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Chapter 483: Realized, ten thousand times more genes!

Chapter 483: Realized, times more genes!
  The black fusiform warship restarted and was about to break through the space.

at this time.

Inside the warship.

"No need to activate the warship!" the demon dragon clone said, and with a wave of his hand, a Chaos Gate appeared out of thin air and landed in the center of the hall.

The Charming Lord stopped controlling the warship and looked at the Chaos Gate with confusion.

Although there is also a Chaos Gate in the Blood Calamity, she put it away before meeting with the Charming Lord, and there was no need to go to the Chaos Gate on her way, so the Charming Lord has never seen the Chaos Gate. .

The demon dragon clone erased the life mark on the Chaos Gate.

"Charming Demon, recognize this Gate of Chaos as your master." The demon dragon clone looked at the Charming Demon Lord.

"Yes, Master!" Although the Charming Demon Lord did not understand what he meant, she could only obey the Master's orders.

After successfully recognizing the owner.

The Charming Lord directly obtained the information about the Gate of Chaos.

"This" the Charming Demon Lord looked shocked, "Hiss, the Gate of Chaos. This is simply a simplified version of the Gate of Heavenly Dimension."

The demon dragon clone looked at Blood Bane and nodded.

"Teacher, this is the route map to the transfer station." Xuehuo understood and immediately sent the route map to the Gate of Chaos transfer station to the Charming Demon Saint through the communication token.

Hearing the sound of blood disaster, the Charming Demon Saint came back to his senses and received the road map.

"You two go to the Tianwei Gate." The demon dragon clone ordered.

"Yes, Master!" Charming Demon Saint and Blood Scourge nodded respectfully.


The hatch opens.

The demon dragon clone left the warship.

In front of him, a Gate of Chaos appeared out of thin air. The magical power of the demon dragon clone poured into the Gate of Chaos, and the Gate of Chaos suddenly opened.

  The demon dragon clone escaped into the Gate of Chaos and disappeared together with the Gate of Chaos.

The cosmic sea, the extremely dark Qingfeng domain.

Outside the green light area, inside the Fire Feather Tower, the Gate of Chaos opened.

Charming Demon Lord and Blood Scourge flew out from the Gate of Chaos and came to the Immortal Emperor's clone. The Demon Dragon clone did not come over, but stayed in the space boat. He saluted respectfully: "Master!"

"Charming Demon, tell me the current situation at the Gate of Heavenly Dimension. Can you send strong men over again?" the Immortal Emperor's clone asked.

"Master, the Gate of Heavenly Dimension has not yet completely arrived. I was sent here not long ago. No more powerful people will come here for the time being. Otherwise, this will affect the stability of the Gate of Heavenly Dimension and delay the arrival time." Charming Demon Saint Zun said, "However, even if no strong person comes for the time being, based on the current situation of the arrival of the Tianwei Gate, in a thousand years, the Tianwei Gate will definitely come."

"A thousand years?" The Immortal Emperor's clone frowned.

One thousand years is very urgent!

He learned from the mouths of Blood Bane, Night King, and Zha that the strongest combat power in the Haoyang Holy Land was not the Emperor's son, but the powerful mechanical battleship - the 'Tianyang Battleship'.

The black fusiform battleship driven by the Charming Lord is a simplified version of the Tianyang battleship.

Although it is a simplified version, it is still a most powerful treasure level treasure.

As for the 'Tianyang Battleship', it is a super battleship that can kill the True God of the Void. It is extremely powerful!

Just like the cosmic sea where Chen Zong is located, there are also many treasures originating from the mainland that have crossed the ocean and arrived at the cosmic sea where Haoyang Holy Land is located, and the ‘Tianyang Battleship’ is one of them.

The Haoyang Emperor also relied on these opportunities from the Origin Continent to possess strong strength, break through the passage of reincarnation, and establish the Haoyang Holy Land.

Emperor Haoyang left five Tianyang battleships in the Holy Land.

Like the 'Yao Shui Mirror', the 'Tianyang Battleship' is also one of the five super treasures of Haoyang Holy Land.

"You said before that it was because of my existence that Haoyang Holy Land paid a huge price and tried its best to speed up the arrival of the Tianwei Gate." The clone of the Immortal Emperor looked down at the Charming Demon Lord and the Blood Scourge and asked, "But if it weren't for me, With this threat, Haoyang Holy Land should follow the plan step by step and not choose to speed up the arrival of the Tianwei Gate, right?"

"Yes, the master is right." The Charming Demon Lord nodded.

"In this case, you will send a message back, saying that I have been beheaded and the beheading operation has been successfully completed!" said the clone of the Immortal Emperor.

One thousand years is really too short.

With his current strength, he has no confidence in breaking through the 'Tianyang Battleship'.

As for the Haoyang Holy Land, which has the Tianyang battleship, it is still worried that Chen Zong will become a threat. The main reason is that the cosmic sea is too large. Once Chen Zong hides and engages in guerrilla warfare, it will be difficult for the Haoyang Holy Land army to defend.

