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Chapter 482 Searching for enemies in the void, the master is too strong!

Chapter 482 Searching for enemies in the void, the master is too strong!
  Space boat, Binglan world.

On the endless frozen land, the wind and snow are raging.

"Ho ho ho~"

The cold wind mixed with ice picks and snowflakes shuttled between the ice and snow mountains, leaving behind a bone-chilling whistling sound. Those ice picks hit the ice wall with a roar, like stars exploding, powerful The shock wave shook the heaven and the earth.

On the ice and snow mountains, the snow suddenly collapsed.


The sky is shattering and the earth is shattering!

If he is caught in an avalanche, even the Lord of the Universe wearing the Peak Arcana Armor cannot withstand the power of the avalanche and is directly annihilated. Although the Peak Arcana Armor can be preserved, it will also be badly damaged.

At this time, a black fusiform warship broke through the space and appeared under the avalanche.

"Hmph!" A cold voice came from the fusiform warship.

Then, I saw the blood-red secret patterns on the black surface of the warship blooming with dazzling blood light. The blood light gathered at the front of the warship. Boom, a huge pillar of blood light rose into the sky, tearing the universe apart and rushing towards the fast A swooping avalanche.


Wherever the giant pillar of blood and light passed by, everything turned into nothingness.

The avalanche was split directly in half.

After the giant pillar of blood light passed by, the pressure it carried directly swept the torn avalanche high into the sky, and fell into the canyons on both sides of the mountain.

  The black spindle-shaped warship turned into a stream of light and disappeared at the end of the endless ice and snow.

Inside the warship.

"Teacher, my soul slave sent news that he saw the whereabouts of the Ancient Lord Demonic Dragon's clone in the Lingjue Central Mountain Range area." Xuehuo pointed to a place on the simulated map in the void and said, "This is here Lingjue Central Mountain Range, in the deepest part of Binglan Realm."

After the Charming Lord arrived at the space ship, he immediately looked for the blood disaster.

After finding the blood disaster, he rushed towards the Binglan Realm with the blood disaster.

While pointing out the location, Blood Bane also simulated the appearance and breath of the demon dragon's clone.

"Very good!" The corners of Charming Demon Lord's lips raised, and she waved her hand, and an oval-shaped golden framed mirror suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of her. The mirror reflected the peerless faces of Charming Demon Lord and Blood Disaster, but then , a golden dot appeared in the center of the mirror, and the golden dot expanded into a golden ring, spreading around.

Wherever the golden ring passed, the mirror images of Charming Demon Lord and Blood Scourge disappeared, replaced by a vast expanse of white snow.

"Yao Shui Mirror." Xuehuo said in surprise when he saw the mirror.

This Yaoshui Mirror is one of the five super treasures of Haoyang Holy Land and can detect situations at very far distances.

In the area in the cosmic sea where the true god can fall, ordinary detection methods, such as domain-type treasures, cannot detect those dangerous areas at all, but the Yaoshui Mirror can.


Isn't the Yaoshui Mirror in the hands of the emperor?
  How could it be in the hands of the teacher?
  Could it be that for this beheading operation, the emperor lent the Yaoshui Mirror to the teacher?

Seeing the surprise of the blood disaster, the Charming Demon Lord did not intend to explain. Instead, he controlled the warship to fly towards the central mountain range of Lingjue, and at the same time controlled the Yao Shui Mirror to explore the surrounding situation.

Xuehuo also looked at the scene in Yaoshui Mirror.

At the same time, she contacted the demon dragon clone in the Lingjue Central Mountains through her soul consciousness and informed the demon dragon clone of the situation here.

There is a soul connection between the soul slave and the master, and they can communicate with each other as long as they are not too far apart.

Lingjue Central Mountain Range.

On the back of a canyon, the cold wind was blocked by the front. The cold wind here was very weak, and the snowflakes falling in the sky were softer. They slowly fell on the thick layer of ice and snow in the canyon, gradually increasing the thickness of the ice and snow layer.

On the ice wall a little above the ice and snow layer, there is a protruding ice platform.

The demon dragon clone sat cross-legged on the ice platform.

"Huh? This Yaoshui Mirror is very similar to the Immortal Emperor's clone's innate secret method of 'fishing for the moon in the well'!" Upon receiving the news of the blood disaster, the Demon Dragon clone was a little surprised.

"Catch the moon in the water!"

The demon dragon clone waved his hand, and a stream of water appeared in front of him.

The water flow spreads out, forming a first-class water curtain.

In this ice mist world, even some strong people can be frozen to death, but this flowing water curtain seems to be immune to the cold air of the outside world, retaining the shape of flowing water.


On the flowing water curtain, the figure of the demon dragon's clone appeared, and then the field of vision expanded rapidly.

Compared with the vast and vast field of vision, the figure of the demon dragon clone is like a speck of dust on the earth.

The demon dragon clone looked at the flowing water curtain.

