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Chapter 455 The 24th direct disciple!

Chapter 455 The 24th direct disciple!
  Cosmic sea, cosmic boat.

For a long, long time, the spaceship has not been so lively.


Among the three Jedi, there are not as many strong men fighting in the space ship in Qingfeng Realm and Liuzhong Mountain combined as in the space ship.

at this time.

The outer space of the spaceship.

A stream of light flew quickly, and behind him, there were three streams of light chasing closely behind him.

"Lei Yi, you can't escape!" From behind, one of the three streams of light shouted angrily.

"Hahaha, Sixth Lord, if you have the ability, you can catch up with me. You can't catch me, and you still want my life?" The Thunder-clothed Demon God laughed.

Since the end of the Duandonghe inheritance, the Thunder-clothed Demon God has begun to cause trouble for the Shenyan Clan.

So far, three Lords of the Universe from the Divine Eye Clan have fallen, all at the hands of the Thunder-Clothed Demon God.


This time, the Thunder-clothed Demon God caught his eye and was almost surrounded by the three gods of the Divine Eye Clan.

"Stars, Lei Yi is now escaping outside the space ship." The fourth God immediately contacted the third God in the inner domain of the space ship.

"Chasing, this time, we must destroy the Thunder-clothed Demon God!" The Third God responded, "I'm coming over now!"

The Thunder-clothed Demon God not only killed the First Allah and the Second Allah, but now he also took action against the Lord of the Universe of the Divine Eye Clan, which completely angered the Divine Eye Clan.

"Rei must die!" The eyes of the Fourth God burned with anger.

He stared closely at the Thunder-clothed Demon God!

In this way, they escaped and were chased three times, leaving the space ship and entering the endless chaotic air flow. As time passed, the chaotic air flow in front of them gradually became thinner and darker!
  "Absolute Darkness Qingfeng Domain!" Seeing the Thunder-clothed Demon God escape into the darkness ahead, the Fourth Lord frowned. This place is not suitable for hunting!

They absolutely don't want to miss an opportunity.

Whoosh whoosh~
  The three major gods also escaped into the Dark Green Peak Domain.

The cosmic sea, the extremely dark Qingfeng domain.

Except for some areas where there are mountain peaks emitting a faint cyan light, the rest of the area is endless darkness without a trace of light.

At this time.

  A life like a millipede with two slender tentacles on its head and a brown carapace with black spots appeared out of thin air.

"It's been a long time since I've been to Jue Dark Qingfeng Domain." Qianzu Shengsheng said softly.

He stood up and looked into the distance, then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the distance.

Then there was a flash.

Thousand-legged beings used teleportation and disappeared.

Continuously on the road.


"Huh? The space is frozen and you can't teleport? Hey~, what is that?" Qianzu Life saw that in the darkness far ahead, there was an illusory bluestone ring emitting blue light, and he was immediately overjoyed, "Baby, it's definitely a baby !”


Thousand Foot Life laughed loudly.

He immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards the illusory bluestone ring.

The original universe, the ancient mysterious realm.

Inside the ancient palace.

Hearing the question from the Immortal Emperor's clone, Yuan Ling showed a hint of surprise: "Your Majesty, the feeling given to me by Jiuhuang is different from the people in front of me."

"Oh? Different? How different?" Immortal Emperor's clone's eyes lit up and he asked.

After observing thousands of key personnel, this was the first time he heard that Yuan Ling felt different!

It is extremely possible that these Nine Wastelands are exactly the ‘Nine Wastelands’ he is looking for.

"To conclude that he is the reincarnation of the 'Chess Ancestor', further observation is needed." Yuan Ling said, "It is best to let Jiuhuang explode with all its strength. When it explodes with all its strength, it may trigger the soul aura of the 'Chess Ancestor' again."

"Yeah!" The Immortal Emperor's clone nodded.


Immortal Emperor's clone's consciousness stirred, and Jiuhuang, who was waiting in front of the Ancient Emperor's Palace, instantly felt a magnificent momentum coming, and then his eyes dimmed, and he could feel a change in time and space around him.

Jiuhuang appeared in the hall.

On the throne, the Immortal Emperor's clone's eyes were filled with stars, staring at Jiuhuang.

  Jiuhuang suddenly found that he was in an endless starry sky. In front of him, there were two huge galaxies rotating. With each rotation, the power added to him doubled.

  Jiuhuang was immediately out of breath!

He held on as hard as he could.

"Is the Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom trying me?" Jiuhuang was confused.

He knew that with his current strength, there was only one possibility for him to meet the Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom, and that was that the Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom should have taken a fancy to his talent and might accept him as a disciple.

Although he was once the 'Chess Ancestor', a super strong man on the Origin Continent, his strength is too weak now. If he wants to grow up quickly, he needs a lot of resources, and the Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom is the one who can provide a lot of resources.

and so.

For the sake of resources and rapid growth, Jiuhuang decided to show his strongest strength and resist as long as he could.

If you can become the disciple of the Lord of the Ancient God Kingdom, that would be even better!
  Time passes gradually.

