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Chapter 437: Duandonghe Zhenkan: Your Majesty, do you want to obtain the Yuan Embryo?

Chapter 437: Duandonghe Zhenkan: Your Majesty, do you want to obtain the Yuan Embryo?

The boat in the tomb, in the corridor of life and death.

The ancient demon's true form and Luo Feng looked at the 'divine pattern war puppet' suspended in mid-air in front of them, and strange fluctuations came from the body of the 'divine pattern war puppet'.

After a while.

The fluctuations cease.

I saw that the 'divine pattern war puppet' opened his eyes, and those eyes burning with golden flames were a little more radiant than before.

"Zhen Kan, I have met Your Majesty!" The divine pattern war puppet bowed his hands in salute to the ancient demon's true form.


Duan Donghe Zhenkan Wu successfully entered the "spirit world" of the "divine pattern war puppet" and became the "Lord of the Spirit World". He can control the body of this puppet at will.

"Congratulations, Zhen Kan!" The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

With Duandonghe Zhenkan here, although Zhenkan cannot exert his pre-birth combat power, with the 'divine pattern war puppet', he can still exert his sixth level.

of course.

The ancient demon's true form wants more than just a sixth-level combat power.

But a super mentor who can make the human race rise!
  Duandonghe Zhenkan's knowledge in this cosmic sea is worse than that of Mountain Guest. Other strong men, even Chen Zong who has inherited the Wu Kingdom, are far inferior to Duandonghe Zhenkan.

"Thank you for your Majesty's 'divine pattern war puppet'." Duan Donghe Zhenkan said with a smile.


He was extremely shocked.

Before entering the 'spirit world', he asked the ancient demon's true form about the situation of the 'divine pattern war puppet'.

Knowing that this 'divine pattern war puppet' was refined by His Majesty himself directly made Duandonghe Zhenkan extremely surprised.

He knew very well that even in the Origin Continent, it was rare to find a master who could refine a puppet with a 'spiritual world'. He didn't expect that His Majesty, who was also the Lord of the Universe, could actually refine it. Made.

He knew that there was definitely a big secret in it!

Duandonghe Zhenkan did not continue to ask.

The ancient demon's true form was naturally aware of Duandonghe Zhenkan's shock.

But since Duandonghe Zhenkan didn't ask, the ancient demon's true form wouldn't take the initiative to mention it.

of course.

Just want to say
  It’s hard to say the ancient demon’s true identity.

Because, after he knew how to retain Duan Donghe's virtual consciousness, he could easily refine the 'divine pattern war puppet' that met the requirements without feeling any difficulty.

Naturally, the refining was successful!

"No need to be so polite." The ancient demon's true form waved his hand, looked at Duandonghe Zhenkan, and said with a smile, "In the future, I will have many places where I need to trouble you!"

"Your Majesty, just ask!" Duan Donghe Zhenkan nodded.

"Let's talk after we get back." The ancient demon's true form said.

"Yes!" Duandonghe Zhenkan nodded, and then looked at Luo Feng, "Luo Feng, I will pass the control of the inheritance space to you now!"

I saw.

Cutting off the East River, Zhen Kan's mind moved.


Wisps of light were born from the endless darkness and quickly enveloped it.

The ancient demon's true form and Luo Feng looked up.

Wisps of black and white light descended, with nowhere to hide, and they gathered directly towards Luo Feng.

"This is the procedure for identifying the master of the inheritance space!" Duan Donghe Zhenkan said.

Luo Feng nodded.

At this time.

The inheritance mark on Luo Feng's brow also appeared automatically.

The black and white marks rotated, endless light poured into Luo Feng's body, and everything returned to calm.

Luo Feng looked around, and an incomparable feeling of intimacy grew in his heart.

The inheritance space has its owner.

Although he is still unfamiliar with controlling the inheritance space, he can still easily sense the entire inheritance space.

"Luo Feng, go to the inheritance space." Duandonghe Zhenkan said.


Luo Feng's mind moved.

Suddenly, a huge space door appeared in front of the three of them.

The ancient demon's true form, Duandonghe Zhenkan, and Luo Feng flew directly into the space gate.

Behind the space door.

There is endless sea water all around, and in the middle of the sea is a small island. On the island is an ordinary wooden house, with a pond in front of the wooden house.

The three of them landed next to the pond.

"Your Majesty, if you want to trade with those foreign races, then the Memory Stone under the ocean should be useful." Duandonghe Zhenkan looked at the endless ocean.

