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Chapter 484 Promoted to True God!

Chapter 484 Promoted to True God!

The original universe, the outer space of the solar system.

"The genetic level of one hundred thousand times life is finally achieved!" The ancient demon's true form looked at the changes in the palm of his right hand and showed a smile.

When the world beast was first analyzed, the life structure diagram of the world beast was one hundred thousand light points, and each light point was an ultra-miniature world beast, and the ultra-miniature world beast itself was an extremely complex life structure diagram.

At this moment, his life structure diagram is also a hundred thousand light points, each light point is also the naked ancient demon's true body, and the ultra-miniature ancient demon's true body also contains an extremely complex life structure diagram.

of course.

The super-miniature ancient demon's true form is different from the super-miniature world beast. Even the ancient devil's true form feels that its own is more mysterious than the world beast's!

At this time, one hundred thousand light points were born one after another, and this chain reaction seemed to come naturally.

"Buzz buzz~~"

When the first divine power on the right palm of the ancient demon's true body transformed, it was like an infection. There was no need for the ancient devil's true body to take the initiative to reorganize itself. It immediately began to spread rapidly, just like a drop of ink quickly spreading in the water. In his hand, a little golden light quickly began to appear.

Immediately after this, golden light spread crazily around!

The palm quickly turned into a dazzling hand emitting endless golden light, and at the same time it spread towards the whole body.

Because the divine power that transformed first and the divine power that transformed later have the same life mark of the ancient demon's true body. Under the guidance, this extremely perfect and higher life structure diagram has a fatal attraction to other divine powers, like a magnet. Just like it attracts other iron stones, it will naturally cause other divine powers to transform wildly.

  In less than five seconds, the ancient demon's true body, including its hair and two black horns, emitted bursts of golden light.

This is the moment when the entire divine body finally transforms completely!

Just like nuclear fusion, like the explosion of a super planet in the sun, just like the master of the universe exploding with tens of millions of times more energy than usual. The moment the ancient demon's true body finally completed its evolution, hundreds of millions of energy burst out from the whole body naturally. Thousands of golden lights!
  Billions of rays of light, shining for billions of light years.

"Whoosh whoosh-"

The golden light bursting out from the ancient demon's true body was not restricted by any rules at all, and its speed could be called teleportation. It instantly illuminated the solar system, illuminated the Holy Land of the Galaxy not far away, illuminated the entire galaxy, and also illuminated the entire Qianwu Universe Country. , and the golden light spread rapidly and silently, transcending time and space.

Nothing is hindered.

  Billions of golden lights passed through the human territory, and also illuminated the territories of the Zerg, Machine, Monster and other ethnic groups, and even the most deserted and darkest areas of the entire primitive universe where there was no life at all.

At this moment, not even the original will can affect or shake the majesty of this golden light.

  Billions of golden lights finally penetrated the membrane wall of the entire primitive universe and rushed into the endless sea of ​​chaotic universe.

At this moment, the ancient demon's true form was the center of the entire primitive universe.

With him as the center, billions of rays of light illuminate the entire original universe and spread out beyond the original universe.

The 'Earth-line' beings living on the earth closest to the ancient demon's true form, every earthling, whether they were in the light before or in the darkness, whether in the open space or indoors, whether they were The powerful earthlings who have become immortals, or the babbling babies who have just been born, all look up and follow the golden light at this moment.

The golden light that cannot be hindered by any substance, the golden light that transcends time and space, shines into the eyes of every living being, and even enters the soul of every living being.

In their souls, a golden figure clearly appeared, and they could clearly see the appearance of that figure.

Over the years, countless geniuses born on Earth have been absorbed into the ancient mysterious realm.

The strongest group of people on earth all come from the ancient mysterious realm.

Therefore, even if Chen Zong is not the earth lord, he, like Luo Feng, is also the spiritual leader of the earth lineage.

The spiritual leader worshiped by all people on earth.


Even the babbling babies don't know the name of this golden figure, but they will always remember its appearance. Even if they forget their memories of their infancy when they grow up, they can never forget that golden figure.

"It's the great Ancient Lord!"