Although he occupies the cosmic sea, there is still a steel thorn in this cosmic sea, which pierces deeply into his body.

feeling bad!

What worries Haoyang Holy Land even more is that Chen Zong breaks through to the level of the Void True Body, so that Chen Zong can break through reincarnation and go to the Origin Continent. With Chen Zong's talent, he will definitely rise quickly in the Origin Continent, possibly in Haoyang Holy Land. The strong man takes the lead in seizing the original universe before he seizes it.

Once the original universe is successfully seized by Chen Zong, their Haoyang Holy Land army will have no choice but to return to Haoyang Holy Land in despair.

and so.

With the threat of Chen Zong, Haoyang Holy Land is on pins and needles.

But now, if the Charming Holy Lord sends the news of killing Chen Zong back to Haoyang Holy Land, Haoyang Holy Land will naturally breathe a sigh of relief, and they will no longer waste resources just to arrive thousands of years earlier.

"Yes, Master!" The Charming Demon Lord nodded.

In front of Tianwei Gate.

"My lords!" Lord Wulan approached the Tianwei Gate.

"But is there any news about the beheading operation?" A voice came from the other side of the Tianwei Gate.

Before, before the Holy Lord Charming Demon was enslaved by Chen Zong's soul, he got the news that the demon dragon's clone was in the Binglan Realm, and sent the information back to Haoyang Holy Land through Lord Wulan, so Haoyang Holy Land also knew about Charming Demon The Holy Lord has gone to find the Ancient Lord.

"Yes." Lord Ulan nodded, "Just now, the master sent back the message that the beheading operation was successful and the ancient Lord's soul has been killed."

"Succeeded? Hahaha! Well, the charm is indeed the strongest soul master in the Holy Land." Another voice of joy came.

The Lord of Ulan is the soul slave of the Charming Lord, so they naturally believe what the Lord of Ulan says.

The other side of Tianwei Gate.

"Since the beheading is successful, there is no need to waste resources to speed up the arrival of the Tianwei Gate." On the golden throne, the emperor looked at the saints and said.

Dragon Ya Shengzun and others nodded in agreement.

"This No. 2 Cosmic Sea will be taken over by the 'blood disaster'. Do you have any objections?" The emperor said again.


Except for the Dragon Ya Holy Lord who was not very happy, the other saints didn't care. After all, it was not their disciples who were fighting against the blood disaster!

"Let your master stay in Cosmic Sea No. 2. In six thousand years, the Holy Land army will come." The emperor looked towards the Tianwei Gate.

"Yes, sir!" Lord Wulan responded.

Outside the blue light area.

Inside the Fire Feather Tower.

"Master, the Holy Land army will arrive in more than six thousand years!" said the Charming Demon Lord.

"More than six thousand years." The clone of the Immortal Emperor said softly.

Although time is still tight, it is much better than the previous thousand years, with five times more time.

Space with black veined stone pillars.

Around the twelfth black-patterned stone pillar, the area where the eternal true god's will impacted, Chen Zong sat cross-legged on the huge stone, the door of chaos in his world ring suddenly opened, and the demon dragon clone flew out from the door of chaos.


  The demon dragon clone appeared next to Chen Zong.

Then, swoosh, a golden magical mountain appeared in front of them out of thin air. As for the huge bronze pillar formation in the main hall of the Divine Hall, it had already been closed when they arrived here.

after all. The formation of ninety-nine giant bronze pillars has a speed of 50,000 times, but it also has a strong will impact, which is not conducive to enlightenment.

It's a waste of energy to leave it on.

At this time.

  On a boulder not far away.

The ancient demon's real body stopped refining the 'Exploding Arrow', and he also flew over.

  Chen Zong, the ancient demon's true form, and the demonic dragon's clone all entered the Divine Fantasy Mountain and entered the secret room space where the World Tree's clone was located. The Immortal Emperor's clone in the Dark Green Peak Domain also entered the secret room space where the World Tree's clone was located.

Monitoring the Tianwei Gate is no longer needed!

Turn on fifty thousand times the time flow rate.

  The secret room space vibrated.

"No, the energy is consumed too fast!" Chen Zong's expression changed.

"Forty thousand times the speed of time!"

"It's still too fast!
  "Time flows ten thousand times faster!"

  The secret room space immediately stabilized.

The flow rate of time in the outside world is 50 times. Adding the 1 times the flow rate of time here, the current flow rate of time in the secret room space is billion times the flow rate of time in the original universe.

"Okay!" Chen Zong breathed a sigh of relief.

The energy accumulated in the Divine Fantasy Mountain over endless years is enough for him to consume for a period of time.

Now is the time to seize time. Even if all the energy in the Divine Fantasy Mountain is consumed, as long as the 'World Beast Life Structure Diagram' can be successfully analyzed, it will all be worth it.

Chen Zong, the Immortal Emperor's clone, and others used the 'Heavenly Evolution Technique' in the secret room space to analyze the 'World Beast Life Structure Diagram' with all their strength.

The true form of the ancient demon is still in the original universe, observing the world.

as time flows.

