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Chapter 436 Duan Donghe, the Lord of the Spirit World!

Chapter 436 Duan Donghe, the Lord of the Spirit World!


"The Palace of the Most Powerful Treasure was annihilated by one blow!"

"How can this be?"

In the corridor of life and death, Demon Lord Tiebu and several other strongest men in the universe felt as if billions of stars were exploding in their minds, shocking them all.

"The most powerful treasure? Ridiculous!"

"In my hometown, there is no such thing as the most powerful treasure." Duan Donghe shook his head and sneered.

"There is no such thing as the most powerful treasure? What do you mean?"

Some strong men couldn't help but started talking quietly.

Numerous thoughts also ran through Luo Feng's mind.


That ancient civilization was extremely powerful, with beings far more powerful than the strongest beings in the universe.

The Duan Donghe in front of him was countless levels stronger than the strongest person in the universe, and there was also the 'third generation patriarch' who was much stronger than Duan Donghe, the former King of Wu.

These strong men are stronger than the strongest men in the universe, and the weapons they use are definitely stronger.

He thought about the wings in the 'wing space'.

It is also clear that the most powerful treasures in the universe sea are also strong and weak!
  and so--

In ancient civilizations, there was no such thing as "the strongest".

Regarding the so-called most powerful treasures, ancient civilizations may have had a clearer division.

"Kill Wu Wings!" Luo Feng nodded secretly, "The inheritance ends when I collect those wings!"

At this time.

  Duan Donghe stretched out his hand, and in the corridor of life and death, the secret pattern of the virtual palace shone, and a pressure suddenly dropped, and the energy frenzy was immediately suppressed.

In the center of the energy frenzy, two items are suspended.

One is a statue of a strange alien beast, and the other is a dazzling three-color bead.

"These, these two treasures"

"Isn't that the real world of gods?"


Demon Lord Tiebu and several of the strongest men in the universe could see it at a glance, and they were all jealous, but then everyone started to get shocked and make noise!
  "Is the Divine Eye Clan completely dead?"

"The First Allah and the Second Allah are both in the Scarlet Flame Palace, protected by the Scarlet Flame Palace, but they are both dead?"

"He was killed just like that?"


"This ancient civilization is simply too terrifying."

The strong men all smacked their lips at this.

all the time.

The concept that the most powerful and precious palace cannot be broken is deeply ingrained in their understanding.

In their eyes, the Supreme Treasure Palace is an absolutely safe place. Unless they rush into other small universes without risking their lives, or go to the core place, or go through reincarnation due to their long life, etc., otherwise, there is no way to isolate them. With the protection of the most powerful and precious palace, it destroys the beings inside.

But now, there are cracks in this concept.

The most powerful and precious palace is not invincible, it can be destroyed!
  You will die if you hide in there!
  "These two treasures, according to your classification, one is the most powerful treasure, and the other is quite special. Although it is not as good as the most powerful treasure, I think it is suitable for you." Duan Donghe looked down and said with a smile, "Lei Clothes, take them."

"What a pity." The ancient demon's true form shook his head and said to himself, "If Duan Donghe had taken action later, I could probably exchange the inheritance from the First Lord for this most powerful treasure!"


"This Thunder-Clothed Demon God"

"Maybe trade with him?"

The ancient demon's true form was thinking.

When the other strongest people in the universe heard Duan Donghe's words, they looked at the Thunder-clothed Demon God with both shock and envy.

after all.

This is a treasure, plus a magic heart bead.

The Magic Heart Pearl is a special treasure, suitable for performing illusion attacks, and it also has the function of guarding the soul. It is an extremely powerful treasure in terms of soul, and the Thunder-clothed Demon God is naturally suitable for performing illusions.

at the same time.

The Thunder-clothed Demon God also stared blankly at the two treasures in front of him.

Previously, he only thought that no matter how strong Duandonghe was, he should be able to kill the First Lord and the others, but he never thought that Duandonghe could even destroy the most powerful and precious palace, the "Red Flame Palace"!

This should be his!
  "My most powerful and precious palace! It's just gone!" The Thunder-clothed Demon God wailed in his heart.

high in the sky.

"Lei Yi, you can easily recognize the owner of the Magic Heart Bead." Duan Donghe looked down at the Thunder Cloth Demon God and said directly, "As for the remaining most powerful treasure 'True God Realm', it is very difficult to recognize the owner, so go back Let’s think about it carefully later, maybe it will work if it takes time.”

The Thunder-clothed Demon God came back to his senses.

He nodded excitedly and quickly recognized the owner on the spot.

The Huanxin Bead is really all achieved in one go.

"Ha ha."

"Although I have many pinnacle treasures, the only truly special treasure is the Thunder Clothes." The Thunder Clothes Demon God lamented, "I have been fighting at close range, and my illusion ability has never been good enough. Now I have the Magic Heart Bead, my The attack methods are much stronger. Then there is the 'True God Realm'."

