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Chapter 493 The River of Immortality? Lord Holy King!

Chapter 493 The River of Immortality? Lord Holy King!

Haoyang Universe Sea.

Endless chaotic air flow filled the air, and two figures broke through the cosmic space and flew quickly.

"The emperor still remembers that in addition to the space boat, the No. 2 Universe Sea also had the 'Tianluo World' and the 'Holy Religion Inheritance'. At that time, there were not a few true gods who passed the test and obtained the 'Holy Religion Inheritance'." The Dark Emperor Holy Lord under the black robe said.

"Tianluo World? Holy Religion Inheritance?" The emperor, shrouded in golden light, frowned.

Regarding the information about the Tianluo World, he only learned from the Lord of Ulan and several universe masters enslaved by the blood disaster. The Lord of Ulan and the other universe masters without clones are alive because they have not entered. 'Tianluo World', so Lord Wulan and the others don't know much, they only know that this inheritance is extremely powerful.

Even the various races in the Universe Sea speculated that the Ancient Lord was so powerful because he had obtained the 'Holy Religion inheritance'.

This is no way.

After all, more than 99% of the powerful people who enter the Tianluo world fall.

Knowing about the 'Inheritance of the Holy Religion', Haoyang Holy Land was naturally very interested. The emperor even asked the seniors in the Holy Land who had gone through reincarnation for information about the 'Inheritance of the Holy Religion'.

This inquiry directly alarmed Emperor Zun.

However, Emperor Zun doesn’t know the ‘Tianluo World’ or the ‘Holy Religion’!
  However, Emperor Zun is sure that the 'Holy Religion inheritance' is definitely an extremely powerful inheritance and must be obtained.

This is one of the reasons why Emperor Zun values ​​Cosmic Sea No. 2 so much.

"It hasn't been long since they obtained the 'Holy Cult Core Inherited Secret Technique'. Logically speaking, their strength should not have improved so quickly in such a short period of time." The emperor frowned and said, "But based on the current situation, we may Far underestimated the strength of Cosmic Sea No. 2.”


"No, the Charming Demon is rushing to the Dark Green Peak Domain now. If it bumps into the strong man who destroyed the Tiandimensional Passage, wouldn't his life be in danger?"

The emperor was shocked.

Haoyang Holy Land virtual world.

In the magnificent temple, the emperor's son on the throne looked at the Charming Lord.

"Charming Demon, the Tiandimensional Passage has been destroyed, and we need to find another space node to open a new passage. You no longer need to go to the Dark Qingfeng Domain, wait for the new passage to arrive, and then go over to guard the new passage." The emperor said.

"Yes, Emperor!" The Charming Demon Lord nodded.

Dozens of other senior Holy Land officials did not disagree.

Even Holy Lord Longya, who couldn't stand the Charming Lord, just snorted coldly and didn't raise any objection.

Opening the Tiandimensional Channel is indeed a top priority.

In the eyes of Lord Longya, there is something more urgent than the immediate priority, and that is
  "Emperor, we are searching for the escaped 'No. 2' throughout the universe sea. It is too difficult to find him." Holy Lord Longya said, "The only one who can lock the target fastest in the universe sea is the Holy King. Sir. If we ask the Holy King to take action, we will definitely find 'No. 2' quickly."

The ‘No. 2’ mentioned by the Dragon Ya Shengzun is Chen Zong who broke into the Haoyang Universe Sea.

The reason why they chose "No. 2" as the code name was not only because Chen Zong came from the No. 2 Universe Sea, but also because Chen Zong was the second opponent after the Ancient Lord that they wanted to eliminate quickly.

"Lord Holy King?"

The Emperor's son and other senior officials of the Holy Land were suddenly shocked.

The Holy King is a super strong man whose strength is second only to Emperor Zun. He is a super being who has taken over the original universe. He is a giant-like existence even in ancient civilizations.

"What do you say?" The emperor looked at the other senior officials of the Holy Land.

The emergence of strong men from other universe seas in the universe sea was indeed a big event before obtaining the ‘Heavenly Dimension Gate’.

But now, they have all descended into other cosmic seas.

This is no longer unheard of.

Besides, 'No. 2' came from their Tiandimensional Passage, not from some other corner, so he knew some details.

Moreover, in their cosmic sea, in addition to ‘No. 2’, there are many true gods and masters of the universe who came from the ‘Cosmic Sea No. 1’ that they had conquered.

Those true gods and lords of the universe have all been incorporated into the Holy Land Army and have become members of the Holy Land Army’s ‘Brigade No. 1’.

of course.

‘No. 2’ is different from the strong men of ‘Brigade No. 1’. ‘No. 2’ is free, not restricted by the Holy Land, and is extremely powerful and very dangerous.

