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Chapter 465 Combat Power Level 2!

Chapter 465: Twelve levels of combat power!
  In the extremely dark Qingfeng Domain, inside the Fire Feather Tower.

"Fen Ji!"

  There was an exciting change in the 'Tian Yan Technique' deduction of 'Unusual Movement'. The ancient demon's true form did not hesitate and immediately used his divine power to burn the second volume of the secret technique "Burning Silence". Immediately, vast coercion erupted from him, and the void around him was It cracked under this pressure.

But in a blink of an eye.

All the burning divine power poured into the 'Golden Vertical Eye Space', strengthening the power of the 'Heavenly Evolution Technique'.

The pressure suddenly weakened.

The golden threads were like a spring, and soon spread throughout the golden vertical eye space.

The ancient demon's real body is fully operating the 'Heavenly Evolution Technique'.

The golden three-dimensional secret pattern in the golden vertical eye space wildly swallows the surrounding golden threads. The golden threads merge into the three-dimensional secret pattern, making the three-dimensional secret pattern more and more perfect and complex.


An illusion appeared on the three-dimensional secret pattern.

It was very blurry and I couldn't tell what kind of scenery it was in the illusion.

"Not even close!" Seeing the illusion emerge, but unable to see clearly, the ancient demon's true form frowned.

If one person can't do it, then there will be many people.


The World Tree clone in the Divine Kingdom, the Immortal Emperor clone in the ancient mysterious realm, the ancient demon true body rushing in the cosmic sea, and the demon dragon clone in the void space of the cosmic boat and wind chime domain are all operating the 'Celestial Evolution Technique' at full strength.

Multiple clones, the same consciousness.

It's like multiple computers calculating the same data at the same time, and the computing speed is greatly improved.

Hua Hua Hua~
  The flames of the Fire Feather Tower rose up, burning through the universe.

In the golden vertical eye space, on the golden three-dimensional secret pattern, the illusion gradually became clearer. The ancient demon's real body looked carefully, and could vaguely see that in the endless darkness, green light rippled, forming a green... In the light field, in this green light field, there is a huge ring-shaped shadow suspended.

The circular shadow gradually became clearer.

"What!" The ancient demon's true form was shocked.

This ring-shaped phantom he had seen in the void space of the Universe Boat Wind Chime Domain was the illusory bluestone ring called the ‘Tianwei Gate’.

How can it be?

How could there be a ‘Tianwei Gate’ here?
  Could it be that the ‘abnormal movement’ mentioned by the original will of the original universe is the ‘Gate of Heavenly Dimension’?
  Or is it something behind the ‘Tianwei Gate’?
  The ancient demon's real body thought that there was an eleventh level super strong man on the other side of the 'Tianwei Gate' seen in the Wind Chime Domain, so there should be a similar super strong man behind the 'Tianwei Gate' here. Bar?

The ancient demon's true form was thinking.

In the original universe, in the ancestral mysterious realm, the ancestral palace.

Chen Zong's divine clone will inform the three ancestor gods about the discovery of the 'Tianwei Gate', and let the three ancestor gods pass the situation to the original will of the original universe to see if the 'Tianwei Gate' is what they are looking for. Abnormal movement'.

The Lord of Nine Nethers, Lord Fengtian, and Lord Thunder Snake also looked at the three ancestor gods excitedly.

If the 'Gate of Heavenly Dimension' is the 'abnormal movement', then the abnormal movement will be found before the catastrophe occurs. Now we only need to solve the abnormal movement to nip the catastrophe in the cradle.

The universe sea is safe!

"The ancient lord, the original will of the original universe, said that this 'gate of heaven' is the 'abnormal movement'." The two-faced ancestor god said.

"Hahaha! What a strange move!" God Lord Fengtian laughed.

"Where is the 'Tianwei Gate'? Let's destroy it right away!" the Lord of the Nine Nethers said excitedly.

"Yes. You can't hesitate, you must destroy it immediately!!" The old ancestor god nodded.

"I'll try it first!" Chen Zong said.

"Well! It's all up to you, Ancient Lord!" the three Ancestral Gods said solemnly.

Absolutely dark Qingfeng domain.

A fire phoenix was suspended in the dark void.

"Now I only know that the 'unusual movement' is the Tianwei Gate, but I don't know the specific location of the Tianwei Gate." In the Fire Feather Tower, the ancient demon's true form lowered his eyebrows and thought, "Try harder!"

In the golden vertical eye space, golden threads are still pouring into the three-dimensional secret pattern, turning into the secret pattern of the three-dimensional secret pattern.



The ancient demon's real body discovered that in the illusion produced by the three-dimensional secret pattern, there appeared a burly man covered with purple dragon scales and with sky-high purple horns on his head. A stunning woman with pure black eyes, a spider-like figure, slender legs, a pair of brown horns on her head, and wearing a somewhat revealing blood-colored armor.

"This is."

The ancient demon's true form set his sights on the burly man. He discovered that the arm covered with purple dragon scales was very similar to the arm that came out from the 'Tianwei Gate' last time.

