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Chapter 458 Picking up an errand boy for free!

Chapter 458 Picking up an errand boy for free!

The cosmic sea.

The extremely dark Qingfeng Domain is like a silent dark abyss.


A flash of fire dispersed the darkness.

Then, in the firelight, a blue wave surged out, and in an instant it turned into a blue ocean, occupying the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of light years.

Within the firelight.

"A Qingfeng!" The ancient demon's true form turned to look to the left. He saw nothing, but under the perception of the domain 'Weak Water', there was an extremely dark Qingfeng, which is extremely rare in the Qingfeng Domain. "What a pity. , every green peak is shrouded in green light, and the domain will be blocked by the green light. If you want to explore the green peak, you can only enter it."

This blue light is similar to the special scene 'light curtain' when a special treasure is born.

Now, although a green peak has been discovered, the ancient demon's true form did not immediately go to investigate.

I saw.

The ancient demon's real body controls the field 'Weak Water'.

Hua Hua Hua~
  With the Fire Feather Tower as the center, the entire blue ocean began to tilt, and the ocean began to rotate. As time passed, all the areas that appeared in the void combined the entire ocean to resemble a sphere.

Although 'weak water' can be transformed into a water mist state, it can explore more areas in the blink of an eye.


In some special areas, the water mist state cannot detect abnormalities at all.

'Weak water', in the water mist state, the detection ability will be weaker than in the ocean state, so the ancient demon's true form naturally maintains the ocean state.

After exploring the surrounding area.

The ancient demon's true form did not notice anything strange, only the 'Qingfeng' that had returned before had not yet been investigated in depth.


  The ancient demon's true form took the Fire Feather Tower and teleported away.

More than fifty light-years away, here is no longer a deep and dark void, but a faint cyan light, and in the center of this cyan light, there is a towering sacred mountain that is thousands of light-years high.

At this time, a fiery red light appeared in the green light.

"Qingfeng!" The ancient demon's true form looked at the majestic sacred mountain in front of him, directly put away the weak water, then walked out of the Fire Feather Tower, took one step forward, passed through the green light, and entered the Qingfeng.

Inside Qingfeng, there are many hills.

The ancient demon's true form appeared on a mountaintop on the mountainside.

Look around.

Everything is bare.

And there was no wind, it was completely dead silence, not a sound could be heard.

The ancient demon's true form was not surprised by this either.

In the information collected by the human race and the Ancestral God Cult about the Juebian Qingfeng Domain, it was mentioned that most of the green peaks found in the Judark Qingfeng Domain were as completely dead as the current Qingfeng.

Only a small part of Qingfeng is home to strange beasts similar to the ‘water spirit’ in the waters of Qingfeng Realm.

This strange beast cannot be conquered, nor can it leave Qingfeng.

The strongest person in the universe once tried to bring the alien beast out of Qingfeng, but as soon as the alien beast left Qingfeng, it immediately collapsed and turned into green light, floating invisible.

at this time.

Hua Hua Hua~
  The ancient demon's true form once again stirred up the weak water, and the blue ocean covered the surrounding area.

The density of the rocks was very strong, which slowed down the penetration of the weak water into the rocks. However, soon, the weak water had completely spread out.

Found nothing!
  The ancient demon's true form stepped forward and appeared on another mountain.

The weak water once again penetrated deep into the rocks surrounding this mountain.

Qingfeng is thousands of light years away, and Weoshui cannot explore it all at once, so we can only do it step by step.

Several times in a row.

Got nothing.

  The ancient demon's true form appeared at the highest peak.

There is a platform on the side of the highest peak. There is a dark cave entrance under the platform. The cave entrance goes in for hundreds of millions of kilometers and is a huge cave. This cave looks very new and was excavated recently.

In the center of the cave.

Sitting cross-legged was a vague figure. He had golden scales and stood upright like a human. He had a pair of golden wings on his back and nine pairs of eyes flashing.

He is the thunder-clothed demon who is being hunted by the three gods of the God Eye Clan!

