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Chapter 492 Oh, the strong ones are like clouds? It really makes me feel happy!

Chapter 492 Oh, the strong ones are like clouds? It really makes me feel happy!

Haoyang Universe Sea.

  After the ancient temple escaped from the Tianwei Gate, it fled to a distant place.

  A vast giant palm grabbed towards the ancient temple. In front of this giant palm, the universe seemed to not exist. To be more precise, the universe was included in the palm of the palm, and it seemed as if the space had disappeared.

"Suppress me!" A majestic voice resounded throughout this time and space.

The emperor's right hand grasped the ancient temple and shook it hard.

Just like a black hole swallowing everything, this giant palm also crazily swallowed everything around it. The powerful attraction acted on the ancient temple, slowing down the speed of the ancient temple a lot.

But the giant palm pressed towards the ancient temple at a faster speed.

at this time.

Inside the ancient temple.

"What a powerful bloodline magical power!" Chen Zong was secretly shocked when he saw the giant golden palm that covered the sky and the sun, affecting time and space.

He learned some information about the Haoyang Holy Land from the Charming Demon Saint. This giant palm is just one of the emperor's three major bloodline magical powers, the 'Secret Technique of Suppression'. The other two bloodline magical powers are attack types. Divine Destruction' and defensive 'Golden Armor'.

The golden armor is the golden bone armor that covers the emperor's body.


Chen Zong is not afraid!
  On the throne, Chen Zong disappeared and appeared in the square in front of the ancient temple. With a flip of his hand, the ancient divine sword appeared in his hand.

"The sword opens the heavenly gate!"

Looking at the giant palm pressing against him, Chen Zong unleashed his sword with all his strength.

The magnificent sword light is sharp!

I saw a huge five-color light door open, and the endless sword light spurted out, instantly condensing into a huge five-color sword light in the air, and directly slashed at the huge golden palm with an aura of absolute destruction.

This move, 'Sword Opens the Heaven's Gate', is the strongest sword technique that Chen Zong has created now, and it is the top secret technique of the twelfth level!

It's just a short step away from being able to break through and become a thirteenth-level secret technique!
  Originally, after the evolution of chaos, especially the transformation of the eternal ancient world, Chen Zong's understanding of the "origin of life" would be deeper than his understanding of the "origin of destruction".

But Chen Zong actually had a corpse of a world beast in his hands.

After comprehending the evolution of chaos, his realm improved rapidly, and he could create the twelfth-level secret method with a wave of his hand. Now he has comprehended the world beast that contains the "origin of destruction", making Chen Zong's perception of the "origin of destruction" surpass the "origin of life" '.

And in pursuit of the ultimate sword of destruction!
  Chen Zong directly used the 'Nine Levels of Endless Sword Sea' as the basis, integrated it with the understanding of the 'origin of destruction', and finally developed the peerless secret method of 'Sword Opening the Heavenly Gate'!

The divine clone in the natal dragon ball in the black-patterned stone pillar space is now studying how to integrate the 'origin of life' into the 'Sword Kaitianmen'. Once successfully integrated, it will definitely be able to reach the thirteenth level of secret techniques.


The difficulty of merging the 'origin of life' and the 'origin of destruction' is much more difficult than the fusion of the 'original law of space' and the 'original law of time'!
  It is destined not to be successful in a short time!
  at this time.

I saw the five-color sword light full of destruction falling from the sky, instantly slashing through the endless void, and directly slashed on the huge golden palm.

  Wherever the sword's edge reached, the golden bone armor on the giant golden palm creaked.

"What?" The emperor's pupils shrank suddenly!
  He quickly turned his palm upwards and held it tightly towards the five-color sword light.

The five-color sword light and the giant palm collided head-on.


The sky collapsed.

The space turned into nothingness, and the emperor rolled directly and flew away at a million times the speed of light.

His palm that was holding the sword of destruction disappeared, and the smooth and flat cuts on his arm spurted out countless golden blood along the way. The golden blood fell into the chaotic airflow and actually began to absorb the surrounding chaotic airflow. , turned into little emperor's sons.

咻咻 咻 ~
  As soon as these small emperor's sons were formed, they turned into golden streams of light and returned to the emperor's severed palm.

The emperor's severed palm grew back.

"The emperor's son was defeated?"

"The emperor used his bloodline magical power and still lost?"

"How can this be?"

"I must have seen it wrong, yes, it's an illusion. I must have been under an illusion! Break it for me~~~"

Around the battlefield, the five great saints, countless true gods, and the masters of the universe were all stunned.

The battle situation in front of them was completely different from what they imagined.

"No, it's not an illusion!"


"There are such terrifying people in Space Sea No. 2!"