Previously, in the corridor of life and death, the ancient demon's true form told Duandonghe Zhenkan and Luo Feng about the transaction.

After hearing Duandonghe Zhenkan's words, Luo Feng stretched out his finger toward the ocean.

  In the endless ocean around the small island, the rumbling endless sea water began to float, as if the world was reversed, all the sea water was suspended in the sky, while the bottom was empty, revealing trenches, submarine canyons, etc.

At a glance.

With the eyesight of the three of them, they can naturally see some black stones occasionally.

"These black stones are all stones of memory. There are over 100 million stones of memory." Duandonghe Zhenkan said directly, "The ones stored are all the strong men of my lineage, Duandonghe. During my travels, I constantly collected all kinds of stones. The information is all-encompassing, and I am afraid that 90% of the information on the basic skills of my hometown’s civilization has been recorded. Of course, the records are all simple and basic.”

"The information in these memory stones is not the core inheritance."

"Use it for trading, no problem at all!"

Duandonghe Zhenkan said.

Although he is a minister of the Wu Kingdom and can be regarded as a minister of the ancient master of the new King Wu, but the matter is related to the inheritance of Donghe, Donghe Zhenkan will also act according to the rules of inheritance.

Even if the Ancient Demon Lord ordered it, he would not let Luo Feng take out the core inheritance of Duan Donghe.

after all.

If you dare to reveal the core inheritance, the inheritance mark on Luo Feng's brow will kill Luo Feng.

As for the scattered inheritance under the ocean, there is no problem.

It can be taught at will.

"Yeah!" The ancient demon's real body nodded.

In fact, he actually has transaction information. He only needs to transfer this information into the Memory Stone. However, he does not know more content that exceeds the limitations of the original universe.

When making a new memory stone, it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes.

of course.

Most of the mistakes are wrong, but there is no problem. After all, even the strongest people in the alien universe don't know.

The only problem is the two holy places.

The ancestors of the two holy places were both in the Origin Continent.

There, they are not limited by the original universe and can read beyond the limits.

and so.

To be on the safe side, it is best to use the memory stones used for trading.

"If you have something to do, you can take care of it first. I can do this by myself!" The ancient demon's true form looked at Duandonghe Zhenkan and Luo Feng and said.

"Yeah!" Duan Donghe Zhenkan nodded.

"Yes, teacher!" Luo Feng responded.

  In front of them, another space gate appeared.

Duandonghe Zhenkan and Luo Feng took one step forward, passed through the door of space, and arrived at the 'treasure space' among the many planes in the inheritance space.

Treasure space.

"Treasure!" Luo Feng looked up, surrounded by void, and in front of him was a majestic treasure mountain. The entire mountain peak was bursting with dazzling brilliance, all exuding endless power. Every ray of brilliance made Luo Feng powerful. Heart fluttering.

It’s like——

It was like hundreds of the strongest people in the universe were exploding themselves, that kind of overwhelming power.

Luo Feng holds his breath
  "Here, there are a total of 322 treasures." Duandonghe Zhenkan said, "It was Duandonghe of all generations who accumulated endless years to finally accumulate these 322 treasures."

"Every time you Duan Donghe, you can only take one piece."

"And while you are still alive, you have to put one thing back."

"This is the rule."

"Duandonghe has done this in the past, usually taking one piece. If you are strong and successful, you can even put two or three pieces back, which is considered to have contributed to the Duandonghe lineage. All of this is on the stone tablet in Baoshan It will be automatically recorded in heaven.”

Luo Feng nodded.

"Teacher, what treasure are you leaving behind here?" Luo Feng asked curiously.

"Teleporter!" Duan Donghe Zhenkan said.

"Transmission disc?" Luo Feng was confused. "Yes, in my hometown, there is no teleportation disk, and it would take hundreds of millions of years to go to a farther place." Duandonghe Zhenkan said, "So, the teleportation disk is extremely precious! This is also the most valuable thing I have ever obtained. One of the most precious treasures!”

Luo Feng was shocked.

It would take hundreds of millions of years for a super strong man like Duandonghe Zhenkan to travel?
  This. is absolutely crazy!
  Then if he takes the teleportation disk, wouldn't it be possible to reach wherever he wants to go in the blink of an eye in this cosmic sea?

"However, this treasure is not suitable for you!" Duandonghe Zhenkan shook his head and said, "In other words, you don't need to use this thing at all now. What you need is Yuan embryo."

"Yuan embryo?" Luo Feng asked curiously.

