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Chapter 466 Thunder-clothed Demon God: Ancient Lord, I am an honest man, don’t lie to me

Chapter 466 Thunder-clothed Demon God: Ancient Lord, I am an honest man, don’t lie to me
  Absolute darkness and void.

The Fire Feather Tower was suspended there quietly.

Inside the Fire Feather Tower, the ancient demon's true form looked at the Night King and asked curiously: "You three masters of the universe want to disrupt the universe sea? Is this arrogance? Or do you have any special means?"

The ancient demon's true form is more inclined to have some special means.

after all.

He had already learned from the Night King that the Charming Lord of the Haoyang Holy Land had enslaved the Lord Wulan of the Purple Chrysalis Tribe, and he knew the basic situation of his cosmic sea.

Also knew of his existence.

Therefore, if Haoyang Holy Land dares to send three universe masters to cause trouble, it should be fully prepared.

"Master, now the 'Tiandimensional Gate' is still in the phantom stage of the energy state. It has not completely arrived. It cannot support the arrival of the Holy Land army, nor can it support the true god's reward. It can only transmit the arrival of the Lord of the Universe, who is also in the energy state of the divine body! "The Night King said.

"Can only energy-type beings pass through? Wouldn't that allow the most powerful person in the universe, who is an energy-type life, to come?" the ancient demon's true form asked.

Haoyang Holy Land dominates a cosmic sea.

The cosmic sea on the other side of the Tianwei Gate can be said to be the Haoyang Cosmic Sea.

Flesh and flesh life, energy life, metal life, plant life, etc., as long as they are talented and powerful, they are all members of Haoyang Holy Land.

It shouldn’t be a problem to send the strongest person in the energy-based universe, right?
  If there are energy-type lives among the ten saints, wouldn't there be eleventh-level combat power as soon as they come?

"The true gods of energy, well, what the master calls the strongest in the universe, although they can teleport over, but after teleporting over, they are too far away to contact their own small universe." The Night King explained.

"Once a battle occurs, you can only rely on the divine power stored in your own divine body, and cannot receive the divine power stored in the 'small universe'."

"Since this happens, it is very likely that the master, the true god of the universe sea, will exhaust his divine power and die!"

"That's why we sent the three of us here."

"The three of us brought the kingdom of God here, and we have the origin of the universe divided from the original universe, which is enough to support the evolution of our kingdom into a small universe. Therefore, as long as we advance to true gods here, we can have a 'small universe'. No need to worry about the consumption of divine power!”

The Night King said, flipping his hand, a spherical gray metal ball with a diameter of a thousand meters was suspended in the void.

A stream of chaotic air currents wandered on the surface of the metal ball.

"Master, my kingdom of gods is here." The Night King said.

Looking at the gray metal ball, the ancient demon's true form was startled.

The kingdom of God is here?

Is there such an operation?

  "You just said that the original universe was divided into the origin of the universe?" The ancient demon's true form suddenly thought of what the Night King just said, and asked, "Could it be that your original universe was taken away?"


  A magnificent pressure of will came, and the ancient demon's true form stopped asking and looked up.

"The original will of the original universe." The ancient demon's true form frowned.

Next to him, the Night King seemed to feel nothing. The pressure of the original will of the original universe could only be sensed by the ancient demon's true form.

The ancient demon's true form knows that this is a warning!
  I can't go on!

Warning or not, the ancient demon's true form no longer matters.

Because he already knew that the original universe of the Haoyang Cosmic Sea was definitely taken away by the people of the Haoyang Holy Land.

The person who took over the original universe of the Haoyang Cosmic Sea may be the Haoyang Emperor, or there may be someone else.

But the ancient demon's true form doesn't care who takes over the original universe.

On the contrary, the current situation has made the ancient demon understand that the original will of the universe cannot do anything to the Night King and the three masters of the universe from the Haoyang Cosmic Sea, such as directly suppressing the Night King and the others. .

That is
  It should be allowed by the supreme rules for strong men born in the cosmic sea to come to other cosmic seas.


An idea flashed in the ancient demon's true form.

He remembered that his system mission——

Look towards the panel.