Quietly, Chen Zong's will was gradually changing.


The ancient demon's true form also came to outer space, looking at the blue planet in the distance.

In the eyes of the ancient demon's true form, time is flowing backwards, the earth is rapidly moving in reverse direction around the sun in circles, and everything on the earth is also constantly changing.

"This is the past."

"What about the future?"

Under the eyes of the ancient demon's true form, the entire solar system is changing again, and the scenes are constantly changing.

If time goes back and the scene is very clear, then when the ancient demon looks into the future, the scene is constantly changing. The past has happened and everything is irreversible.

The future is unknown and has many possibilities.

There is destruction and there is new life!

The ancient demon's true form just watched all this calmly.


The ancient demon's true form suddenly changed its expression.


The eyes of the ancient demon's real body lit up. Under his gaze, from the endless ancient past to the future, the earth revolves around the sun in circles. Even in all possibilities in the future, the earth still revolves around the sun, in circles. , eternal and endless, seemingly repetitive and cumbersome, but it has a pattern that no one can stop.

"Earth!" The ancient demon's true form turned its eyes and focused on the earth.

From the endless past to the future.

As a living planet, the earth always attracts strange life forces in an extremely wide area and breeds life. This life force is invisible. You can travel through the original universe to see the true form of ancient demons in the past and future, but you can faintly discover them from clues. Traces, feeling that the entire earth is the core of life in the vast surrounding area.

"The earth revolves around the sun, and the sun is the core"

"It can be a life-producing system, and within a vast area, the earth is the core."

"Celestial System."

"Living Systems."

"Different systems, but perfectly integrated" scenes passed before the eyes of the ancient demon's true body. They were the trajectories of countless planets. At the same time, another scene emerged, which was the complex life structure diagram of his own life and the life of the world beast. Structure diagram.

"Different yet connected."

Beyond space, beyond time.

Originating from the supreme law of operation, everything leads to the final destination.

Lord of the Universe, True God.
  Completely opposite lives are nurtured by the cosmic sea and lead to the same end.

I have seen the movement trajectories of countless planets and heaven and earth before my eyes, the trajectories drawn by the traces of life force attracted by each living planet, my already perfect life structure diagram, and the life structure diagram of the world beasts.
  "Diametrically opposed."

"But they are connected."

The ancient demon's true form stood in the outer space of the earth, thoughtful.

The same painting has different judgments in the eyes of different people.

This life structure diagram, in the eyes of the ancient demon's true form, only feels completely opposite, and there is no place to start.

But in the eyes of the ancient demon's true form at this moment, he found their common points from the endless and complicated life structure diagrams of the two.

"The structure of life!"

The ancient demon's true form stretched out the palm of his right hand. Every piece of divine power that made up the palm contained a soul imprint. Naturally, all the ancient demon's true form controlled and analyzed it extremely carefully.


Under the command of the consciousness of the ancient demon's true form, the structure of life began to change.

At this moment, the ancient demon's true form is like a superb holy hand, making a painting come alive with just a few strokes!

Similarly, he made some very simple changes to the life structure diagram. Many of the detailed structures are still the same as in the past, but the large frame connections have undergone completely different changes. With the changes to the life structure diagram, the ancient demon's true form becomes more and more sensible and clear. I feel that the Lord of the Universe, the True God faction, and the World Beast faction have something in common.

As the ancient demon's true form made seemingly simple changes to the larger framework of the life structure diagram, in the process, suddenly——


A very small part of the complex life structure diagram suddenly seemed to fall into place, and quickly began to gradually separate from the entire life structure diagram. This was not controlled by the ancient demon's real body, but a natural reaction.

When the ancient demon's real body undergoes changes, parts of the life structure diagram begin to automatically detach.

The internal structure of the very small part of the life structure diagram that was quickly detached also automatically transformed, like a domino effect. The internal structure had a chain reaction, and the structure diagram that the ancient demon's true body could understand quickly transformed from the structure diagram that even the ancient devil's true body could understand. A structural diagram that feels mysterious and unpredictable.

  This tiny part of the life structure diagram that was separated actually turned into the appearance of a naked ancient demon sitting cross-legged and smiling.

"Snap, snap, snap, snap!!!!"

Suddenly, when a very small part of the entire life structure diagram turned into a naked ancient demon sitting cross-legged and smiling, it also automatically triggered other parts of the life structure diagram. Suddenly, the naked ancient demon's avatars began to appear one by one, or became angry. Roaring, or fighting, or standing and meditating, or curling up to sleep, or laughing...

Various appearances were born one by one.

It was said slowly, but all the chain reactions were extremely rapid.

In the blink of an eye, the entire life structure diagram of the ancient devil's true body was completely transformed into one hundred thousand light points, and each light point was an ultra-miniature naked ancient devil's true form. It was these one hundred thousand ultra-miniature naked ancient devil's true form. Although the bodies are not connected to each other, they are vaguely connected, forming the life structure diagram of the ancient demon's true body.

"One hundred thousand points of light."

Even though the ancient demon's true form is the creator, he reorganizes his own life structure.

"I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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