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Chapter 435: Destroy the Supreme Treasure Palace with one shot!

Chapter 435: Destroy the Supreme Treasure Palace with one shot!
  In the inheritance space.


Luo Feng grasped the rock with both hands, his whole body trembled, and he couldn't help but raise his head. The area between his eyebrows seemed to be branded hard. A black and white mark finally appeared at the center of his eyebrows, and then disappeared completely, and could no longer be observed.

His whole body was shaking slightly uncontrollably.

He opened his eyes and looked at Duan Donghe standing next to him: "This, this hurts too much."

"This is the mark of my Duandonghe from all generations." Duandonghe said, "It was created by the third-generation ancestor. Every generation can inherit it. Once inherited, it can easily fit with the entire inheritance space! Only those who have the mark can To truly let this inheritance space recognize its owner, only those who control the inheritance space can obtain the true inheritance of my Duandonghe lineage."

Luo Feng nodded.

He knew that the more special the treasure, the more troublesome it would be to identify its owner, as can be seen in identifying its owner such as Star Tower and White Wings.

And this 'inheritance space' is a treasure used by Duandonghe's lineage to inherit. It is much more valuable than a small universe, and it is infinitely more precious than the most powerful treasure. How complicated is it to identify the master?

Only those with the inheritance mark can recognize the master.

"I ended the Donghe inheritance. It is so difficult to inherit. How did the teacher become the new King of Wu?" Thinking of Chen Zong, Luo Feng was secretly shocked.

Just when Luo Feng was secretly shocked.

Duan Donghe's voice sounded: "Although I died, the virtual consciousness I left behind is a virtual consciousness based on my real thoughts and memory personality. This is one of the means of inheriting space."

"The inheritance space has many functions. It is a treasure created by the three generations of ancestors specifically for inheritance. You will know about it one by one in the future."

"My virtual consciousness controls this inheritance space, and you cannot recognize the owner for the time being."

"I must voluntarily give up control before you can recognize your master."

"Before you recognize the Lord, you must do one thing."

Duan Donghe looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng said respectfully: "Teacher, please speak."

"Swear." Duan Donghe solemnly said, "Follow me and learn!"

Luo Feng nodded and listened carefully.

Duan Donghe said solemnly and slowly: "I swear in the name of the new Duan Donghe, as evidenced by the inheritance mark. I, Duan Donghe Luo Feng, will never pass on the core inheritance of Duan Donghe. If I violate this oath, I wish to Soul annihilation.”

"Must?" Luo Feng looked at Duan Donghe.

"Must!" Duan Donghe nodded solemnly, "Otherwise you must perish, and I will choose another successor."

Luo Feng nodded and read it again after Duan Donghe.

The sound echoed in my ears and in my mind. The mark between my eyebrows lit up, and the sound penetrated into the depths of my soul.

"If you break this oath, may your soul be annihilated."

One voice after another kept echoing in the soul.

Hearing this voice, Luo Feng probably guessed that this oath seemed to be no joke, it was truly binding!


He is the Lord of the Universe.

Even if you pass on the core secret technique and die, you can still be resurrected.

This oath seems to have been broken!
  Luo Feng secretly thought.

"This inheritance mark will never dissipate. I know that you are the Lord of the Universe and can be resurrected after death. But even if you are resurrected, you will still carry this inheritance mark with you forever. Once you violate your oath, the inheritance mark will annihilate your soul. . Even if you are resurrected, you will be annihilated again, constantly resurrected, annihilated, resurrected and annihilated." As if reading Luo Feng's thoughts, Duan Donghe smiled.

Luo Feng felt cold in his heart.

"This oath will not have much impact on you, as long as you don't pass on the core inheritance to others." Duan Donghe nodded, "Okay, before you claim this inheritance space, I will share some of the most important information and treasures with you. I’ll tell you everything one by one.”

"Follow me." Duan Donghe pointed into the void, and a space door appeared directly in the void.

Duan Donghe and Luo Feng flew directly into the space door one after the other.

The boat in the tomb, in the corridor of life and death.

The new Duan Donghe has been appointed, and many candidates have also left.

"God's Eye, let's leave too." The Second God sent a message.