【Task 2】Conquest (unfinished)
  [Reward] Tianwei Gate

"Conquest. Is this mission for me to conquer the 'Haoyang Cosmic Sea'?" The ancient demon couldn't help but think in his mind.


Maybe not!

It may also be alien forces such as the Zerg, Monster, and Mechanical Races that conquered the original universe.

It seems that I had previously planned to wait until the ‘World of Jin’ came and defrauded the Zerg, Mechanical, Monster and other alien races before conquering the original universe, but now I may have to move forward!

Especially now, the ancient demon's true form knows that this 'Heavenly Gate' can actually descend to other cosmic seas.

I am even more eager to obtain the ‘Tianwei Gate’.

Even if you don't use it in the Cosmic Sea, when you get to the Origin Continent, with the powerful teleportation ability of the 'Tiandimensional Gate', you can at least reduce the time you need to travel.

The Origin Continent, if you guessed it correctly, will be vast and boundless.

Even for a Chaos Dominator-level (Saint-level) powerhouse, it takes a lot of time to get from one place to another.

at this time.

In the void, the majestic pressure of will receded.

The ancient demon's true form also came back to his senses.

He looked at the Night King and said, "According to what you said, you, Bloodbane, and Xiaozhao can all step into the strongest position in the universe at any time, right? Are you coming here with the intention of becoming the strongest person in the universe here?"

"Yes, Master!" The Night King nodded.

He wondered why the master suddenly changed the subject from asking about the situation of the original universe to his promotion to true god, but this was not what he should ask.

"Although this place is quite hidden and safe, the chaotic air flow is thin, which is not conducive to the growth of your small universe." The ancient demon's real body said, "Promote elsewhere!"

The Night King is already his soul slave.

And he will be the first soul slave of the strongest person in the universe!
  The stronger the strength, the better!
  "Yes, Master!" the Night King responded.

"How much do you know about the Tianwei Gate?" the ancient demon's true form asked.

"Master, in the past, Haoyang Holy Land did not have the 'Tianwei Gate'. It was accidentally obtained by this generation of emperors when they were exploring the edge of the universe sea." The Night King said, "Haoyang Holy Land is using the 'Tianwei Gate' Before the Gate' comes to the cosmic sea where the master is, use the 'Tianwei Gate' to come to another cosmic sea, which is called 'Cosmic Sea No. 1' by Haoyang Holy Land."

"Cosmic Sea No. 1 has more than a dozen with tenth-level combat power, and one with eleventh-level combat power. Their strength is several levels stronger than the cosmic sea where the master is."


"Haoyang Holy Land is stronger."

"The three great saints led the Holy Land army to sweep across the cosmic sea No. 1 and occupy the cosmic sea No. 1."

As the Night King spoke, he stretched out his hand a little, and a virtual screen appeared in the void. On it was the scene of Haoyang Holy Land's conquest of Cosmic Sea No. 1.

There is also a figure of the Night King in the scene.

Obviously, the Night King was once part of the Haoyang Holy Land army that attacked Cosmic Sea No. 1.

"Today, the cosmic sea where the master is located is named Cosmic Sea No. 2. It is the second 'cosmic sea' to be occupied by Haoyang Holy Land." The Night King added.

Unexpectedly, Haoyang Holy Land has already occupied a cosmic sea!
  The ancient demon's true form was a little surprised.


Compared with the catastrophe of the world beast, that is nothing at all.

After all, one billion world beasts are one billion true gods.

Although it will be reduced due to fighting and devouring each other, the strength of the world beasts will be stronger.

Especially the King of World Beasts. If the King of World Beasts were thrown into the Haoyang Cosmic Sea, all the small universes in the Haoyang Cosmic Sea would be destroyed, including the Haoyang Holy Land.

The biggest threat to myself, the cosmic sea, is the world beast!

Now, all we need to do is block the powerful men of Haoyang Holy Land at the ‘Tianwei Gate’, or catch them one by one, and kill them if they can’t be caught!


The ancient demon's real body controlled the Fire Feather Tower and headed towards the 'Tianwei Gate'. "The three of you came here together, but why did you act separately?" asked the ancient demon's true form in the Fire Feather Tower.

