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Chapter 425: Die early, die late, you will die! Why not fight for a wave?

Chapter 425: Die early, die late, you will die! Why not give it a try?
  The ancient demon's real body flew towards the depths.

The corridor became wider and wider, and became brighter and brighter. Gradually, stone pillars began to appear on both sides of the corridor, which was where the Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau was located.

At this time, the tomb boat was on the corridor of life and death.

There are thousands of figures standing scattered, observing each rhinoceros emperor bureau.

Some also focus on the corridor.

Just now, the fluctuations caused by the battle between the ancient demon's true form and Quilo made their hearts tremble.

That power is really too strong!

"The Ancient Lord!"

"It's the Ancient Lord who's coming!"

Many strong men recognized the ancient demon's true form and were shocked. The most powerful man in the universe sea was actually here too!
  This is trouble!
  "The Ancient Lord, you are indeed here too!" The First Lord looked solemn.

What he was most worried about in this fight for the Duandonghe inheritance was not that there were so many strong men from the two holy lands coming, but that the ancient lords were also coming.

after all.

The Ancient Lord is just a master of the universe, but he is able to create ninth-level secrets, and his talent and understanding are so strong that it is suffocating!
  With such understanding, it would be a nightmare for other candidates to compete for inheritance!

I had only seen Lord Galaxy, the disciple of the Ancient Lord, and thought that the Ancient Lord was not coming.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

But unexpectedly, the Ancient Lord came anyway!

"Why, can't I come?" The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

The First Lord's eyelids twitched, turned his head, and continued to study the rhinoceros emperor's situation!

"The Ancient Lord? Who is that?"

"Hiss, isn't he the Lord of the Universe? He can actually make the strongest person in the universe so fearful. How is this possible?"

When those cosmic venerables and immortals saw this, they looked confused and murmured in their hearts.


They didn't dare to ask.

after all.

If you ask, isn't it equivalent to slapping the face of the master of your own universe and the strongest person in the universe?
  Therefore, I can only bury my doubts in my heart, and then, like the First God, study the Rhinoceros Emperor's situation carefully.

A beam of light rises!
  The ancient demon's true form came to the light pillar.

In the Ancient God Virtual Universe, he has already solved many games!

However, he did not directly start to solve the game here, but looked at the endgames one by one.

"Don't worry yet!" The ancient demon's true form secretly said.

He looked at Luo Feng.

The Lords of the Holy World and the Universe, because they wanted to hide their relationship with the ancient demon's true form, naturally did not salute, but concentrated on studying the rhinoceros emperor's situation.

The original virtual universe.

In a separate plane, there is mist surrounding it, and there are stone pillars, and there are also three-dimensional shadows on the stone pillars.

There are 123 stone pillars in the left row and 10080 stone pillars in the right row.

This rhinoceros emperor game, the complete solution and the 10080 endgame have long been imitated into the virtual universe by Luo Feng.

After all, this rhinoceros game is the most popular game of ancient powerful civilizations, and it is also an auxiliary practice.

It's so miraculous, how can Giant Axe, Chaos, and even other strong men of the human race not be curious?
  Of course they don't want to miss it.

Therefore, when Luo Feng naturally simulates the 'Virtual Universe', he only needs to simulate one copy. With the power of the 'Virtual Universe', he can naturally simulate more copies, allowing every universe master in the human race to study them.


The Lord of the entire human universe and the strongest person in the universe are also studying the Rhinoceros Game in the virtual universe!

Time is like running water.

The space boat is at the hatch of the tomb boat.

"Purple Moon Holy Land and Eastern Emperor Holy Land, you have no deadline trouble at all, but you still want to seize this inheritance? Just the two of you, do you think you can stop our entire first reincarnation era? Not only our entire first reincarnation era, I believe The other two major reincarnation eras also want to enter."

"Two old guys, get out of here!!!"

"Go away."

"Destroy our clan's hope, regardless of whether they are a holy land, let's attack together!"

