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Chapter 459 Daogu 1st line, Daogu universe country!

Chapter 459 Daogu lineage, Daogu universe country!
  The ancient god universe, the secret room space of Shenhuan Mountain.

"Finally successful!" On the bluestone platform, the eyes of the ancient demon's true form were full of joy.

Over the years, he has been studying bloodline inheritance. Now, he has finally succeeded. The ancient demon's true body and the ancient demon's true body can also give birth to the descendants of the ancient demon and the ancient demon just like the ancient gods' true bodies before.


"The divine body is made of flesh and blood." The ancient demon's real body said softly.

Immediately, the divine body transformed into a body of flesh and blood.

Plop, plop, plop.
  In the left chest, a vibrant heart was beating loudly, and every beat was like the roar of a thunder drum.

The ancient demon's true form looked towards his heart.

The secret patterns in his body gathered toward the heart, and his blood also gathered toward the heart.

There is a small space in the heart wrapped by the secret pattern.

There is an energy vortex in the space. In the center of the energy vortex, blood energy is born, and then the dragons gather together to form a drop of blood covered with golden secret patterns.

The blood drops followed the vortex, spinning slowly, devouring energy crazily, becoming larger and larger, the color became brighter red, and there were more and more golden secret patterns.


Under the gaze of the ancient demon's true form.

The golden secret pattern has wrapped the blood droplets, forming a mysterious secret pattern.

When the secret pattern was formed, the huge blood drop exploded, and then eighteen drops of blood were formed. Each drop of blood had a complete mysterious pattern on it, with red and golden lights flashing alternately.

It takes a while.

These eighteen drops of blood gradually formed a human form and turned into eighteen little fetuses.

There is a bloody ancient magic star between the eyebrows of each little fetus.

Countless energy from the surroundings poured into the bodies of the little fetuses, forming eighteen chaotic eggshells on their surfaces, wrapping them in the center.

Seeing this, the Ancient Demon's true form did not hesitate and immediately transmitted the Ancient Demon's power in the Ancient Demon Star to the eighteen Ancient Demon descendants to accelerate their growth.


He controlled the speed and failed to successfully breed the descendants of the ancient demon.

Because, he still has to send the descendants of the ancient demons to the earth to take advantage of the earth's ability to transform souls.

In the cosmic sea, in the Dark Qingfeng Domain, the ancient demon's true body escaped into the ancient god's universe along the 'coordinate point', and entered the secret room space where the ancient demon's true body was located.

Shortly after.

In this secret room space, there are thirty-six chaos-colored giant eggs suspended.

  The ancient demon's true form returned to the Jue Dark Qingfeng Domain.

Immediately, these eighteen ancient demon domes and eighteen ancient demon domes were sent out of the ancient god universe by the ancient demon's true form, and appeared in the ancient emperor's palace in the original universe.

Inside the ancient palace.

"Mang Lei." The voice of the Immortal Emperor's clone sounded.

Suddenly, in the sea of ​​nine-colored clouds, the divine beast Zunhuang and Manglei Zunhuang, covered with thunder and lightning, heard the voice of the immortal emperor's clone, and immediately turned into a stream of light and flew to the ancient emperor's palace.

Enter the ancient palace.

"Your Majesty!" Emperor Mang Lei lowered his head and saluted respectfully.

After the seal of the Divine Fantasy Mountain was broken, the potential and talent of the Divine Fantasy Beast were greatly enhanced.

The five earliest divine beast emperors, including Mang Lei Zunhuang, Zeguo Zunhuang, and Qiling Zunhuang, are now superpowers at the top level of universe overlords.

The newly promoted Divine Beast Emperor is springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Today, the number of divine beast emperors is twice as many as the number of cosmic emperors in the human race, reaching more than 10,000.

and so.

The early-promoted divine beast emperors like Mang Lei Emperor no longer need to guard the dangerous areas outside the Nine Star Continent in the ancient mysterious realm. These dangerous areas have long been handed over to the newly promoted divine beast emperors.

"Send the thirty-six young royal highnesses to Earth and let them be looked after by Ancient Eleven and Ancient Twelve!" the Immortal Emperor's clone ordered.

Ancient Eleven and Ancient Twelve, junior divine pattern war puppets and sixth-level masters of the universe, have now become the guardians of the earth. This allows Luo Feng's Youhai clone to escape and do more things.

There are also several divine pattern war puppets guarding the Ancient God Continent of the Ancient God Universe Country.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Emperor Mang Lei responded respectfully.

Emperor Mang Lei looked at the thirty-six chaos-colored domes suspended in the void of the hall. Each dome contained a weak breath of life. He knew that the breath of life in these domes was Your Majesty's Little Highness.

Although he didn't know what was going on with these thirty-six little highnesses.

But that doesn't stop him from doing things.

Mang Lei Zunhuang carefully put the thirty-six chaos-colored domes into the world ring, then resigned to the Immortal Emperor's clone, and left the ancient emperor's palace, heading to the ancient imperial city below. Through the fixed space passage, he arrived at the garrison in the blink of an eye. In the square of the off-Earth temple.

Then a teleport.

Directly to the stars outside the earth.

