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Chapter 497 Mountain Guest: Hey, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp, you have been dragged into the d

Chapter 497 Mountain Guest: Hey, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp, you have been dragged into the ditch!

The outer space of the spaceship.

  Above the vast mountain range, the void seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, opening a huge hole. A towering figure wearing cyan armor and with transparent horns on his forehead emerged from the crack in space. It was the mountain guest who was coming. .

He looked around.

"It's not around here." Mountain Guest sensed his surroundings and found no trace of the ancient demon's true form.

He turned his hand and took out the black token to contact the ancient demon's true form.

There are no coordinate points in the cosmic sea and it is impossible to locate accurately. Therefore, the ancient demon's true form only told the mountain guest the general area where he was. After they were all in the same place, it would be much easier to meet.

After a while.

On the top of the towering mountains, the mountain guest and the ancient demon finally met.

"Seater, time is not waiting for me. Now let's go to the space where the control core of the space ship is located." The ancient demon's true form looked at the guest in front of him with a smile. At the same time, he waved his hand gently, and a gate of chaos appeared out of thin air.

"Eh?" Seeing the Gate of Chaos, the mountain guest was a little surprised.

With his weapon refining ability, he could tell at a glance that the secret pattern on this stone gate was the secret pattern of space transmission. This was definitely a treasure that could be transmitted over long distances.

"This is the 'Gate of Chaos'. Long-distance transmission can be achieved through the 'mark'." The ancient demon's true form explained.

Although Chen Zong has publicly used the 'Gate of Chaos', there are only a few people who know the specific situation of the 'Gate of Chaos', and Sishanke is not among them.

"Did you refine it?" Mountain Guest asked.

The ancient demon's true form smiled and nodded.

"Being able to refine the 'Gate of Chaos', your weapon-refining ability is stronger than I thought." Mountain Guest praised, "Also, some of the weapon-refining materials for this Gate of Chaos are also extremely precious."

"No wonder you dare to say that you are responsible for the materials used to repair the 'Control Core'."

"Could it be that you got the treasure trove of the space ship?"

The mountain guest showed curiosity in his eyes.

"Treasure, so to speak!" The ancient demon's true form smiled, "But the rest is up to you."

After saying that, the ancient demon's true form opened the Gate of Chaos.

The two of them entered it, and then the Chaos Gate disappeared out of thin air.

The inner domain of the spaceship.

  The wind was howling and yellow sand filled the sky. The sky here was covered by sandstorms and was very dark. In the darkness, a navy blue palace shone brightly as if waiting for him.

  Two figures escaped from the palace, they were the ancient demon and the mountain guest.

"Death Desert! I didn't expect that the core of control is in this Death Desert." The mountain guest saw the surrounding scenery and recognized this place. He looked at the ancient demon's true form next to him, "The Death Desert is more dangerous than the God-Destroying Stream. You I can actually find the control core here, I admire you!"

Sitting Mountain Guest, although he was a God King before, his current strength is very weak.

With the original will of the original universe watching over him, he did not dare to advance to true god through the divine power route for fear of being suppressed.

and so.

He didn't know much about many areas in the spaceship.

He didn't want to understand either.

After all, in his opinion, the space boat is just like that. It is not even a weapon of the God King, and it is not in his eyes at all.

Otherwise, as long as he takes out the God-King-level palace, the Jinwang Palace, let alone the dangerous places in the space ship, he can enter even the dark places without worrying about the danger at all.

"I obtained a map of the spaceship when it was intact, and I know a lot about the conditions in each area of ​​the spaceship." The ancient demon's real body said, "I have never been here before. So, I just know The control room is under this yellow sand."

The spaceship map is not a secret.

It doesn’t hurt to say it.

He also knew that these things were nothing to the Mountain Guests. Speaking to the Mountain Guests, they had no impact on the human race at all.

Moreover, he still needs to rely on the power of the mountain guest, and there is no need to hide the mountain guest.

"Oh? A map of the complete period of the spaceship. Your luck is really good! Your ability to obtain the 'Lava Demon God' must be related to this map, right?" Mountain Guest said with a smile.

The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

Nor did he express his opinion.

However, in the eyes of Mountain Guest, this was acquiescence.

"Since there is a map, the location of the control room should be roughly determined, right?" Mountain Guest continued.

"Okay, let's go to the control room right now." The ancient demon's true form nodded.