Every earthling was shocked in their hearts. At the same time, when the golden light shone on them and penetrated deep into their souls, they naturally had the desire to kneel down.

Can't help it.

Everyone on the earth, whether they were the aloof immortals or the weak young men, knelt down.

Those cosmic human races living at the two poles of the earth, like the people on earth, all knelt down.

Jiuhuang Universe Junior High School.

This place was originally the territory of the demon clan, but now it is the territory of the human race. It is the cosmic kingdom opened up by Chen Zong’s direct disciple ‘Jiuhuang’.

Within the universe, within the secret realm of the Nine Desolations.

"It's time to advance to the Lord of the Universe!" In the clouds and mist, inside a majestic temple, Jiuhuang stood up and looked into the distant void, about to head to the Kingdom of God, preparing to break through the level.


Billions of golden lights came across the endless void and enveloped this place.

The guards, servants, and Jiuhuang were all shrouded in golden light, directly penetrating into their life marks, and the golden figure emerged in their souls.

In the Nine Desolate Secret Realm, no matter whether it is the weakest cosmic level or the lofty cosmic lord, no one else can surpass it, and they all kneel down.

That is the respect that comes from the depths of the soul. It is the fundamental gap in life levels, which makes the beings at lower life levels kneel down involuntarily.

They are not kneeling down to Chen Zong, but their instinct to pay respect to the birth of the greatest life.

"It's teacher." Jiuhuang 'saw' the golden figure.

At this moment, Chen Zong represents the highest life, the greatest and most perfect life.

"The supreme rule has come. What is going on? What did the teacher do to trigger the supreme rule? Moreover, the teacher's shadow came here from an endless distance. I couldn't resist for long, so I knelt down directly." Jiuhuang was completely confused. As the 'Ancestor of Chess', although he was reincarnated and reborn, after his memory awakened, his will reached the level of a god king again. Moreover, he had never seen any big scenes, but this one... he had never seen it before. !

Kneel down at the mere sight of a shadow!
  "Did the teacher have a breakthrough?"

Jiuhuang thought.

When he first became a disciple, he didn't care. He just wanted to find someone to support him and help him get through the weak stage smoothly.

However, as he got to know his teacher more deeply, Jiuhuang gradually changed his mind and gained a new understanding of his cheap teacher. A master of the universe who could create a tenth-level secret method had never appeared even in the Origin Continent. Yes, his talent is so powerful that no one can match it.

As long as the teacher does not die in the future, the teacher's strength will definitely far exceed that of his past, and he will become the true ruler of the Origin Continent.

Therefore, Jiuhuang no longer holds an aloof attitude, but treats the teacher as a true disciple.

"But just breaking through to the True God, why does it trigger the Supreme Rule? If it is not because of the breakthrough to the True God, then why?" Jiuhuang looked confused.

The golden light shines, illuminating hundreds of millions of light years and illuminating the entire primitive universe.

No one can stop it.

Even the original will of the original universe has to retreat temporarily at this moment, because of the supreme rules of the operation of the cosmic sea. This supreme rule envelopes this golden light. This is because the golden light contains the supreme rule, so it transcends time and space, and transcends matter. obstacles.

Only then will all life be brought to its knees.

Whether he is kind or vicious, whether he is weak or strong, whether he is Chen Zong's enemy, he is a relative.

The Dream Demon Ancestor, the Zerg Queen, and the Hell Demon Ancestor.
  All the true gods in the entire primitive universe knelt down. They were moved from the depths of their souls. It was not the compulsion of higher orders on lower orders, but a kind of respect for the birth of the greatest life under the supreme rules.

Billions of people, countless planets, countless divine kingdoms, and countless secret realms of the universe.
  Flesh life, mechanical life, plant life, energy life and other kinds of life.

From the weakest to the strongest.
  All of them knelt down, prostrated and other forms of respect, showing respect from the origin of life.

The golden light that gradually dispersed for hundreds of millions of light-years dissipated, the supreme rules no longer affected hundreds of millions of lives, and the original will of the original universe enveloped the entire universe again.

