the four most powerful treasures of 'palace type, domain type, melee attack type, and long-range attack type'.

If you want to attack, attack; if you want to defend, defend!
  How could the Nanming Palace Master alone get through?

Even if the master of Nanming Palace also carries several powerful treasures, it is the same.

There is no way, who let Beizhen Star Master come before him.

If Nanming Palace Master comes first, he will block the cabin door, and Beizhen Star Master will also have no choice but to be blocked outside.

"Damn it!" Master Nanming was angry!

But there is nothing to do.

The two of them had been planning together for a long time when the two Holy Lands were preparing to deal with the Ancient Lord, and they could be considered to have some friendship.

But this little friendship is simply not enough for the two of them to create rivals for themselves in the fight for the 'Drifting East River inheritance'.

At this time.

  Two more magnificent auras came here, they were the First God and the Second God of the God Eye Clan.

Palace Master Nanming looked at them with a happy expression on his face.

The First Allah and the Second Allah understood the current situation at a glance.

The two of them understood and understood the master of Nanming Palace.

"Beizhen! Get away!"

"Beizhen, do you think you can stop the three of us?"


"The Eternal God! Go and get him out of the way."

At the cabin door, the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Divine Eye Clan joined forces, and the three strongest men in the universe went all out to besiege Beizhen Star Master.

Beizhen Star Master held on for a moment before being blown away.

The cabin door gave way.

The Lord of the Nanming Palace, the First Allah, and the Second Allah immediately sent a large number of Lords of the Universe, Universe Venerables, and Immortals into the tomb boat. At the same time, the First Allah and the Second Allah also entered it.

After they entered.

Star Lord Beizhen is back again.

Just like before, Beizhen Star Master and Nanming Palace Master blocked the cabin door again!

Outside the Yanbing territory.

The true form of the ancient demon appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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