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Chapter 452: Strongly kill the Demon Shock Ancestor!

Chapter 452: Strongly kill the Demon Shock Ancestor!
  Ancient mysterious realm.

"Ancient Lord, what's going on now?" The Double-faced Ancestral God immediately sent a message to Chen Zong and asked.

Not only the two-faced ancestor god, but also the strongest person in the lone universe such as the ancestor of monster beasts and the owner of Shihua Island, also asked curiously.

The battle happened so quickly that they had no time to understand the situation on the battlefield.

"As you can see, the Demon Zhenzu plans to die together!" Chen Zong responded.

  perish together?

The Two-faced Ancestral God and the owner of Shihua Island were stunned for a moment.

And at this time.

  In the void, the huge high-speed rotating bloody vortex suddenly stopped and collapsed, forming a cloud of blood mist after receiving hundreds of attacks.


The strong men in the human camp and the coalition camp looked at the blood mist transformed by the blood vortex, and suddenly showed surprise, looking at the bloody secret pattern in the blood mist.


Before they could breathe a sigh of relief.

I saw the bloody secret pattern glowing with blood again, and the blood mist started to spin again.

However, the direction of rotation is the opposite.

Looking at the bloody vortex that formed again, Chen Zong frowned. This situation was indeed beyond his expectation.

Not only him, but other strong men in the human camp and the strong men in the coalition camp also showed surprise. They all understood that the matter was not over yet.


Lights of different colors lit up in the bloody vortex. These lights
  I saw that these lights shot out from the bloody vortex, which were either cyan sword light or blue sword light. It was the secret method used by Chen Zong and others to attack the bloody secret pattern before.

Now, these secret techniques have been counterattacked by the bloody vortex.

咻咻 咻 ~
  Sword light, knife light, ax light, etc. cut through the void and shot out in all directions in a messy manner.


"The attack was actually countered!"

"What secret method is this bloody secret pattern?"

A series of exclamations sounded.


The coalition camp immediately turned around and chose to evacuate here.

The Father God of the Mechanical Clan, the Queen of the Zerg Clan, the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan, and the Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan are not afraid of the bloody secret pattern, but the weaker Lord of the Universe in their palace is in danger of falling.

In order to save these masters of the universe, they naturally decided to leave the area covered by the bloody secret pattern first.

They fled, but Chen Zong had no intention of attacking them.

Instead, he sent a message to the Lord of Chaos City, Giant Axe, and Luo Feng, asking them to leave the area covered by the Bloody Secret Pattern.

In the void.

"Able to be immune to attacks?" Chen Zong's eyes showed doubts. He clearly remembered that in the 'Tianluo World', he used the 'Magic Mountain' to smash the more complete and powerful Blood Secret Pattern to pieces!


At that time, there was no bloody secret pattern to counter the attack of the ‘Magic Mountain’!

At this time.

"Huh? Divine Fantasy Mountain?" Suddenly an inspiration flashed in Chen Zong's mind.

"Perhaps using the 'Magic Mountain' can smash the 'Blood Secret Pattern' to pieces!" Looking at the Blood Secret Pattern, Chen Zong's eyes narrowed and he turned his hand. Suddenly, the black shell seal faded away in the Ancient God's Universe. Now, The gleaming golden 'Magic Mountain' appeared in his hand out of thin air.

A small golden ‘magic mountain’.

Initially, when Chen Zong obtained the Divine Fantasy Mountain, it was only at the cosmic level. If he wanted to move the Divine Fantasy Mountain, he would have to destroy the Star of the Ancient Gods. Only by relying on his status as the junior master of the Divine Fantasy Mountain, could he move the Divine Fantasy Mountain. Shenhuan Mountain' was sent into the Ancient God Space (now the Ancient God Universe).

but now.

Chen Zong is not only the master of the universe, but also completely controls the ‘Shenhuan Mountain’.

Naturally, he can control the ‘Shenhuan Mountain’ at will.

"Junior Brother." The Lord of Chaos City saw Chen Zong's actions and immediately reminded him, "The 'Blood Secret Pattern' can not only ignore attacks, but also return attacks."

"Senior brother, don't worry, I'll try again." Chen Zong replied.


Chen Zong's divine power poured into Shenhuan Mountain, and there was a sudden rumble. Shenhuan Mountain suddenly surged hundreds of billions of kilometers!

This movement immediately attracted the attention of all the powerful men in the coalition camp and the human camp.

"Huh? The Ancient Lord is still unwilling to give up?" The Father God of the Mechanical Clan looked confused.

They all attacked the Blood Secret Pattern, but they were unable to destroy the Blood Secret Pattern. Did the Ancient Lord want to destroy the 'Blood Secret Pattern' by himself?
  How can this be?


"This is the ancient mysterious realm. If the Ancient Lord allows the Demon Zhenzu to use the 'Sacrifice Formation', sooner or later this secret realm will be destroyed by the Demon Zhenzu. The Ancient Lord will naturally not allow the Demon Zhenzu to do this!" The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan said.

"Yes, this is the lair of the Ancient Lord. If the lair is captured by the Demon Shock Ancestor, won't the Ancient Lord's reputation as the most powerful person in the universe be lost?" The Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan nodded.