Just because of a twelfth-level combat power, did you alert the Holy King?

The emperor thought for a while and decided to listen to other people's thoughts.

"Ryuga is right. Although 'No. 2' is alone and the small universe is not here, he is very powerful. Once he attacks some important places in our Holy Land, he will definitely suffer heavy losses." A man with eight heads. The giant black python revealed the Snake Channel. He was none other than the 'Tianmang Holy Lord', one of the ten great saints. His strength was second only to the emperor's son, and he was the strongest being among the ten great saints.

"Yes, agreed!" The Dark Emperor nodded, "If we want to re-open the Tiandimensional Channel safely, we must eliminate the hidden danger of 'No. 2'."

"Not bad!"



Voices rang out one after another, all agreeing with the suggestions made by Holy Lord Long Ya.

The Charming Lord originally wanted to object and stop him, but seeing that the situation was one-sided, he also said: "'No. 2' is unable to contact the small universe now. This is when he is at his weakest, and it is the best time to eliminate him."

certainly. , these words were not what the Charming Saint wanted to say, but what Chen Zong asked her to say while she was communicating with Chen Zong.

Otherwise, as a soul slave, the Charming Demon Lord cannot do anything to threaten or harm his master.

"Okay!" The emperor nodded.

He immediately waved his hand, and a golden passage suddenly appeared in the hall.

  The emperor's son flew into the golden light channel.

Following the golden passage, the emperor arrived at a quiet and elegant courtyard. In front of the courtyard was a pond with many colorful fish.

"Emperor Ying wishes to see the Holy King." The emperor saluted respectfully towards the courtyard.

"What's the matter?" A vague voice came from the courtyard.

"Lord Holy King, the situation is like this." The emperor briefly summarized the situation.

"Oh? Even you are not his opponent? There is such a talented person in this Cosmic Sea No. 2!" There was a hint of surprise in Miao Miao's voice, but then he smiled and said, "If it can be accepted as a holy land It’s pretty good for use.”

"Let him join the Holy Land?" The emperor was startled.

"Lord Holy King, if we occupy his hometown of the Universe Sea, how can 'No. 2' surrender?"

They occupied Cosmic Sea No. 1. Naturally, the strongest person in Cosmic Sea No. 1 was not left behind and was killed by them!
  after all.

The purpose of occupying the Cosmic Sea is to allow the core disciples trained by Haoyang Holy Land to seize the Cosmic Sea.

"Find him and give him a chance to join the Holy Land. If he is not willing? There is only a dead end!" Miao Miao's voice became a little cold.

But soon.


"Why can't I find it?"

There were sounds of surprise in the courtyard.

After a while.

"Did he enter those dangerous places?"

"Emperor Ying, I will investigate 'No. 2'. As soon as there is any news, I will notify you."

"The most important thing for you now is to reopen the celestial channel to the 'Cosmic Sea No. 2'."

The sound came from the courtyard again.

"Yes!" Beside the pond, the emperor bowed and responded.

He turned around, stepped into the passage again, and walked downwards.

"Hmph, you're lucky to have entered a dangerous place." The emperor snorted coldly in his heart as he walked, "But sooner or later you have to come out of the dangerous place, and when the time comes, you will be unable to fly."

And in the courtyard. There was also a figure shrouded in golden light. He looked into the distance into the void, with doubts in his eyes: "What method was used to prevent even me from detecting it?"

Just now, he told the emperor that No. 2 had entered a dangerous place, but he just said it casually.

He didn't know whether 'No. 2' had entered a dangerous situation.

In this cosmic sea, there are some dangerous places that even if he has seized the original universe, he cannot explore them, such as the 'Reincarnation Channel'.

But the Holy King was now more inclined to believe that 'No. 2' did not enter a dangerous area, but had some special means.

after all.

‘No. 2’ didn’t understand their Haoyang Universe Sea, so how could he be so lucky that he happened to enter a dangerous place?
  "If we still can't find it, we can only use the last resort and let the 'Tianwei Gate' be used as bait!" the Holy King said softly.

If No. 2 wants to return to Cosmic Sea No. 2, it must pass through the Tiandimensional Gate.

Tianwei Gate is the best bait.

Look back.

The Holy King looked at the slender black fishing rod in his hand.

The fishing rod moved.

"Oh? You're hooked!" The Holy King lifted the fishing rod, and a small golden fish was pulled out of the water. As soon as it left the water, it turned into a golden dragon.

The Holy King held the golden divine dragon in one hand and the fishhook in the other. He gently pulled out the fishhook.

The hook is straight!
  Haoyang cosmic sea, a corner.