This 'fishing for the moon in the water' is a tenth-level secret method created by Chen Zong based on 'catching the moon in the well'. Except that the detection range is not as wide as 'catching the moon in the well' and requires more divine power to maintain, it is the same as 'catching the moon in the well'. No difference.

The demon dragon clone looked at the water curtain and waited quietly.

Time passes gradually.

"Huh? Here it comes!" The demon dragon clone saw a black spindle-shaped warship appearing in the water curtain, which was exactly the same as the most powerful and precious warship of the Charming Lord mentioned by Blood Bane.

The demon dragon clone smiled slightly.

He immediately flew towards the black fusiform warship.

The water curtain flew high into the sky together with the demon dragon clone, and was still in front of the demon dragon clone.

"The Charming Lord is good at soul will attacks, and what I am least worried about is soul will attacks." Looking at the warship in the water curtain, the demon dragon clone smiled slightly.

Not to mention the illusory mountain in every bit of divine power, even his will that has reached the level of the eternal true god can withstand extremely strong soul will attacks.


The Demonic Dragon clone and the Charming Demon Lord are getting closer and closer.

The demon dragon clone lifted the "moon in the water".

Inside the black fusiform warship.

"Teacher, the Ancient Lord, I have seen the Ancient Lord!" Xuehuo immediately shouted.

at this time.

In the Yaoshui Mirror, the demon dragon clone is not flying in a straight line, but more like exploring the central mountain range of Lingjue, carefully exploring every place it passes for possible treasures.

"Well, it's him." The Charming Lord showed excitement, "Although the main purpose of becoming a teacher is to soul-kill the Ancient Lord, it will be more beneficial to us if we can enslave the Ancient Lord."

Slave master?

Blood Bane immediately sent the news to the demon dragon clone.

On a mountain peak.

"Slave me?" The demon dragon clone's expression remained unchanged, as if it was not aware of the danger, and was exploring the surrounding icebergs, looking for treasures.

And at this time.

Inside the black fusiform warship.

"The distance is enough!" The Charming Demon Lord looked at the demon dragon clone in the Yaoshui Mirror and smiled.

"Is the distance enough?" Xuehuo was startled. She didn't understand the meaning of the words of the Charming Demon Lord. They were still far away from the demon dragon clone. Could it be that the teacher wanted to use the secret method of soul enslavement here?

Is this too far?

Not to mention enslavement, the distance to perform the soul attack is not enough. "This Yao Shui Mirror can not only detect the surrounding situation, but also enhance secret attacks and extend the attack range." The Charming Demon Saint said, "In the beginning, the Emperor relied on the Yao Shui Mirror to discover the 'Gate of Heavenly Dimension'. However, the 'Tianwei Gate' is in a desperate place, and the emperor cannot get close to collect it. The reason why he was able to successfully collect it is that he relied on the function of the Yao Shui Mirror to bless the secret method, which extended the attack range of the secret method."

  Blood Disaster was startled.

She immediately contacted the dragon clone.

However, at this time, boom~, I saw that the Charming Demon Lord had already displayed the most powerful secret method of flexible enslavement. With the blessing of the Yaoshui Mirror, a blood-red mark quickly traveled through the space and rushed directly into the body of the demon dragon clone. .

The blood-red mark immediately turned into blood mist, eroding the soul of the demon dragon clone.

In the blood mist, one could vaguely see the graceful figures without any obstruction, and the phantom sounds sounded, trying to arouse the desire of the demon dragon's clone.

But at this moment.

  The illusive golden magical mountain bloomed with dazzling golden light, and the blood mist melted and disappeared like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun.

The graceful figures and the phantom sounds also melted under the dazzling golden light.

"What a powerful secret method of soul enslavement, it actually triggered the illusory golden magical mountain to defend itself against the enemy!" The demon dragon clone was shocked, but then, something even more surprising happened to him, "This"

I saw.

The golden light blooming from the Golden Fantasy Mountain actually condensed into a golden secret pattern mark. Except for the color being different from the blood mark, everything else was exactly the same.

The golden secret pattern mark absorbed a ray of blood mist, then flashed and disappeared.

A black fusiform warship.

"Not good!" The Charming Demon Saint was shocked when he saw a golden mark entering her True God's Heart.


Her eyes immediately seemed to lose focus and look.

The whole person stood blankly.

It's like losing your soul!
  But soon, the eyes of the Charming Lord regained their sparkle. She looked at the demon dragon clone in the Yaoshui Mirror. She felt helpless in her heart, but she still saluted respectfully: "Master!"

"." Xue Hui stared blankly at everything in front of him.

Doesn’t the Charming Saint want to enslave his master?

Why do you call the master master now?
  She didn't understand!

On the ice and snow mountains in the distance, the face of the demon dragon clone showed a look of surprise.

What surprised him was not that he had enslaved the Charming Lord, but the changes in the 'Illusive Golden Divine Mountain' within his body.