  In Jiuhuang's mind, a special energy burst out, which directly caused Jiuhuang's aura to suddenly increase. He was promoted from the ninth level of the universe level to the first level of the domain lord level!
  The core members of the Seven Stars, Eight Stars, and Nine Stars of the Ancient Mysterious Realm can all obtain ‘nutrition cabins’ and directly reach the peak of the ninth level from the first level.

Jiuhuang is a core member of Jiuxing, so he is naturally qualified to have a 'nutrition cabin'.

Therefore, during the thirty years in the ancient imperial city, he reached the peak of the ninth level of the universe.

Beside the throne.

When the special energy in Jiuhuang's mind exploded, Yuan Ling said with surprise: "This breath, hahaha, Your Majesty, that's right, he is the 'Qi Ancestor', this Jiuhuang is the 'Qi Ancestor', more accurately Said to be the reincarnation of the 'Ancestor of Chess'."

"Very good!" The Immortal Emperor's clone was delighted.

Yuan Ling had followed the 'Chess Ancestor' for countless years in the Origin Continent and was very familiar with the 'Qi Ancestor'. Therefore, the Immortal Emperor's clone absolutely believed in Yuan Ling's judgment.

The sound of their conversation was only around the throne and did not fall into Jiuhuang's ears.


Now that it has been confirmed that Jiuhuang is the 'Ancestor of Chess', the Immortal Emperor's clone's consciousness stirred.

Suddenly, Jiuhuang felt that the pressure that enveloped him disappeared, and the endless starry sky around him disappeared. Only the two galaxies still existed. However, when Jiuhuang took a closer look, they were not two galaxies at all, but the ones on the throne. The eyes of the man in the golden robe.

But then.

Jiuhuang was attracted by Yuan Ling's shadow.

"Yuan Ling! I didn't expect that you and I would meet again." Jiuhuang was excited and surprised, but he didn't show it, let alone say hello to Yuan Ling.

after all.

He didn't want to expose his reincarnation.

"Jiuhuang." The Immortal Emperor clone looked down at Jiuhuang and said with a smile, "Your talent is very good, so I want to accept you as my disciple. Are you willing?"

This Jiuhuang is the core disciple of the ancient mysterious realm. He is from his lineage, so the clone of the Immortal Emperor is very straightforward.

"Disciple pays homage to the teacher!" Jiuhuang immediately kowtowed to pay homage to the teacher.

"Hahaha, very good." The clone of the Immortal Emperor laughed, and then said, "Jiuhuang, you are the 24th direct disciple of our master. There are 23 senior brothers in front of you, and the weakest ones are now at the peak of immortality. , the strongest one is already the Lord of the Universe."


Jiuhuang nodded slightly. "This is the 'Soul-Calming Cauldron'. It is a treasure. I will treat it as a meeting gift for you as my master." On the throne, the Immortal Emperor turned his hand over, and a simple round tripod with three legs and two ears slowly rotated in the palm of his hand.

A gentle tug with the palm of your hand.

The soul-suppressing cauldron immediately turned into a stream of light, flew towards Jiuhuang, and floated in front of him.

"Just put the mark of life on it." The Immortal Emperor's clone said.

"Thank you, teacher!" Jiuhuang nodded. He released the force and landed on the soul-suppressing cauldron. Immediately, the soul-suppressing cauldron turned into a stream of light, escaped into Jiuhuang's body, and guarded Jiuhuang's soul.

"Jiuhuang, since you are already a disciple of my master, then go to the Nine Colored Cloud Sea and choose a floating island as your residence." said the clone of the Immortal Emperor.

"Yes, teacher!" Jiuhuang responded respectfully.

A divine beast flew in, then took Jiuhuang, left the Ancient Emperor's Palace, and went to the Nine Colored Cloud Sea to choose a residence.

Inside the ancient palace.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty for accepting a good disciple!" Yuan Ling bowed slightly and congratulated.

"Hahaha!" The Immortal Emperor's clone laughed.

A good disciple, the ‘Chess Ancestor’ can indeed be considered a good disciple.

Moreover, as long as he doesn’t die midway, he will definitely become a disciple of the God King!
  Of course, what makes the Immortal Emperor's clone even more happy is that he is one step closer to completing the system's mission.

The original virtual universe, the top of Thunder Island.

Inside Chen Zong’s palace.

"Junior brother, what is the 'Gate of Chaos' you are talking about? Can it really allow us to ignore the solidified space area in the cosmic sea and achieve ultra-long distance teleportation?" The Lord of Darkness asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Chen Zong smiled and nodded, then stretched out his hand a little, and a huge virtual screen appeared out of thin air in front of him, "This is the information about the 'Gate of Chaos'."

The Lord of Chaos City, Lord of Darkness, Luo Feng and other Universe Lords from the Virtual Universe Company immediately looked at the virtual screen.

"The most powerful treasure, the worst thing about the 'Gate of Chaos' is also the most powerful treasure!" The Lord of Dragon Walk was shocked.

He received the weapon refining inheritance from the Wu Kingdom, and studied the weapon refining at the weapon refining place in the inheritance palace. Now he can still only refine the pinnacle treasure, and it is also the pinnacle treasure of ordinary quality.