  The chaotic airflow formed huge vortices. At this time, a ray of starlight broke through the space and descended with vast coercion.

  Under the vast pressure, the chaotic vortex was directly shaken away and turned into a sea of ​​chaotic airflow.

Starlight floats on this ocean of chaotic air currents.

Through the starlight, one can see a majestic temple. In the huge square in front of the temple, eighteen statues exude a powerful aura, causing the surrounding universe and space to distort.

The sixth floor of the temple.

Chen Zong was sitting on the throne in the palace square.

With a thought, the ancient temple suddenly turned into a seven-story black pagoda, and the starlight disappeared.

At the same time, the aura on his body began to change.

When the breath is completely different from before, the breath becomes fixed.

And he looks like a master of the universe. Even people who know and are familiar with Chen Zong cannot recognize Chen Zong standing here.

"Hahaha, the Holy King of Haoyang Holy Land took over the original universe and was able to explore the cosmic sea. But now that I've become like this, no matter how powerful he is, he can't even think of recognizing me." Chen Zong smiled slightly. .

Formless and formless!

Not to mention other people, even Chen Zong himself couldn't tell the difference.

As for the information about the Holy King, Chen Zong knew it from the Charming Lord before coming to Haoyang Universe Sea.

and so.

As soon as he got rid of the emperor's son, the five great saints, and thousands of warships, and arrived here, his atmosphere and the appearance of the ancient temple immediately changed.

“Let’s study the blood of the ‘Emperor’s Son’ first.” Chen Zong secretly said.


"Huh? Do you want to ask the Holy King to investigate my whereabouts?" Chen Zong chuckled, "Go, go."

In the eternal ancient world, the Charming Demon Lord directly communicates with the will of Chen Zong in the eternal ancient world, allowing Chen Zong to control the information of the Haoyang Holy Land universe at any time.

Chen Zong was not worried at all.

He turned his hand.

A drop of golden blood suspended in his palm.

"Tian Yanshu!"

Between the eyebrows, the golden secret pattern cracked, revealing a golden vertical eye. A golden light shot out, fell on the golden blood, and directly collected the golden blood into the 'golden vertical eye space'.

Chen Zong devoted himself to analyzing the golden blood.

Golden secret patterns were analyzed from the golden blood.

Immediately afterwards, the golden secret pattern formed a mysterious golden secret pattern.

"Huh? This is the Emperor's 'Life Structure Diagram'!" Chen Zong was a little surprised when he looked at the golden secret pattern diagram.

Judging from this 'life structure diagram', the emperor's life gene level is about 60,000 times higher, but there are some things in it that are very special, as if this 'life structure diagram' is not complete.

After analyzing the 'World Beast Life Structure Diagram', I have reached the '100,000 times genetic level'.

Chen Zong can now analyze blood with ease.

He easily saw the special features of the Emperor's life structure diagram.

Chen Zong immediately took out another drop of golden blood and sent it into the 'golden vertical eye space'.

Visible to the naked eye.

The 'Life Structure Diagram' has been fixed a bit.


Chen Zong analyzed and consumed thirteen drops of the emperor's blood.

"Huh? It's still incomplete!" Chen Zong frowned. He really didn't know what was going on in this situation.

It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, one drop of blood can obtain a complete 'life structure diagram', but now after using thirteen drops, the analyzed 'life structure diagram' turned out to be incomplete.

This is so unexpected.

"Could it be that this 'drop of blood' is not a real 'drop of blood', but many 'fake drops of blood' decomposed from the 'drop of blood'?" A strange light flashed in Chen Zong's eyes.

At first.

He analyzed that behind the 'blood of the realm beast' was dividing the blood of the realm beast into the smallest 'one drop of blood' that could not be divided any further.

If it is forcibly divided again, the 'One Drop of Blood' will definitely collapse.

"This emperor actually has such ability?" Chen Zong was surprised.

He immediately asked the Charming Lord.

However, the Charming Demon Lord did not know what was going on.

"That's right, this can be considered a top secret. No one else knows about it except the emperor himself." Chen Zong secretly said, "If you want to study it, the only way is to collect more of the emperor's blood."

The blood of the emperor's son can actually absorb the chaotic air flow and turn it into tiny emperor's sons.

This is somewhat similar to the 'Immortal River', one of the three secret techniques of breaking the East River.

If the analysis can be successful, a similar secret method may be obtained.

In this way, his descendants, disciples, and other strong men from other human races will have a stronger ability to save their lives.


"I don't even know where the emperor is, so I pressed it first."


"It's time to head to the 'Imperial City'!"

Chen Zong drove the seven-story pagoda, broke through the space, and sped away.

(End of this chapter)

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