The killing spree was already going on at the hatch.

Who cares about the holy land in the first reincarnation era when facing the deadline? In the face of the deadline, the strongest men in the two holy places dare to join forces to block the hatch. Isn't this looking for death? Immediately, the two strongest men in the universe and dozens of masters of the universe who arrived all joined forces to attack wildly.

It's just that the strongest men in the universe in the two holy places have the most powerful treasures, and they can't attack them for a while.

"You were able to hinder me for a while. Do you think you can hinder me for a longer time?"

"You won't be able to stop other forces until they arrive."

"Damn it, damn it."

"Holy Land of Offal."

"Damn it."

The other powerful forces from the first reincarnation era who were blocked outside became even more angry. It should be noted that the Divine Eye Clan was only one of the forces in the first reincarnation era.

One on one.

The Holy Land Universe is very powerful.

But if compared with a reincarnation era, even the weakest primitive universe era, the two holy places must be added together to compare.

As for the first era of reincarnation, there are dozens of the strongest people in the universe alone!

In terms of strength, I am afraid that even if the two holy land universes are tied together and doubled, they will still be far inferior to the first reincarnation era.

Not to mention that this is the era of three major reincarnations.

The two old guys from Ziyue Holy Land and East Emperor Holy Land were blocked for more than a year, and then seven of the strongest men in the universe led the mighty masters of the universe to fight in.


These seven strongest men in the universe soon helped the two holy places to continue to block the newcomers.

That's all.

After the tribesmen on one's side enter, they naturally don't want more strong people to enter. After all, the more candidates there are, the harder it will be for one's side to obtain the final inheritance.

Only this time, only half a year later, more than twenty of the strongest people in the universe gathered at the cabin door.

This last batch of more than twenty strongest men in the universe forcefully blasted open the strongest men in the universe blocking the cabin door, leading a large number of Lords of the Universe, a large number of Lords of the Universe, and a massive legion of immortal gods to also fight in.

Charge in with mighty force.

Hall of mist.

There are just too many candidates coming in.

Duan Donghe's screening was obviously much more ruthless than before. The elimination rate of the Lord of the Universe and the Venerable of the Universe reached 80%, and the elimination rate of the Immortal Gods was as high as 99%.

as time flows.

In the corridor of life and death of the tomb boat, powerful elites from the three major reincarnation eras and the two major holy places are gathering.

There are 11 Lords of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land.

In the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor, there are 14 Lords of the Universe.

In the entire first reincarnation era, there were 6 strongest people in the universe and 126 masters of the universe.

In the entire second reincarnation era, there is one strongest person in the universe and 1 masters of the universe.

In the original universe era, there were 21 universe masters.

Also, 20 universe masters, including General Silver Moon and General Xiaolong, appeared out of nowhere.

From the number of strong men, we can see the determination of the first reincarnation era!
  Almost every force sent elites over. Facing the numbers and strength of the first reincarnation era, the two holy places could only bow their heads and hide aside. They no longer had any advantage at all.

The reason why the number of the strongest people in the universe is not that many.

It’s more because of the two holy places.

The two holy places arranged for the Lord of the Universe, the Venerable of the Universe, and the Immortal, but they did not arrange for the strongest person in the universe to enter.

This made the three major reincarnation eras see it, and they also understood that in terms of the depth and number of secrets they knew, their three major reincarnation eras could not compare with these two holy land universes.

The two holy land universes that had always been transcendent in the past have come in in large numbers. Obviously this inheritance is very important.

Secondly, the Holy Land Universe does not arrange for the strongest person in the universe, which probably also shows that the strongest person in the universe will not be of much use.

Therefore, except for the two strongest men in the universe from the Divine Eye Clan who rushed in at the beginning, the forces after that were no longer so blind, and a total of six came in the first reincarnation era that was driven a little crazy by the deadline.

In the second era of reincarnation, only one person came, and he was a lone traveler.

Not even a single strongest person from the original universe came in.