The cosmic space in the starry sky around the earth has been blocked and cannot be teleported, and can only be entered by flying.


He arrived at Hongning Base City on Earth and Yangxin Pavilion.

The residence of Ancient Eleven and Ancient Twelve on earth was Yangxin Pavilion, but now, the elite training camps around Yangxin Pavilion have long since disappeared and become the residence of the ancient gods on earth.

In front of these residences, you can see thousands of little ancient gods like porcelain dolls fighting and playing on the grass!
  Up to now, the number of people in the Ancient God lineage is only over one million. Compared with the number of descendants of the Luo Feng Luo family, they are simply dwarfed and incomparable.

Inside Yangxin Pavilion.

"I've met Masters Eleven and Twelve." Mang Lei Zunhuang saluted respectfully.

"Mang Lei, please leave His Highness behind so that you can go back and deliver your work!" Gu Shiyi said.

"Yeah!" Emperor Mang Lei waved his hoofs and claws, and thirty-six chaotic-colored domes appeared out of thin air. Fortunately, the Yangxin Pavilion had long been refined by Chen Zong and became the pinnacle treasure palace. The internal space was extremely vast. If it was still The Yangxin Pavilion back then could not hold these thirty-six chaos-colored domes.

After completing the mission, Emperor Manglei left Yangxin Pavilion.

"Your Highness!" Gu Eleven and Gu Twelve looked after the dome extremely carefully.

They have received a message from the Immortal Emperor's avatar and know that these thirty-six little highnesses are different from the descendants of the ancient gods outside. They are the same as the second-generation ancient god Chen Gusi. They are the second-generation ancient demons and ancient demons conceived by His Majesty himself. .

They don't want to make mistakes.

The original virtual universe, the ancient god world.

This space has become a main plane like Hongsheng City, not a small plane, but very vast.

after all.

Nowadays, there are many descendants of the ancient gods, plus the family members of Luo Feng, Hong, Lei Shen, Mang, Xi Zhan, and Jiuhuang. Naturally, they need a larger space so that everyone with good talents can have one. Their own sacred mountain.

at this time.

  Like plucking onions on dry land, thirty-six sacred mountains rose up in the blink of an eye on the vast continent.

This immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Looking at the height of these thirty-six sacred mountains, they have been extending towards the sky, surpassing the sacred mountains of many descendants of ancient gods at the immortal level, and then directly level with the sacred mountains of Chen Gusi and Luo Feng.

"What's happening here?"

"Is the emperor accepting direct disciples again?"

"Thirty-six people were admitted at once? How is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked!

They immediately asked the people in the ancient mysterious territory.


They got the answer, that is, during this period of time, no one has passed the test of the 'Xuanyuan Tribulation'.

Being able to recruit so many direct disciples at once
  Then these direct disciples are most likely to be disciples of the ancient god's lineage.

Just like when Chen Zong accepted Chen Gusi and other eighteen second-generation ancient gods as his direct disciples, this situation also happened.

"Who is so lucky that he was chosen by the viewer and accepted as his direct disciple?" In a pavilion on the side of a sacred mountain, Xu Xin looked at the sacred mountain rising not far away and smiled slightly.

"If you want to accept him, shouldn't he also accept me as his direct disciple? I'm so good, and I'm not much worse than my father. But... I didn't receive the notice?" On the second highest mountain, Chen Gusi's big My son, Chen Yuanjin, opened his mailbox and saw nothing. He couldn't help but look confused. Like Chen Yuanjin, many descendants of the ancient gods checked their mailboxes.

But they all looked disappointed.


They also went to inquire, but found nothing.

Time flies.

More than ten years have passed.

A voice that shocked the universe came from the ancient emperor's palace in the ancient mysterious realm: "From now on, the 'Ancient God Universe Kingdom' will be renamed as the 'Dao Ancient Universe Kingdom'."

The Ancient God Universe Kingdom was more prestigious than the Ancestral God Cult in the original universe.

Every move of the Ancient God Universe Kingdom was watched by countless pairs of eyes, and such a big thing as changing its name immediately aroused thousands of waves.

"A big event, a very big event, the Ancient God Universe Kingdom has been renamed to the Dao Ancient Universe Kingdom!"

"What? Changed your name?"

"What's going on? Why do you want to change the name? What's the secret in this?"

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem"

Billions of ethnic groups in the original universe are all discussing this matter.

Ancient mysterious realm, inside the ancient palace.

On the throne, the clone of the Immortal Emperor looked down. Below stood Chen Gusi and other second-generation ancient gods, as well as the second-generation ancient demon and second-generation ancient demon who were already young people next to them.

The second-generation ancient demon and the second-generation ancient god are the same as the second-generation ancient god, and their life genes are ten times higher.

With Chen Zong's current understanding of life genes, he is fully capable of giving birth to offspring with more powerful life genes. However, in the original universe, in order for ancient demons and ancient monsters to thrive, they still need ten times the level of life genes.

"Gu Sheng, Gu Qiang." The clone of the Immortal Emperor said, "Today, my father will accept you as my direct disciples."

The clone of the Immortal Emperor also accepted eighteen second-generation ancient demons and eighteen second-generation ancient demons as his direct disciples.