A little golden light suddenly appeared at the feet of the ancient demon's true body, and then the golden light suddenly expanded and turned into a golden secret pattern, covering the ancient devil's true body and the mountain guest.

As for the navy blue palace next to it, it is not covered by the golden secret pattern.

The golden secret pattern blooms with golden light, extremely dazzling.

Followed by.

  The ancient demon's true form and the mountain guest disappeared.

"It's time for me to leave too!" In the navy blue palace, a true god of the holy world said softly, and then drove the palace away from here.

Deep in the desert of death.

The most critical control room of the spacecraft is buried here.

The control room is extremely huge. In light years, it is basically the size of the Death Desert, with a diameter of about 100,000 light years.


Control room, a special space.

A golden secret pattern lit up, and the ancient demon's true form and the mountain guest descended out of thin air.

Two snaps.

The two of them landed on the alloy ground.

Looking around, this is a hall. You can see that there is a huge gap at the top of the hall, but because the area above is also the control room, there is no yellow sand falling.

"We don't need to repair the entire control center, we only need to repair some of the functional areas." The ancient demon said. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and a three-dimensional virtual map appeared in front of him. He carefully looked at the surrounding situation and confirmed "We are here now, and the place we want to repair is right there."

On the three-dimensional virtual map, two red light points and one yellow light point immediately appeared.

The two red light spots are naturally the ancient demon's true form and the mountain guest, while the yellow light spot is three areas away from here, which is the target of this trip.

The Death Desert above is extremely dangerous, but the control room is quite safe.

Just a little run down.

The two of them quickly arrived at the target area.

Killed in a vast hall, the ancient demon's true form and the mountain guest looked at the sky above the center of the hall, where a black metal planet with a diameter of tens of millions of kilometers was suspended. Although both of their divine bodies were more than 90,000 kilometers, At this moment, it seems a bit small in front of the black metal planet.

"This is the main control core. If it can be repaired, many areas of the space ship can be operational again." The ancient demon said.

"You don't really want to launch the spaceship, do you?" Sitting Mountain Guest looked at the dark, cracked metal planet and frowned, "This general control center has been completely destroyed. To repair it is tantamount to refining it. The price of a total control center is too high. Even if you can afford it, it's not necessary!" "That's not the case." The ancient demon shook his head.

He stretched out his hand and a light blue virtual three-dimensional metal ball appeared in the void.

"This is what the general control center looked like when it was intact. Each zone is obvious. I don't need to completely repair the general control center. I only need to repair three places: here, here, and here."

The ancient demon's real body enlarged the light blue virtual three-dimensional metal ball and pointed at three places in succession.

"These three places," Mountain Guest watched carefully, then smiled and said, "You really know how to pick places. These three areas are independent sub-systems and are not closely related to other general control area systems. Repair Okay, it’s really not that difficult, and if I guessed correctly, your target is the ‘Lava Demon God’ in Destruction Stream, right?”

"My friend is really discerning. Indeed, as long as these three sub-systems are repaired, the 'Lava Demon' can be driven. And I am here just for the 'Lava Demon'." The ancient demon's real body praised.

As expected of the God King's weapon refiner, he could see the key point at a glance.

Inviting mountain travelers to come over is really the right thing to do!
  "Are you preparing for reincarnation?" asked the mountain guest.

The ancient demon's true form was silent for a while.

The main reason why he wants the 'Lava Demon God' is to conquer the Haoyang Cosmic Sea.

  Should I tell Mountain Guest about this?
  Suddenly, the ancient demon's real body thought that Yuan Ling, Tianxu, and Duan Donghe didn't know who Emperor Haoyang was. Maybe King Jin Sishanke, who became the God King relatively late, might know.

Haoyang Holy Land invaded the cosmic sea where he was, and now he fought back, and the two sides were at odds.

In the future, he will also go through reincarnation and go to the Origin Continent. Only if he can learn more about the Haoyang Emperor and know himself and the enemy can he be able to win every battle.

  "Sitting Mountain Guest, if I said that the 'Lava Demon God' who controls the Destruction Stream is related to another cosmic sea, would you believe it?" the ancient demon's true form said seriously.

"." The mountain guest was stunned.

"You mean another cosmic sea?" Mountain Guest looked surprised.

What surprised him was not that there was another cosmic sea, but why Chen Zong knew about it.

Also, this information was able to be spoken out, and it was not blocked, and the original will of the original universe did not come. What on earth is going on?

He looked up at the ceiling of the hall.

Indeed, I did not see the original will of the universe coming.