They have no chance, and staying here will not help. It may even be that when the human galaxy truly becomes the new Duan Donghe, the candidates who stay here may die.

Divine Eye is the most powerful person in their Divine Eye clan who has the best chance of surviving reincarnation.

The inheritance of Duandonghe is gone. If the Divine Eye still falls here, then their Divine Eye clan will have no hope at all!

This is definitely not what God wants to see.

"Okay!" The First Lord nodded.

A wave of his hand.

The First God released the Supreme Treasure Palace and brought the Lords of the Universe, the Universe Venerables, and the Immortals of the Divine Eye Clan into the Supreme Treasure Palace.


The First Allah and the Second Allah immediately flew away from the light pillar and flew towards the exit of the corridor of life and death.


  In the corridor of life and death, a gate rumbled down, completely blocking the corridor of life and death.

Except for the true form of the ancient demon, the other candidates who were still in the corridor of life and death were stunned!


"How is this going?"

"No! Could it be that the human Galaxy succeeded in inheriting Duan Donghe and wants to kill us all?"

"Duan Donghe wants to kill us?"

Suddenly, panic broke out.

"Lord of the Ancients, do you humans really want to fight to the death with our Divine Eye Clan?" The First God immediately looked at the true form of the ancient demon standing on the pillar of light and said angrily.

prior to.

Duan Donghe designated Human Galaxy as the new Duan Donghe and did not take action against them.

But now, the exit is blocked again.

In the eyes of the First God, this is probably the work of the human galaxy.

The Ancient Lord is the teacher of the human Galaxy and the pillar of strength for mankind in the original universe. If the Human Galaxy dares to do this, it must have the consent of the Ancient Lord, or this is the Ancient Lord's idea!

The other strongest people in the universe also looked at the true form of the ancient demon.

"Ancient Lord, haven't we already reached an agreement, and now you want to go back on your word and directly snatch my most powerful treasure?" Demon Lord Tiebu said warily.

"Hmm? Have you also talked to the Ancient Lord?" the other four strongest men in the universe asked.

Several voices sounded at the same time.

Demon Lord Tiebu and the others looked at each other and knew that among them, the most powerful people in the universe, except for the First God and the Second God of the God Eye Clan, they had all discussed with the Ancient Lord the matter of the transaction and inheritance of the most powerful treasure.

"Ancient Lord, what do you mean?"

Demon Lord Tiebu and the others immediately formed a united front, took out their weapons, and prepared to take action.

"The Ancient Lord, you are powerful, but do you really think you can stop so many of us, the strongest people in the universe?" The First Lord looked at the ancient demon's true form coldly.

He and the Second God also took out their weapons.

Nor did they take the lead.

after all.

The Ancient Lord is indeed powerful, and they cannot guarantee that they will be safe and sound.

However, if the Ancient Lord's answer is not what they want.

The battle is bound to break out.


The atmosphere in the entire corridor of life and death became tense.

The ancient demon's true form glanced at them and was about to speak.


Duan Donghe and Luo Feng appeared again in the corridor of life and death.

Their appearance immediately attracted the attention of powerful people from all major forces.

"Everyone in the Divine Eye clan will die." As soon as Duan Donghe showed up, he sentenced the Divine Eye clan to death!
  On the light pillar, the ancient demon's true form did not stop him this time.

Because Duan Donghe mentioned this matter before when the ancient demon's true form protected the candidate.

Killing only the Shenyan clan would not cause much trouble.

Will everyone in the Divine Eye Clan die?
  Except for the ancient demon's true form, the other strong men looked puzzled.

"Lord Duan Donghe, why are all members of our Divine Eye Clan dying? Why are we treated differently?" the angry voice of the First God sounded.

There are several non-original universe human groups present.

If Duan Donghe only spares the ancient master of mankind, it can be said that the new Duan Donghe will protect the ancient master of the human galaxy!
  Now they are the only ones who want to die!
  "Lord Duan Donghe, our Divine Eye clan has never attacked Luo Feng during the inheritance! Moreover, the initial test also passed. Why? Why do you say now that we all have to die?" The second master also said He asked angrily, looking at Luo Feng who was beside Duandong River, "Did Yinhe, the human being, ask you to take action?"

  The First God and the Second God also escaped into the most powerful and precious palace, the "Red Flame Palace".