Time is like running water, passing year by year.

Nearly decades have passed in the blink of an eye. I originally thought that the test of the Rhino Emperor Bureau would not be long, but it turned out to be very long. The hardships of the Rhino Emperor Bureau were also truly felt by the elites of the three reincarnation eras and the two holy places. arrive. “The 999th round was solved successfully.”

Original virtual universe, independent plane space.

Luo Feng stood in front of the three-dimensional shadow of the end of the 1000th game and studied it carefully.

Over the past few decades, as each endgame was solved, the time it took Luo Feng to solve each game continued to increase, getting slower and slower. It actually took him decades to solve the 999th game perfectly.

"The 1000th Game"

"It's so difficult!"

Luo Feng had a feeling that this 1000th game should be a bottleneck.

"Luo Feng."

In the original virtual universe, when Luo Feng was observing the three-dimensional shadow of the end of the 1000th game, a man in white robe was standing not far away looking at it. This man in white robe had eyes like jade, which vaguely contained the secret of the operation of the entire universe. He had a faint smile on his face, as if he was out for an outing.

It is the original ancestor!

"As expected of Luo Feng." The original ancestor observed from a distance, but Luo Feng's eyes could even see this direction, but he seemed unable to see it.

In the original virtual universe, only the creator of the virtual universe, the 'Original Ancestor', could do it. In front of Luo Feng, Luo Feng didn't feel anything, not even Chen Zong.


If it were in the Ancient God Virtual Universe, then Chen Zong could do the same.

"Similar to Chen Zong, his cultivation is very short, but his will is very strong." The original ancestor praised softly, "He also followed the Secret Pattern Diagram School. This Secret Pattern Diagram School is somewhat similar to the Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau. It is actually connected to the giant axe. The speed is far inferior to Luo Feng."

The powerful people within the human race also study the Rhinoceros situation through the virtual universe.

The original ancestor naturally knows the progress of each.

"It's Chen Zong." Yuanzu frowned.

Chen Zong was studying the Rhino Emperor Game in the Ancient God Virtual Universe. The original ancestor had no idea about the progress of Chen Zong's research on the Rhino Emperor Game at this moment.

He wanted to ask.


After thinking about it seriously, I gave up!
  The original ancestor returned his attention to the Rhinoceros Emperor situation.

"From the perspective of inheritance."

"Immortal, Venerable, Lord of the Universe, and the Strongest in the Universe. These four levels have completely different foundations and fundamentally different speeds of understanding. It is estimated that the screening and assessment requirements are also different." The original ancestor nodded lightly, "Luo Feng just He is the Master of the Universe, so his requirements should not be high, but he can comprehend so quickly, so it’s no wonder that Duan Donghe is targeting him.”

Luo Feng attracted much attention from Duan Donghe during the initial selection process, which also gave Yuanzu a little more confidence in Luo Feng.

and so.

The original ancestor understood the rhinoceros emperor's bureau and studied it beside Luo Feng.

Otherwise, he could just copy another Rhinoceros Game and study it on his own.

"Secret Pattern School"

"Chen Zong is also a member of the Secret Pattern School, and his attainments are higher than Luo Feng's. Now he has also entered the Tomb Boat. However, he is the Lord of the Universe, and the assessment requirements should be higher."


"Even if the requirements are higher, Chen Zong's chances of gaining inheritance should be greater than Luo Feng's!"

A smile appeared on the original ancestor's face.

The original ancestor was very impressed by Chen Zong, his cheap disciple.

Tenth level of combat power!
  Even better than him!

This apprentice really got it right!

Seeing Luo Feng start to move, the original ancestor regained his mind.

"The Rhino Emperor Bureau is indeed interesting!" The original ancestor nodded slightly, then frowned and sighed, "On the other hand, the giant ax is too stupid. He only loves axes. He is obviously much worse in research and deduction. With the universe's most powerful The foundation of a strong person, but the speed of comprehension is actually not as good as Luo Feng, hey!"