The armor of the Thunder-clothed Demon God had several cracks, and the golden blood was stained on the cracks.

"Damn it, I tried my best to get rid of the pursuit of the God Eye Clan, and hid here to cultivate, but I still met the Ancient Lord." The Thunder-clothed Demon God was speechless.

Why did the Ancient Lord come here instead of wandering in the three Jedi?

In the view of the Thunder-clothed Demon God, the Ancient Lord's powerful strength should be used to fight in the three major Jedi areas, instead of wasting time in the stupid Dark Qingfeng Domain.

after all.

In the Dark Qingfeng Territory, he knew that the best treasure to be born was a pinnacle weapon.

This should have been dropped by the strong man who once came here after his death.

In the Dark Qingfeng Domain, the probability and level of treasures are extremely weak compared to those of the three Jedi!


The Thunder-clothed Demon God secretly said: "The human race has obtained the complete 'Drifting East River Heritage'. Perhaps, the 'Breaking East River Heritage' records the special features of the Juebian Qingfeng Domain. And the Ancient Lord came here because For a powerful treasure? Or for a legacy left behind?"

"Just like the 'Lava Demon God' subordinate obtained by the Ancient Lord."

"Over the years, all the major forces in the Universe Sea have known that the Lava Demon God did not come from the God-Destroying Stream, but was an extra tenth Lava Demon God."

"Many forces speculate that the Ancient Lord's ability to obtain the Lava Demon God may be related to the 'Broken East River inheritance'."

"After all, Duan Donghe is a super strong man who once rode a space boat."

"Is there really a treasure or inheritance in this Jue Dark Qingfeng domain that is so powerful that even the ancient lord desires it?"

Think of this.

The Thunder-clothed Demon God suddenly became excited.

If he could obtain such a treasure, how could the Divine Eye Clan make him so embarrassed?

He can even kill the God of the Eyes of God.


At this moment, the Thunder-clothed Demon God was hesitant. He hesitated whether to go out by himself or wait to be discovered by the Ancient Lord.

I thought about it.

The Thunder-clothed Demon God made a decision.

On the highest peak.

As soon as the ancient demon's true body set foot on the ground, a laughter immediately came from his ears: "Ancient Lord, I didn't expect to meet you here. You and I are really destined to be together!"

"Who?" The ancient demon's true form was surprised.

He also didn't expect that there were other strong people in this green peak.

I saw.

A stream of light flew from the bottom of the mountain and landed on the top of the mountain.

"Thunder-clothed Demon God?" The ancient demon's true form immediately recognized him.

The ancient demon's true form thought that when the Duan Donghe inheritance was born, it was related to the Thunder-clothed Demon God. Could it be that the abnormal changes in the theory of the original will of the original universe are also related to the Thunder-clothed Demon God?

The ancient demon's true form focused its gaze, raised its hand, and its momentum rose sharply, preparing to send the Thunder-clothed Demon God to reincarnation.

The movements of the ancient demon's true form shocked the Thunder-clothed Demon God.

"Lord of the Ancients, please wait a moment." The Thunder-clothed Demon God stepped back and said in panic, "I have no enmity with you, and I also brought out the 'Broken East River Heritage'. To you human race, it is considered Made a contribution.”

"Moreover, I just hid here to cultivate in order to escape the pursuit of the God Eye Clan. I didn't mean to spy on you."

"Why kill them all?"

"Huh?" The hand raised by the ancient demon's true form paused, and the aura on his body also weakened a lot.

He had indeed heard about the fact that the Thunder-clothed Demon God was being hunted by the three gods of the God Eye Clan.    Soon.

In the original universe, the mysterious realm of ancestors.

Inside the Ancestral Palace.

The three ancestral gods, Chen Zong, Fengtian Divine Lord, Jiuyou Lord, and Thunder Snake Lord's divine clones gathered together.

When they went to the Absolute Dark Qingfeng Domain to investigate the unusual movement, they naturally conducted the investigation separately. Therefore, in order to better contact all parties, they all left a divine clone here.

