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Chapter 457 His Majesty is calling

Chapter 457 His Majesty is calling

In the cosmic sea, endless chaotic air currents permeate the air.

Four figures flashed continuously.

In a short period of time, they spanned hundreds of millions of light-years. However, the distance of hundreds of millions of light-years was nothing in the vast ocean of the universe.

In front of them, the chaotic airflow gradually became thinner.

Even the naked eye can see very far.


In the distance, it was pitch black, but a faint blue light could be seen faintly, just like the extremely dim starlight in the dark night starry sky that could not be seen without looking carefully.

"The Dark Qingfeng Realm." Looking at the pitch-black realm, the ancient demon's true form said.


He looked at God Lord Fengtian, Lord Nine Nethers, and Lord Thunder Snake: "Although Jue Dark Qingfeng Domain is not as dangerous as the three Jedi, it is more like a maze than the three Jedi. It is easy to lose your bearings, so after entering You must be extremely careful, otherwise the possibility of finding any changes while wandering around in the same place is too low."

Lord Fengtian and the others nodded.

In the cosmic sea, there is a saying - Do not enter the extremely dark Qingfeng Domain unless necessary.

Because there are many reefs and islands in the mountains that can be used as 'coordinates' to plan the route map.

In addition to very few treasures being born in the Judian Qingfeng Territory, it is also because there are too few Qingfeng emitting cyan light who can serve as 'coordinates' in the Judark Qingfeng Territory.

Only some strong people who practice the Law of Light will be more interested in this place.

"This is the 'Gate of Chaos'." Gu Yaozhen waved his hand, and three streams of light flew in front of God Lord Fengtian, Lord Jiuyou, and Lord Thunder Snake, "You will know its use after you recognize the Lord. "

Looking at the 'Gate of Chaos' exuding a powerful aura in front of them, Lord Fengtian and the others were shocked.

"The most powerful treasure!" Especially God Lord Fengtian, he is a master of weapon refining. When he saw the 'Gate of Chaos', his eyes widened because he could see that the refining technique of the 'Gate of Chaos' seemed to be It's the ancient master's weapon refining technique.

"Good brother."

God Lord Fengtian looked at the ancient demon's true form, the flames in his eyes kept beating, and he looked extremely excited: "Did you refine this?"

"Yeah!" The ancient demon's true form nodded slightly.

next to.

The bodies of the Lord of the Nine Nethers and the Lord of the Thunder Snake were shaken. They looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

"The most powerful treasure. Ancient Lord, you are actually able to refine the most powerful treasure!" The Lord of Nine Nethers said in shock.

This is the most powerful treasure!

In the universe sea, not every strongest person in the universe has the most powerful treasure. As for the master of the universe who has the most powerful treasure, there are even fewer.

That is to say, some time ago, the human race used the Duandonghe inheritance to exchange and obtain many powerful treasures from many races, which made the human race's number of powerful treasures become the first among the major forces in the universe sea.

But now, the Ancient Lord can actually refine the most powerful treasure.

Doesn't that mean that the human race will have more powerful treasures in the future?

It is not impossible for everyone to have a set of supreme treasures including palaces, armors, weapons, domains, and souls.


Isn't this crazy?
  Can I join the human race?

The Lord of Nine Nethers almost wanted to ask this, but he was the Protector of the Ancestral God Sect. Of course, and more importantly, he was not a human being, so he could only keep this sentence in his heart.

"The most powerful treasure, it's okay, it's not difficult." The ancient demon's true form smiled, "Besides me, isn't there someone in the universe who can refine the most powerful treasure?"

"." Lord Fengtian and the others were choked for words.

There are so many ethnic groups, so many lords of the universe, and so many strongest people in the universe in the cosmic sea, but the only ones who can refine the most powerful treasure are the Ancient Master You and the Mountain Guest.

"Unexpectedly, I just went into seclusion, and as soon as I came out, the world changed!" Lord Fengtian sighed in his heart.

"Put away the 'Gate of Chaos' and identify its owner while exploring." The ancient demon's true form said.


Lord Fengtian, Lord Jiuyou, and Lord Thunder Snake immediately included the ‘Gate of Chaos’ in the world ring.

"We will explore according to the existing route first, and then we will open up a new route ourselves after the route is completed." Gu Yaozhen used his skills and took out a crystal ball, which contained the human race's map of the Dark Qingfeng Domain.

As for the maps of the three Jedi and other dangerous areas, they are not included.

Although the human race now has a good relationship with the Ancestral God Religion, strategic treasures such as maps cannot be shared at will.

The Lord of Nine Netherworld also took out a crystal ball.

The ancient demon's true form released a divine power that entered the crystal ball taken out by the Lord of Nine Netherworlds, wrote down the map in the crystal ball, and sketched it into his own crystal ball.