"Master, although the three of us are core disciples of Haoyang Holy Land, there is a competitive relationship. Especially the subordinates and Blood Scourge are the most likely candidates to become the next generation of saints, so the competition is even more intense." The Night King said, "So, this mission can be considered a test, so we will do it separately."


"Everything is naturally task-oriented."

"So, once there is something that needs to be communicated with each other, we will still use 'communication tokens' to contact each other."

The Night King took out a black hexagonal token.

There are two big characters on the front of the token. The ancient demon's real body does not recognize the characters, but he can know the meaning of these two characters at a glance - Haoyang. On the back, there is a universe formed by many secret patterns.

Those who can possess tokens engraved with 'Haoyang' are all disciples of Haoyang Holy Land.

"How about, can you call them two here?" the ancient demon's true form asked.

I have no other idea, I just want to have two more soul slaves!

"I'll give it a try!" The Night King nodded.

He enters information into the token.


"Master, we are unable to contact Blood Bane and Demon Claw. The two of them have blocked the message reception!" The Night King shook his head and said, "If my subordinates guessed correctly, they should be advancing to the level of true gods now, feeling the evolution of the Kingdom of God with all their hearts. Small universe.”

"What a pity!!" The ancient demon's true form sighed slightly.

If he were still the master of the universe, it would be much easier for him to enslave the blood disaster and the claws.

But now, these two masters of the sea and universe of different universes have been promoted to the strongest in the universe, and it is much more difficult to enslave them again.

Slavery is difficult, so beat him to death!

Now that I don't know where they are, I can only press the matter for the time being and go to the 'Tianwei Gate' first.

Swish swish swish~
  The ancient demon's real body carried the Fire Feather Tower and teleported continuously.

A huge area shrouded in green light appeared in front of him, where the space was frozen and teleportation was impossible.

Stand outside the green light area.

The ‘Tianwei Gate’ cannot be seen.

The ancient demon's true form did not break in directly.

Last time, in the void space of the Universe Ship Wind Bell Domain, he destroyed the phantom of the 'Tianwei Gate' once, and his aura had long been remembered by the 'Dragon Tooth Saint', so unless he wanted to destroy the 'Tianwei Gate' again, door', otherwise it's better not to go in.

As for smashing the door of ‘Tianwei Tianwei’.
  The ancient demon's true form has no idea for the time being.

After all, if it is smashed, it will come again, and if it comes again, you have to look for the 'Tianwei Gate' again. It is better to monitor the 'Tianwei Gate' first, and then smash it when it is absolutely necessary.

In the hall of Fire Feather Tower.

  A figure in golden robes appeared out of thin air, it was the clone of the Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor's avatar's innate secret method of 'catching the moon from the well' is used to monitor the 'Tianwei Gate'. It can see everything clearly and can even attack through the water. It is the most secret monitoring method and combat method. .

The demon dragon clone in the universe boat wind chime domain controls the 'coordinate point' and quickly moves towards the 'coordinate point' of the Immortal Emperor clone in the ancient mysterious territory of the original universe.

Since the ‘Tianwei Gate’ appears in the Dark Qingfeng Domain, there is no need to stay in the void space of the Wind Chime Domain!
  Inside the Fire Feather Tower.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor directly used 'Catching the Moon in the Well'.


In front of him, a golden well appeared. On the water surface at the bottom of the well, the scene in the green light area was reflected, and in the center was the 'Tianwei Gate'.

The Tianwei Gate is still mostly a phantom, but some places have turned into entities.

"Lord of Ulan!" The Immortal Emperor's clone also saw a thousand-legged life crawling in the void in front of the Tianwei Gate. It was the 'Lord of Ulan' of the Purple Pupa Clan.

The Immortal Emperor's clone does not intend to kill the 'Lord of Ulan'.

Killing the ‘Lord of Ulan’ would be equivalent to telling Haoyang Holy Land that the Tianwei Gate had been discovered.

But keeping the ‘Lord of Ulan’ can paralyze Haoyang Holy Land.