"I won't let you go, God Eye Clan!"

"Now the first Allah is dead, the second Allah is also dead, and the seventh Allah who died before, hahaha, God Eye Clan, what can you do to me now?"

The Thunder-clothed Demon God can become the strongest person in the universe, and he is still a determined person regardless of gain or loss.

Since the Chiyan Palace is gone, it’s gone!

What is important is what you can get.


He didn't have a single most powerful treasure before, but now he has one, and he also has a 'Fantasy Heart Bead' that is very suitable for him, and his combat power has soared by one level.


If you want to deal with the other Gods of the Divine Eye Clan, you are still half-hearted. However, even if you can't deal with the God of the Divine Eye Clan, can you still not deal with the Lord of the Universe of the Divine Eye Clan?

The nine pairs of eyes of the Thunder-clothed Demon God flashed with fierce light.

  He collected the True God Realm.

"Poor God Eye Clan!" Some strong men sighed secretly.

Once the Thunder-clothed Demon God is so powerful, how can he let go of the God-Eye Clan after he goes out?
  "Thank you, Lord Donghe." The Thunder-clothed Demon God bowed gratefully.

"The matter is over." From high in the sky, Duan Donghe nodded slightly and looked at the most powerful people in the universe, including the Thunder-clothed Demon God, the Tiebu Demon Lord, and said, "You can all leave."

"You wait and leave quickly."

The Duandong River points to the distance.

  The corridor gates reopened.

"Go back the way you came." Duan Donghe shouted.


They are still alive!

Duan Donghe did not kill them all!
  Demon Lord Tiebu and the other strongest men in the universe quickly flew into the corridor and soon flew away and disappeared. The Thunder-clothed Demon also left with them.

now. In the corridor of life and death, only the true form of the ancient demon, Duan Donghe and Luo Feng are left.


"Duan Donghe, Zhen Kan, Wu, pay homage to Your Majesty!" Duan Donghe immediately saluted respectfully towards the ancient demon's true form.

"Zhen Kan!" The ancient demon's true form accepted Duan Donghe's salute. Although he was weak in strength, he had a high status. He was the king of the Wu Kingdom, so he could withstand Duan Donghe's salute.

"When we were in the White Mist Hall, I asked you whether virtual consciousness could be preserved!"


"The new Duan Donghe has been born, but once you hand over control of the inheritance space, you will disappear."

"However, I have a way for you to keep it!"

"Are you willing to stay?"

The ancient demon's true form looked at Duan Donghe and said seriously.

Before, Duan Donghe said there was nothing he could do, but that was just Duan Donghe who couldn't do anything.

As for Chen Zong, he became His Majesty of the Kingdom of Wu, obtained the 'King's Seal' to recognize him as the master, and even obtained the 'Tianxu'.

Tianxu's information database contains all the information of Wu State's information database.

There are some methods that can preserve the virtual consciousness like Duan Donghe.

He has a way.

However, whether he can stay or not depends on whether Duan Donghe wants to stay.

If Duan Donghe doesn't want to, then the ancient demon's true form can't force him.

"What? Duandonghe will disappear?" Next to him, Luo Feng's heart skipped a beat when he heard the ancient demon's true form. He didn't know that if he inherited the inheritance space, Duandonghe would disappear.

This is not possible!

Luo Feng would rather not inherit the inheritance space than Duan Donghe to preserve it.


He didn't get along with Duan Donghe for long, but Duan Donghe was also his teacher and his senior in Duan Donghe's lineage.

Cut off the East River!
  It shouldn't just disappear.
  "Teacher Duan Donghe," Luo Feng said anxiously.

"Can you stay?" Duan Donghe was stunned.

He has all the memories of Duan Donghe, and naturally he also retains his longing for his hometown. He wants to return to his hometown, and now he also has the idea of ​​​​training the new Duan Donghe. If he can stay, that would be great.
  Duan Donghe's eyes showed excitement.

"Yeah!" The ancient demon's real body nodded.

  The ancient demon waved his true skills.

A 'divine pattern war puppet' appeared out of thin air.

Luo Feng looked curious as he looked at this 'divine pattern war puppet' that only showed a pair of golden flames.

After so many years with the teacher, he has never seen it before!

"Puppet! And it's a puppet without a 'spirit' but with a 'spirit world'!" Duan Donghe recognized the true face of the 'divine pattern war puppet' at a glance.

"Your Majesty wants me to be the 'spirit' of this 'puppet'?" Duan Donghe said in surprise.

Duan Donghe, of course, also knew that the spirit that became a puppet could retain its own virtual consciousness.


In his opinion, it was impossible to find a puppet that had no 'spirit' but had a 'spiritual world'.

Because when the puppet is refined, it will activate its spirit!

If the spirit is successfully awakened, the puppet can have a 'spiritual world', which is where the spirit lives.

A puppet without a 'spiritual world' cannot be considered a real puppet at all.