Duandonghe Zhenkan immediately explained to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also understood!
  Yuan has a very respected meaning in ancient civilizations, and any treasure with this word is the best.

Embryo means embryo.

For a strong person, different treasures are needed at different times. For example, if you give an immortal a powerful treasure, he will not be able to use it. Therefore, any formed treasure cannot be used by a strong person all the time.

Therefore, there is also the term "yuan embryo".

Yuan embryo is a special treasure that is not fully formed. It has no secret patterns and is empty. Just relying on its own basic power, it is already extremely powerful, and even immortals can start using it!
  The user can continuously instill secret techniques and patterns into it, just like refining a treasure, and can easily instill secret techniques and patterns into the Yuan embryo!

Once these secret techniques and patterns are integrated into the Yuan embryo.

Then, you only need to drive it, and you can be distracted and control other treasure battles.

Even, the original secret technique and secret pattern can exert more powerful strength with the help of Yuan embryo's own power.

"Yuan embryo, there is such a treasure." Luo Feng was amazed.

"Luo Feng, Yuan Embryos, and even strong men like me are extremely jealous." Duan Donghe Zhenkan continued, "Because Yuan Embryos can always grow! As the user becomes stronger, they can be integrated into The more important secret method enters it! It can accompany a strong man to grow to the highest level of the entire ancient civilization."

"At that time, a Yuan embryo will grow into the most terrifying treasure of the entire ancient civilization."

"But the Yuan embryo is extremely difficult to obtain and is more precious than the teleportation disk."

"It's also the best one for you!"

"Go and pick out a piece of 'Yuan embryo'!"

The broken East River Zhenkan points to Baoshan.

In this treasure mountain, every inheritor can take out one of the Yuan Embryos because he has the 'Inheritance Mark'. Without the inheritance mark, it is impossible to take away such treasures.

"Yes, teacher!" Luo Feng nodded.

Luo Feng walked on this treasure mountain, looking at it as he walked.

The rays of brilliance soaring into the sky are so powerful that once their power explodes, the strongest person in the universe will be killed instantly. However, due to the special restrictions on the treasure mountain, every element embryo is controlled and suppressed.

"Psychic weapon!"

"Melee weapons!"

"Many strange weapons!"

"This, this is a machine." Luo Feng looked at each one, such as a giant spherical fortress, whose original size was comparable to a spaceship.

This giant fortress is divided into 18 levels of attack units. The secret patterns of each level of attack units are blank, and users need to fill them in according to their own research.

There is also a peculiar hull.

This ship hull is actually a huge 'refining factory world', which contains many conditions for refining treasures.

"Item refining factory?" Luo Feng looked at the hull.

Luo Feng knew very well that the 'divine pattern war puppet' was the most powerful treasure level.

In other words, Teacher Chen Zong has been able to refine the most powerful treasure!
  If there was this 'refining factory world', Teacher Chen Zong's weapon refining ability would definitely improve very quickly.

Even if it is possible to refine a treasure that surpasses the most powerful treasure, it is not impossible!
  "It's a pity that I can only take one piece! This 'refining factory world' has no choice but to give up!" Luo Feng shook his head helplessly.

He continued to look at the treasures.

He also discovered that in ancient civilizations, they were mainly divided into melee combat, long-range attack, machinery, treasure refining, and miscellaneous flow. The first four types belonged to the mainstream, while miscellaneous flow was a confluence of various unique methods.

And each category can be divided into many types.

The Yuan embryos of different tactical schools are also different.

However, on this treasure mountain, there are 72 types of mechanical-style embryos.

"No wonder the mechanical stream was so prosperous in ancient civilizations." Luo Feng looked at the mechanical stream embryos with great envy. "This power is too great. Even if it is inferior in many aspects such as laws and secrets, it can be completely accomplished with the help of machinery. Able to transcend levels and kill enemies."

"Too bad I can only choose one."

Luo Feng secretly sighed again.

Soon, he came to the mountainside of Baoshan and looked at a tall stone knife.

This stone knife is like a huge rock carving, and it is extremely tall. Although it is inserted on the mountainside, the handle of the stone knife is as high as the top of the entire Baoshan Mountain.

The entire stone knife exudes a brilliance that reaches the sky.

Luo Feng fell in love with the shape of the stone knife at first sight.

"Among the Yuan embryos, there are three knife embryos. There are machetes with wide blades and ones as thin as cicada wings. This one is still my favorite." The more Luo Feng looked at it, the more he liked it. "It's the same one I grew up with." It’s very similar to the Blood Shadow Saber that I like, except that the handle is larger in proportion and can be held with both hands.”

