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Chapter 431 The Lava Demon is a maintenance worker?

Chapter 431 The Lava Demon is a maintenance worker?


In the core area of ​​the spaceship, in a pitch-black void space, a series of deep thunders sounded from afar. When his eyes shifted, he saw that at the end of the darkness, there was a strong silver light and huge thunder. Like a giant dragon, roaring crazily.

Chen Zong's figure was suspended in the air, looking at the extremely huge thunder field in front of him.

"Your Majesty, this is the location of the ninth armory!" Tianxu's subordinate intelligence said.

With the original map of the space ship, Chen Zong asked Tianxu to screen out some important areas as key areas for treasure hunting.

This No. 9 armory is the key point closest to him.


The scene in front of him greatly disappointed Chen Zong.

According to what is said on the map, the defensive capabilities of Armory No. 9 are among the best in the space craft.

But now, the armory has become a minefield.

"Hey, it's still damaged!" Chen Zong sighed helplessly.

The spaceship is a battleship, not a place for training. Therefore, except for a few places due to special circumstances, such as Mie Shen Stream, Tombs, etc., other areas are extremely safe places, not like they are now. Most of them are dangerous places.

These dangerous places were left behind after the spaceship encountered danger while sailing in the cosmic sea.

"Your Majesty, let's go in and take a look, maybe we can find one or two more!" Tianxu suggested.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded.

With his eyes fixed on the thunder field where thunder was surging wildly, Chen Zong thought, and the 'Tiantian Suit' suddenly escaped from the coordinate point and was put on his body. Then he flashed and entered the thunder pool.

This thunder pool is not marked on the map of the space ship currently owned by the human race. It is a brand new area.

When Chen Zong obtained the map of the space boat intact, it was not contributed to the clan.

It's not that he wants to hide it.

But for the safety of others.

after all.

The current minefield cannot be explored by the Lord of the Universe.

  As soon as Chen Zong entered the thunder field, the huge flashing thunder seemed to turn into silver-white thunder dragons, and immediately flew towards Chen Zong with a terrifying momentum.

  On the Tatian suit, a golden light shone brightly, forming a golden light shield that enveloped Chen Zong.


The silver-white thunder dragons rushed forward one after another, carrying majestic power and bombarding the golden light mask.


These thunder and lightning cannot shake the golden light shield at all.

It was like an egg hitting a steel plate.

The thunder and lightning shattered, leaving the golden mask unscathed.

Chen Zong did not stop at the outskirts of the thunder domain and continued to fly towards the depths of the thunder domain.

Not long after.

In front of him, the space dimmed, and groups of black lightning appeared like dark dragons slowly squirming. This black lightning was more powerful than the previous silver-white lightning. Even if the universe was wearing the most powerful armor, Even the master cannot survive this black lightning.

Black lightning struck the golden light shield.

There are still no cracks in the golden mask, not even slight ripples.

"The power of this thunder domain is so powerful. Even if a powerful treasure is born, it will not be detected at all unless the place where it is born is nearby." Chen Zong stopped and thought.

"In that case, then"

  Chen Zong immediately burned his divine power, and the burning divine power poured into the bloody cloak behind him.

The blood-colored cloak stretched out with a roar.

It was as if a blood-red flower bloomed in the darkness, and those black lightnings were directly swallowed by this bright flower.

  The blood-red field covered hundreds of light-years around it in the blink of an eye.

"No!" Everything in the field was within Chen Zong's perception, and he did not find any treasures.

"Next place!"

Chen Zong closed his territory.

After several more searches, no trace of the treasure was found.

Thunder Domain Core!

Golden thunder flashed around Chen Zong.

The golden defensive light shield formed by the Sky-Treading Suit appeared irregularly distorted under the bombardment of the golden thunder.

  Chen Zong once again burned his divine power to activate the bloody cloak.

The blood-red field immediately shared the power of golden thunder and lightning for the golden defensive light shield, causing the golden defensive light shield to regain its spherical shape. However, the surface of the light shield was still trembling, and golden ripples rippled where the lightning struck.

Center of the field.

"Could it be that all the treasures here have been destroyed? There are no treasures in the armory." Chen Zong frowned.

He sighed.

Choose to continue on your way.

We don’t have it here, so naturally we have to choose to go somewhere else.


A powerful aura came from afar.

"Treasure!" Chen Zong's eyes lit up!
  He turned into a bloody stream of light, broke through the golden thunder and lightning, and flew towards the source of the breath.

After a long time.

In front of him, a large crack appeared.

The big crack releases the terrifying power of swallowing.

