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Chapter 494 Baby? What baby? show me!

Chapter 494 Baby? What baby? show me!

The vast cosmic sea is filled with endless chaotic airflow.

A figure wearing a black shirt with golden animal patterns appeared out of thin air. On his head was a pair of black curved horns with a metallic luster. The tips of the horns were bent behind the pointed long ears. If you go a little further, the sharp The tip of the horn will pierce the long ear.

  He left behind a series of afterimages and was teleporting over long distances again and again in this endless sea of ​​universe.

It is Chen Zong who is in the Haoyang Universe Sea!

What he looks like now is that of a true god named ‘Mu Yun’ under the command of the Charming Lord. Currently, this true god is cultivating in a special space in the small universe of the Charming Lord.

This is the object that Chen Zong asked the Charming Demon Lord to choose to change in order to facilitate his actions in the Haoyang Universe Sea.

The Haoyang Universe Sea is different from the Universe Sea where Chen Zong is located. Although there are thousands of Holy Land Universes here, these Holy Land Universes are all core members of Haoyang Holy Land.

The one who dominates this cosmic sea is Haoyang Holy Land.

Therefore, in this cosmic ocean, everything is regulated.

All the powerful people who are wandering in the cosmic sea have registered in the Haoyang virtual world.

Just like the human race in the original universe, the Masters of the Universe who can venture into the Cosmic Sea are all named and there is no such thing as a Master of the Universe who suddenly appears without knowing the details.

Chen Zong transformed into the 'True God Muyun', naturally for this level of identity.

Without an identity, not only is it difficult to move around in the Haoyang Universe Sea, but there are many places that you cannot go to.

For example, Chen Zong’s current goal is ‘Imperial City’.

It is impossible to enter the 'Imperial City' without identity information. Once you get close to the 'Imperial City', you will be recognized as an enemy by the 'Imperial City's' defense system, and defense means will be activated to kill you with one shot.

The Imperial City is the central city built by Haoyang Holy Land in the cosmic sea. It is the choke point of the cosmic sea. From here, you can quickly travel to the major cities distributed in the cosmic sea through the teleportation array.

This is a bit like the ‘Gate of Chaos’ transfer station.

However, this teleportation formation consumes a lot of energy and is not as energy-saving and convenient as the 'Gate of Chaos'.

Some powerful true gods who are not very wealthy rarely use teleportation formations to travel to other places alone. Basically, they gather enough people and teleport together, so that the cost is shared, just like a group purchase. Much cheaper.

Chen Zong's figure left a trail of afterimages in the chaotic airflow.

After a while.

In front of him, the chaotic air flow gradually became thinner.

"Almost there!" Chen Zong showed a hint of expectation. He learned about the 'Imperial City' from the Charming Demon Saint. He knew that this 'Imperial City' was the starting point for the conquest of Haoyang Cosmic Sea, so he asked the Charming Demon Saint to general Give him the map of Haoyang Cosmic Sea.

After more than three months of long journey.

It’s finally here!
  Three months sounds very short, but now Chen Zong is a true god, and his will is at the eternal true god level.

After traveling continuously for three months, I can basically cross half of the cosmic ocean.

Of course, this small half of the cosmic sea is an area with life activities, not a remote and uninhabited land.

Those uninhabited areas, once you enter, you will really get lost.

Even Chen Zong might get lost now.

Because, in this cosmic sea, he only has one coordinate point here, and there are no multiple 'coordinate points' that can sense each other and determine their position.

However, Chen Zong was able to sense that there were two 'coordinate points' in a more distant area.

But it's a little vague.

He knew that that extremely distant area was his home universe sea.

With the 'coordinate point' induction, he can even directly control the 'coordinate point' and move the 'coordinate point' to his home cosmic sea, but he will not do this, at least not for the time being.

Not only because the distance is too far, but also because he still has things to do in the Haoyang Universe Sea.

The chaotic airflow ahead is even thinner.

Gradually, Chen Zong could see a faint ray of light in the void ahead.

Teleport several times in succession.

Finally, Chen Zong clearly saw a huge city floating in the distance. The city walls stretched to the end of the field of vision. At a glance, the city walls were at least tens of thousands of light years long and hundreds of light years high.

The city wall seemed to be condensed by chaotic airflow, and was gray.

But on the top of the city wall, there are golden beasts that exude a fierce aura.

Chen Zong had never seen these strange beasts before, and they must be specialties of Haoyang Cosmic Sea.

Looking beyond the city wall, in the sky shrouded in clouds and mist, one can see the majestic and towering sacred mountain that is sometimes revealed. Countless palaces are located on it, and figures are passing through it.

Looking from afar.

The entire 'Imperial City' was suspended there, like a giant beast from the wild, with a faintly spreading momentum that was shocking.


Chen Zong was not only in a very high state of mind, but also had a strong will. The aura of the 'Imperial City' was like a breeze blowing on his face, and had no effect on him at all.

  Chen Zong turned his hand, and a black token appeared in his hand.