"Can it be done?" Luo Feng secretly asked as he looked at Chen Zong in the Star Tower.

And the bloody secret pattern is outside the picture.

Neither the human camp nor the coalition camp was fighting. The strongest men in the universe, the Ancestral God Sect, and the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance, who came to support the human camp, also stood aside and did not take action.

after all.

First, they did not receive a message from the Ancient Lord asking for help. Second, even the strong men from the human camp had left the area covered by the Blood Secret Pattern, and they had no reason to enter it.

"Sacrifice formation? I seem to have heard of this before." The mountain guest looked at the blood-colored secret pattern diagram and opened the memory of long ago, with a look of thinking in his eyes.

The era of the Holy Cult (Devil Cult) is older than the era when Sishanke was the God King of the Jin Kingdom.


At that time, he had never heard of the Holy Cult (Demon Cult).

However, some secret method inheritance left by the Holy Cult (Devil Cult) has been passed down on the continent of origin, and it is normal for some mountaineers to have heard of it.

"If it is really the 'Sacrifice Formation' that I know, then the Ancient Lord is in danger!"

Thinking of this, Sishanke immediately sent a message to Chen Zong.


He hasn't sent a message yet.
  "go with!"

I saw that the golden magical mountain, which was hundreds of billions of kilometers long, was quickly smashing towards the bloody secret pattern under the control of Chen Zong.

The magical mountain shines with golden light for nine days.

Dazzling golden light shines on the bloody vortex.

"Huh? The blood color has become weaker!" Dream Demon Ancestor's eyes shimmered.

"What kind of treasure is this golden mountain peak that can annihilate blood-colored light?" Father God of the Mechanical Tribe asked in surprise.

"The Ancient Lord actually has such a treasure? This is at least a supreme treasure, and it is definitely an extremely precious special kind of supreme treasure!" The ancestor of the monster beast looked envious.

As the most powerful person in the universe in the early days of the original universe, he still doesn't even have a single most powerful treasure.

But the Ancient Lord, who has not lived long before his eyes, possesses one powerful treasure after another, and several of them are extremely special treasures, such as the heaven and earth chessboard, this golden mountain peak
  The most powerful treasure can be said to be due to luck.

If there is, there will be, if there is not, there will be no!
  But what makes the ancestor of the monster beasts even more helpless is that his strength is not as strong as the Ancient Lord!
  In the Star Tower, Luo Feng saw that the bottom of the golden magical mountain hit the bloody secret pattern. The bloody vortex dissipated in the golden light, and then the magical mountain hit the bloody secret pattern.

  The bloody secret pattern is full of cracks and is on the verge of collapse. "Shenhuan Mountain!" Luo Feng was pleasantly surprised.

He knew the Divine Fantasy Mountain, and he had also entered the secret room of the Divine Fantasy Palace for a long time, but he did not expect that the Divine Fantasy Mountain could actually have this effect and be able to destroy the 'Blood Secret Pattern'!
  When there are cracks all over the bloody secret pattern.


In the Treasure Palace of the Demon Shock Ancestor, the Demon Demon Shock Ancestor suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.

A dazzling bloody light erupted from his body.

The bloody light echoed with the bloody secret pattern in the void, and the cracks on the bloody secret pattern began to close.

"Hmph!" Chen Zong snorted coldly.

Press lightly with your right hand.

The magical mountain suddenly pressed towards the bloody secret pattern.

Suddenly, the bloody secret pattern was like a thin layer of ice on the water, which instantly cracked under the impact of the boulder.

The bloody secret pattern was destroyed!

The bloody light that enveloped this space and time also disappeared.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a roar echoed throughout this time and space.

"Zhenyao!" The Dream Demon Ancestor immediately flew towards the Treasure Palace of the Demon Demon Demon Ancestor. The space in this area has been blocked by Chen Zong, making it impossible to teleport and can only fly.


Zhenyao Ancestor did not reply.

In the palace, Zhenyao Zu suffered backlash when the Blood Secret Pattern was destroyed. At this moment, he was completely delirious and became a crazy killing machine. He killed the Lords of the Universe in the palace.

"Lava Demon God, stop Dream Demon Ancestor!" Chen Zong ordered.

The Demon Shocking Ancestor Society’s ‘Sacrifice Formation’ is definitely a great harm to the Universe Sea.

Chen Zong will never allow Zhenyao Ancestor to live.

The Demon Zhenzu must be suppressed!

  The Lava Demon turned into a stream of light and stood directly between the Supreme Treasure Palace of the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Supreme Treasure Palace of the Shock Demon Ancestor.

"What? Lava Demon God?" The ancestor of the monster beast opened his eyes wide and turned pale with shock.

"Why is the Lava Demon here?"

"The Lava Demon God actually obeyed the Ancient Lord?"

"Can the Lava Demon God leave the God-Destroying Stream?"

Not only the ancestor of the monster beasts, but also the other strongest men in the lone universe, the Ancestral God Sect, and the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance who came to support from behind, also looked shocked.

Before, they were attracted by the bloody secret pattern, so they didn't pay attention to the Lava Demon God.

