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Chapter 453 9 Huang: It’s too dangerous, we must improve our strength as soon as possible!

Chapter 453 Jiuhuang: It’s too dangerous, we must improve our strength as soon as possible!

"Zhenjiao fell?"

"Impossible! How is this possible! This is in the original universe. Even if the Ancient Lord suppresses Zhenjiao into the most powerful treasure, it is impossible to suppress Zhenjiao."

"But this is what Meng Tu said, and he has run away now, so there is absolutely no mistake."

"It seems that Zhenjiao has really fallen."

The superpowers who stood at the top of the original universe were extremely shocked because this was completely beyond their expectations.

All this time, even if we include the two Holy Lands and the first two universe eras, we have never heard of someone being able to kill the strongest person in the universe in the original universe.

And now, one of the strongest men in the universe has been killed in the original universe. This is something that has never happened before.

At the same time, they were also a little panicked.

"No, the Ancient Lord can kill Zhenjiao, doesn't that mean he can also kill us?" The father of the mechanical clan said in panic.

The expressions of the Queen of the Zerg Clan, the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan, and the Holy Ancestor of the Crystal Clan also changed drastically.

Now, their coalition camp has lost one of the strongest men in the universe and hundreds of masters of the universe, and there is also a strongest man in the universe who has fled here with hundreds of masters of the universe. Now they are the only dead ones who are the strongest man in the universe. .

On the side of the human camp, there are not only the two strongest men in the universe, the Lord of Chaos City and Giant Axe, but also the strongest men in the universe who walk alone, the three ancestor gods and the ancestors of the starry sky have also arrived.

What’s even more terrifying is that on the human side, there is the Ancient Lord, a super killer weapon that can kill the strongest man in the universe!
  The coalition camp is at an absolute disadvantage.


"Come on!"

Swish swish swish~
  The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe and the others immediately teleported and escaped from the ancient mysterious realm.

"Did the coalition camp escape?" The reinforcements from the human camp, including the Two-faced Ancestral God and the Starry Sky Ancestor, were stunned for a moment.

A fierce battle ended like this?

They haven't taken action yet!

Being able to win this battle without taking action is considered a blessing.

After all, if the human camp was at a disadvantage in the previous decisive battle, then their reinforcements might lose several universe masters in the decisive battle, but there is no such worry now.


"we won!"

"Hahaha, great!"

In the Bluestone Hall and the Conferred God Platform, the Lord of the Human Universe and the Lord of the Alien Universe of the Hongmeng instantly burst into loud cheers.

They all know that this battle is not only the "Battle to Defend the Donghe Inheritance" of the human race, but also a battle to reshuffle the forces of the original universe.

They won!
  This means that the human race will be the only peak race in the original universe, and the alien races in the human camp will also be able to gain more territories than they currently have, and will also have a brighter and more glorious future.

"It's so lucky that we, the Tuomu clan, were able to join the Hongmeng some time ago. We are so lucky!" The Lord of the Hongmeng Universe, who has hundreds of pairs of eyes and is covered in a hard dark yellow carapace that looks like a scorpion, is extremely excited. .

The alien universe masters in the Hong Alliance are all as excited as the Lord of Tuomu, and are glad that they are a member of the Hong Alliance!
  The battle is over.

"Thank you all for coming!" Chen Zong smiled and looked at the reinforcements.

Although the battle with the coalition camp ended after the reinforcements arrived, in fact, the decisive battle between the human camp and the coalition camp did not last long. The strongest lone warriors in the universe, the Ancestral God Cult far away from the human territory, The Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance can rush over quickly, which seems to be somewhat sincere.

"The ancient master is too polite, but we can't help much." The two-faced ancestor god sighed with emotion and shook his head slightly.

"Yes." Star Ancestor said, "Speaking of which, we would like to thank you."


"The Ancestral God and the Old Beast God are right!"

The ancestor of monsters, the master of Shihua Island, and other strongest men in the lone universe nodded their heads. Facing the Ancient Lord who could suppress the strongest man in the universe in the original universe, although they acted calmly at the moment, they were actually a little worried in their hearts. panic.

after all.

Their strength is about the same as that of the Demon Zhenzu, and some are even weaker than the Demon Zhenzu.

The Ancient Lord can suppress the Demon Shaker Ancestor, and he may also suppress them.

Chen Zong smiled slightly.

Chen Zong probably knew the reason why the two-faced ancestor god, the ancestor of the starry sky, and the already rebellious and powerful lone warriors in the universe were so polite at this moment.

"We won the decisive battle, will you all attend the celebration banquet together?" Chen Zong said.

"Hahaha, the Ancient Lord invites me, how can I be absent?" The mountain guest laughed.

The strongest people in the universe, including the Two-faced Ancestral God and the Starry Sky Ancestor, all nodded and accepted the invitation.


Chen Zong looked at the chessboard of heaven and earth below.

With a wave of his hand, the chessboard formation of heaven and earth was instantly lifted. Countless cosmic spaces outside the Nine-Star Continent disappeared in an instant. At the same time, with a swish, the chessboard of heaven and earth shrank, and the Nine-Star Continent reappeared in this cosmic time and space.