This black token is the ‘passport’ made by the Charming Lord, which is also the identity token of ‘True God Muyun’.

Characters at the level of saints in Haoyang Holy Land are capable of making identity tokens.

Hanging the identity token on his waist, Chen Zong immediately turned into a black stream of light and flew towards the Imperial City, because the space around the Imperial City was restricted and teleportation could not be performed.

Black light fell in front of the imperial city gate.

The city wall is tens of thousands of light-years long, but the city gate is not that big, only hundreds of millions of kilometers long.

However, there are one hundred city gates.

In front of Chen Zong is city gate No. 99.

Although there are a hundred city gates, there are many strong people coming and going at each city gate, and the weakest one is the Lord of the Universe.

Seeing Chen Zong, these masters of the universe all moved aside to make way.

Although there are many powerful true gods in the Haoyang Universe Sea, the level gap is there, so the Lords of the Universe will naturally be more respectful.

Chen Zong passed them.

Entered the city.

Chen Zong flew directly towards the sacred mountain where his target was this time.

On the way
  "Hit him!"

"Yes, beat him hard!"

"Lu Feng, use your strength!"

"Zhuo Welding, stand up for me. I have planted ten thousand crystal stones on you. If you lose, I will twist your head off!"

Violent roars came from one after another. Chen Zong turned around and saw that it was a circular ink stone arena located on a platform at the foot of the mountain. Two Lords of the Universe were fighting on the platform, and there were hundreds of Lords of the Universe watching below. .

"Battle in the arena!" Relevant information immediately appeared in Chen Zong's mind.

Since the Haoyang Cosmic Sea belongs to the Haoyang Holy Land, all races are naturally governed by the Haoyang Holy Land.

But in order to give birth to strong people, just like the human race, competition within the human race is not prohibited as long as it does not affect the overall situation and does not exterminate the race.

The Haoyang Holy Land wants elites, talented people who can break through the passage of reincarnation.

Therefore, the Holy Land encourages all major ethnic groups to conquer each other.

The strong men who emerge in the conquest will be absorbed by Haoyang Holy Land and become the core members of the Holy Land.

The quantity and quality of the core members of the Holy Land in the ethnic group are related to the ethnic group's status in the Holy Land and the amount of resources the ethnic group obtains from the Holy Land.

and so.

In order for the ethnic group to be able to produce strong men in large numbers, and to maintain a firm position in the Haoyang Holy Land, ethnic wars in the Haoyang Universe Sea have never stopped. In addition to ethnic wars, arena battles are also one of the channels for the Holy Land to select elites.

As long as you can win a hundred consecutive victories, you can become an ordinary member of the Haoyang Holy Land. If you can win a thousand consecutive victories, you can directly become a core member, but only a junior core member, like the members of the Virtual Universe Company's apocalyptic secret realm.

As for Wan Lian Sheng, then there is none!
  It's not that there are no such strong men, but there is no need to come to Wan Lian Sheng, because Wan Lian Sheng is the core member, and the core members have another set of promotion methods and no longer need to compete in the ring.

Chen Zong did not stop, but continued to fly towards the sacred mountain in the distance.

"The Blood Jade Saint." Chen Zong looked at the top of the sacred mountain, looking through the layers of clouds and mist, and saw a magnificent blood-colored temple. This is the residence of the 'Blood Jade Saint'.

Among the ten holy saints of Haoyang Holy Land, four are permanently stationed in the ‘Imperial City’, namely the Blood Jade Holy Lord, the Purple Eyed Holy Lord, the Spirit Emperor Holy Lord, and the Thorny Sky Holy Lord.

Chen Zong knew that the number of true gods under his command and the number of masters of the universe were not as good as those of Haoyang Holy Land.

and so.

In order to conquer the Haoyang Cosmic Sea, he set his sights on high-end combat power.

at this time.

Within the eternal ancient world.

"Master, my subordinates have made an agreement with the Blood Jade Holy Lord. As long as the master arrives at the Blood Jade Holy Mountain, someone will come to pick him up and go to the Blood Jade Holy Lord's palace." The Charming Demon Lord bowed respectfully to the void.

"Okay, well done!" Chen Zong smiled.

Imperial City.

Chen Zong turned into a stream of light and landed on a platform on the mountainside of Blood Jade Holy Mountain.

At this time, a rock-like life wearing a blood-colored robe and covered with blood came over and said with a smile: "Are you the True God Muyun?"

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded and took out his identity token.

The True God of Rock Life also took out his identity token.

The two identity tokens touched.

Chen Zong took back the identity token, and he saw that the name of the Rock Life God—Xi Wu—appeared on the identity token in his hand.

"Xiwu True God!" Chen Zong said with a smile.

"True God Muyun, please follow me." After speaking, True God Xiwu immediately turned around and flew towards the top of the mountain.

Chen Zong followed closely behind.


They reached the top of the mountain.