Now that the Blood Secret Pattern has been destroyed by the Ancient Lord, the lava demon that stretches tens of billions of kilometers has become the focus of their attention.

"Damn it!" Dream Demon Ancestor was shocked.

Even if he joins forces with the hundreds of universe masters in the palace, he cannot affect the Lava Demon.


He also has to worry about being caught by the Lava Demon.

  The Dream Demon Ancestor immediately controlled the Treasure Palace and stayed away from the Lava Demon God.

At this time, a huge golden secret pattern appeared in the sky above the Zhenyao Ancestor's Treasure Palace, and Chen Zong's figure escaped from the secret pattern.

"Machine, Queen, Demon Ancestor, and Holy Lord, I will lure away the Lava Demon God. Please help me stop the Ancient Lord!" Dream Demon Ancestor said anxiously.

"It's too late!" The mechanical clan father sighed.

"Yes, Meng Tu, it's too late!"

The Zerg Queen said helplessly.

"You." The Dream Demon Ancestor was angry. However, he also knew from the Lord of the Monster Universe in the Arcana Palace that the Demon Shock Ancestor was caught in a frenzied killing spree and had no consciousness to control the Arcana Palace to resist the Ancient Lord's powerful Supreme Treasure suppression.

Those Lords of the Universe who are in the Supreme Treasure Palace also have no authority to control the Supreme Treasure Palace.

The Treasure Palace at this moment is almost equal to the Treasure Palace without an owner!

at this time.

He had already seen that the treasure palace of Zhenyao Ancestor had been swallowed up by a sphere burning with black flames.

"Ah, Zhenjiao!" Dream Demon Ancestor roared.

  In the void, Chen Zong immediately sent the natal Dragon Ball into the Ancient God Universe.

At the same time, the ancient demon's true form also entered the ancient god's universe.

In the ancient god universe.

The true form of the ancient demon appeared next to the Treasure Palace.

"Destroy!!" The ancient demon's real body said softly. Suddenly, with the help of the ancient god's universe, hundreds of universe masters in the treasure palace, as well as the demon-shaking ancestor who was in a state of killing, all fell in the palace, with no life breath. .

The cosmic sea is the area corresponding to the monster clan’s territory.

Two small universes are suspended in the endless chaotic airflow.

These two small universes are exactly the small universes of the two great demon ancestors of the demon clan, the Zhenyao Ancestor and the Dream Demon Ancestor.

at this time.

"what happened!"

"Heaven, the sky is cracked!"

In the small universe of Zhen Yao Zu, the countless powerful monster clans living here, as well as the large number of elites who were absorbed, were all shocked, frightened and panicked.

I saw that the originally quiet and beautiful sky now revealed huge ferocious cracks, and the heaven and earth began to collapse, and the space trembled, and space cracks appeared from time to time. Some unlucky monsters were affected by some space cracks, or lost half of their bodies, or Just annihilate it all.
  Huge cracks opened in the earth.

"Quick, quick, gather together, don't run around alone!"

An Immortal King stood in mid-air, his face full of anxiety, and then he teleported one after another, directly collecting batches of monsters into his world ring.

Not only him, but also other immortal kings, and even the Lord of the Universe are doing the same thing.

"The token for help that the teacher gave me turned out to be an ownerless token." An avian cosmic lord was shocked in his heart and felt that the sky was collapsing.

He knew that the token contained the life mark of Demon Zhenzu, but now it turned out to be ownerless.

In addition, now all space in the entire small universe begins to gradually collapse.

It was not difficult for him to guess that his teacher Zhenyaozu had died!
  The original universe, the ancient mysterious realm!
  In the void, the Dream Demon Ancestor controlled the Treasure Palace, escaped from the Chen Zong space blockade area, teleported away, and escaped the pursuit of the Lava Demon God.

He immediately contacted the Lord of Changjiu who guarded the territory of the demon clan.

In this raid by the coalition camp, the Monster Clan did not allow the Lord of the Universe, who was expected to become the strongest person in the universe, to participate in the battle, and the Lord of the Eagles was one of them.

"What, Zhenjiao's small universe collapsed?" Dream Demon Ancestor was stunned.

Although he gave guidance, Zhenjiao was suppressed by the Ancient Lord. If he was not redeemed, he would probably die.

But I didn’t expect that the Demon Zhenzu had already fallen before he could negotiate the terms of redemption with the human race!
  "Ah~, Zhenjiao!" Dream Demon Ancestor roared angrily, and then glared at Chen Zong, "Old Lord, you actually killed Zhenjiao, I will never pay you for this!"


The Dream Demon Ancestor immediately took the Treasure Palace and teleported away from the ancient mysterious realm.

Dream Demon Ancestor knows very well that now that Zhenjiao has fallen, and the strongest lone warriors in the universe have also arrived here, there is nothing he can do if he stays here any longer. He can only go back first and make a long-term plan!

The words of the Dream Demon Ancestor caused this space and time to become silent instantly!
  Zhenyao Ancestor has fallen?

The strong men in the human camp and the coalition camp were all stunned!
  (End of this chapter)

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