"And Luo Feng."

"If I were just the Venerable Universe, I might not be as good as Luo Feng."

"Our human race has a Chen Zong, and now we have a Luo Feng. It's really a blessing for our human race!"

The original ancestor looked at Luo Feng with admiration in his eyes.

He turned his attention back to the Rhinoceros Emperor situation.

"Rhino Emperor?"

"What kind of existence is this, that can create such incredible things." The original ancestor stood beside Luo Feng, silently standing and carefully comprehending, but the speed of time around him was maintained at ten thousand times.

As the creator of the virtual universe, he can indeed make the flow of time reach ten thousand times in a very small range.

Luo Feng and Yuanzu are adjacent to each other.

But Luo Feng himself had no idea that the original ancestor existed next to him.


Luo Feng couldn't obtain that ten thousand times the time flow rate.

But Luo Feng does not lack the ten thousand times the time flow speed. After all, he has three hundred thousand times the time flow speed at the True God's Road.

In the tomb boat, tens of thousands of stone pillars in the corridor of life and death bear three-dimensional shadows. At the same time, there are also a large number of crystal pillars standing upright. Each crystal pillar corresponds to a candidate.

Many powerful people are silently meditating.

This Rhinoceros situation has been going on for decades.

At this time.

"Ding! Ding!"

A voice sounded, as if it sounded in the heart of every strong man.


"what happened?"

"Broken East River."

"Look, the East River is cut off."

The nearly 100,000 candidates present ranged from the strongest in the universe to the immortal gods.

I saw the light condensed into a figure in mid-air. It was the green-haired man Duan Donghe. Duan Donghe looked down and his eyes fell on Luo Feng. His voice sounded: "Candidate, the human galaxy has met the requirements for ending the situation."



"Then the human galaxy lord has met the requirements?" All parties were shocked.

It’s only been a few decades!

Does Galaxy Lord meet the resolution requirements?
  How can this be?

The most powerful people in the universe, including the First God, opened their eyes wide and looked at the dazzling figure in front of them. If Duan Donghe had not been present, they would have wanted to shoot the Galaxy Lord to death.

It’s so crazy!

Within a few decades, it actually met the requirements.

Lord of the Galaxy, I'm afraid it's another Ancient Lord!

The hearts of the aliens suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley!

"Quiet." Duan Donghe glanced at him.

There was sudden silence.

Duan Donghe looked at Luo Feng.

"The Milky Way." Duandonghe looked down at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng bowed slightly and didn't care about the envious and jealous powerful powerful people around him.

"Although you have met the requirements, the test still takes a long time. Continue to comprehend." Duandong Hedao said, "The more you comprehend and solve the puzzle, the greater the benefit will be to you, and the more benefits you will receive from accepting the inheritance in the future."

"Yes." Luo Feng responded.

"You can meditate with peace of mind, no one can hurt you." Duan Donghe could see that the strongest people in the universe, such as the First God, were ready to make a move and wanted to take action against Luo Feng, pointing a finger from afar.

  The crystal pillar next to Luo Feng suddenly released a misty hemisphere of light and shadow, forming a huge misty palace that directly enveloped Luo Feng.

The entire light and shadow palace appeared golden, with countless secret patterns flowing on it. The faint power alone made all the strong men present tremble.

"Whoever attacks the human galaxy," Duan Donghe glanced at all parties, "will be directly eliminated and killed."

  Duan Donghe's words were like a giant hammer hitting the minds of First Lord and the others.

Everyone is confused!

"For the sake of the ethnic group, risk your life to kill the Galaxy Lord?" This thought suddenly appeared in the minds of some aliens.

after all.

If their inheritance is taken away by the Galaxy Lord, the possibility of them surviving reincarnation is too low, and they will die sooner or later.

Die early, die late, die!
  Why not give it a try?
   Thanks to ‘Smokescreen_ea’ for the 588 reading coins
  (End of this chapter)

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