"Ancestral God." Chen Zong said.

The three Ancestral Gods, Fengtian God Lord, and the others immediately looked at Chen Zong, with a hint of expectation on their faces.

"Is there any problem with the Thunder-clothed Demon God? Is it the source or trigger of this abnormal movement?" Chen Zong asked.

Although the three Ancestral Gods do not know what the abnormal movement is, they can determine through the original will of the original universe whether the special thing or object found by Chen Zong and others is the abnormal movement they want to deal with.

This is the reason why Chen Zong and his divine clones did not stay in the ancient mysterious realm, but in the Ancestral Palace.

"No!" The two-faced ancestor god shook his head.

The old and young ancestor gods also shook their heads.

"What a pity!" Chen Zong sighed softly.

If the Thunder-Clothed Demon God was acting strangely, then things would be simple. All he had to do was deal with the Thunder-Clothed Demon God.

  He can only continue to explore!

Absolutely dark Qingfeng domain, Qingfeng mountain top.

The ancient demon's true form stopped.

Since the Thunder-Clothed Demon God was not acting strangely, he was too lazy to deal with the Thunder-Clothed Demon God.

On the opposite side, the Thunder-clothed Demon God suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Ancient Lord was determined to kill him, and he didn't have the most powerful and precious palace, it would really be difficult for him to escape death.

"Lei Yi, I can let you go, but there is something you need to do, otherwise..." the ancient demon's true form said coldly.

"Old Lord, please tell me, as long as I can help, I will definitely help." The Thunder-clothed Demon God immediately nodded and responded. If he can survive, let alone do one thing, even ten or a hundred things, he can barely do it. accept.

"Okay, I need you to detect unusual movements in the Dark Qingfeng Domain." The ancient demon's true form introduced.

"What? Catastrophe?" The Thunder-clothed Demon God was shocked, "Old Lord, if the matter is so serious, why don't you notify all the forces in the universe sea and ask them to come and help?"

"Crisis, crisis, there is an opportunity in the crisis." The ancient demon's true form said softly.

"Oh!" The Thunder-clothed Demon God's pupils shrank, and he immediately became excited.

Although the Ancient Lord didn't say much, he also understood what the Ancient Lord meant, that is, the fewer people there are, the more things will be obtained after solving the abnormal movement.


Whether it is eternity or decay may depend on this time!
  The Thunder-clothed Demon God is excited!

"Lei Yi, this is a communication token. Also, you were chased by the God Eye Clan and chose to escape to the Jue Dark Qingfeng Domain, and you were able to escape from their pursuit here. You should be very loyal to the Jue Dark Qingfeng Domain. You're familiar, you know many routes, right?" the ancient demon's true form asked.

"Yes." The Thunder-clothed Demon God was silent for a moment, then nodded.

He immediately took out a crystal ball.

The map, although important to him, is nothing compared to his life and the future.

after all.

Isn't the purpose of collecting maps also to explore dangerous places, obtain opportunities, and improve strength?
  But now, there is a chance to improve his strength. Even if he hands over all the maps he knows, he is willing to do so.

"This is the map we know about the Dark Green Peak Domain. Take it and take a look." The ancient demon's true form also took out a crystal ball, copied the map, and threw it to the Thunder-clothed Demon God. Anyway, it was not a map of the three Jedi. , and there is no need to keep it secret.


The Thunder-clothed Demon God is the strongest person in the universe alone.

The ancient demon's true form doesn't have to worry about the map of the Dark Green Peak Domain spreading throughout the entire cosmic sea.

The ancient demon's true form and the Thunder-clothed Demon God exchanged maps of the Dark Green Peak Domain with each other. On the map originally owned by the ancient demon's true form, there were six more routes that were different from the previous ones.

"Rey, it's up to you to explore these six extra routes!" the ancient demon's true form said.

"Well! Don't worry, leave it to me, no problem." The Thunder-clothed Demon God nodded.