Endless black, silver, purple, gold and other colored thunder and lightning in the thunder field rushed towards the big crack.

At a glance, it looks like a lightning waterfall.

  There were bursts of tearing sounds on the golden light shield.

Obviously, the thunder and lightning power here is more powerful than the golden thunder and lightning power at the core of the Thunder Domain before.

  The bloody cloak behind Chen Zong blends into the golden mask.

The golden mask stabilized instantly.

"Tianxu, what's below?" Chen Zong asked.

"Your Majesty, this big crack used to be a corridor, but now it seems that the corridor has been destroyed. And underneath the corridor is one of the many power cabins of the space ship." Tianxu said.

"The power vortex in the power cabin is extremely dangerous and can swallow even a small universe."

"Your Majesty, we can't get closer to the big crack anymore!"

Tianxu suggested.

Swallowing small universes?

Chen Zong suddenly thought that if he looked at the space boat from outside the space boat, he could indeed see that the space boat was devouring the damaged small universe. The power was indeed extremely powerful, and no one had ever dared to get close there.

  It's rare to be able to sense the breath of a treasure being born and preserve it in the power vortex. At least it's an eternal level treasure, right?
  Didn't he come here just to find treasures?

Do you just give up now that you have encountered such a powerful treasure?

If you don’t give up, you have to enter the power vortex.

"Enter the power vortex. No, my strength is not enough to resist the swallowing of the power vortex." Chen Zong shook his head helplessly, "If there is any way to resist the swallowing, that would be great."

"Tianxu, what can you do to help me resist the vortex?"

"No!" Tianxu sighed.

"Since this spaceship is a battleship, then there should be maintenance workers, right? If there is a problem with the power cabin, maintenance workers have to go to repair it. In this case, shouldn't the power vortex be closed first and then repaired?" Chen Zong had a flash of idea, Asked, "So, where can I turn off the power vortex in the power cabin?"

"The power system is generally not shut down. If the damage is too serious, only super strong people can take action. If the damage is not serious, the Lava Demon God is usually sent to repair it." Tianxu said, "If you want to shut down the power system, you need to Tens of thousands of control stations are shut down at the same time! But this will make the spacecraft lose its defense capabilities, which is rarely done."

"Lava Demon God? Did you just say that the Lava Demon God can enter the power vortex?" Chen Zong said in surprise.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Tianxu nodded.

"Are you sure?" Chen Zong asked again.

"Sure!" Tianxu confirmed.

"Hahaha~~~" Chen Zong was delighted. Although the power system can indeed be shut down, tens of thousands of operating stations must be shut down at the same time.

There are tens of thousands of operating desks!
  And they are still scattered inside the spaceship.

Not to mention whether any of these consoles are damaged, even if they are not, it is not easy to find them, and even if they are found, he does not have tens of thousands of powerful subordinates who can help shut down the power system.


There is another way!
  Lava Demon.

"Huh? Isn't the Lava Demon God a battle puppet? Why is he still acting as a spaceship repairman?" Chen Zong suddenly reacted, his eyes full of doubts.

"Your Majesty, the purpose of refining the Lava Demon God was to be used as maintenance workers. However, the materials used to refine the Lava Demon God are extremely precious. In order not to waste resources, we have strengthened their combat capabilities!" Tianxu said with a smile.

"." Chen Zong was startled.

Can you still play like this?

This just did him a big favor.


  The lava demon with a height of tens of billions of kilometers appeared next to Chen Zong directly along the coordinate point.

"Lava Demon God!" Tianxu was surprised.

"Yes, Lava Demon God." Chen Zong smiled and looked at Lava Demon God, "Lava, go down below and get the treasure for me."

"Yes, Master!" The Lava Demon said respectfully.

  The Lava Demon immediately stepped into the Thunder Falls.

With his powerful body, the Lava Demon God was not affected at all in the thunder and lightning waterfall just like Chen Zong was in the chaotic airflow of the cosmic sea.


The Lava Demon disappeared into the Thunder Falls and entered the power cabin.

Inside the power cabin.

  A magma vortex nearly occupied the entire power cabin, and released a terrifying strangulation and tearing force.

The lava flow on the surface of the Lava Demon God bloomed with light, counteracting the strangulation power.

He looked toward the edge of the magma vortex.

In the magma at the edge of the vortex, there is a long bow shining with golden light.

"That's it!" The Lava Demon immediately flew towards the long bow.

He grabbed the longbow, pulled hard, and pulled the longbow directly out of the magma vortex.

The golden light of the long bow is restrained.

at this time.