But the secret patterns on the purple dragon scales are somewhat different.

They should be from the same ethnic group.

The demon dragon clone waited in the void space for a long time, but did not see the 'Tiandimensional Gate' coming again.

And on the illusion of the ‘Tianwei Gate’ discovered here, there actually appeared a

"Could it be that this 'Tianwei Gate' is actually the 'Tianwei Gate' I saw last time?" Such a coincidence made the ancient demon's real body couldn't help but guess this.

If this is the case.
  So on the other side of the ‘Tianwei Gate’, the strongest person should be the eleventh level, right?

After all, if there is someone stronger, then the person who attacked him last time should not be the eleventh-level strong man, but other stronger strong men.

It's just the eleventh level.
  Maybe this ‘Tianwei Gate’ still has some use!

The ancient demon has some more thoughts in his mind.

His self-created secret methods such as "Xuanzong Sword Code", "Phantom Xiaoyao", "Spirit Realm Phantom", and "Baji Dao" have been successfully deduced and have reached the tenth level of secret methods!

The second volume of "Burning Silence" has been successfully practiced.

Plus "Virtual Realm", "Hunyuan Shocking Palm", and "Illusory Divine Art".
  Now, each of his clones has eleven levels of combat power, and even Daogu's true body, which is the fusion of the three true bodies, has been able to exert twelve levels of combat power.

Level 11 versus level 12, no problem at all.

  We must first determine where the other side of the 'Tianwei Gate' is and whether the strongest person is the eleventh-level strong person.

While the ancient demon's true form was thinking, another change occurred in the golden vertical eye space.

I saw the three figures coming out of the 'Tianwei Gate' flying in different directions and quickly disappearing.


In the golden vertical eye space, the illusion on the three-dimensional secret pattern changed and turned into an information flow.

The information flow appeared in the mind of the ancient demon.

"Found it!" The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly, and he had already locked the location of the 'Tianwei Gate'.

  He immediately teleported away with the Fire Feather Tower.

In the dark void, the Fire Feather Tower appeared and disappeared out of thin air.


Fire Feather Tower stopped!
  "Eh~" The ancient demon's real body was surprised. He found that an illusion appeared again on the three-dimensional secret pattern map. In this illusion, the strong man with purple dragon scales on his arms appeared.

"Right ahead!"

  The Fire Feather Tower disappeared again.

Another place in the extremely dark Qingfeng Domain.

"This dark green peak domain is really a good place to break through!" A majestic sacred mountain glowing with green light, the Night King stood on the top of the sacred mountain, with joy in his eyes, looking into the distant void, where Like a huge mouth of the abyss that swallows everything.

  The Night King teleported away from the green sacred mountain and appeared in the dark void.

He didn't stop immediately.

Instead, continue teleporting.


He stopped. Looking around, there is no light, this is an area of ​​absolute darkness.

"Just choose this place!" the Night King said softly.


  A vast coercion enveloped this space and time, and the surrounding darkness seemed to be ignited, burning with raging fire, and the absolute darkness was directly broken.

"What's going on?" The Night King was shocked.

According to the information provided by Lord Wulan, this Dark Qingfeng Domain is like a maze, and there are no treasures.

There are only a few people who come here to explore.

Moreover, he had just deliberately deviated from the route provided by the Lord of Ulan.

Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible for anyone else to come here!
  But now as soon as he arrived here, a super powerful man came!
  From the vast pressure, the Night King felt that the owner of this pressure was definitely no weaker than the Dragon Fang Saint.

An idea just flashed through my mind.

  With a buzzing sound, the Night King's will seemed to be severely hammered down by a heavy hammer. His will directly stopped, and his eyes suddenly became dark. His whole body leaned back uncontrollably, suspended in the void.

at this time.

In front of the Night King.

The flames gave way to a passage, and then the Night King was dragged by a divine force along the flame path and into the Fire Feather Tower.

Inside the Fire Feather Tower.

"It's just the Lord of the Universe!" The ancient demon's true form looked at the Night King, somewhat speechless.

He also thought that the strong man from the other world coming from the other side of the 'Tiandimensional Gate' should be at least the strongest in the universe, so as soon as he came here, he directly launched a will attack.

I wanted to use my will to attack, influence the powerful people from other worlds, and then fight again.

did not expect.

Just the will attack made the strong man from the other world lose consciousness and be blinded.

No hesitation!

The ancient demon's true form stretched out his right hand and touched the Night King's forehead. A stream of divine power entered the Night King's body, and then a golden mark merged into the Night King's soul.

The soul was enslaved, and the Night King's body moved.

He opened his eyes.

There was a struggle in his eyes, but then the struggle disappeared and was replaced by incomparable respect.

The Night King stood up, bowed respectfully to the ancient demon's true form, and said, "Night King, pay homage to the master!"


He looked at the ancient demon's real body, which was exactly the same as the 'Ancient Lord', the strongest person in the universe sea mentioned by Ulan!
  His master is the most powerful man in this universe sea, the Ancient Lord.