The billions of people in the entire original universe, whether they are weak or strong, can no longer see the golden light before, and all of them are awake, but the golden light is forever engraved in their souls and life cores.

Ancestral God Sect and Ancestral God Palace.

"This golden light comes through time and space, and even we can't help but kneel down?" The two-faced ancestor god roared, "No matter how powerful the ancient lord is, he can kill us instantly in the cosmic sea, but the three of us are ancestor gods, subject to the source Beloved by will, we are the home court in this primitive universe. But why is he so many light years away from us, yet we all kneel down uncontrollably?"

"Such an exaggerated and incredible movement." The old ancestor said, "There is no doubt that the ancient master must have begun to break through and become a true god!"

"Yes, he must have started to become a true god!" The young ancestor god nodded.

"Such a movement, the entire primitive universe kneeling down, such a prestige, there must be a very special breakthrough." The two-faced ancestor god showed a look of shock, "What did the ancient lord do?"

The three ancestor gods were shocked and confused.    At this moment.

In the original universe, countless powerful people have the result in their minds, and they all think that the ancient Lord has begun to become a true god. The reason why it is said that "begins to become a true god" is because there is a process for becoming a true god. The kingdom of God must first expand into a small universe, and then Only the divine body can achieve a fundamental breakthrough, which naturally takes some time.

"Before I was promoted to True God, I had tenth level of combat power. Now that I have been promoted to True God, I won't reach the eleventh level, or even the twelfth level? Is there an eleventh or twelfth level?"

"How did the Ancient Lord become a true god? The movement was so loud that hundreds of millions of people in the entire original universe fell to their knees."

"It's so outrageous, so unbelievable!"

"Could it be that the Ancient Lord took the route of divine power?"

"Even if it is the legendary divine power route, there is no record in the Duandonghe inheritance that there will be such a situation when the divine power route becomes a true god."

"Yes, regardless of the law route or the divine power route. This kind of scene has never been recorded at all."

Everywhere in the original universe, there were strong people talking about it.

They knew about the divine power route from the ‘Drifting East River Inheritance’ obtained through the transaction. Naturally, they were curious about this new way to break through to the level of the strongest person in the universe that had never appeared in the original universe, so they naturally took a closer look.

Mechanical clan territory!
  Compared with the previous territory, the current territory of the mechanical tribe is not only small, but also not a place rich in special energy in the original universe.

This place used to be the territory of a powerful ethnic group, but is now occupied by the mechanical tribe.

In the core area of ​​the territory, there is a secret area with a diameter of nearly one million kilometers. There are vast continents floating in the void in the core area of ​​the secret area, each of which is at least 1 light-year in diameter.

On one of the continent's tallest mountains with a diameter of 2.6 light-years.

The black temple sits on the top of the mountain.

Inside the temple.

Shrouded in black mist.

There was only black mist in the entire hall and no other items.


"Delicious, hahaha, it looks so delicious. Ancient Lord, you are mine, you are mine. Wait for me, wait for me! Hahahaha!" A pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the black mist, with infinite killing in their eyes. Crazy sounds echoed in the hall.

Human territory.

"The Ancient Lord has been promoted to true god!"

"As expected of my junior brother, hahaha. As soon as he broke through to the true god, the entire primitive universe was shaken. Hundreds of millions of people had to kneel down, including the true god."

"Ha ha."

"The Ancient Lord's current strength must be incredibly advanced."


The news of Chen Zong's breakthrough was so loud that it shocked the soul. Even the true gods had to kneel down. Other tribes may be a little jealous, but the human race is extremely excited, because they are a tribe, and the ancient lord has obtained With great achievements, they will naturally receive endless benefits.

It's like they now have a most powerful treasure in their hands, which was something they couldn't even imagine before.

At that time, if you could have a most powerful treasure, you would have to burn high incense.

In addition to the most powerful treasure, more importantly, once the future Lord transcends reincarnation, then the entire human race will also exist forever, just like the two holy land universes, becoming eternal!

There is a small universe not far from the original universe. It is the small universe of the mountain guest.

