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Chapter 424 The Shock of Duan Donghe

Chapter 424 The Shock of Duan Donghe
  "Boom boom boom~"

At the door of the tomb's cabin, a battle broke out.

"Beizhen, Nanming, you can't stop me for long!" A sharp voice full of anger sounded from a bird life with twelve golden claws.

"Hmph, you are the only ones who want to get the Donghe River inheritance? Dream on!" Palace Master Nanming sneered.

"While we are here, you are only at the top level of the seventh level, and you want to break in?" Lord Beizhen said scornfully.

This bird life and the other two strongest people in the universe are both seventh-level top combat powers. How could it be possible for them to be their opponents.

  Master Beizhen controlled the most powerful treasure field, turning it into green leaves all over the sky, floating away, and in a blink of an eye, the place seemed to have become a primeval forest, full of green.

Vines protruded from the forest and entangled themselves with the three strongest men in the universe.


Palace Master Nanming's eyes flashed with lightning, he clasped his hands together, and then opened them. Fierce golden thunder and lightning raged in his palms. A golden disk rose in front of him, and golden arcs crackled on the golden disk.

  He shot out his palms and hit the golden disc.

  In an instant, thousands of golden thunderbolts shot towards the three strongest men in the universe.

The majestic momentum shocked their hearts.



The bird life screamed, and the other two strongest men in the beast universe roared, working together to resist the attacks of Beizhen Star Master and Nanming Palace Master.

"Damn it, I can't beat you!" Bird Life was extremely unwilling.

"We can only wait until there are more powerful people in the universe. The two of them will definitely not be able to stop them!" The beast that looks like a lion with ten snake tails said helplessly.

"Can't swallow this breath, fight, keep fighting!" The six-winged golden lizard's eyes were scarlet, murderous, and its long tongue was exposed. Drops of mucus spattered and landed on the entangled green vines. It was immediately corroded and broken apart.


The green vines quickly returned to their original state and continued to wrap around them.

The aftermath of the battle caused the black swamp below to surge like the waves of the ocean, with tall waves of silt rushing towards the distance. The Lords of the Universe watching the battle around them looked horrified and kept retreating.

"too strong!"

"Go back!"

Don't back down, just in case you get involved in the battle.

Very likely to perish.


In the magma ocean above, the falling magma did not fall down. As if being pulled by something, it gathered in one direction, forming a huge secret pattern covering hundreds of millions of kilometers in the blink of an eye.

The two sides who were originally fighting immediately stopped fighting.

"Huh? Could it be that something happened to the inheritance?" Seeing the battle stop instantly, a universe master looked up at the huge secret pattern and asked doubtfully.

"No, I have seen this secret pattern, yes." The Lord of the other universe said.

He hasn't finished yet.

  A powerful aura erupted from the secret pattern.

I saw a majestic figure wearing a blood-colored battle robe appearing directly below the secret pattern, overlooking the tomb boat. He did not use the secret method, but just stood there, which brought great impact to the five strongest men in the universe below. pressure.

"The Ancient Lord!"

"It's actually the Ancient Lord!"


Shocking sounds echoed in this area.

Palace Master Beizhen and Palace Master Nanming, who were blocking the cabin door, looked at the majestic figure with solemn expressions on their faces.

The three birds, the six-winged lizard, and the snake-tailed lion beast looked happy.

The ancient demon's true form slowly descended.

"Beizhen, Nanming, and the ancient masters are here. Why, you guys still want to block the hatch?" The six-winged lizard rolled its tongue and stared at the masters of the Beizhen Palace and the Nanming Palace with its scarlet eyes.

"Old Master, are you also here for the inheritance of Donghe River?" Palace Master Beizhen asked.

"If I didn't come here for the Duan Donghe inheritance, how could I come here for you?" the ancient demon's real body said coldly, "To tell you the truth, there is no use blocking this hatch! It's better to get out of the way!"

Palace Master Beizhen and Palace Master Nanming looked at each other.

"Okay!" The two of them nodded.

They all put away their most powerful treasures and stepped aside.

Since the Ancient Lord gained the tenth level of combat power, both Holy Lands have given up their plans to kill the Ancient Lord.