The chessboard of heaven and earth once again turned into a small continent, suspended above the Nine Star Continent.

On the Nine Star Continent.

"Huh? Xingkong is back!"

"The sky is back to its original state!"

"It's okay, great, it's okay"

Countless sounds of surprise sounded throughout the Nine Star Continent.

The ancient imperial city, the residence of Jiuhuang.

Jiuhuang looked up at the sky, but did not see a strong alien coming to destroy everything.

"The Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom won!" Jiuhuang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


"Strength, I need strength. I must improve my strength as soon as possible." Jiuhuang made up his mind. He didn't want to experience this kind of thing again. His life was completely out of his control and he needed to rely entirely on others.

Previously, Jiuhuang had reservations about improving its strength.

Because he is worried that if his strength improves too quickly, his difference will be exposed.

But now, instead of worrying about being exposed, it is better to worry about not having the strength and being killed by a shock wave from nowhere.

"Well, exposure does not necessarily lead to exposure." Jiuhuang thought about it, "I heard that the Ancient God Universe Kingdom was not established for a long time, and the Ancient God Kingdom has not had much time since the rise of the Earth."

"So, my rapid improvement in strength is not unprecedented!"

"And given the importance that the human race places on geniuses, as long as I am still a human being, the stronger my talent I show, the more cultivation resources I will have!"

"The more training resources I have, the faster my strength will improve!"

"This is exactly what I want!"

"However, you can't improve yourself too much at once. If you directly advance from the cosmic level to immortality, it will still be a bit troublesome."

Thinking of this, Jiuhuang took back his mind.

Whoosh whoosh~
  In the square in front of the Ancient Emperor's Palace.

Figures descended one after another, the weakest of which were the Lords of the Universe. There were more than two hundred of them, which naturally included the Lords of the Universe of the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance and the Lords of the Universe of the Ancestral God Sect who arrived later.

During the banquet, Chen Zong had already made preparations for walking in the holy realm within the ancient sacred realm of the ancient temple. Just bring it directly.

The banquet began soon.

Immediately, cheers and congratulations were exchanged among each other, and the congratulations and cheers echoed in the square. They did not spread outside the square, and they did not affect the sea of ​​nine-colored clouds, nor did they affect the ancient imperial city.

Here, the human camp is celebrating their victory.

On the other side of the distant starry sky, on the Blood Fang Star, inside the huge warship, the coalition camp was lifeless.

"Meng Tu!" The Father God of the Mechanical Clan looked at the Dream Demon Ancestor. Although the Dream Demon Ancestor fled first, their coalition camp cannot be divided anymore, otherwise they will be more vulnerable and be swallowed up by the human camp at a faster speed.

"Zhenjiao has indeed fallen! Damn the Ancient Lord!" Dream Demon Ancestor's eyes were full of anger. If anger could kill people, then Chen Zong would have been burned to death by this anger.

"Then do you know how Zhenjiao fell?" the Zerg Queen's voice sounded.

The Father God of the Mechanical Clan, the Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan, and the Demon Ancestor of the Hell Clan also turned to look at the Dream Demon Ancestor with serious expressions on their faces.

The Zerg Queen's doubts were also their doubts.

If they didn't understand how Zhenjiao fell, then it would be like a sword thrust into their hearts. Although it wouldn't kill them, it would make them uncomfortable.

  They'd better act together in the future, otherwise they will probably be killed by the Ancient Lord once they are alone.

Hearing the question from the Zerg Queen, the Dream Demon Ancestor's face darkened, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes: "According to what Guifeng said, his clone was killed by a powerful force before he could react."

"The most powerful power?" The father of the mechanical clan was startled.

"What is the most powerful power? Is it also a will attack like the golden one-eye?" asked the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan.

"No!" Dream Demon Ancestor shook his head, "That supreme power is just like us using a small universe to suppress the strong men hiding in the Treasure Palace."

"Huh?" The Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan frowned and said, "Among the human race, the only ones who can mobilize the power of the small universe are the Lord of Chaos City and the Giant Axe, the two strongest men in the universe. And during the decisive battle with the human camp just now, We all clearly see that it was the Ancient Lord who suppressed the Zhenjiao, but the Ancient Lord did not hand over the Zhenjiao to the Chaos City Lord or the giant axe, so how is this possible?"

"Yes, the clone of the Ancient Lord is still there. He cannot be the strongest person in the universe, which means that he cannot use the small universe." The father of the mechanical clan nodded.

"But he can use the original ancestor's small universe 'Initial Universe'!" said the Dream Demon Ancestor.

"You and I are both the strongest people in the universe. We both have a small universe, and we both know that in this primitive universe, if there is a cosmic channel, we cannot return to the small universe immediately." The father of the mechanical clan shook his head and said, "And on the battlefield, There is no cosmic channel there at all, and it is impossible for the Ancient Lord to transmit the vibration angle to the 'primary universe'."

"It's not that I don't know what you said. But I also believe in Guifeng." Dream Demon Ancestor continued, "Moreover, not only Guifeng, but also several other Lords of the Universe who have clones, their statements are also similar to Guifeng's. Same."