The map in this crystal ball is also only the map of the Jue Dark Qingfeng Domain.

The Lord of the Nine Nethers also released his divine power and drew the map in the crystal ball of the ancient demon's true form into his own crystal ball.

They renumbered the route from number 1 to number 106.

In the Dark Green Peak Territory, with few people coming, there are few routes to explore. Many of the routes were obtained from maps seized from the Universe Sea. Some routes have not been explored by the human race or the Ancestral God Sect.

a while.

The maps in the two crystal balls are exactly the same!
  Later, the Lord of Nine Nethers took out two more crystal balls, copied the map into the two crystal balls, and handed them to Lord Fengtian and Lord Thunder Snake respectively.

Although they have memorized the map, it is best to have a physical map in the Jue Dark Qingfeng Domain.

"I'm exploring routes numbered 1 to 70!" the ancient demon's true form said.

He is the strongest, so he naturally wants to explore more routes.

"Then I'll give it 71-85." God Lord Fengtian was the second most powerful and chose fifteen routes.

The Lord of Nine Nethers explores 86-96, and the Lord of Thunder Snake explores 96-106. Both of them have ten routes.


Swish swish swish~
  The four of them turned into four streams of light, spread out, and flew towards their chosen routes.

Absolutely dark Qingfeng domain.

As soon as the ancient demon's true form entered here, he felt that the place was completely silent, not even the whistling sound of chaotic air currents.

Dark and silent!
  With a wave of his hand, the Fire Feather Tower appeared out of thin air. Each floor of the nine-story Fire Feather Tower looked like a fire phoenix spreading its wings and flying high. On its wings, fiery red flames burned blazingly.


The flames lit up the surroundings.

Dispel the coldness in the darkness.

This coldness doesn't matter to the ancient demon's true form. His divine body is powerful enough, and he can easily resist the coldness even if he is not wearing the 'imitation Sky-Stepping Suit'.

The Sky-Treading Suit is on Chen Zong.

He was in the core area of ​​the spaceship, which was more dangerous, so Chen Zong naturally wore the sky-stretching suit.

Therefore, the ancient demon's true form and the ancient demon's true form refined the 'imitation sky-treading suit' and wore it themselves.

Although each piece of the Imitation Toutian Suit is at the level of a supreme treasure, it is not like the 'Tai Tian Suit' that can elevate the entire suit to a higher level.

It also has a 'spirit', but it doesn't have the same inherited memory as the 'Tiantian Spirit'.

Overall, the imitation Tatian suit is far inferior to the Tatian suit.


In the cosmic sea, the 'Fake Sky Suit' is enough. Whoosh!
  The ancient demon's true form escaped into the ninth floor of Fire Feather Tower.

"Route No. 1." The ancient demon's real body looked at the route and activated the Fire Feather Tower. The flames on the fire phoenixes on each floor suddenly burst out, connected with each other, and turned into a whole. Suddenly, the entire fire phoenix tower Yuta seemed to turn into a fire phoenix, flapped his wings and immediately flew towards the depths of darkness.

In the darkness, a path of flame light was left.

Inside the ninth floor of Fire Feather Tower.

Gu Yaozhen waved his hand, and with a bang, a stream of light flew into the hall, then suddenly surged, turning into a 'Gate of Chaos', and fell on the ground of the hall, making a loud noise.

There are 'marks' inside this 'Gate of Chaos', and these 'marks' are the marks of other 'Gates of Chaos'.

This mark is like a coordinate.

As long as the 'Chaos Gates' leave marks on each other, they can achieve spatial transmission between each other.

Previously, the 'Gate of Chaos' that the ancient demon's true form gave to Lord Fengtian, Lord of Nine Nethers, and Lord of Thunder Snake only had four 'marks', which were the marks of the 'Gate of Chaos' they each had.


The 'Gate of Chaos' of the ancient demon's true form is densely packed with dozens of 'marks'.

The extra 'marks' are the marks of the 'Gate of Chaos' of the Lord of the Holy Universe, the Lord of Darkness, Luo Feng and others.

at this time.

  The door of chaos opened with a bang.

I saw three hundred Lords of the Holy World and the Universe, including Yin Yue, Xiao Long, and Tian Hu, stepping out of the Gate of Chaos and appearing in the hall on the ninth floor of Fire Feather Tower.


The door to chaos is closed again.

"See your majesty!" Yinyue and the others saluted respectfully towards the ancient demon's true form.

"This is the map of the Jue Dark Qingfeng Domain." The ancient demon took out the crystal ball and made thirty more copies. With a wave of his hand, these thirty crystal balls fell in front of Yin Yue and the others, "I am exploring now. It’s Route No. 1, so you can explore Route No. 2-31.”

There are three hundred Lords of the Holy Universe, ten in a team. Each team can complete the 'Ten Directions Martial Formation', and its strength can rival the strongest in the universe.

