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Chapter 454 Ziyue Ancestor: Nanming, go spread a rumor. No, it’s news.

Chapter 454 Ziyue Ancestor: Nanming, go and spread rumors. No, it’s news.

Original universe, Bloodfang Star.

Inside the huge warship.

"This battle!" The Zerg Queen's voice was full of endless charm, "We have failed! The rise of the human race is unstoppable. The hatred forged this time will definitely be an excuse to attack our race when humans become stronger in the future."



The Dream Demon Ancestor, Mechanical Clan Father God, Zerg Clan Queen, Prison Clan Demon Ancestor, and Crystal Clan Holy Master on one side of the coalition all nodded.

"So we should help each other and form a long-term loose alliance, an alliance specifically designed to deal with human threats. This alliance does not ask for anything else. It only hopes that when the human threat is too great in the future, we can help each other and allow the species to survive safely. "The Zerg Queen glanced at it and said, "What do you think?"

The Father God of the Mechanical Clan, the Demon Ancestor of the Prison Clan, and others all showed approval.

They also knew that under the current circumstances, it was not appropriate to launch another raid.

After all, the last raid was discovered by the human camp, and they were fully prepared. There was no guarantee that they would not be discovered again. In this case, their raid would not have any effect at all, but would put themselves in danger. Just like this time.

and so.

What they have to do now is not to raid the human camp, but to save themselves.

Try your best to make your own race give birth to more powerful people before the human race has completely digested the ‘Duan Donghe inheritance’ and given birth to more powerful beings and masters of the universe.

In this way, even if they have to withdraw from the original universe in the distant future, they can still keep the number of strong people in the group from being too small.

In the warship, the Lord of the Galaxy and other powerful universe lords from the major forces participating in the meeting also nodded.

This is the end.

The coalition camp disbanded directly and turned into a loose mutual aid alliance.

They did not continue to maintain the coalition camp, mainly because there were too many ethnic groups and forces that joined, and they were too loose. Many ethnic groups were even sworn enemies before, such as the Prison Tribe and the Crystal Tribe!
  Such a camp cannot continue.

The Father God of the Machine Clan and the Queen of the Zerg Clan do not want the coalition camp to end completely. This is too dangerous, so the Mutual Aid Alliance is just right.

Not too intimate, but not too distant either!
  The feelings of ethnic groups and forces who are mortal enemies are taken into consideration.

The cosmic sea, the distant Ziyue Holy Land universe.

"What? Lava Demon God? You said there is a Lava Demon God under the command of the Ancient Lord?" Ziyue Ancestor was shocked when he learned the news.

Even after he became the True God of the Void, he could not conquer the Lava Demon God.

Can't even beat it!

Even if the Ancient Lord has a great opportunity, he only has tenth level combat power. He cannot be the opponent of the Lava Demon God. How can he conquer the Lava Demon God?

"Yes, Ancestor, this is a video transmitted from the original universe!" Palace Master Nanming said, and at the same time, he waved his hand, and a virtual screen appeared in front of him. On it was the scene of the Lava Demon chasing the Dream Demon Ancestor. .

Looking at the video screen, Ziyue Ancestor frowned.

"No!" Ziyue Ancestor stared at the Lava Demon God, looked at it carefully, and then shook his head, "This Lava Demon God is not any of the nine Lava Demon Gods in the God-Destroying Stream. This is one that has never been seen before. The lava demon that appeared in the space sea."

"What? The new lava demon?" Palace Master Nanming was shocked.

When I saw this video.

He also thought that this lava demon god came out of the Destroying God Stream.

He couldn't tell the difference between this lava demon god and the lava demon god in the Destroying God Stream.


The ancestor actually said this, and it is absolutely correct.

The ancestor not only far surpassed him in strength, but also far surpassed him in knowledge.

More importantly, he knew that before the ancestor entered the reincarnation passage, he went to the Mie Shen Stream to see if he could conquer the lava demon. Perhaps that battle made the ancestor understand the lava demon better, and he was able to see the video at a glance. The difference between the Lava Demon God and the Lava Demon God in the Destruction Stream.

"Yeah!" Ziyue Ancestor nodded.