The attitude towards the Ancient Lord changed from killing him to not provoking him.

Unless the ancestors of the two holy places come back, the two holy places are not willing to provoke the ancient lord at all!
  no way.

The Ancient Lord was still just the Lord of the Universe and had tenth level of combat power. If he were promoted to the strongest in the universe, wouldn't he surpass the tenth level and reach the eleventh or even the twelfth level?
  Such strength is invincible in the universe sea!

If you are an enemy of the Ancient Lord, you will only die if you hide in the Holy Land and do not come out.

Beizhen Star Master and Nanming Palace Master flew out of the cabin door.

  The ancient demon's true form did not hesitate, and flew directly into the hatch, heading deeper. The other three strongest men in the universe also entered. They released the Lord of the Universe, the Venerable Universe, Immortal and other clansmen in the palace treasure. The bird life also followed into the depths, while the other two left the tomb boat and returned to the outside world.

Bird life is the only strongest person in the universe from the weaker Molybdenum Eagle tribe in the first era of reincarnation, the Molybdenum Eagle God Lord!

at this time.

咻咻 咻 ~
  The Lord of the Universe, who had retreated into the distance due to the aftermath of the previous battle, turned into streams of light and flew towards the cabin door quickly.


  "Get out of here!" Palace Master Nanming shouted coldly.

He and Master Beizhen blocked the cabin door again, and the Lord of the Universe who approached was shot away by the two of them.

The ancient demon's true form, which has entered the tomb boat, doesn't know about the external situation. Of course, even if he knows, he doesn't care.

Arrive at this mist hall.

Here, only the ancient demon's true form, the Molybdenum Eagle God Lord, the Lord of the Universe and other powerful people have not arrived yet.

"You, enter it." Duan Donghe pointed at the ancient demon's true form.

"Duandonghe!" The ancient demon's true form did not immediately enter the Rubik's Cube instrument, but looked at Duandonghe, "Is it true that your virtual consciousness cannot survive?"

Duan Donghe is, after all, a powerful existence that has lived in the Origin Continent for countless years.

If this ray of virtual consciousness can be preserved, it will be a huge wealth for the human race!
  Able to cultivate a super strong person for mankind.

Then, his system task of teaching ten disciples of the Lord of the Universe can be completed faster.

Only in this way can you get the mission reward - Enlightenment Monument - faster.

As soon as the ancient demon's true form came out.


A powerful coercion descended on the ancient demon's true body.

"What do you mean?" Duan Donghe's originally indifferent attitude suddenly changed. His expression was stern, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent. It was as if if the answer of the ancient demon's true form did not satisfy him, he would directly use means to kill the ancient demon's true form. .

"You followed General Zhenyu here, but unfortunately this is a road of no return." The ancient demon's real body sighed, "If there is a way to preserve your virtual consciousness, then I can do my best for General Zhenyu!"

General Zhenyu!

Hearing this name, Duan Donghe's whole body trembled.

He hadn't heard it in an unknown amount of time.

At this time.

There was a voice coming from outside the foggy hall.

Duan Donghe looked at the passage, waved his hand, and with a rumble, the passage gate lowered, blocking those out of the foggy hall.

"Who are you, and why do you know the general's name?" Duan Donghe withdrew his gaze and fell on the ancient demon's true form, filled with expectation and vigilance.

"I am the descendant of General Zhenyu!" said the ancient demon's true form.

"Well, to be more precise, he is the successor of his secret technique." The ancient demon turned around and looked into the distance of the misty hall, "I'm just saying that you don't believe it, so why don't I show it to you."

The ancient demon's true form struck out with a palm, a huge golden palm appeared out of thin air, and the fog was directly blasted away by the palm.

Although this hall is large, its size is limited.

The ancient demon's true form immediately stopped.

The golden giant palm suddenly collapsed.

"Holding the sun and moon in your hands to pick up the stars! This is one of the unique techniques created by the general after entering the universe sea, and you can actually do it!" Duan Donghe was extremely shocked.