Whatever the reason, it’s important to sign up first.

"No!" Duan Donghe looked down, shook his head and said, "This is a request from a friend of mine. I owe him, so I naturally agreed to it."

"Friends of Duandonghe?"    "Request?"

"Who has such hatred for the Divine Eye Clan that he actually asked Duan Donghe to kill all the Divine Eye Clan here?"

Demon Lord Tiebu and the others were guessing.

The First God exploded with anger: "Duan Donghe, who is your friend? Who wants to destroy my lineage of the God Eye Clan?"

He doesn't even add 'adult' now!

"who is it!"

"Who is it!" Several more angry voices sounded. They really wanted to know which bastard caused their God Eye clan to fall into such a desperate situation.

"Don't worry. I'll let you know." Duan Donghe looked down, then pointed in the distance.

  On the left side of the corridor, the wall suddenly cracked open on both sides, revealing a passage. The powerful men from other major forces in the Universe Sea who were present all looked over.

They all wanted to know which existence actually had such a big hatred against the God Eye Clan.

At the entrance of the passage, a vague figure could be seen walking slowly out.

He has golden scales, stands upright like a human, has a pair of golden wings on his back, and has nine pairs of eyes scanning over him, filled with excitement and joy.


"It's him?"

"Duan Donghe's friend, the Thunder-clothed Demon God?"

The Thunder-Clothed Demon God, the lone strongest man in the universe in the Second Reincarnation Era, can only be regarded as an average among the strongest people in the universe, because he does not have the most powerful treasure at all, and his famous treasure 'Thunder-Clothed' is similar to the Crazy Demon Destroying God Armor. Just a kind of treasure.

In the cosmic sea, the Thunder-clothed Demon God is considered a very low-key person.

All parties were extremely surprised. This thunder-clothed demon god, who kept a low profile and had almost no news about him, turned out to be Duan Donghe's friend.

This is simply ridiculous!

The ancient demon's true form looked at the Thunder-Clothed Demon God, and he wanted to thank the Thunder-Clothed Demon God a little.

after all.

This breaks the Donghe inheritance,

"Lei Yi? Did you tell Duan Donghe to kill my lineage of the God Eye Clan?" The First Lord still couldn't believe it.

"Lei Yi? Is it you?" Second Allah couldn't believe it either.

The Thunder-clothed Demon God was walking out of the passage. His expression was sometimes ferocious, and sometimes he was laughing silently. He seemed a little uncontrollable. He raised his head and laughed silently for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said with a slight trembling all over his body: "Yes, it's me, it's my Thunder-Clothed Demon God." , it’s me, the Thunder-clothed Demon God, who is behind all this!”

"I want to destroy you!"

"Hahaha, what I didn't expect was that, First Lord, you would actually come to the Tomb Boat."

"If you die, your Divine Eye Clan will soon go down to accompany you!"


The Thunder-clothed Demon God's voice trembled.

"Damn it!" roared the Second Allah.

"Thunder-clothed Demon God, you deserve to die!" The First God also roared.

The Thunder-clothed Demon God stood there and looked at the Red Flame Palace with a sneer: "Damn it? I deserve to die? It's you who deserve to die! All of you Divine Eye Clan deserve to die!"

"Damn God Eye Clan!"

"When you, in order to obtain the most powerful treasure, the seven gods joined forces to besiege me and Kong Luo, it was so cruel. Kong Luo died, but I escaped." The Thunder-clothed Demon God gritted his teeth, "Kong Luo and I are indeed very close. He is easy to bully, but he is not strong enough and does not have the most powerful treasure. Yes, he is easy to bully."

"Your Divine Eye Clan is powerful. Looking at the universe sea, you are the only force that can rival the two holy lands and universes."

"How can I, a guy who doesn't even have the most powerful treasure, be able to defeat you?"

"In front of you God Eye Clan, I am weak and weak, so what am I?"

Lei Yi shook his head and smiled wildly.

"I didn't expect it!"

"You fell into my hands this time!" The Thunder-clothed Demon God stared at the Scarlet Flame Palace, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames, "I didn't expect that I, a weak and powerful Thunder-clothed Demon God, could also make you, the Divine Eye Clan, suffer." Such a big loss?"