Now, as long as the Immortal Emperor's clone monitors the Tianwei Gate, the initiative is in his hands.

Once you find out something is wrong.

He can destroy the 'Tianwei Gate' at any time.

The Immortal Emperor's clone is in charge here.

The Lord of the Holy Universe, the Lord of Nine Netherworlds, the Lord of Fengtian God, and the Lord of Thunder Snake have all received the summons from Chen Zong. They don’t need to investigate anymore. Everything here is over.

The Lord of the Holy Universe left the Dark Green Peak Domain directly.


They also received another order from Chen Zong, which was to go to the cosmic boat. If they encountered blood disaster or claws, they would report it immediately and not act rashly.

As for the Lord of Nine Nethers, the Lord of Fengtian God, and the Lord of Thunder Snake, they did not receive orders from the three ancestor gods and did not return to the original universe.

They are still exploring the Dark Qingfeng Domain!

Chen Zong had no intention of telling them where the Tianwei Gate was.

But the three of them were always a little awkward in the Judian Qingfeng Domain.


Chen Zong's divine clone left in the Ancestral Palace once again talked with the original will of the original universe through the three ancestral gods. Only then did the Lord of Nine Nethers, the Lord of Fengtian, and the Lord of Thunder Snake stop their exploration and return to the original universe. .

As for the three 'Chaos Gates', Chen Zong took them back first.

And the Thunder-Clothed Demon God!

The true form of the ancient demon descended on the area where the Thunder-clothed Demon God was.

The ancient demon's true form did not take back the 'Gate of Chaos', but the mission of the Thunder-clothed Demon God changed. Like the Lord of the Universe in the Holy World, he went to the space ship to search for claws and blood disasters.

"Ancient Lord, I am not your subordinate." The Thunder-clothed Demon God said coldly.

"Then you don't want this 'Gate of Chaos'?" the ancient demon's true form said.

"No more!" The Thunder-clothed Demon God twitched his mouth when he heard the 'Gate of Chaos'. He already knew that this was not a treasure at all, but a location tracker. With this, his whereabouts were all under the eyes of the Ancient Lord. Underneath.

"for you!"

The Thunder-clothed Demon God threw the ‘Gate of Chaos’.

No hesitation at all!

"." The ancient demon's true form was speechless.

"Lei Yi, if you are willing to go to the space ship to do something, and if things go well, I can refine a most powerful treasure palace for you!" The ancient demon's real body did not take back the 'Gate of Chaos', but used it to The palace of powerful treasures seduces the thunder-robed demon.

"What? The Palace of the Most Powerful Treasure?" The Thunder-clothed Demon God's eyes lit up.

Originally, he should have a most powerful and precious palace, but unfortunately, Duan Donghe used too much force and destroyed the most powerful and precious palace of the Divine Eye Clan.

If the Supreme Treasure Palace had been there, he wouldn't have been chased and beaten by the God of the Eyes of God last time!

"Old Lord, why don't you give me the most powerful treasure first, and then I will help you find someone." The Thunder-clothed Demon God said.

"We haven't even started yet. We need a most powerful treasure. You are better at doing business than I am." The ancient demon's real body shook his head and said, "But this is not feasible. Just like before, I used the 'Broken East River inheritance' Trading the most powerful treasure means handing over the inheritance with one hand and the most powerful treasure with the other. Don’t worry, as long as you find someone, I will give you a palace with the most powerful treasure!"

"You promise?" Thunder-clothed Demon God asked.

"When did I break my promise?" the ancient demon's true form said with a smile.

"Hmm." The Thunder-clothed Demon God lowered his eyebrows and thought for a moment. It seemed that he was just looking for someone anyway, and he wasn't going to fight to the death. It didn't seem to be anything. At most, he was just spending some time, so it wasn't a loss.

He immediately looked at the ancient demon's true form and said seriously: "Okay, I'll take over this mission!!!"

Under the instruction of the ancient demon's true form, the Thunder-clothed Demon God regained the 'Gate of Chaos'.

The Thunder-clothed Demon God left the Dark Green Peak Domain and headed towards the space ship.

(End of this chapter)

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