Although he was speechless, as soon as he came over, he became the master's slave, but he was not rejected at all. Instead, he was extremely excited, as if he was born to be his master's slave.

"Night King!" The ancient demon's true form smiled and nodded.

Although the situation is a bit different from what we imagined, it is not the arrival of the strongest person in the universe, but it is better even though it is not the strongest person in the universe.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to enslave the Night King so easily!

Having a subordinate from the other side of the 'Tianwei Gate' will help him understand the situation on the other side.

"Did you come from the other side of the Tianwei Gate?" the ancient demon's true form asked.

"Yes, Master." The Night King nodded, "My subordinates are from another cosmic sea. Under the orders of the Dragon Fang Saint and the Charming Demon Saint, I came to the cosmic sea where the master is. I came with my subordinates. , and there are two others, namely Zhaizhao and Xuehuo, their strength is equal to that of their subordinates."

Another cosmic sea?

Between the universe and the sea, can we still visit each other?
  The ancient demon's true form was a little surprised.


He quickly thought that according to what Sitting Mountain Guest said in the original work, there was a three-thousand-dimensional cosmic sea around the Origin Continent. If the powerful people on the Origin Continent were not careful, they might enter from one dimension to another.


The space boat came directly from the continent of origin to the cosmic sea, and the beast king of the world devoured enough of the origin of the universe to rebuild the original universe. It also left the cosmic sea directly and arrived at the origin without passing through the 'reincarnation passage'. mainland.

This shows that different cosmic seas are not completely isolated from each other.

It’s not impossible to be able to communicate.


The cosmic sea is vast. Not to mention going to another cosmic sea, even entering the edge area of ​​your own cosmic sea is very dangerous.

Once upon a time, the strongest person in the universe disappeared at the edge of the cosmic sea.

Three reincarnation eras were not reached, and he fell directly into the vast ocean of the universe.

However, the Night King and the three of them did not come across the cosmic sea, but came across the boundary through the 'Gate of Heavenly Dimension'.

Tianwei Gate
  It seems that this Gate of Tianwei is very much like a high-end version of the Gate of Chaos!
  The matter of Tianwei Gate is temporarily suppressed.

The ancient demon's true form didn't care too much about the other two visitors from the different universe. After all, he was just the master of the universe and couldn't make any big waves.

What he is more concerned about is the situation of the strong men in the other universe sea.

"What are the strengths of the Dragon Fang Saint and Charming Demon Saint you are talking about? How many have the same strength as them? Are there any stronger ones?" the ancient demon asked.

"Returning to the master, in the cosmic sea where my subordinates are located, all the major ethnic groups respect the 'Haoyang Holy Land' and the 'Haoyang Emperor' as their respected ones. All powerful people belong to the 'Haoyang Holy Land' lineage. Today , the strongest one in the 'Haoyang Holy Land' is the Emperor's Son, who has twelve levels of combat power. Under the Emperor's Son, there are ten saints, each of whom has eleven levels of combat power. The Dragon Tooth Saint, The Charming Saint is the second of these ten saints," said the Night King.

Regarding the exposure of the Haoyang Cosmic Sea, the Night King had no hesitation at all and no mental barriers.

after all.

He is now Chen Zong's soul slave, so naturally Chen Zong takes charge of everything.

Whatever you ask, answer whatever you ask.

Whatever you know, say it.

Nothing is hidden at all.

"Twelve-level combat power?" The ancient demon's true form was a little surprised.

In the cosmic sea, it is already rare to have tenth-level combat power. With eleventh-level combat power and strong inheritance guidance, it should be possible if you work hard, but twelfth-level combat power.
  Think about it for a moment.

It seems that as long as the talent is good and the opportunity is strong, it is not impossible!

For example, he is only the Lord of the Universe now, but with the Daogu true body, powerful talents, and the powerful inheritance he has obtained, he can have twelfth level combat power when he is the Lord of the Universe.

Even if the opportunities are not as good as his.

There are also people like Luo Feng, who is the strongest person in the universe and has the twelfth level of peak combat power!

"Master, the emperor's son is the direct bloodline of the emperor. Each generation of the emperor's son is at the twelfth level in strength." The Night King said in shock.

"Can the ten great saints and emperors also come here through the 'Tianwei Gate'?" The ancient demon's true form frowned.

This is the issue he is most concerned about right now.

If you can come here
  The ‘Tianwei Gate’ cannot be left behind!

It must be destroyed forcefully!

After all, he could only stop the emperor.

And the other ten great saints, as well as other powerful men from different universe seas, can completely sweep across the universe sea.

"Not yet!" Night King shook his head.

"The 'Tiandimensional Gate' is still coming, but only phantoms and some entities have arrived."

"So, we can only send the three of us over first to confuse the cosmic sea where the master is, and prepare for the arrival of the Holy Land army!"

Can't come over yet?
  The ancient demon's true form breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he watched the Night King mess up the cosmic sea?
  What can only three universe masters do?
  (End of this chapter)

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