It can be clearly seen that the entire longbow is hundreds of millions of kilometers long. The background color of the bow arms is black, but the two dragon patterns on its surface are golden. The previous golden light was emitted by these golden dragon patterns.

The ends of these two golden dragon patterns are wrapped around the two sections of the bow arms tied with golden bow strings. The two dragons opened their huge mouths, as if they were snatching a smooth and transparent crystal ball in the middle of the bow arms.

Get the treasure longbow.

The Lava Demon immediately went up against the Thunder Falls.

Thunder territory.

"Master!" The lava demon respectfully handed the treasure long bow to Chen Zong.

"Well done!" Chen Zong smiled and nodded.


The Lava Demon God returned to the Ancient God Universe with his long bow.

In the ancient god universe.

  The Lava Demon God held the long bow with one hand, and then the long bow flew towards the Hall of Illusions and entered a secret room with a swish.

In the secret room space.

On the bluestone platform, the hand seals of the ancient demon's real body dispersed, and the chaotic-colored Bagua furnace collapsed in mid-air, turning into chaotic airflow and returning to the ancient demon's real body.

At this time.

The ancient demon's true form stretched out his hand and grabbed it, as if there was a world in his palm, and directly grabbed the long bow that flew into the secret room.

His divine power poured into the longbow.

  A powerful will attack poured into the ancient demon's true body's consciousness, and countless dragon roars exploded. In a trance, the ancient demon's true body seemed to see hundreds of millions of divine dragons, overwhelmingly crushing towards him.

"Hmph!" The ancient demon's true form snorted coldly.

The impact of his powerful will swept across and turned into a sea of ​​will, fighting against hundreds of millions of divine dragons.

Time passes little by little.

These billions of divine dragons are like water without a source, being wiped out bit by bit by the ocean of will of the ancient demon's true form.

at last.

"Heavenly Tribulation Bow!" The ancient demon's true form successfully recognized the long bow as its owner and knew the name of this long bow.

The Heavenly Tribulation Bow, under the perception of the ancient demon's real body, is only slightly weaker than the Sky-Treading Suit. It is a treasure of the same level as the Sky-Treading Suit, an eternal true god-level treasure.

  The ancient demon's true form left the secret room space and appeared in the chaotic airflow of the ancient god's universe.

"Try it!"

I saw.

The ancient demon's true form holds the bow arm with his left hand, hooks the bow string with his right hand, and pulls it hard.

The majestic divine power suddenly surged toward the Heavenly Tribulation Bow.

The two golden dragon patterns of the Heavenly Tribulation Bow bloomed with golden light. However, the golden light did not spread out, but poured into the transparent crystal ball in the middle.

The transparent crystal ball suddenly turned into a golden sphere.

The crystal ball is filled with energy.


A golden divine dragon emerged from the golden sphere and turned into a golden divine arrow in the blink of an eye.

The arrowhead of the golden divine arrow is slender and sharp, extremely sharp, and the feathers at the tail of the arrow are closely arranged.

The arrow points to the lava demon tens of thousands of light years away.

"Lava, catch the arrow!" The voice of the ancient demon's true form sounded around the lava demon.

To test the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Bow, the Lava Demon is the most suitable one.

after all.

The Lava Demon will never die!
  The ancient demon's true form let go.

  The Heavenly Tribulation Arrow instantly broke through the endless chaotic airflow and penetrated the void. Although the ancient demon's true form reminded the Lava Demon God, the Heavenly Tribulation Arrow still hit the Lava Demon God directly before the Lava Demon God could react.

There was a bang.

The calamity arrow that day pierced the lava demon's chest directly, and was larger than his entire body.


The lava demon roared.

He stretched out his hand to hold the huge calamity arrow and shook it hard.

  The calamity arrow was directly crushed by the lava demon.

far away.

"The power is pretty good, with top-level eighth-level combat power!" The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

Just now, he didn't even use the secret method, he just simply opened the Heavenly Tribulation Bow. If he used the secret method, the power would be even higher!

  Put away the Heavenly Tribulation Bow.

The ancient demon's true form once again returned to the secret room space of the Divine Illusion Palace, activated the time flow rate 50,000 times, and continued to refine the 'divine pattern war puppet'.

The Lava Demon God returned to the void space of the Space Ship Wind Chime Domain to keep company with the Demon Dragon clone.

Space boat, thunder field.

"This trip is not in vain!" Chen Zong looked back at Leiyu and smiled slightly.

Although the ninth armory was destroyed, he still harvested an eternal true god-level treasure, the ‘Heavenly Tribulation Bow’, which was very profitable!

  Chen Zong turned into a bloody stream of light and continued to the next target.

(End of this chapter)

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