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Chapter 432 Tianwei comes again and fights against the puppet team

Chapter 432 Tianwei comes again and fights against the puppet team
  The universe of the ancient gods, the secret room space of the Hall of Illusions.

The bluestone platform and the bluestone pillars around the square exuded endless majestic will to crush, as if hundreds of millions of blood-stained bloodthirsty legions were rushing in and roaring.

The speed of time here is fifty thousand times that of the outside world.

at this time.

Luo Feng's Demon Slayer clone was sitting cross-legged on the bluestone platform.

Luo Feng, a member of the Demon Killing Clan, originally tempered his will at the black-grained stone pillar. However, after the Donghe Duanhe inheritance was opened, the Demon-Slaying Clan clone left the black-grained stone pillar space and was sent to the secret room space of the Divine Illusion Palace by Chen Zong. .

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Endless roar.

The impact of will was like a tidal wave, crushing Luo Feng's will crazily.

Generally, when studying Rhinoceros Bureau and secret techniques, the Demon Killer Clan clone will weaken the will impact and will not affect the cultivation.

And when you sharpen your will, try to push yourself as close to your limit as possible.

After all, if you sharpen your will to the limit, you can no longer distract yourself from practice.


Demon Killer Luo Feng roared.

His skin even showed complex spatial secret patterns.

At this time.

The ancient god's cosmic will (Chen Zong's will) looks towards the secret room space of the Hall of Illusions.

"Is this... a breakthrough of will?" The ancient god's will of the universe was delighted.

The Hall of Illusions is Chen Zong’s treasure.

Therefore, he could sense the changes in the strength of the will impact in the secret room space, and could also clearly see the demon-killing clan Luo Feng's 'original form'.

If Luo Feng, a demon slayer, is killed under special circumstances, his 'original form' will appear. Under extreme pressure, even reaching a critical point, he can't help but restore his 'original form'.

Luo Feng's will has reached the limit of the Lord of the Universe.

If he makes another breakthrough, he will reach the level of the will of the strongest person in the universe.

On the bluestone stage!



The will of Luo Feng, a demon-killing tribe, was roaring crazily.


He felt that he was about to break through the limit, and he was just a little bit closer to breaking through than ever before!
  "Give me a breakthrough!!!!" Demon Killer Luo Feng's will roared angrily.

The will seemed to break through a barrier.

boom! ! !
  Like a thunderbolt!
  It seemed as if the endless chaotic world instantly evolved into billions of stars and countless living beings in the universe.

this moment!
  Luo Feng's will was cheering and leaping for joy, a feeling of joy as if the sea was vast and fish could leap high into the sky and birds could fly. It was also as if the dragon trapped in the shoal finally struggled out of the shoal and flew up to the nine heavens, roaming freely.

An extremely strong will emanated from Luo Feng of the Demon Killing Clan.


Demon Killer Luo Feng felt that the impact of will in this secret room was nothing at all.


Luo Feng, the Demon Killer Clan, smiled happily.

"My will is transformed!"

"The powerful will control consciousness and the speed of deduction and thinking will be greatly improved, and the study of Rhino Emperor's game will be faster." Luo Feng, a demon slayer, was secretly happy.

Will is handsome!

Consciousness for many generals!
  Divine power as a soldier!

The transformation of will is of great benefit to both cultivation and combat.

"Haha, if the will breaks through, the hidden dragon will ascend to the sky." Demon Killer Luo Feng felt extremely happy in his heart.

For Luo Feng, there is another benefit to the breakthrough of will, that is, he is now confident that he can successfully claim the master of the powerful white wings in the wing space.

"It's only been an era since the Duandonghe inheritance was launched. Now that you have broken through to the will of the strongest person in the universe, it will be of great help to you in analyzing the rhinoceros emperor's situation." A joyful voice came into the secret room space.

"Teacher!" Demon Killer Luo Feng immediately saluted into the void.

"The will has just been broken through, and it is difficult to improve it again. Turn off the will impact in this secret room space, and only retain 50,000 times the time flow rate. Moreover, I will also use the power of the source to accelerate the time flow rate in your secret room space. ." Chen Zong continued.

"Speed ​​up?" Demon Killer Luo Feng was shocked.

"The flow of time here is already ten thousand times faster. If we want to speed it up again, it will consume too much energy. Wouldn't this affect the recovery of the ancient god's universe?"

"Disciples dare not trouble the teacher!"

Demon Killer Luo Feng shook his head and refused.

Since the Lord of the Holy Universe appeared in the world, Luo Feng, the Lord of Chaos City, Giant Ax and a few other people all knew the current situation of the Ancient God Universe.

We are in a period of recovery!

"The other candidates only have 10,000 times of time acceleration, but I have 50,000 times of time acceleration. This disciple has the confidence and ability to complete the test and seize the Dongdong River inheritance!"

