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Chapter 430: A great shock to the human race, the map of the entire universe ship

Chapter 430: A great shock to the human race, the map of the entire universe ship

Thunder Island, inside Chen Zong's palace.

"Hahaha, good thing? What good thing? Junior brother, have you obtained a few more powerful treasures?" The Lord of Darkness walked in with a smile.

Currently, among the major ethnic groups in the Universe Sea, the ethnic group with the largest number of powerful treasures is their original universe human ethnic group.

And these most powerful treasures were basically obtained by Chen Zong.


Although the number of the most powerful treasures of the human race is quite large, they still cannot allow the masters of the human universe to have one in their hands.

Now listen to what Chen Zong said, there is something good.

Based on past experience, Chen Zong should have obtained the most powerful treasure again.

Except for the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Ice Peak, and the Lord of Peng Gong, who have the most powerful treasures, everyone else's eyes lit up and they looked at Chen Zong expectantly, wanting to see the newly obtained Is the most powerful treasure suitable for them?

Even if the most powerful treasure is left in the clan warehouse, it will just eat ashes.

and so.

Some masters of the universe who are recognized by high-level human meetings can naturally obtain the most powerful treasures to increase their combat power.

For example, the 'Star Kingdom' and 'Star Hand' that Chen Zong obtained from the Divine Eye Clan already have owners, and their new owner is the Lord of Chaos City who is good at palm manipulation.

"The most powerful treasure?" Chen Zong smiled and shook his head, "The good thing I want to say is more precious than a hundred or a thousand pieces of the most powerful treasure."

  Chen Zong's words were like billions of stars exploding in everyone's minds.


Suddenly, silence!
  There was silence in the hall!
  Chaos City Lord and others were stunned.

More precious than hundreds or thousands of supreme treasures?
  What is so precious?
  Shocking, extremely shocking!
  "Ancient Lord" a voice sounded.

"Don't worry, I'll explain it together when the giant axe and the others arrive." Looking at the shocked people, Chen Zong said with a smile.

After a while.

In the hall, all the lords of the universe and the strongest people in the human race, including Luo Feng, gathered together.

Even the original ancestor was in this hall, but no one noticed it.

at this time,

Everyone looked at Chen Zong with curiosity.

"As you all know, my main battle clone entered the black-patterned stone pillar space a long time ago." Chen Zong said.

Everyone nodded.

They all knew about this. At that time, it was there that the Ancient Lord won the title of 'The First Person with the Will of the Universe Sea'.

"Just now, I obtained the inheritance of the ancient civilization that built the space boat in the black-patterned stone pillar space." Chen Zong continued, "Although this powerful ancient civilization inheritance, because the ancient god's virtual universe is too backward, it can only be used for the time being. It can show the bottom inheritance, but this bottom inheritance also contains information from the immortal stage to the limit of the strongest person in the universe."

"Every master of the universe cannot follow the same path. Does the inheritance you have received also have guidance?" Giant Ax asked.

"Yes!" Chen Zong nodded.

"From immortality to the limit of the strongest person in the universe." The Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but ask, "Then do you know how to survive reincarnation?"

The eyes of everyone nearby were also focused, staring at Chen Zong.

When entering reincarnation, even a giant ax feels fearful, hesitant, and unsure.

"Breaking through reincarnation?" Chen Zong smiled slightly, "It's very simple, that is, if you completely break through the level of the strongest person in the universe and reach a higher level, you will definitely pass through reincarnation. If you can't reach it, you can take a gamble and you may transcend. Reincarnation, as for the probability? Just look at the strongest men in the universe who have fallen in countless reincarnation eras, and you will know how low the probability is."

"And to reach a higher level."

"When you reach the limit of the strongest person in the universe, you may be able to break through easily with an epiphany!"

"You will know the specific situation when I go to the Ancient God Virtual Universe with me."

"I won't go into details!"


Chen Zong took the giant axe, Chaos City Lord and others directly to the inheritance palace.

In the hall, only the original ancestor was left alone.