"That's it."

Luo Feng immediately stepped forward, held his breath, and then slowly stretched out his hand to touch the huge stone knife.

Just a touch.

A thin film immediately appeared on the entire surface of the giant stone knife, with countless patterns of laws flowing on the thin film.


The whole Baoshan trembled.

Light began to appear in every corner of Baoshan, and the patterns of law lit up, complementing the film on the giant stone knife.

The mark of inheritance also appeared between Luo Feng's eyebrows.

form a resonance.

Immediately after all the film and light dissipated, Luo Feng's life mark was imprinted on the giant stone knife.

"The Yuan embryo requires a huge price to create." An old voice sounded in Luo Feng's ears, "The current Duan Donghe, remember, it will be your lifelong partner, your best friend in life and death, treat it well."

Luo Feng nodded, and then his mind moved.

Immediately, the towering stone knife quickly began to shrink, and in a moment, it shrank to about half of Luo Feng's height.

Luo Feng looked at the knife in his hand with excitement and anticipation.

After the original rock shape was shrunk, those originally huge rock patterns were reduced to look like a delicate scabbard pattern. The so-called rock shape is actually the color of the scabbard and the handle of the rock.

"Wow!" Luo Feng gently drew his sword.

The blade is unsheathed!
  The invisible edge of the blade caused a spatial knife mark to immediately appear in the surrounding space.

"Even if the secret technique is not used, if the sword is placed there, the Lord of the Universe, whoever dares to touch it will be injured." Luo Feng was pleasantly surprised, "If the sword technique is given the secret pattern and driven by divine power, the power will be even more terrifying. Bar."

"Such a sword"

"This is too scary!"

"But, I like it!"

"Well, this sword embryo will probably accompany me throughout my life, until I reach my peak, or until I fall." Luo Feng lowered his head and stroked the sword, "Then its name should also be called Blood Shadow."

With a thought, a simple Chinese character was left on the entire Blood Shadow Blade - Blood Shadow!
  Memory Stone Space.

The ancient demon's true form holds nearly a hundred black memory stones in his hands, which he has selected for trading.

At this time.

In front of him, a space door appeared out of thin air.

Luo Feng and Duan Donghe walked out of the space door.

"Huh? The Yuan embryo sword!! What a good thing!" The ancient demon's true form saw the sword on Luo Feng's back and said in surprise, "My good disciple, you want to lend me this 'Yuan embryo sword' for research? Let me do the same." Zhan Zhanguang?"

"." Duan Donghe Zhenkan and Luo Feng were startled.


"Of course!" Luo Feng came to his senses and immediately took off the 'Blood Shadow Sword' from his back and handed it to the ancient demon's true form.

"It is a disciple's blessing to be able to take advantage of the teacher!" Luo Feng said with a smile.

As for the teacher who saw at a glance that the 'Blood Shadow Sword' was a Yuan embryo, he was not surprised at all. After all, the teacher had inherited the Wu Kingdom, which was even more powerful than Duan Donghe.

"Good stuff, really good stuff!" Chen Zong took the 'Blood Shadow Knife', looked through it, and kept praising it.

"Your Majesty." Next to him, Duan Donghe Zhenkan said, "If Your Majesty wants to obtain the 'Yuan Fei', I know where to get it."

"What? Are you telling the truth? Where is it?" Chen Zong raised his head and looked at Duandonghe Zhenkan with a look of surprise.

"It's within the tomb!" Duandonghe Zhenkan said.

"However, without the tomb boat, it would be very difficult to enter it!" Duandonghe Zhen Kangan said seriously.

He also participated in the construction of the tomb.

and so.

He has a deeper understanding of the tombs and knows many things that the major forces in the universe sea do not know!
  You can enter the tomb without a tomb boat!
  "Don't we have one of the tomb boats?" Luo Feng asked doubtfully.

"Once the tomb boat enters the tomb, you can never get it back!" Duandonghe Zhenkan shook his head, "Even if I modify this boat, it will still be the same."

Luo Feng also remembered it, it seemed like this.

"You don't need a tomb boat, I can just enter by myself!" After saying that, the ancient demon's real body looked at Duandonghe Zhenkan, "Zhenkan, you just said that you can enter the tomb without a tomb boat. So what’s the specific way to enter?”

Duandonghe Zhenkan immediately told the ancient demon's true form the method.

(End of this chapter)

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