He knew that this unique technique was sealed by the general on a severed palm, and only those approved by the general could learn it from that giant palm.

This kind of inheritance is completely different from the inheritance of unique skills engraved on the murals inside the spaceship.

It's somewhat similar to how he started the Donghe River inheritance now.

In other words, the human being in front of me is really the descendant of General Zhenyu!
  Followed by.

"Hahaha, great!" Duan Donghe said in surprise, "I didn't expect that I could meet the general's descendant here!"

He is the general's subordinate, and he has followed the general to fight in all directions for endless years.

Even if he died in the battle in the Universe Sea, the only thing he didn't want to give up was that he was afraid of breaking the Donghe inheritance. He still respected the general as before.

immediately. He thought of what the ancient demon's true form had just said.

"You're probably not here to fight for the inheritance of my Duan Donghe lineage." Duan Donghe looked at the ancient demon's true form.

"Yes!" The ancient demon's real body nodded, "Your inheritance is very suitable for my apprentice!"

"Your disciple?" Duan Donghe raised his eyebrows.

"He has already solved the game inside. With his understanding, he should have successfully solved about ten games now!" The ancient demon's real body smiled and simulated Luo Feng's figure at the same time.

"It's him!" Duan Donghe has been paying attention to the Rhino Emperor Bureau.

Seeing Luo Feng's figure and comparing it with the situation inside, it was indeed as the ancient demon's real body said, Luo Feng had already solved ten games!

"His understanding is indeed powerful!" Duan Donghe couldn't help but sigh.

The ancient demon smiled slightly in his heart.

Luo Feng's understanding is only a little worse than him in the current universe sea, so of course he is powerful!

Now that the time flow rate is 300,000 times that of the True God's Path, if the speed of solving the situation is still slow, then it's okay!

Duan Donghe looked at the ancient demon's true form and said seductively: "Although you are the descendant of General Zhenyu, you only have a few unique techniques and lack of systematic inheritance. And in my lineage of inheritance, Duan Donghe, is more powerful than General Zhenyu. There are still a few powerful seniors, and if you gain inheritance, it is possible to reach the level of General Zhenyu in the future."

"You know, even if your apprentice obtains the inheritance, what he can pass on are only ordinary ones. Like the core inheritance of my Duan Donghe lineage, you have no access to it at all!"


"Don't you want to become stronger?"

"My inheritance is an excellent opportunity to become stronger!"

"You want to give it to your apprentice?"

"Or is your understanding really not as good as your disciple's understanding?"

Comprehension, this thing cannot be seen at a glance, and it is difficult to detect with instruments, so Duan Donghe uses the Rhinoceros Bureau as a test to select inheritors, instead of directly testing it with the Rubik's Cube instrument in the hall to confirm the inheritance. The person chooses.

"Well, then I'll go in and give it a try!" The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.


"You haven't answered my question yet, which is, is there any way to preserve your virtual consciousness?"

The ancient demon's true form looked at Duan Donghe expectantly.

In the original work, Duan Donghe disappeared, but the ancient demon's true form still refused to give up.

after all.

In the world of Jin, the virtual consciousness of the God King left by the mountain guest did not dissipate even if Luo Feng completed the sealing mission.

Perhaps, there is a way to retain Duan Donghe's virtual consciousness.

Duan Donghe raised his head and looked at the foggy hall, then smiled: "I have died long ago, and now I am just a virtual consciousness."

"Virtual, just virtual!"

"I am not a life!"

"If the next inheritor of Duan Donghe is elected, I will disappear, completely."

"Virtual?" The ancient demon's real body shook his head, "When you think that virtual is just virtual, then it can only be virtual. But if you are sure that virtual is not virtual, but a kind of reality, then virtual can also be transformed into reality!"

"The illusion of the virtual world."

"Isn't that true?"

"Huh? Illusion of the virtual world? You actually know about the illusion of the virtual world?" Duan Donghe was shocked.

The illusion of the virtual world, on the Origin Continent, can only be discussed by those super beings who truly stand at the pinnacle.

The third generation Duan Donghe is one of the pinnacle super beings!
  Naturally, this information has also been recorded in inherited information.