"Ancient God Virtual Universe." The original ancestor shook his head slightly. He couldn't get through there. The most he could do was reach Hongsheng City!

Ancient God Virtual Universe, Palace of Inheritance.

"This is..." Everyone was curious when they saw the majestic golden inheritance palace.

"This is the inheritance palace. There are many powerful inheritances inside. Let's go!" After Chen Zong said that, he flew towards the inheritance palace.

The crowd followed him.

Enter the hall.

The golden light of the Heritage Palace flashed, and immediately, everyone who entered the hall received the information transmitted from the Heritage Palace and understood where the passages lead.

"The Lord of the Universe breaks through and becomes the strongest person in the universe!"

"The strongest person in the universe is at his limit!"

"This is a place for refining weapons."

"Secret techniques, hiss, there are so many secret techniques, these secret techniques are so powerful!"

Everyone was shocked.

"Luo Feng." At this time, Chen Zong looked at Luo Feng, "You are now competing for the inheritance of Duandonghe. That place of secret cultivation is just right for you. Go!"

"Yeah!" Luo Feng nodded.

  Luo Feng immediately flew towards the passage leading to the place where secret techniques were practiced.

"Since the inheritance palace is here, I won't explain everything one by one. Whatever you want to know, you can choose the passage yourself." Chen Zong glanced at everyone.

Everyone nodded.

"The place for refining weapons, I want to see how special the place for refining weapons from ancient civilizations is!" The Lord of Dragon Walk laughed and flew towards the passage leading to the place for refining weapons.

"I am only the fourth-level Lord of the Universe now, not even the fifth-level Lord of the Universe. Now, I don't need to understand the guidance of the Master of the Universe to break through to the strongest person in the universe. I'd better become the fifth-level Lord of the Universe first." The Lord of Gold secretly said.

The Lord of Virtual Gold flew directly to the ‘Land of Secrets’.

There are countless secret tomes in the ‘Land of Secrets’, which is indeed a huge amount.

From the immortal level to the limit of the strongest person in the universe, there are many such complete secret methods and various combat secret methods.

There are too many secrets collected by one country.

Moreover, these secret techniques have been screened, and not all collected secret techniques can be stored here. Only those who meet the qualifying line will have a chance to be included.

At the same time, this ‘Place of Secrets’ is also a good place to help create secrets.

There are ten Masters of the Universe who have gone to the ‘Land of Secrets’, the largest number.

Such as the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Ice Peak, the Lord of Peng Gong, the Giant Axe, and the Lord of Chaos City. They are heading to the 'Guidance Place', which is the small virtual space of the ocean that Chen Zong entered before.

Chen Zong also followed and entered the ‘place of guidance’.


"Great, these guidelines are enough to make the number of cosmic lords in the human race continue to increase, there will be more and more masters of the universe, and the number of the strongest people in the universe will gradually increase."

"When this era of reincarnation ends, our human race will probably become the largest force in the entire cosmic sea! Even stronger than the two holy places!"

"The human race will completely establish itself in the ranks of the top races in the universe sea!"

The Lord of Chaos City, Giant Axe, and the others were overjoyed when they saw the information contained in the ocean.

"In ancient civilizations, there were countless strong people. Although becoming the strongest person in the universe is a huge threshold, there are so many breakthroughs. Naturally, there is a systematic understanding and a lot of experience to pursue, which can maximize the probability of breakthrough." Chen Zong looked at Chaos City Lord and the others and said.


"Everything here is theoretical guidance and ideological guidance."

"After you have finished reading, you can go to the 'Land of Secrets', where there are detailed inherited secrets, such as some fighting methods, combined attack methods, etc."

"Of course, the many secret techniques are just for reference, so that you can know the methods of the strongest people in the universe from ancient civilizations."

"I've seen a lot of secrets, maybe I'm a little touched."

"There is theoretical guidance from the 'Land of Guidance', there is the secret method reference from the 'Land of Secrets', and there is the 'Place of Battle' for practice. This only increases the probability of breakthrough and is an external aid. As for whether a breakthrough can be successful, it still depends on It depends on the individual.”