Therefore, it is more difficult to make a puppet that has no "spirit" but a "spiritual world" than making a higher-level "puppet".

Even if it's Duan Donghe, it's basically impossible for him to get a puppet that has no 'spirit' but has a 'spirit world' in his hometown!

did not expect.
  He actually saw such a puppet here, in this remote cosmic sea!
  Broken East River is shocking!
  "Not bad!" Seeing Duan Donghe's expression, the ancient demon's real body immediately understood Duan Donghe's thoughts, smiled slightly and said, "You should know how to become the 'Lord of the Spirit World'."

"Yeah!" Duan Donghe nodded happily.

Next to him, Luo Feng was surprised!
  The hatch of the tomb boat.

Beizhen Star Lord of the East Emperor Holy Land, Nanming Palace Lord of the Purple Moon Holy Land, and other strong men waiting at the hatch heard the news when they saw a group of withdrawing candidates such as the Thunder Clothes Demon God and the Tiebu Demon Lord. A cold voice said: "You must leave the tomb boat quickly. The hatch of the tomb boat is about to close. If you don't exit, you will have no chance to leave again."

"The hatch is closing?"


Beizhen Star Master and a large group of existences flew outward.

Nearly a hundred strong men flew out of the cabin door.

Suddenly wow~~
  The gate fell heavily, and there was no exit for the entire tomb boat. This made the nearly a hundred strong men of all races who flew out sigh when they looked back at the hatch.

"Thunder-clothed Demon God, I admire you."

"Thunder-clothed Demon God, I didn't expect that this inheritance was guided by you, and even caused the Divine Eye Clan to suffer such a big loss. Haha, the Divine Eye Clan must hate you." The other strong men present all said Look at the Thunder-clothed Demon God.

They didn't have any hostility towards the Thunder-clothed Demon God.

after all.

They have no grudge against the Thunder-clothed Demon God!
  "What I want is for them to hate me. The more they hate me, the happier I will be." The Thunder-clothed Demon God snorted, "I have become the strongest person in the universe, but I still have to be bullied by the God Eye Clan, and even My only close friend, Kong Luo, was killed by them. In this life, I have no clan, and I have no other desire. I just want the Shenyan clan to regret what they have done, make them miserable, and even destroy the clan!"

This made many other strong men look at each other, secretly surprised.

What a hatred! Poor God Eye Clan!
  Although these strong men left the door of the tomb boat cabin, they did not leave here.


Here, they still have important things to deal with!
  The cosmic sea, the small universe of the God Eye Clan.

There were once seven mini-universes, but now only four remain.

In the third small universe.

"At that time, the First God immediately felt that something was not good, and ordered our clones to self-destruct immediately! Therefore, the immortal gods, the Lord of the Universe, and the cloned Masters of the Universe all blew themselves up to escape." The Lord of Witches and Demons respectfully addressed the surroundings The four incarnations of Allah report.

"The First God and the Second God were fighting the next wave of attacks for us, but they could no longer bear it and ordered us to self-destruct immediately and leave."

Each survivor described the situation.

The four gods next to him had extremely ugly expressions. They already knew the details.

This time was their God Eye Clan's biggest chance to transcend reincarnation, but they didn't expect that the thunder-clothed demon god would appear in the middle, not only cutting off their God Eye Clan's chance, but also causing the death of both the First God and the Second God.

These are two of the most powerful people in the universe, and they also have two extremely important treasures.

more importantly.
  The First God, the most powerful person in the universe who is most likely to pass through reincarnation, has fallen!
  Also, their seven gods have a way to unite to fight.

Now that there are three less, even if the remaining four jointly attack, the power will be greatly reduced.

"Damn it!" The Sixth Lord's eyes were cold.

"Thunder-clothed Demon God, the abominable Thunder-clothed Demon God destroyed the hope of our God Eye Clan. We should have killed him at all costs!" Fifth Allah even gritted his teeth and roared.

"Who knew that this Thunder-clothed Demon God would be lucky enough to discover the tomb boat first." The Third Lord said hoarsely, "A Thunder-clothed Demon God who doesn't have the most powerful treasures and whose strength is average. He was not a low-key person at first or afterwards. Don’t dare to take the lead? It’s just because he was lucky, otherwise this incident would not have happened. Damn it! He destroyed the greatest hope of my God Eye Clan!”

"God's Eye, Second Brother..." The Fourth God said slowly, with a look of pain on his face.

"If our clan has no hope of transcending reincarnation, we will drag the thunder-clothed demon to die with us!" The Fifth God said angrily through gritted teeth.


The Third God opened his eyes, shook his head and said, "Put revenge last, the deadline is approaching. Our clan must try our best to fight for a chance of survival and try our best to transcend reincarnation. This is the biggest goal. If we cannot transcend reincarnation, the glory of our God Eye clan will be destroyed." It will disappear forever, and I am afraid that no one will know about our Divine Eye Clan in the reincarnation era.”

(End of this chapter)

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