The mountaineer sat down on the top of one of the mountains in a very embarrassed state, with a trace of happiness on his face.


"Almost." Mountain Guest shook his head thankfully, "I almost had to kneel down!"

Just now, the endless golden light shone, and the mountain guest was carving a rock in his palace. Suddenly, he was enveloped in the golden light. The mountain guest's face immediately changed, and with endless perseverance, he immediately escaped to the 'cosmic passage', and his palace There is a cosmic channel connecting his own small universe.

He resisted with difficulty, escaped into the cosmic passage, and returned to his own small universe.

"What happened?"

The mountain guest frowned in confusion. He was enveloped in golden light, and the golden light instantly left a golden figure on his soul. He naturally recognized that this was the Ancient Lord.

"What happened to the Ancient Lord? How could there be such a big movement? The average true god would probably be unable to resist and just kneel down. Even I, if I stay a little longer, I'm afraid I will have to surrender." Sitting Mountain Guest frowned. , "What is contained in that golden light is not the original will, but the supreme rule!"

The mountain guest is not afraid of the original will at all.

The original will has the ability to think, but it is not a threat in itself.

The supreme rule is different.

The supreme rule does not have any thinking, it is just a rule, but in the same way, it is also supreme.

"Fortunately, the supreme rules only guide and strengthen the life origin of every living being." The mountain guest thought to himself, "lower-level beings naturally respect and worship higher-level beings. The supreme rules only guide and strengthen, so that every life, including the true god, Nature obeyed the instinct of life and knelt down."

"Fortunately, it was just inducement. If he was forced to kneel down, I would have to kneel down too."

The mountain guest sighed.

He is not afraid of the original will.

Because the original will to do things is restricted by ‘rules’ and must comply with a series of rules and regulations. The rules for the operation of the cosmic sea are different. Even if the mountain guest knows enough secrets, he still only has a partial understanding of the supreme rules.

"Did the Ancient Lord break through?" Sitting Mountain Guest wondered, "He is undoubtedly taking the divine power route, but if he breaks through so quickly, it is estimated that he will only reach the second level of the divine power route at most. Even if he is stronger, he will reach the second level. The third level, but even the third level of the divine power route will not cause such a commotion, even the supreme rules have come to congratulate!"

The mountain rider can see it.

This is a way to celebrate the Ancient Lord. It is precisely because the Ancient Lord's achievements this time have reached an incredible level that the Supreme Rules came to celebrate, and hundreds of millions of ethnic groups knelt down to celebrate.

Human territory, in the solar system.

All the golden light dissipated.

The ancient demon's true form returned to normal.

Just for a moment, he seemed to see everything in the original universe, countless hidden places, and countless creatures prostrate and kneel to him.

"Is that the supreme rule?" The supreme rule carried in the golden light amazed the ancient demon's true form.

He thought about it for a moment.

However, when the supreme rule leaves, nothing is left and cannot be felt at all.

In desperation, the ancient demon's true form withdrew his mind.

Feel the changes in yourself!

"One hundred thousand times the genes, exactly one hundred thousand times the genes, and my 'Life Gene Structure Diagram' is actually more mysterious than the 'World Beast Life Structure Diagram' dripping with the blood of the World Beast!" The ancient demon's true form was overjoyed, and he realized Now, the level of life genes has reached its limit!

"It's time to break through."

The ancient demon's true form took a step forward.

The whole person disappeared!
  At the same time, in the black-patterned stone pillar space, the Shenhuan Mountain standing on the boulder disappeared out of thin air and entered the Daogu universe.

Swish swish swish~
  All the clones appeared in the Daogu Universe, and then followed the 'coordinate points' of the World Tree clones and returned to the Kingdom of God.

The vast and incomparable kingdom of God!

The World Tree clone blocks the sky, but above it, there is a broader shadow of the Ocean of Laws.

A large amount of divine sea water continued to fall, as if it was raining heavily.

The World Tree clone began to swallow the divine power to its heart's content!

Chen Zong has begun to advance to the level of True God!

 Thanks to ‘I’m really speechless’ for the reward of 10000 starting coins

  (End of this chapter)

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