The Chaos City Lord and the others were all thoughtful.


They also walked step by step to become the master of the universe and the strongest person in the universe.

Everyone also understands this truth.

Just like their apprentices, the secret techniques and resources they obtained were not much different, but there were still very few who could advance to the Master of the Universe.

It all depends on the individual!
  "The speed of time in this inheritance palace is ten thousand times that of the outside world." Chen Zong said, "You have enough time to understand this information, secret methods, etc."

"I'll leave first!"

Chaos City Lord and the others nodded.

They have already obtained the situation here from the Heritage Palace, and there is no need to let the Ancient Lord be their guide.

  Chen Zong left the inheritance palace and returned to the original virtual universe Thunder Island. He did not go to find the alien universe masters in Hongmeng. After all, those alien universe masters were aliens after all. Even if they were to be given some inheritance content, they could only wait until later.

Definitely not now!

Thunder Island, inside Chen Zong's palace.

"Teacher!" Chen Zong saluted respectfully into the void.

In front of him, a white-robed figure appeared, it was the original ancestor.

Yuanzu looked at Chen Zong with a smile.

Cosmic boat, space of black-grained stone pillars.

  Chen Zong's figure appeared out of thin air.

He left ‘Tianxu’ in the Ancient God Universe and upgraded the ‘Ancient God Virtual Universe’ with Weiss.

"Space boat!" Chen Zong closed his eyes and looked at the map of the space boat. This map showed the entire space boat in front of Chen Zong.

This was given by Tianxu.


The map of the space ship given by Tianxu is the map of the space ship when it is intact.

"With this map, the space ship has no secrets in my eyes!" Chen Zong's eyes sparkled.

In his opinion, there must be many true god-level treasures, void true god-level treasures, eternal true god-level treasures, and even General Zhenyu's 'sacred-level' treasures somewhere in the space ship. !

It is called a holy treasure, second only to the weapon of the God King.

No hesitation.

He immediately followed the route marked on the map and headed towards the core area of ​​the space ship, an area that the human race had never set foot on.

Chen Zong starts a treasure hunt!


Once the number of people exceeds 10,000, it becomes like a huge crowd.

In the Corridor of Life and Death, there are nearly a hundred thousand strong men from all races of the Universe Sea gathered. At first glance, it is indeed densely packed, and they are all discussing at the moment.

"After the human Galaxy Lord and Blue Blood, the person who broke through the second bottleneck was actually the Lord of Water Song! This is too..."

"An inconspicuous master of the universe in the second reincarnation era actually came from behind."

"Song of water has extraordinary potential."

"The first era of reincarnation and the two holy places must have gone crazy with anger."

"Especially in the first era of reincarnation, it would be strange not to go crazy. The top three are those from the original universe, the Eastern Emperor's Holy Land universe, and those from the second era of reincarnation. They have the most candidates in the first era of reincarnation, but they have none in the top three. .”

All tribes are admiring.

"How wonderful it would be if I were the Lord of the Universe!" The first master of the Divine Eye Clan sighed secretly.

He has solved more than two thousand games.

But he is the strongest person in the universe, and the 2000 games of the strongest person in the universe are the first bottleneck!

At this time.

"It's done!"

Luo Feng stood in front of the crystal pillar with a smile. He had just solved the 3000th game in the crystal pillar perfectly. Once the solution was successful, Luo Feng looked up and looked into the distance. It was time for Duan Donghe to show up.

"Hua Hua Hua~~~"

Countless cyan light spots condensed out of thin air.

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and it also gave a faint feeling of "freezing" to the soul. All the strong men were shocked. They all looked up and saw countless blue light spots in the air, like snowflakes fluttering.

"what happened?"


"Something big is going to happen!"

The ancient demon's true form looked at Luo Feng and smiled slightly.

He knew that this was Luo Feng's third bottleneck!
  At this time.

Countless cyan light spots like fluttering snowflakes suddenly rushed toward Luo Feng crazily.


The ground behind Luo Feng suddenly cracked and another crystal pillar spewed out.