Luo Feng, the Demon Killer Clan, said seriously

"It's good to have confidence. In that case, it all depends on you!" Chen Zong said.

"Yeah!" Demon Killer Luo Feng nodded.


Luo Feng, a member of the Demon Killing Clan, did not waste any time and directly began to study the Rhinoceros Emperor Bureau.

For an instant.

It seems that I can analyze my insights from more directions, and many inspirations come to my mind!

"Sure enough, with the improvement of my will, my efficiency in analyzing and comprehending has been significantly improved." Demon Killer Luo Feng said with a smile on his face.


In another secret room space, Luo Feng's Youhai clone also felt more and more that the most powerful secret method in the Ninth Abyss and the Rhino Emperor Bureau were more and more related to each other.

Inspired by each other, the research speed continues to soar.

The original universe, the ancient mysterious realm.

High above the Nine Star Continent, a giant continent with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers is suspended. On the continent, there is a faint white mist. Through the white mist, you can see towering figures exuding a vast aura standing on top of each other, either black or white. The sacred mountain.

At this time.

  On the chessboard of heaven and earth, an extremely powerful pressure suppressed all directions. At the same time, a huge golden light pillar rose into the sky and dispersed the white mist that shrouded the chessboard continent.

"Hiss! Someone has met the requirements!"

"who is it?"

"Who on earth can actually meet the requirements!"

"Which lord is it?"

On the sacred mountain of Qipan Continent, on the Nine Star Continent, and on the floating island above the Nine Star Continent, countless people looked at the extremely dazzling golden light beam in shock.

At the same time, their eyes also showed endless envy.

Meeting the requirements means being able to become the direct disciple of the Ancient Lord.

O Lord of the Ancients!

The people who can come here to participate in the assessment are either very powerful or have excellent talents. The background of people with excellent talents is naturally also very powerful. They all know more or less how powerful the Ancient Lord is.

Above the sea of ​​nine-colored clouds, inside the ancient palace.

"Oh? It's actually a little guy from the Realm Lord!" On the throne, the Immortal Emperor's clone opened his eyes. Looking towards the golden light beam, I saw the golden light beam blooming in the chessboard space.

  The clone of the Immortal Emperor disappeared out of thin air.

within the chessboard space.

A young man wearing a black robe was shrouded in a golden light.

This young man is somewhat similar to the Chinese people on Earth. The difference is that he has a pair of black dragon horns on his head, black dragon scales on the black hair on both sides of his cheeks, and an inverted triangular glowing black dragon between his eyebrows. scale.

At this time.

  In front of the young man, an old man in white robe appeared, it was Yuan Ling.

"Junior, pay homage to the Ancient Lord!" The young man with black dragon horns saluted respectfully.

"Little guy, I am not Your Majesty, I am His Majesty's right-hand man, Yuan Ling. You can just call me 'Master Yuan Ling'." Yuan Ling looked at the young man and smiled kindly.

  Not the Ancient Lord?
  The young man with black dragon horns was stunned. He heard that this continent was the treasure of the Ancient Lord, and only the Ancient Lord could enter the chessboard space at will.

But now, this man says that he is not the Ancient Lord.

  Although it's hard to figure it out, there should be nothing wrong with someone who can appear in the chessboard space and claim to be the right-hand man of the Ancient Lord.

"Greetings to Master Yuan Ling!" The young man with black dragon horns saluted.

"Well, little guy, congratulations on surviving 500 calamities and qualifying to become His Majesty's personal disciple. By the way, what's your name?" Yuan Ling asked.

"Reckless!" The young man with black dragon horns responded.

At this time.

  within the chessboard space.

In front of Yuan Ling and the young man with black dragon horns, a figure wearing a golden robe appeared out of thin air.

See this figure in golden robe.

  There seemed to be a thunderous explosion in the consciousness of the young man with black dragon horns.

Like the beginning of chaos.

An extremely majestic golden figure stepped out of the chaos. The lines on the golden robe were like long rivers of law, surging and dazzling.

The young man with black dragon horns seemed to have entered the land of the original laws of the universe.

Looking at the swinging black hair, there are universes being born and destroyed in the swing.

In a trance.

The young man with black dragon horns fell into an epiphany.

"Huh? Interesting!" The Immortal Emperor's clone was slightly surprised.

He did not wake up the young man with black dragon horns, but waited aside.

There are many realm masters who have met him, but none of them can have an epiphany like the current young man with black dragon horns.


The Immortal Emperor's clone understood.

This young man with black dragon horns has solved thousands of years of tribulations in the chessboard space, and the tribulations are secret patterns. This is equivalent to ten thousand years of hard work. Naturally, there are many things that he does not understand.

Seeing an existence that is like the original law of the universe!

It’s quite normal to have some enlightenment!

After a long time.

The young man with black dragon horns woke up.