"The Holy Lord is inside, go in yourself!" As Xiwu spoke, he looked respectfully at the bloody palace in front of him. In his eyes, he seemed to be seeing a sea of ​​blood, which shocked his heart and made him even more respectful.

This is not his first time here, but every time he comes, he has a shocking feeling.

The gap between him and the Holy Lord is too big.

One move, just one move, the Holy Lord can kill him!

"Thank you, God Muyun!" Chen Zong nodded seriously, with a look of shock on his face at the right time.

After saying that, Chen Zong flew towards the Blood Jade Temple.

The door of the Blood Jade Temple is open.

He flew right in.

"The succubus is willing to spend a huge price to let me show you the 'Secret Technique of the Blood Sea'. I won't be stingy and will show it to you with all my strength. It's up to you how much you can understand." A voice said from the throne of the temple. Chen Zong's ear.

The gate of the Blood Jade Temple is closed.

At the same time, the main hall formation was activated to isolate the hall from the outside world.

Chen Zong looked indifferent, and he looked over. On the throne, sitting cross-legged, was also wearing a blood-colored robe, like a humanoid life formed from blood-colored jade.

He knew that this figure was indeed the Blood Jade Saint, that's right.

"Thank you, Holy Lord!" Chen Zong smiled slightly.

"Okay!" The Blood Jade Saint raised his hand, just as he was about to demonstrate the 'Secret Technique of the Sea of ​​Blood'.

  An extremely powerful impact of will rushed directly into the blood jade saint's will.

The whole body of the Blood Jade Saint was shaken, and his scarlet eyes were momentarily blank. Chen Zong immediately stepped forward and took the Blood Jade Saint into the eternal ancient world.

"Hahaha!" Chen Zong laughed, "I didn't expect to succeed so easily!"

"Well, it's thanks to the help of the Charming Lord."

The Charming Demon Saint not only gave Chen Zong the identity to be able to walk in the 'Imperial City', but also made a big cake for the Blood Jade Saint, allowing the Blood Jade Saint to meet Chen Zong in person.

With the relationship between the Charming Demon Saint and the Blood Jade Saint, he didn't have any vigilance.

Moreover, when demonstrating the 'Secret Technique of the Sea of ​​Blood', he even relaxed his mind.

He was immediately stunned by Chen Zong's "Virtual God's Annihilation".

Chen Zong's will has reached the level of the Eternal True God, and the power of the magical secret method 'Void God's Annihilation' has also increased. Even the will of the Void True God cannot withstand the 'Void God's Annihilation'. Even the Eternal True God's will will be affected. Influence.

The Blood Jade Saint was successfully admitted into the Eternal Ancient World by Chen Zong.

  The Blood Jade Saint appeared on the throne.

"Blood Jade pays homage to the master!" The Blood Jade Holy Lord immediately stood up and quickly made way for Chen Zong to take the seat. He looked at Chen Zong and ordered in his heart. The person in front of him was the No. 2 who came from the No. 2 Universe Sea. ’, it was also the ‘Ancient Lord’ that they thought had died long ago, and they couldn’t help but sigh in their hearts.


He also understood that the Charming Demon Lord had already become his master's subordinate.

A lot of the information that came before is all false!

But he was very confused. Since the master was the Ancient Lord, how could the current aura be that of 'Mu Yun'?
  However, he could only bury his doubts in his heart.

As a soul slave, he has a clear idea of ​​what he should and should not do.

"You should continue to sit on the throne." Chen Zong looked at the Blood Jade Saint and nodded.

"This is it, Master!" The Blood Jade Saint was a little frightened. The Master did not sit down, so he sat down. But when he saw Chen Zong's signal, he sat down again.

"Xueyu, I heard from Charming Demon that you have a good relationship with the Purple Eyed Saint. You should be able to invite the Purple Eyed Saint here, right?" Chen Zong asked.

"Okay!" The Blood Jade Saint respectfully responded.

"Zi Tong, you are lucky to be able to become the master's subordinate." The Blood Jade Saint said secretly in his heart. Although the master did not express it clearly, he already understood that the master wanted to take Zi Tong under his command.

The Blood Jade Holy Lord immediately lifted the formation of the Blood Jade Temple, and then sent a message to the sacred mountain not far away.

"Oh? Baby? What baby? Show me." A voice of surprise sounded in the mind of the Blood Jade Saint.

At this time.

  A powerful aura suddenly descended on the square outside the Blood Jade Temple.

Chen Zong looked over, and saw that it was a four-legged beast with a huge purple pupil on its chest. It had no head, and was covered in dark golden scales. Its nine slender tails were like nine steel whips. A scimitar like an eagle's claw.

The tail waved slightly, and the scimitar at the end directly cut through the space.


The space recloses.

But the scimitar continued to make cracks.

The space is broken and closed again, closed and broken again, and the cycle repeats.

"Huh?" The four-legged beast was slightly surprised when it saw Chen Zong. He didn't expect that there was a true god of the Charm Clan in the Blood Jade Temple. Could it be that the treasure was related to this true god of the Charm Clan?

(End of this chapter)

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