For a moment, Luo Feng was surrounded by three crystal pillars. Countless cyan light spots quickly condensed and turned into a layer of palace covering Luo Feng's head.

Gold, red and green, the three-color palace is extremely dazzling.

At this moment, Luo Feng was like the emperor among the nearly 100,000 powerful people in the universe.


"No!" The second master of the Divine Eye Clan roared angrily, his eyes full of fear, "The opportunity to transcend reincarnation belongs to my Divine Eye Clan, it belongs to my Divine Eye Clan, damn it, damn it!!! "

"This, this" the entrenched giant beast in the first reincarnation era shed tears in pain and howled, "Are you going to annihilate my derivative beast lineage? Even the last chance is deprived of you? I am not willing to do so. I’m not willing to give in!!!”


Almost all the strong men from the first reincarnation era present were in despair.

They account for the vast majority of the candidates, and they are also the ones who are most eager to inherit the inheritance. Because the deadline is approaching, if they lose even this inheritance opportunity, I am afraid that they will really have the only way to perish!

They are not willing to perish, and they are not willing to let the entire ethnic group disappear in reincarnation.

They struggle!

They fight hard!

But fate played a big trick on them.

They all understood the scene before them. Luo Feng had broken through the third bottleneck!
  It should be noted that there are four major bottlenecks in total. If you break through the fourth bottleneck, you will directly obtain the inheritance, and there will be no competition.

The third inheritance represents the identity of the ‘core candidate’.

Compared with Luo Feng, these peripheral candidates who have only broken through the first bottleneck, the possibility of obtaining inheritance is almost negligible.


A white light and shadow condensed in mid-air, turning into a dazzling Duan Donghe wearing gorgeous white armor.

At this moment, Duan Donghe didn't have that feeling of indifference and loneliness. Instead, he was very dazzling.

"Less than an era!"

Duan Donghe closed his eyes, but tears were already flowing down his face.

A silence.

All the strong men present looked up at Duan Donghe.

"Less than an era, to be more precise, less than six thousand years." Duan Donghe sighed softly, "Even if there is a small universe time acceleration, the limit is only ten thousand times. But you have broken through the third bottleneck! Unexpectedly, in On this dead end, when we are forced to abandon each other and walk on this dead end together, we can finally find juniors like you."

  The faces of all ethnic groups changed drastically.

Could it be that Duan Donghe will be directly passed on to Luo Feng?

This, this, this is absolutely not okay!
  Duan Donghe looked at Luo Feng: "Yinhe, your qualifications and understanding are no less than mine. No matter what, at least the inheritor I can find for this inheritance will not be worse than me."

"Congratulations, Galaxy!"

Luo Feng held his breath.

"If you can directly reach the fourth bottleneck, they" Duan Donghe glanced at them, "will eliminate them one by one to celebrate your inheritance."

He also wanted to directly let Luo Feng obtain the inheritance.

  Duan Donghe glanced at the ancient demon's true form.

He actually looked forward to the Ancient Master becoming the new inheritor of Duandonghe.

After all, if the Ancient Lord can be favored by General Zhenyu, then there is absolutely no problem with his talent.

It's a pity that the ancient demon's true form was not solved at all.

at this time.

The nearly 100,000 strong men present were shocked.

Kill them all?

It wasn't said before that he could continue if he met the requirements, but now it seems that Duan Donghe is obviously not a good person. Once the inheritor is found, all other candidates will be useless.

"Three epochs." Duan Donghe looked at Luo Feng, "This time the Rhinoceros Bureau was comprehended for a total of three epochs! Within these three epochs, if you can break through the fourth bottleneck, I will be worthy of my death. Ancestors of all generations.”

"Remember, within three eras."

Duan Donghe said, and his figure disappeared.

The entire corridor was quiet.

Countless powerful men looked at Luo Feng, some were jealous and crazy, some were worshipful and shocked, and some were vicious and resentful.
  "Three eras?" Luo Feng then closed his eyes and continued to try his best to understand the rhinoceros emperor's game.

(End of this chapter)

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