"Mang, are you willing to accept me as your master?" The clone of the Immortal Emperor looked at the young man with black dragon horns.

"Yes! Disciple pays homage to the teacher!" The young man with black dragon horns looked excited. He immediately knelt down on his knees towards the Immortal Emperor's clone and kowtowed nine times in a row.

"Very good. From today on, you will be Master's 23rd direct disciple. There are 22 senior brothers in front of you." The Immortal Emperor's clone smiled and said, "Let's go, follow Master."

The Immortal Emperor's clone waved his hand.

He and Mang both disappeared.

The golden beam of light also disappeared.

Inside the ancient palace.

"This is the 'Fire Cloud Wing', consider it as a meeting gift from my master." The Immortal Emperor's clone turned his hand, and a fiery red wing appeared out of thin air.

Fire Cloud Wing, an ordinary treasure with fire and air attributes.

Mang, recognized by the origin law of fire, is very suitable to use this fire cloud wing.

Fire Cloud Wings flew towards Mang.

"Thank you, teacher!" Mang thanked him, then put away the Fire Cloud Wings.

"Well, go ahead!" Immortal Emperor's clone waved his hand.

"Teacher" Mang raised his head and looked at the Immortal Emperor's clone, hesitating a little and wanting to say something, but he didn't feel comfortable speaking.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Immortal Emperor's clone asked.

"Reporting to the teacher, the disciple's parents have died long ago. They are all realm masters." Mang explained the situation of himself and his parents in detail, and then looked at the Immortal Emperor's clone with anxiety.

He didn't know if the teacher was willing to take action.

after all.

Two ordinary realm masters, not to mention in the eyes of the teacher, even in the eyes of his venerable teacher, are nothing. They can easily cultivate a lot of them.

Not taken seriously at all.


This is probably his last chance.

Mang, don’t want to miss it!
  "Can you resurrect your parents? Yes!" the Immortal Emperor's clone said.

  There was a loud bang.

I saw Mang kneeling heavily on the ground, his eyes suddenly wet, and he kowtowed heavily to the Immortal Emperor's clone: ​​"Thank you, teacher!"

  A gentle force lifted Mang up.

"Take me to the place where your parents used to stay!" the Immortal Emperor's clone said.

"Yes, teacher!" Mang said excitedly.

at the same time.

Cosmic Sea, Absolute Dark Green Peak Domain, this is a dangerous place naturally formed by the Cosmic Sea. Except for some areas where the peaks emit a faint cyan light, the rest of the area is endless darkness without a trace of light.


  In the darkness, a blue light appeared out of thin air, and a huge aura came out of the blue light. At the same time, the space and time of the universe around the blue light shattered, forming an endless flow of particles.

At this time.

I saw a sudden change of green light.

The green light turned into a huge illusory blue stone ring. The outer diameter of the stone ring is almost 1.2 billion kilometers, and the inner diameter is also one billion kilometers. The entire stone ring is still shining with rays of light. Through the light, one can see the extremely complicated secrets. The pattern is engraved on the stone ring.

If Chen Zong were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this illusory bluestone ring is the 'Gate of Heavenly Dimension'.


This 'Tianwei Gate' is dimmer and less solid than the 'Tianwei Gate' that Chen Zong saw in the void space before!
  There are even faint signs of collapse.

At this time.

Hua Hua Hua~
  Rays of blue light, like flowing water, came from nothingness and flowed into the illusory bluestone ring.

The signs of collapse are not as obvious as before.

Ancient God Universe.

  Waves of roaring sounds exploded in the chaotic airflow.

I saw.

In the chaotic airflow, there are nine towering figures wearing star armor, only revealing a pair of eyes burning with golden flames, fighting in a melee.

  A stream of light flew over, and the figures in the battle stopped.

They all looked at Liu Guang.

The stream of light dispersed, revealing his figure, also wearing a star armor, revealing a pair of eyes burning with golden flames.

"Gu Shi, welcome to join us!" One of the figures smiled.

"Captain Gu Yi!" said the newly arrived figure, then looked at the other figures, "Gu Er, Gu San."

"Hahaha, our team has another member!" The other figures laughed.

These ten majestic figures wearing star battle armor are the 'primary divine pattern war puppets' refined by the ancient demon's true body. Each one possesses sixth-level combat power.


In the Hall of Illusions, in a secret room.

"The divine pattern war puppets have been refined into ten, which is enough for the time being!" the ancient demon's true form said softly.

The ten divine pattern war puppets, in the original universe, are equal to the ten strongest people in the universe. Plus, their bodies belong to the true god level treasure level, they are invincible!

"Now, try to refine the 'Gate of Chaos'."

The ancient demon's real body immediately used the 'Heavenly Evolution Technique' and began to study the refining techniques of the 'Gate of Chaos'.

(End of this chapter)

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