"Even the strongest one, the most promising one in the Divine Eye Clan to survive reincarnation, is about to perish now!"


"so happy!"

"Kong Luo, did you see it?"

"Why would Duan Donghe listen to you!" A hoarse voice came from the Chiyan Palace.

"Because I am the first one to enter this tomb boat!!!" The Thunder-clothed Demon God sneered.

"Do you think that the Tomb Boat will be here? The Tomb Boat simply appeared in the core of the Space Ship. In the core place, even the strongest people in the universe do not dare to break in. They only dare to stay in familiar areas. When the Tomb Boat appeared, none of you knew about it. If I weren't the strongest person in the universe, I wouldn't be able to accept the inheritance in the end. Where would it be your turn? That's why I made a deal with Duan Donghe."


"You all have to be grateful to me."

The Thunder-clothed Demon God glanced at Luo Feng and said, "Especially you, Human Galaxy, you have to be even more grateful to me."

Luo Feng smiled slightly.

The Thunder-clothed Demon God also laughed: "I also have to be grateful to you. I am grateful that you can perform the best and be the one with the highest potential. And you are not snatched by the God Eye Clan to take the first position."

in fact.

When the Thunder-clothed Demon God knew that the first true god of the Divine Eye Clan had entered the tomb boat to fight for the inheritance, he was also panicked for a while.

Because, if the First Allah gets the inheritance.

Then there is absolutely no way Duan Donghe would agree to his plan to kill the Divine Eye Clan.

Instead, Duan Donghe might destroy him, the enemy who had a grudge against the new Duan Donghe.

To his delight.

The new Duan Donghe was chosen in the Rhinoceros Bureau trial alone, and the new Duan Donghe was not yet the number one master.

"Lord Duan Donghe, I have held this grudge in my heart for too long, and I finally let it out." The Thunder-clothed Demon God smiled easily, "Lord Duan Donghe, you can take action against them."

"Okay." Duan Donghe nodded.


"Lei Yi, if you want to kill us, I want to see if this old guy who has been dead for countless reincarnations is capable of killing us." The First God roared.

"You will know soon." The Thunder-clothed Demon God sneered with a trace of pity in his eyes, "And after you die, your most powerful treasure will also belong to me."

"Come on, come on, let me see how strong this dead guy can be!" Both the First Allah and the Second Allah roared.

  The Red Flame Palace suddenly turned into a stream of light, carrying endless power, and actually hit the Thunder-clothed Demon God directly.

That Duan Donghe is just a virtual consciousness.

If you want to kill, kill the Thunder-clothed Demon God first!

In the corridor of life and death.

The ancient demon's true form, Luo Feng, and the strongest men in the universe from other forces all watched this battle with anticipation.


Duandonghe is looking down, pointing in the distance.

  Countless pillars of light rose up throughout the corridor of life and death, and on each pillar of light, a six-level palace appeared.

  These six-level palaces immediately began to sprout countless golden secret patterns, and countless golden threads condensed in mid-air to form a golden spear!
  Golden ripples rippled on the golden spear.

It exuded an aura that frightened the strong men present.

The Chi Yan Palace was directly fixed in mid-air by golden ripples.

"So strong, this..." The ancient demon's true form was shocked.

This shot!
  The ancient demon's real body felt that it would not be easy for him to block it!
  And in Chiyan Palace.

The First Allah and the Second Allah were also a little panicked.


Before they could react.

call out!
  The golden spear turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the Chiyan Palace.

  A loud noise echoed in the corridor of life and death.

The huge shock wave set off an endless energy frenzy, causing all strong men to fly backwards for a distance.

at this time.

The ancient demon's true form and the others looked towards the center of the explosion.

I saw that the golden spear had disappeared, and the Scarlet Flame Palace. At this moment, it was as if it had been weathered for endless years, and turned into fine sand all over the sky under the energy craze, rippling away.

The first Allah, the second Allah and other powerful men of the God Eye Clan in the Chiyan Palace.
  There is no trace at this moment!


"With just one blow, he destroyed the most powerful and precious palace, and also destroyed the First God and the Second God?"

  In the corridor of life and death, all the powerful powerful forces were stunned!
  (End of this chapter)

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