"And..." The ancient demon's true form hesitated for a while, but still took out a 'Gate of Chaos' and handed it to the Thunder-clothed Demon God.

The mark on the Chaos Gate can not only realize space travel, but also positioning.

of course.

Not all 'Chaos Gates' have the positioning function, only the one carried by the ancient demon's true form has it.

Giving the Thunder-Clothed Demon God the 'Gate of Chaos', in addition to being able to teleport between each other, more importantly, the ancient demon's true form can monitor whether the Thunder-Clothed Demon God is exploring the Dark Qingfeng Domain.

If the Thunder-clothed Demon God escapes from the Dark Qingfeng Domain.
  Needless to say, the ancient demon’s true form will come directly through the ‘Gate of Chaos’ and kill the Thunder-clothed Demon God!

"This is the most powerful treasure." The Thunder-clothed Demon God was shocked.

"The Ancient Lord, did you give me this, this, this most powerful treasure?" The Thunder-clothed Demon God was a little excited.

"For the time being." The ancient demon's true form said, "However, if you perform well, I can give it to you!"

"Yeah!" The Thunder-clothed Demon God nodded.


The Thunder-clothed Demon God put away the 'Gate of Chaos' and left Qingfeng, heading for the area he needed to explore.

"I didn't expect that I actually found an errand boy here!" Looking at the disappearing Thunder-clothed Demon God, the ancient demon's true form smiled slightly, and he activated the weak water again to explore the surroundings.

Shortly after.

Still no difference was found, and the ancient demon's true form also left this green peak.

The original universe, the inner city of Hongmeng City in the virtual universe, and the Hongmeng Hall.

In a hall, there are three cosmic sages sitting there sorting out messages.

"This is new information."

"In the cosmic sea, three new masters of the universe have emerged one after another in recent times. They are all from the two holy places! It seems that the last battle for the Duandonghe line caused them to lose a group of masters of the universe. Now there are many The quasi-universe masters have all been promoted one after another and begun to enter the cosmic sea one after another."

"This information is very important!"

"We, the Lords of the Universe of Hongmeng, may encounter these new Lords of the Universe, and without any information about these new Lords of the Universe before, it is easy to suffer a sudden encounter. This information must be transmitted to the City Lord immediately. "

These three venerables are Hongmeng's special personnel responsible for organizing information.

Naturally, the Lord of the Universe will not do the complex work of sorting out many secret messages!

Therefore, three cosmic lords were selected, and they all have avatars.

They are responsible for collecting information, sorting it out, and finally sending it to the Chaos City Lord, who will ultimately process it.


"Another new Lord of the Universe? One of the fourth level and two of the fifth level? These two holy places have really deep cosmic heritage. There is an approved Lord of the Universe waiting for them. The last time Duan Donghe and his lineage fought for it, the fallen Lords of the Universe Lord, it has no impact on the two holy places at all." After receiving the information, the Lord of Chaos City shook his head and sighed.

"Although our human race has the 'Wu Heritage' and the 'Duandonghe Heritage', it will take a long time to accumulate foundations comparable to those of the two holy land universes!"

Take back your mind.

"Send the message first."

Then, the Lord of Chaos City sent this information directly to every universe master in the Hong Alliance through the virtual universe.

This kind of information is considered a secret to ordinary people, but to the Lord of the Universe, it is a 'must know' category.

Every time some new universe masters appear in the universe, their strength, fighting methods, treasures, secret techniques, etc. must be recorded and passed on to every universe master in their own force.

Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you live longer.

The ancient god universe, the hall of fantasy, and the secret room space.

On the bluestone platform.

The ancient demon's real body was sitting cross-legged, using its full power to operate the 'Heavenly Evolution Technique'.

In the golden vertical eye space, the three drops of 'divine blood' have long been consumed, but there are still countless golden threads flying in this space.

as time flows.

The ancient demon's true form suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

 Thanks to ‘book friend 20230123724_BE’ for the 100 reading coins reward
  (End of this chapter)

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