With such strength, it is very safe to roam in this extremely dark Qingfeng domain.

"I obey the order!" Yinyue and other masters of the holy universe responded respectfully. The team leader took the crystal ball, and the team members also put their divine power into the crystal ball and memorized the map.

Before that, they all knew that the purpose of coming to this dark green peak domain was to detect unknown changes.

and so.

They also withdrew from major dangerous places early.

Otherwise, they would not have arrived so quickly and so neatly.

"Go!" The ancient demon's true form waved his hand.

In front of the hall, a space passage appeared. Yin Yue and the others immediately flew out of the Fire Feather Tower, and then each took out the treasure palaces. Thirty treasure palaces were suspended in the void, and then dispersed with a bang, flying in different directions.


In the Treasure Palace, captains such as Yinyue, Tianhu, and Xiaolong also placed the ‘Gates of Chaos’ they carried in the hall.

Looking at the departing Lords of the Holy World and the Universe, the ancient demon's true form withdrew his gaze.

The Absolute Dark Qingfeng Domain is only one-third the size of the space ship, which is not very big.


On this trip, he was here to detect any unusual movements.

He didn't even know what the abnormal movement was, so he could only investigate carefully and carefully. This might take a long time, so he could only ask the Lord of the Holy World to help.

  The fire phoenix transformed from the Fire Feather Tower flapped its wings again and disappeared into the depths of darkness.

Another place is the Dark Qingfeng Domain.

This place is different from other places.

Here, green light fills the air, and the surrounding void is suppressed by a powerful aura, and the space solidifies. However, outside the solidified space area, the universe and time and space are shattered, forming an endless stream of particles, churning wantonly and never ending.

And in the center of the space solidification area.

There is a huge illusory blue stone ring. The outer diameter of the stone ring is almost 1.2 billion kilometers, and the inner diameter is also 1 billion kilometers. The entire stone ring is still shining with rays of light. Through the light, you can see the extremely complex secret patterns carved on it. On the stone circle.

It is the ‘Gate of Heavenly Dimension’.

This 'Tiandimensional Gate' showed faint signs of collapse when it first arrived here, but now it is extremely stable and shows no signs of collapse.


In front of the ‘Tianwei Gate’.

The thousand-legged life covered with a brown carapace with black spots was lying in the void, its eyes fell on the huge illusory bluestone ring, and he understood the complex secret patterns on the stone ring.

From time to time, the tentacles on the head swing.

"It's too difficult to understand!" Qianzu Shengsheng sighed.

"What on earth is this thing? It can't recognize its owner." Qianzu Life was speechless. As soon as he discovered this illusory bluestone ring, he tried to imprint the divine power to identify its owner, but the imprint of life could not be successfully imprinted at all.

at first.

He thought that this illusory bluestone ring had an owner, because it was impossible to identify the owner of a treasure that had an owner.

However, he did not wait for the owner of the bluestone ring here.

He couldn't collect it, and it was a good treasure, so Qianzu Life prepared to send a message to the Purple Chrysalis Clan's strongest person in the universe, the Purple Chrysalis Saint Ancestor, asking him to come and collect it.


Just as he was about to deliver the message.

The illusory bluestone ring shook, and there seemed to be water flowing in the middle of the stone ring. This flowing water produced circles of ripples, and the ripples spread out, passing through Qianzu Life, tempting him, and arousing the desire in Qianzu Life's heart.

The desire to possess the illusory bluestone ring alone!

This desire ripples and becomes stronger and stronger.

Qianzu Life completely gave up the idea of ​​informing the Purple Chrysalis Holy Ancestor, and lay alone in the void, comprehending the secret patterns on the illusory bluestone ring. He felt that by understanding the secret patterns and starting from the secret patterns, he could successfully collect the illusory bluestone. ring.


This secret pattern is too mysterious.

Thousand-legged life is difficult to understand.


Even though it was difficult to understand, he had never thought of informing the Holy Ancestor Purple Chrysalis at this moment, because the desire to monopolize the illusory bluestone ring had completely taken root in his heart and grown vigorously!

"Mine, mine, this stone ring must be mine." Qianzu Life looked at the illusory bluestone ring and continued to comprehend the secret patterns.

In the vast void outside the space ship.


A nine-story tower was traveling at high speed, leaving behind a dazzling tail light at the super high speed.

Inside the tower.

Luo Feng was carrying the Blood Shadow Knife on his back, looking at the majestic and damaged spaceship in front of him, and said softly: "From today on, I will spend most of my years wandering in the three Jedi areas of the universe sea! Today is different from the past, I have become the universe The Lord has been cultivating for hundreds of epochs (the time in the tomb boat is accelerated ten thousand times, in fact, hundreds of years have passed in the original universe) and the strength has increased! No need to act in secret!"

(End of this chapter)

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