The powerful men in Haoyang Holy Land were shocked!
  "Come again!!" Looking at the ancient temple in the distance, the emperor shouted angrily. The secret patterns on the golden bone armor covering his body suddenly burst into dazzling golden light, his aura suddenly surged, and a golden war sword appeared in front of him. palm.

Since awakening the magical power of blood, he has been invincible and has never been defeated!

Even some of the old antiques in the Holy Land were defeated by him one by one. This made him gain the attention of the Emperor, and he was canonized as the 'Emperor's Son' by the Emperor himself.

Even in ancient civilizations, he was among the ranks of peerless geniuses.

But now, there is someone who is not weaker than him.

It even hurt him!
  After he awakened the bloodline god and practiced the 'Golden Armor', he had never been injured.

This time, one of his palms was cut off by a weak and strong man who came out of the universe sea. It was a shame. This was simply the biggest shame in his life.

Must get it back!
  And I will get it back ten times or a hundred times!
  "God destroys!"

A huge golden secret pattern appeared behind the emperor. The pattern of this secret pattern was very close to the golden bone armor on his body. It buzzed, and the huge golden secret pattern echoed the secret pattern on the golden bone armor.

The golden air flow emerged on the golden secret pattern and circulated.


The golden air flow rushed towards the golden sword in the emperor's hand, causing the golden sword to burst out with dazzling golden light.

The golden light is the sword energy.


The emperor's sword slashed at Chen Zong on the square of the ancient temple. The dazzling golden light pierced the void, carrying boundless power and sweeping through time and space. The powerful sword energy fluctuated like a stormy sea, hitting the surrounding warships. The surface of the warship was mysterious. The pattern shines, but it still drifts away into the distance.

The five great saints stood in the waves, their bodies swaying slightly.
  They did not leave, but quietly waited for the order that the emperor might give at any time.

  The dazzling golden sword light instantly pierced the endless void and slashed towards Chen Zong.

"Huh?" Chen Zong was overjoyed when he realized that the true form of the demon had destroyed the 'Tianwei Gate' that had not yet completely arrived. The Ancient Divine Sword in his hand was put away, and the Ancient Xuan Sword followed the coordinate points. 'Appeared in Chen Zong's hand.

Chen Zong dared to come to Haoyang Cosmic Sea alone not only because of his incomparable strength and the astonishing defensive capabilities of the ancient temple, but also because of the existence of the 'coordinate point'.

With the 'coordinate point', he can quickly travel back and forth between the Haoyang Cosmic Sea and the cosmic sea where he is.

He can also bring an army from the eternal ancient world to the Haoyang Cosmic Sea and open a battlefield in Haoyang Holy Land, making it impossible for Haoyang Holy Land to separate his mind and invade the cosmic sea where he is.

He can still pass on the Ancient Mysterious Sword like he is doing now.

"The sword opens the heavenly gate!"

Chen Zong slashed out with his sword again.

The Ancient Mysterious Sword is the ‘Essential Embryo of Ten Thousand Dharmas’. The secret method is cast through the Ancient Mysterious Sword, making it even more powerful.


One sword opens the gate of heaven! The five-color sword light exuding a strong aura of destruction shot out. The five-color air current entangled around the sword light, strangulating and destroying everything. Time and space were shattered, crushing the golden sword light with an irresistible force of destruction.

The golden sword light and the five-color sword light annihilated each other.

The five-color sword light itself is integrated into the origin of destruction, and is better at destruction and annihilation.

Followed by.

  The golden sword light was directly crushed and exploded, and violent energy swept out.

The sky collapsed.

Space turns into nothingness.

In the endless void, a five-color sword light several sizes smaller penetrated the void and struck directly on the emperor's body, piercing his golden bone armor and piercing his heart.

The light of the destruction sword penetrated directly into his body.

  There was a roar and an explosion!
  咻咻 咻 ~
  Countless rays of five-color destruction sword light directly tore through the emperor's golden bone armor and shot out towards the endless chaotic airflow.


A heart-rending roar resounded throughout this time and space.

Golden blood spurted out from the emperor's body.

"Emperor's son!"

The five great saints were shocked.

In a head-on confrontation, the emperor's son was defeated even more miserably!
  "Damn it! Damn it!" The emperor looked at Chen Zong in the distance, his eyes about to burst.

At the same time, the golden blood he sprayed flew towards him again. However, some of the golden blood stained by the Destruction Sword Qi was completely annihilated by the Destruction Sword Qi before it turned into a small emperor. Be nothing.

"What a magical bloodline!" Chen Zong's eyes were full of curiosity when he saw the emperor's blood.

He looked into the chaotic airflow.

There is also some golden blood absorbing the chaotic airflow.

His eyes lit up!
  “Holding the sun and moon in hand and picking up the stars!”

Chen Zong blasted out a palm, and a golden giant palm appeared in the void. The power of this golden giant palm became stronger as Chen Zong advanced to the True God, and it was only a hair away from reaching the thirteenth level of secret arts. .