"The Lava Demon God in the Destroying God Stream, let alone conquering it, will be chased by the Lava Demon God even if you get close to it. The strength of the Ancient Lord is not yet able to conquer such a Lava Demon God."

"The only possibility is that the Ancient Lord picked up this lava demon in a certain area of ​​the space ship."

Speaking of this, the ancestor of Ziyue looked at Palace Master Nanming: "Nanming, from now on, the key exploration area of ​​the Holy Land is the space boat. The ancient master can pick up a lava demon, maybe we can also pick up one."

The Holy Land, in order to exchange the Dongdong River inheritance from the Ancient Lord, paid six pieces of the most powerful treasures.

This greatly reduced the strength of the Holy Land.

Although the reduced strength of the tribesmen in the Holy Land Universe will not affect his identity in the Origin Continent, Ziyue Ancestor still wants to save face in his hometown of the Universe Sea.

Therefore, now that there is an opportunity to improve the strength of the Holy Land, Ziyue Ancestor is naturally not willing to let it go.

"Yes, ancestor!" Palace Master Nanming responded excitedly.

"Ancestor, there is one more thing, that is, the demon ancestor of the demon clan in the original universe was suppressed and killed by the Ancient Lord in the original universe." Palace Master Nanming remembered it and said immediately.

"Do you believe this?" Ziyue Ancestor said.

"I don't believe it, but the Monster Demon Ancestor did fall in the war!" Palace Master Nanming's eyes were full of doubts.

"In the original universe, the highest level of combat power is the sixth level. Unless it is a joint attack, even if all the strong men in the human camp attack the Demon Shock Ancestor together, they will not be able to kill the Demon Shock Ancestor. The Ancient Master alone cannot do it." Ziyue Ancestor said, "So, the fall of the Demon Shocking Ancestor is definitely not something that the Ancient Master can do alone."

The ancestor of Ziyue raised his head, looked through the void, and looked towards the direction of the original universe.


"Huh?" Ziyue Ancestor raised his eyebrows, remembered something, and said, "After the end of the 'Tianluo World', hundreds of universe masters appeared out of thin air in the universe sea. So far, no force knows their details."

"The Ancient Lord has also been to the 'Tianluo World', and also obtained the 'Holy Religion Core Inheritance Secret Technique'."

"Could it be that these suddenly appearing Lords of the Universe are related to the Ancient Lord?"

"If this is the case, then there are hundreds of universe masters in the ancient master's most powerful palace. In addition, those universe masters have the secret method of joint attack. Their combined attack will completely destroy the Demon Shock Ancestor."

Speaking of which.

Ziyue Ancestor immediately ordered: "Nan Ming, quietly spread the news and let the entire universe sea know that the Lords of the Universe and the Ancient Lords are in the same group, and the Demon Shocking Ancestor died in their hands! Look at the human race reaction!"

Hope so!

Ziyue Ancestor hoped for this result in his heart.

after all.

He also wants to seize the original universe,
  Moreover, in his opinion, the Ancient Lord is now at the tenth level of combat power and is already very powerful. If the Demon Zhenzu was killed by the Ancient Lord alone, then the Ancient Lord's abilities would be even more terrifying.

The Ancient Lord is definitely his future rival!

This is not what Ziyue Ancestor wants to see.

"Yes, ancestor!" Palace Master Nanming nodded respectfully.

The Eastern Emperor's Holy Land Universe.

In the void around the central sacred tree.

"Oh?" The founder of the Eastern Emperor stood there, "Did the coalition lose? The human camp actually won with such a small number of strong men?"

"Yes, ancestor." Beizhen Star Lord said respectfully.

Beizhen Star Lord will release the battle video.

"Huh? Lava Demon God? This... is the new Lava Demon God!" The founder of the Eastern Emperor was startled, "Where did you find the Ancient Lord?"

"Space boat!" The ancestor of the East Emperor and the Beizhen Star Master said at the same time.

"Beizhen, from now on, all the powerful men in the Holy Land will go to the space ship to see if they can also find the new Lava Demon God." The ancestor of the East Emperor said, "If my guess is correct, the Lava Demon God found in other places is One who can recognize his master just like the most powerful treasure."