He couldn't refine something like 'Jianhe Luo' yet.

"Lord of the Ancients, you just said that there are fifty gates of chaos, right?" The Lord of Dragon Walk looked at Chen Zong.

"Yes, there are fifty of them!" Chen Zong nodded, "The quality of this primary 'Chaos Gate' is not good and cannot go to any place in the cosmic sea. We can only refine so many of them for the time being."

Only refine this much for the time being?

The Lord of Dragon Walk and the Lord of Chaos City were all startled.

This is the most powerful treasure, not just a cat or a dog. Fifty pieces of the most powerful treasure are not enough?

They were also curious about where Chen Zong got so many materials for refining the most powerful treasure.

Because, even the entire primitive universe and the ancient sacred world cannot find all the materials for refining so many powerful treasures, right?
  Is it the treasure trove you got when you obtained the ‘Wu Heritage’?

If it were the treasure house of Wu State, then it would be normal.

Not to mention refining fifty pieces of the most powerful treasure, just thousands or tens of thousands. It shouldn't be a problem.


They did not ask what the specific situation was.

after all.

Even if they were given the materials to refine weapons, they would not be able to refine the most powerful treasure.

Therefore, as long as you have the most powerful treasure, there is no need to bother asking.

"I have placed the Gate of Chaos in the Ancient Emperor's Palace. If you need it, you can come and get it." Chen Zong smiled, "In addition to yours, I have also decided to leave five 'Gates of Chaos' in the clan's treasure house. ’, and all the other ‘Chaos Gates’ will be handed over to Yin Yue, Tian Hu, and Xiao Long.”

"Hahaha, junior brother, senior brother, I'm coming right away!" the Lord of Darkness said happily.

In the original universe, high-level large-scale wars will no longer happen, so the Lord of Darkness is ready to go to the cosmic sea again to accumulate experience and become the strongest in the universe.

A treasure as good as the 'Gate of Chaos' could save his life at critical moments, so he naturally wanted it.

"I'm coming too." The Lord of Dragon Walk smiled slightly.

The Lord of Dragon Walk basically stayed in the original universe and didn't go to the cosmic sea much. He didn't seem to have much need for the 'Gate of Chaos', but as a master of weapon refining, he was very curious about how the 'Gate of Chaos' worked.

and so.

He also wants a 'Gate of Chaos'.

The Lord of Bingfeng, Luo Feng, Lord Youhou, and Lord Puti also wanted a ‘Gate of Chaos’.

Ancient God Universe, Divine Hall of Fantasy.

The ancient demon's true form and the ancient demon's true form are no longer refining the 'Gate of Chaos'.

In the secret room space of the ancient demon's true body.

He sat cross-legged on the bluestone platform, performed the 'Heavenly Evolution Technique', and studied bloodline inheritance.

And in the secret room space of the ancient demon's true body.

"Fen Ji!" The ancient demon's real body began to practice the second volume of the magical burning secret method "Fen Ji".

time flies.

Hundreds of thousands of epochs have passed (in the secret room space, only a dozen years have passed in the outside world).

"It's done!" A smile appeared on the face of the ancient demon.

With the 'Tian Yan Technique' around, he practiced "Burning Silence" much faster.

"Third volume" He looked at the third volume and frowned immediately. The third volume is far more difficult to practice than the second volume, and it cannot be successfully practiced in a short time.

"The second volume is enough for the time being!" The ancient demon's true form said softly.

"Now, it's time to deduce the secret method to the tenth level!"

"The Xuanzong Sword Code is the ninth level, the Phantom Xiaoyao is the ninth level, the spiritual phantom is the ninth level, and the Baji Dao is the eighth level. As for the Demonic Eye of Annihilation, it is only the sixth level."

“It’s a heavy task!!”


On the bluestone platform, the ancient demon's real body immediately cast the 'Heavenly Evolution Technique', and at the same time used the second volume of "Burning Silence" to strengthen the ability to deduce the Heavenly Evolution Technique.

Hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye (original universe time).

Ancient mysterious realm, ancient palace.

On the throne.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor was fully studying the level of life genes. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and frowned slightly: "The Ancestral God Sect is looking for me?"

He turned over his hand and took out a token, which was the Ancestral God's Token!
  "Going to see the ancestor god?"

The clone of the Immortal Emperor was confused.

If there were no special circumstances, the Ancestral God Sect would never find him easily.

And with his strength, if the Ancestral God Sect asked for something from him, shouldn't the Ancestral God come in person?
  Even if the ancestral god didn't come, he should have sent an envoy instead of summoning him.

"Huh? Could it be something about the 'World of Jin'?" Immortal Emperor's clone suddenly thought in his mind.

In the original work, did the ‘World of Jin’ reach the cosmic sea so quickly?
  The Immortal Emperor clone was a little confused.

"I don't want to think about it anymore, let's go and take a look first." The clone of the Immortal Emperor secretly said.

  The Immortal Emperor's clone waved his hand, and the Gate of Chaos instantly stood in the void ahead.

  The door to chaos opens.

The Immortal Emperor's clone stepped into it, and the Chaos Gate disappeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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