The change just now made him understand that after the last time the 'Golden Divine Mountain' was integrated into the will, although it was taken out again, it still changed the 'Illusive Golden Divine Mountain', making the 'Illusive Golden Divine Mountain' also possessed The ability of the 'Golden Magical Mountain'.

And this 'backlash' is a passive ability of the 'Golden Magic Mountain'.

As long as anyone dares to enslave the owner of the Divine Magic Mountain, the Golden Divine Mountain will quickly condense the corresponding enslavement mark, search for enemies in the void, and enslave enemies who use the secret method of soul enslavement.

  too strong!
  The demon dragon clone had a smile on his face.

He originally planned to kill the Charming Demon Lord, but now, he has gained a soul slave with eleven levels of combat power, which is better than killing him.


  The demon dragon clone used the secret method of teleportation, and a golden secret pattern appeared under his feet, and a huge golden secret pattern also appeared above the black fusiform warship in the distance.

The figure of the demon dragon clone appeared from the huge golden secret pattern and slowly landed.

The hatch of the black fusiform warship opened, and the demon dragon clone went directly through the hatch and entered the interior of the black fusiform warship.

"Master!" The Charming Demon Saint and the Blood Scourge respectfully saluted the demon dragon clone.


The Charming Demon Lord looked at the bloody disaster and felt even more helpless.

She never expected that her favorite disciple would become his master's soul slave.

This time coming to Binglan Realm is nothing more than a trap.

  The Charming Demon Lord looked at the throne that she had been sitting on before, with great reverence in her heart.

  The master's ability is really too powerful!
  The master enslaved her without even meeting her. She would never have believed this before.

But now, after experiencing it personally, she understands that the world is too big.

There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world!
  "Charming Demon, what is the situation at Haoyang Holy Land now? Why did you be sent here to kill me before the Gate of Heavenly Dimension came completely?" The demon dragon clone looked at the Holy Lord of the Demonic Demon and asked.

"Master, your threat is too high. The emperor is worried that you will advance to the True God." The Charming Demon Lord responded, "With Master's strength, once you advance to the True God, you will definitely be a twelfth-level super being in the invincible universe sea, and your strength is not weak. Yu Dizi."

"And then"

"If the emperor's son comes across the universe sea, he will lose the support of the small universe, but the master will have a small universe. The emperor's son will not be able to fight a protracted war with the master."

"The Emperor cannot guarantee that he will be able to kill a super strong man who is also at the twelfth level in a short period of time."

"So, the subordinates were sent here to kill the master."

"Well, apart from this reason, it actually has something to do with Emperor Haoyang. The Emperor once issued an order to speed up the conquest of the Cosmic Sea."

After the Charming Saint finished speaking, he stood obediently and waited for the master on the throne to speak.

"Emperor Haoyang?" The demon dragon clone frowned.

This matter is actually related to Emperor Haoyang. Could it be that conquering the cosmic sea can help Emperor Haoyang?

  Even if the people of Haoyang Holy Land successfully seize the bodies of many primitive universes, they only have the hope of becoming the master of chaos. As for the God King, it is not possible to achieve it by seizing the bodies of the universe sea.

The demon dragon clone is not clear whether Emperor Haoyang is the master of chaos or the god king.

But no matter which one it is, letting his subordinates conquer the cosmic sea will only mean that Emperor Haoyang can have more powerful subordinates in the future.

  and many more!

A powerful subordinate.

If the three thousand cosmic seas are occupied by the Haoyang Holy Land, wouldn't it mean that those who will go through reincarnation in the future will all be strong men of the Haoyang Emperor's lineage?
  "The ambition is really big enough!" the demon dragon clone said secretly.


He also knew that it was simply impossible to occupy three thousand universe seas.

Although he didn't know how many cosmic seas among the three thousand cosmic seas were the hometowns of the powerful God King, it was definitely not just one or two.

Emperor Haoyang wants to occupy the cosmic sea where the God King was born, and if the God King is still alive, even if Emperor Haoyang is also a God King, the possibility is very low.

after all.

This is tantamount to being an enemy of another god-king.

For the sake of some subordinates, and subordinates who have no hope of even becoming a God King, it is simply not worth offending a God King.

Therefore, Emperor Haoyang's conquest of the Universe Sea should not be for more subordinates, but for other purposes.

"Other purposes. Could it be that Emperor Haoyang asked Haoyang Holy Land to conquer the Cosmic Sea in order to increase his strength to a higher level?" The demon dragon clone lowered his head and thought, and then his eyes were determined, "No matter what the purpose is, this Cosmic Sea must not Falling into the hands of Haoyang Holy Land."

"Charming Demon!" The demon dragon clone looked at the Charming Demon Lord.

"Master!" The Charming Demon Lord responded respectfully.

"Let's go back to the Tianwei Gate!" the demon dragon clone said.

(End of this chapter)

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