The ancestor of the Eastern Emperor, he naturally knew that the lava demon was not a living creature.

On the Origin Continent, he has also seen many war puppets similar to the Lava Demon God, all of which can recognize their masters like the most powerful treasure.

One lava demon is worth hundreds of powerful treasures!

If you can find it, try to find it!

"Yes! Ancestor!" Beizhen Star Master responded excitedly.

The cosmic sea.

The war between the human camp and the coalition camp in the original universe had already attracted the attention of the major forces in the universe sea when the two camps were initially formed.

The news of the war was like a strong wind, sweeping across the entire cosmic sea.

"What? The human camp won? Damn the coalition camp, what a waste!"

"Zhen Yao Ancestor has fallen, fallen in the original universe, how is this possible?"    "Lava Demon God, my God, the Ancient Lord actually took away a Lava Demon God from the Destruction Stream?"

"The lava demon can still be conquered?"

"The Ancient Lord certainly couldn't defeat the Lava Demon God. How did he conquer the Lava Demon God?"

"Lava Demon God, if I can be lucky enough to subdue one of them, wouldn't it mean that I could walk sideways in the cosmic sea?"

The cosmic sea shook.

Countless powerful people were shocked by Chen Zong in the human camp.

Many of the powerful people who were in the space ship and those who were not in the space ship decided to go to the Destroying God Stream to have a look, hoping that they could also obtain a lava demon god!
  primordial universe.

The highest-level war that almost swept all the forces in the original universe has passed, but countless ordinary lives have no idea. Some low-level wars may bring disaster to them, but the highest-level wars and ordinary classes are not affected at all. Of course, if either side If they were really defeated, it would probably be a massive massacre in one territory after another.

Ten years after the war ended.

at this time.

In the ancient mysterious realm.

"Your Majesty." In the ancient emperor's palace, Venerable Zhan respectfully saluted the clone of the Immortal Emperor on the throne.

"Is there any news?" The Immortal Emperor's clone looked down at Venerable Zou.

For the past ten years, the Immortal Emperor's clone has been searching for the reincarnation identity of the 'Chess Ancestor'.

But so far, no trace of the ‘Chess Ancestor’ has been found.

"Your Majesty, there is a Jiuxing core disciple who has performed very well in the ancient imperial city recently, named Jiuhuang." Venerable Zhan said respectfully, and at the same time, he stretched out his hand a little, and a huge virtual screen appeared in the void of the hall. It is Jiuhuang's personal information, and there is Jiuhuang's three-dimensional projection next to it.

The Immortal Emperor's clone glanced at Jiuhuang's information.

Judging from the information, Jiuhuang is indeed a genius, but he is only on the level of the top ten in Luo Feng's genius competition. However, after arriving in the ancient imperial city, Jiuhuang's talent suddenly improved a lot.

"Well, it is indeed a bit different!" said the Immortal Emperor's clone, "but it cannot be ruled out that Jiuhuang had hidden his strength before."


"铘, list Jiuhuang as a key target of attention!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Lord Zhan responded.

"Is there anyone else?" the Immortal Emperor's clone asked.

Venerable Zhen mentioned a few more people, and then these people were listed as key targets of attention.

Human territory, Ganwu Universe Country.

The Fallen Ink Star and Hu Yanbo had fallen, and the Fallen Ink Star had already been destroyed!
  However, since 'Babata' entered immortality, it quickly rebuilt the Fallen Ink Planet and reoccupied Huyanbo's original sphere of influence (except for the Milky Way and the Earth).

Luo Feng bought Babata a 'Mechanical Heart' so that Babata could practice.

On the Fallen Ink Star.

Thick black clouds, with purple stars faintly shining through the clouds, illuminated the land wantonly.

On this planet, there are a large number of warriors brought from various planets. They are brutally trained here and the most loyal warriors of the great 'Master of the Fallen Ink Star' are selected.

At this time, a figure appeared in the sky.

Wearing a very casual silver-white robe, he was suspended in the air, glanced down, and said to himself: "Is this what the Fallen Ink Star looked like before it was destroyed? Babata spent so much energy rebuilding the Fallen Ink Star, It seems that Hu Yanbo had a great influence on him."