"Guilty Wind." The Dream Demon Ancestor immediately summoned the Lord of Guilty Wind and several other universe masters.

After some confirmation.

Inside the warship, there was silence.

After a long time.

"If this is the case, then I think the Ancient Lord either has the ability to 'transport across the universe' or possesses an extremely powerful supreme treasure." The father of the mechanical clan analyzed.

"'Cross-universe teleportation' ability? The Ancient Lord seems to have a special secret method of teleportation, which can even teleport in closed space areas." The Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan said, "Before, on the battlefield, the Ancient Lord used that special secret method. Landing directly above the earthquake horn."

"Yes, back in the Ninth Abyss, when the Ancient Lord made an appointment with the First Lord of the God of War Eye Clan, he also used this special secret method." The Father God of the Mechanical Clan nodded.

"But when the Ancient Lord sent the shock horn, he didn't see the golden secret pattern?" Dream Demon Ancestor asked doubtfully.

"Hmph, this is the cunningness of the Ancient Lord." Father God of the Mechanical Clan snorted coldly, "He used to use golden secret patterns to confuse us, trying to interfere with our correct judgment of his abilities."

"In fact, he can achieve teleportation without the golden secret pattern."

"This golden secret pattern must be the same as the 'Sacrifice Formation' obtained by Zhenjiao. It is the 'Secret Technique inherited from the core of the Holy Religion' obtained by the Ancient Lord in the 'Tianluo World'."

"Zhenjiao's 'Blood Secret Pattern' is extremely powerful. If the Ancient Lord had not possessed a powerful and powerful treasure, it would not have been able to destroy the 'Blood Secret Pattern'. Then the Ancient Lord's 'Golden Secret Pattern' has no attack ability. , but it is comparable to the 'Blood Secret Pattern', so having 'cross-universe teleportation' is not impossible!"

"If I am not wrong in my judgment."

"Zhenjiao's 'Blood Secret Pattern' will make him unconscious, while the Ancient Lord's 'Golden Secret Pattern' requires the opponent to be suppressed before he can teleport."

"Otherwise, the Ancient Lord could have sent us directly to the 'initial universe', or the giant axe, or the small universe of the Lord of Chaos City, and directly suppressed us!"

"Why bother fighting with us in the ancient mysterious realm?"

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe made a series of analyzes based on the known information.

"Yeah!" The Queen of the Zerg Clan, the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan, the Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan, and the Ancestor of the Dream Demon Clan all nodded, feeling that the analysis of the Father God of the Mechanical Clan was not unreasonable.

after all.

They are fully aware of the power of the 'Blood Secret Pattern'.

"What about the powerful Supreme Treasure?" the Zerg Queen asked.

"It should be the golden mountain peak that shattered the 'Blood Secret Pattern', right?" the Holy Lord of the Crystal Clan said.

"Yes, I have never seen that golden mountain peak before, but the first time the Ancient Lord took it out, the strongest person in the universe fell in the original universe. It is difficult for me to connect these two things." Machinery The clan father nodded.

"Both scenarios are possible!"


The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe paused for a moment, causing the Queen of the Zerg Tribe and the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Tribe to stare at the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe and concentrate even more.


The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe continued: "The commonality between these two possibilities is that they need to suppress the opponent first so that the opponent cannot resist before it can be effective."

The Zerg Queen and others thought about it and nodded in agreement.

If there is no need to suppress them first, then none of them can escape!

"Even so, we are still safe in the original universe. After all, Zhenjiao was suppressed because he was lost, but we will not be like this!" said the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe. From his tone, we can There was a hint of relief.


The other strongest men in the universe also breathed a sigh of relief.

Ancient mysterious realm.

The celebration banquet has ended, and the Star Beast Alliance, the Ancestral God Sect, and the strongest men in the lone universe have all basically left!

Those universe masters who joined Hongmeng still stayed in the ancient mysterious realm.

They returned to the temples around the Chessboard continent.

Chen Zong also followed the coordinate points, returned to the Universe Sea Spacecraft, and continued to move towards the 'Tomb'.

The Lava Demon God no longer needs to continue training the divine pattern war puppet, so he also left the original universe and entered the void space of the cosmic sea, cosmic boat, and wind chime domain, to keep company with the demon dragon clone.

The ancient demon's true form and the ancient demon's true form entered the ancient god's universe, put the magical mountain back to its original position, then entered the fourth floor of the ancient temple, collected the refining materials, and then left the fourth floor and entered the divine In the secret room of the Fantasy Palace, the refining of the 'Gate of Chaos' began.

He has only refined one of the Gates of Chaos so far.

One piece is enough for use in the original universe, but if you want to use it in the cosmic sea, you need at least two gates of chaos.

But now, Chen Zong wants more than just two.

Each of the Holy World Masters of the Universe team must have a Chaos Gate. There are also several human Universe Masters who are still wandering in the universe, such as the Giant Axe, the Ice Peak Lord, and the Dark Lord, who also need Chaos Gates.

With the Chaos Gate, they can support each other anytime and anywhere.

Hua Hua Hua~
  In the secret room space.

Two chaotic-colored Bagua furnaces condensed into shape instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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