This also made Duan Donghe in the subsequent generations have a certain understanding of super beings.


Understanding does not mean knowing the methods of super beings.

"Hey." Duan Donghe sighed softly. He was only at the peak of the Eternal True God. He was far away from those super beings. He simply did not have that level of strength to permanently maintain his virtual consciousness in the world.

"You are right, but this requires great strength to achieve! Without strength, everything is like a bubble that will burst with just one poke!" Duan Donghe said helplessly.

"Then there is a way?" the ancient demon's true form said.

"Uh." Duan Donghe was stunned.

Isn't it obvious enough?

No strength!

If he has the strength, you don’t need to tell him, he has already done it himself.

"Now that the problem is clear, I'm going to go inside and understand the rhinoceros emperor's bureau!" The ancient demon's real body said, "How about it, you should be able to go in, right?"

"Yes, of course! As long as they are from my race!" Duan Donghe nodded.

If the identity of the ancient demon's true form is recognized by General Zhenyu, there is no need to enter the Rubik's Cube instrument in the hall for testing, and you can go directly to the corridor of life and death.

"Go that way!" Duan Donghe pointed to the corridor of life and death.

"Well, thank you!" The ancient demon's true form nodded, and then flew towards the corridor of life and death.

Duandonghe, on the other hand, turned his attention to the closed gate.

Outside the gate.

"What on earth is going on? Why is the passage blocked by the gate?"

"According to previous intelligence, beyond the gate is the Mist Hall, where the first round of screening is conducted."

"Why did the accident happen?"

"Is it because of the Ancient Lord?"

"The Ancient Lord?"

"Yes, as soon as he entered it, the passage to the mist hall was cut off by the gate. If it wasn't him, who else could it be?"

"Did he use any means to blow down the gate?"

There was an uproar in front of the gate.


  The floodgates reopened.


"Get in quickly!"

"Come on!"

No matter what the situation is, the gate is opened again at this moment, and the Molybdenum Eagle God Lord, as well as the Lord of the Universe, the Universe Venerable, and the Immortal, pour directly into the Mist Hall. There is no time to think about why!
  And this moment.

The ancient demon's true form flew into the corridor of life and death. The corridor was deep, occasionally narrowed, and occasionally widened. After flying for only a moment, the front became darker and darker.


With the eyesight of the ancient demon's true form, he could see clearly.

At this time.

A tall figure is lying not far in front. He has a human-like body, with a lot of hair on his head and neck, like a lion, with a thick neck, his eyes are slightly closed, and there is a layer of black half-armor on the surface of his body. .

When the ancient demon's true form arrived, the tall figure suddenly sat up and opened his eyes.

His eyes glowed with a faint red light, staring at the ancient demon's true form.

"What you have to do is to survive under Quilo's hands." Duan Donghe's voice sounded, "Don't hide in palaces and other treasures, otherwise you will be eliminated and must fight. Apart from hiding in palaces, All other weapons can be used, please note that two of the previous five fell into Quilo's hands."

This is just Duan Donghe’s routine explanation.

  The tall, sitting figure suddenly stood up. He had a body hundreds of kilometers tall, and his cold eyes exuded an endless ferocious aura.

The corridor here is about 6,000 kilometers wide, which is enough for fighting.


The monster Quilo roared and rushed towards him.

brush! It turned into a straight stream of light and had already arrived in front of the ancient demon's true form.


A loud noise echoed in the corridor.

Naquluo was slapped away by the ancient demon's true form, and hit the corridor wall hard. The wall was made of an unknown material, but it was not damaged.

The same goes for Quello.

Several times in succession.

Quilo's strength increased from the fifth level to the sixth level, and then to the seventh level.

However, they were all easily crushed by the ancient demon's true form.

The ancient demon's real body passed this level directly and flew towards the place where the Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau was.

In the foggy hall.

Duan Donghe directed the powerful men who came to compete for the inheritance to enter the Rubik's Cube instrument.

"Hiss, so strong!" Duan Donghe controlled the entire tomb boat and naturally knew how the ancient demon's true form behaved in the corridor of life and death. Naquluo was no match at all and was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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