Gu Sheng is the eldest brother of the second generation ancient demon, and Gu Qiang is the eldest brother of the second generation ancient demon.

They immediately saluted respectfully.


"The ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons all belong to the Daogu lineage. However, you are now too weak to practice the 'Daogu Divine Art' and cannot cultivate the other two true bodies." The clone of the Immortal Emperor sighed, " This prevents your talents from being fully unleashed."

Ancient Taoist secrets?

real body?

Hearing the words of the Immortal Emperor's clone, everyone below was shocked.

They knew that if they wanted to have a clone, they had to seize the body or be given by the original universe. But now, they actually heard that practicing the "Ancient Dao Divine Art" can actually cultivate two true bodies.

  It was simply beyond their imagination.

"Father, what strength do we need to practice the "Ancient Divine Art"?" Chen Gusi asked with expectation.

"You are not perfect genetically level beings. If you want to practice the "Ancient Divine Art", even the weakest need to reach the level of the Lord of the Universe." said the clone of the Immortal Emperor.

"Lord of the Universe?"

"You actually need the Lord of the Universe to practice?"


Chen Gusi and others were shocked.


Thinking of the metamorphosis of "Daogu Shenjue", they somewhat understood.

"Father, we can't practice the "Ancient Divine Art" now, so how can we explore our own potential?" Chen Guya, who had short hair and carried two daggers on his back, asked.

In his opinion, since his father mentioned tapping potential, he also mentioned "The Ancient Taoist Secrets".

As for the "Dao Ancient Divine Art", their strongest one right now is the King of Invincibles. He is not even the Lord of the Universe, so of course he cannot practice it.

Therefore, he probably guessed that his father must have other ways to tap their potential.

Chen Gusi and the others also looked expectantly.

"It's very simple!" The clone of the Immortal Emperor said with a slight smile, "That is, you will work in a group of three, the ancient god, the ancient demon, and the ancient demon. If you practice according to the "Simplified Edition of the Ancient God's Art" deduced by your father, you will be able to defeat you. The ancient star energy between your eyebrows flows between you."

"in this way."

"Although it is impossible to cultivate the other two true bodies, it can make your 'Ancient Star' move closer to the 'Dao Ancient', thus improving the talent potential and tapping the talent potential."

  Suddenly, everyone in the hall was extremely excited.

"However." Immortal Emperor's clone continued, ""Simplified Version of the Ancient Dao Divine Art", if you want to practice it, there are limitations on your strength, at least immortal strength."


The clone of the Immortal Emperor looked at Chen Gusheng, Chen Guqiang and the others, the second-generation ancient demons and ancient demons.

"My child must practice hard and become immortal as soon as possible!" Chen Gusheng and Chen Guqiang said immediately.

"No." The Immortal Emperor's clone shook his head, "It's more important to lay a good foundation. What I want is for you to be promoted to Master of the Universe, not just immortality."

"Just practice normally."

"In the future, when you are promoted to World Master, you will have to go through the 'Holy Realm Trial'. When the life gene level increases to a hundred times, it will be the time for you to advance to immortality."

Among the Daogu lineage, the second-generation ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons are the most talented.

He is also the one with the best chance of being promoted to the Master of the Universe.

and so.

Naturally, the Immortal Emperor's clone did not want Chen Gusheng and Chen Guqiang to reduce their time in the Realm Master stage, which is the fastest to improve their strength, in order to improve their immortality as quickly as possible.

after all.

In the immortal stage, the speed of comprehending the laws is far slower than in the realm lord stage.

"Well, now you will divide into groups first, and then..." the Immortal Emperor's clone said.

Soon, there were eighteen second-generation ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons, so in order of size, Chen Gusi, Chen Gusheng, and Chen Guqiang formed a group, and so on.

After forming a team, Chen Gusi and the others left the Ancient Emperor's Palace.

When the second generation of ancient demons and ancient demons such as Chen Gusheng and Chen Guqiang appeared in the public eye, many people who had seen the true forms of the ancient demons and ancient demons knew why the Ancient Gods Universe Congress was renamed Daogu Universe Kingdom.


It's because of these second-generation ancient demons and ancient demons.

Cosmic sea, cosmic boat.

"New junior brother." Luo Feng couldn't help but smile when he learned about the second generation of ancient demons and ancient demons.


When he saw that his teacher had given birth to descendants of the ancient gods, he once asked him to give birth to more children, but the teacher refused, because like a golden-horned giant beast, he could only give birth to offspring once.

Later, when he saw that the teacher also had the true form of the ancient demon and the true form of the ancient demon.

Luo Feng then thought that maybe the teacher could give birth to descendants of ancient demons and descendants of ancient demons, but he did not mention it to the teacher.

Unexpectedly, he doesn’t need to mention it now.

The teacher himself gave birth to ancient demons and descendants of ancient demons again.

"What a pity! You can probably only conceive once. Otherwise..." Luo Feng shook his head.


He regained his composure.

Continue to explore the spaceship.

 Thanks to ‘I think it’s worth it’ for the 100 starting coins

  (End of this chapter)

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