  The huge golden palm grabbed at the golden blood that was absorbing the chaotic airflow.

"Seeking death!" Realizing Chen Zong's purpose, the emperor looked at the five saints and the warships further away, and roared, "Listen to my order and take action!"

The five great saints used the joint secret method, but their strength was only slightly weaker than him.

As for those warships, there are three "Tianyang Battleships" among them. Each "Tianyang Battleship" only requires a thousand true gods to control it, but the power of its main gun can even reach the top level of the twelfth level. It's just that using the main gun requires a longer time to accumulate energy.

"Yes!" The five great saints and the army of the Holy Land responded.

"Kill!" The emperor killed Chen Zong again.


In the square in front of the ancient temple.

Chen Zong smiled and looked at the thirteen small emperors in his palm, and cast the illusion technique 'Spirit Realm Phantom'. The illusion world enveloped the bodies of these small emperors. However, what surprised Chen Zong was that these small emperors The child was not affected by the illusion.

He simply couldn't get the memory of the emperor from these little emperors.

It's like there was no memory.

But these little emperors realized that they could not escape at all, so they all glared at Chen Zong.

"Hey!" Chen Zong sighed lightly, and then a powerful force acted on the thirteen little emperors, directly turning the little emperors into golden blood again.

Since the memory cannot be obtained, just destroy it directly.

Just study blood.

At this time.

The emperor's son, the Great Sage Wu, and the densely packed warships crossed the void and were already heading towards Chen Zong.

"Leave here first!" Chen Zong secretly said.

He glanced at the emperor and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect that there are other cosmic seas, and there are so many powerful people. It really makes me happy!"


Chen Zong immediately used the secret method of teleportation, and the huge golden secret pattern instantly enveloped the ancient temple. Then with a flash of golden light, the huge golden secret pattern and the ancient temple disappeared out of thin air.

At this time.

Boom boom boom~
  The golden sword light of the emperor, the attacks of the five saints, and the shocking beams of light emitted by the main guns of the warships all failed.

Exploded in the void.

This area instantly turned into nothingness.

"Damn it!" The emperor's eyes were blazing with anger. He turned his head and looked at the Holy Land army coldly, "Go, find them all for me. You must not let him live."

"Emperor, the Wei Gate passage was destroyed that day and must be rebuilt as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be able to explain it to the Emperor." A figure shrouded in black robes, exuding a cold air, looked at the emperor and reminded him.

Emperor Zun attaches great importance to the conquest of Cosmic Sea No. 2.

They even conveyed an order to occupy Space Sea No. 2 as soon as possible.

but now.
  The Tiandimensional Passage has been destroyed, and it will take some time for it to come back again.

"I know!" The emperor glanced at the black-robed figure. Although what the black-robed figure said made him unhappy, this black-robed figure was not only the 'Dark Emperor Holy Lord', but also the ancestor of his lineage, and the ancestor said It's not unreasonable.

after all.

He is just the emperor's son, not the emperor.

Haoyang Holy Land belongs to the Emperor, not his son.

Emperor Zun's affairs, even if they are trivial matters, no, Emperor Zun's affairs are not trivial matters. Haoyang Holy Land must try its best to complete them.

"This place has been discovered by the strong man of Universe Sea No. 2. The Tiandimensional Passage can no longer be built here. We need to find another location that can lead to Universe Sea No. 2. The reconstruction matter will be handled by me and the Dark Emperor Holy Lord, and you ." The emperor said this and glanced around, "Follow the traces of the No. 2 Cosmic Sea Powerhouse and we must not let him escape again."

"Yes!" The powerful men of Haoyang Holy Land responded.

When the Heavenly Dimensional Gate comes to other universe seas, you don't just need to open it, but you need to find the corresponding space point in order to open the Tiandimensional Channel. The Tiandimensional Gate belongs to the Emperor, and it is up to the Emperor to find another suitable one to descend into Universe 2. The land of the sea is naturally the most suitable.

  The three 'Tianyang Battleships' each carried thousands of battleships, divided into three groups, and disappeared into the endless chaotic airflow.

Holy Lord Longya and the other three great saints also left here.

Saw that everyone else had left.

"The Emperor's Son." The black-robed figure 'Dark Emperor Holy Lord' looked at the Emperor's Son and said, "We have a thorough understanding of the No. 2 Cosmic Sea through the Lord of Ulan before. The strongest one is also the tenth-level ancient warrior. host."

"But the Ancient Lord has been killed by the Charming Lord."

"But now, a strange super strong man with twelfth level combat power suddenly appeared."

"This is so strange and unreasonable."

Speaking of this, the cold aura emanating from the Dark Emperor's body became even stronger, and he continued: "There must be something to this!"

"What do you mean?" the emperor asked.

(End of this chapter)

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