Immediately, Luo Feng continued flying.

He flew leisurely and leisurely, but none of the detection and monitoring systems and warning experts of the Fallen Ink Star noticed him. Even when he flew in front of some soldiers, no one noticed him.

This is a kind of control over time and space.

With the intention of observing the Falling Ink Star, Luo Feng flew for a while before arriving above a black castle.

"Baba Tower!" Luo Feng looked down and shouted softly.

On a throne in the castle, there was a child wearing a black robe lying on the throne. He had two tentacles on his forehead, his eyes were blood red, and his little face was chubby, and he seemed very cute.

But the maids chosen from other planets performing below knew very well what kind of terrifying demon king this was.

"Babata!" a voice sounded.

"Huh?" The child in black robe suddenly raised his head.

  Then he disappeared after a teleportation.

Over the black castle.

The man in silver robe stood casually in mid-air, and a child in black robe suddenly appeared next to him.

"Master!" The black-robed child couldn't help but shout in surprise when he saw Luo Feng.

"Your life is quite leisurely." Luo Feng chuckled softly, "But it seems that you haven't relaxed your practice, and you can actually teleport."

"Hehe, Master, with the resources and the path of cultivation you provide, no matter how ordinary I am, I can be pushed to immortality. Not to mention that I, Babata, am already very smart." Babata smiled.

"Let's go to the outer space of the Fallen Ink Planet." Luo Feng said.

"What are you doing in outer space?" Babata wondered.

"Resurrection Hu Yanbo." Luo Feng said.

Babata's whole body trembled, and he couldn't control his emotions for a moment.

"Okay." Babata said excitedly, "Go to outer space."

Luo Feng nodded slightly, and then disappeared into the air with Babata.

Shortly after.

Luo Feng brought Hu Yanbo, the Nine Immortal Servants, and the Fallen Ink Star back from time and space. Resurrecting others would require them to bear the punishment of the original universe, but resurrecting these few people who were not strong and did not have any precious treasures would be punished by resurrecting them. .Luo Feng easily endured it.

Twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Ancient mysterious realm, inside the ancient imperial city.

"Jiuhuang!" A figure came into Jiuhuang's residence.

Jiuhuang immediately walked out and saw three realm masters in red uniforms in front of the courtyard. Their foreheads all had marks recognized by the law. Jiuhuang looked puzzled and said: "You are..."

"Jiuhuang, congratulations. His Majesty the King has summoned you. Please come with us." The leader of the realm set up a sound barrier around the area and said with a smile on his face.

As a Realm Lord, he has never met His Majesty the King.

But the little cosmic-level guy in front of him was able to be summoned by His Majesty the King. If word spread about this, how many people would die from envy.

Your Majesty?

Jiuhuang was surprised. He did indeed perform very well in the ancient imperial city, but this performance seemed not enough to directly enter the eyes of the Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom, right?
  "Yeah!" Jiuhuang nodded.

  The leader of the Realm Lord used the power of the world to cover Jiuhuang and flew towards Ancient Emperor Mountain with Jiuhuang.

The foot of Guhuang Mountain.

They stopped.

A magical beast flew down from the sea of ​​nine-colored clouds and landed in front of them.

"Are you Jiuhuang?" said the magical beast.

"Yeah!" Jiuhuang nodded.


The magical beast took Jiuhuang and flew towards the sea of ​​nine-colored clouds.

Inside the ancient palace.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor is sitting on the throne, with a white-robed figure standing next to him, with a golden chessboard floating inside the figure!
  these years.

If we only rely on Venerable Zhan and the others to investigate, it will still be difficult to accurately identify the key investigation target as the chess ancestor.

  Unable to bear it, he still has the heaven and earth chessboard and Yuanling.

After narrowing down the key targets of investigation to only tens of thousands of people, the Immortal Emperor's clone planned to let Yuan Ling observe these people at close range.


Jiuhuang arrived at the square in front of the Ancient Emperor's Palace.

"How about it, are you sure it's him?" The Immortal Emperor clone looked at Yuan Ling and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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