"Yes!" the ancient demon's true form said, "Before this, there were strong men from the different universe sea who came to our universe sea through the 'Tiandimensional Gate'. Although they were solved by me, the different universe sea was powerful. They are like clouds, even if I were to confront their army head-on, I would not be an opponent."

  Has a strong man from another universe arrived?

The mountain guest looked surprised.

However, after hearing about the ‘Tianwei Gate’, he was also sure that what the ancient ancestor said should be true.

As a God-King in the art of refining weapons, he has also refined the 'Tianwei Gate' and knows how powerful the 'Tianwei Gate' is. However, there is one thing that he is confused about, that is, the 'Tianwei Gate' is a different universe sea. How do people own the 'Tianwei Gate'?
  Also, when will the Gate of Heavenly Dimension be able to be used in the Cosmic Sea?

On the Origin Continent, even though you can use the Tiandimensional Gate to reach distant places, you cannot use the Tiandimensional Gate to reach the cosmic sea.

If it could be used, he would not have taken the Jinwang Palace in the first place, but would have come through the 'Tianwei Gate'.

Is it allowed by the supreme rules now?
  Or is it that the Gate of Heavenly Dimension cannot allow people to reach the Cosmic Sea from the Origin Continent, but what if it allows the inhabitants of the Cosmic Sea to travel between the three thousand cosmic seas?
  "Are the eighth-level true gods who appeared some time ago the strong men from the sea of ​​different universes you mentioned?" Sitting Mountain Guest asked.

The three of them, Blood Bane, Zha Zha, and Night King, have also been wandering in the cosmic sea here for a period of time. Naturally, they are known by the major forces in the cosmic sea. It is normal for the Mountain Guest to know.


They all thought that these three true gods were promoted by the Lord of the Holy Universe under Chen Zong.

"Yes." The ancient demon's true form nodded.


The ancient demon's real body briefly explained the situation of the Haoyang Cosmic Sea, and at the same time used his divine power to simulate the phantom of the 'Tianwei Gate' and some scenes of the Haoyang Cosmic Sea that he had seen, such as the appearance of the emperor's son. in those scenes.

"Emperor Haoyang. It's actually him!" The mountain guest was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the sea of ​​different universes turned out to be the territory of Emperor Haoyang.

Emperor Haoyang, the founder of the Kingdom of Haoyang, is extremely powerful, much stronger than he was before. If he had the strength of Emperor Haoyang back then, the three god kings of the Shi Kingdom would not be his opponent at all. .

He wouldn't have to destroy the country and escape to the cosmic sea!


Emperor Haoyang plans to occupy other cosmic seas. Does this mean that he plans to attack other divine kingdoms?
  At this time.

"How about it? Are you interested in fighting with me?" The voice of the ancient demon's true form reached the mountain guest's ears.

"Um." The mountain rider hesitated for a moment and then said, "Ancestor, according to what you said, there are so many powerful people in Haoyang Holy Land. Even if we kill them, we can't defeat them. At most, we can only destroy the sky. Gate of Wei'."

"Well, the Tianwei Gate is not easy to destroy."

"The most effective way to prevent the Haoyang Holy Land army from coming is to kill the emperor's son and seize the Tianwei Gate."

"Then the initiative will be in our hands."

Sishanke analyzed.

He was helpless!
  He didn't want to be an enemy of the Haoyang Emperor at all. After all, the Haoyang Emperor was powerful, but the Ancient Ancestor was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Moreover, Luo Feng, his common disciple with the Ancient Ancestor, was also considered a peerless genius in the Origin Continent.

Neither side is a fuel-efficient lamp!

However, Mountain Rider hesitated for a while, and he still chose to side with Gu Zu.

after all.

He was not familiar with Emperor Haoyang, and had no friendship at all. He had only met him a few times.

Gu Zu and Luo Feng will be his most effective helpers after returning to the Origin Continent.

It is absolutely unfeasible to lose two of his most powerful helpers for the sake of a Haoyang Emperor with whom he has no friendship.

"Yes. Your analysis is not unreasonable, but I am not without a backup plan." The ancient demon's real body smiled and said, "The army of millions of universe masters, is this okay?"

"The army of millions of universe masters???" The mountain guest was puzzled.

What's the situation?
  Didn’t the ancient ancestor only have a few hundred universe masters under his command? Where did the army of millions of universe masters come from?

Wouldn’t it be a million ‘Divine Pattern Guards’?

If they were the guards with millions of divine patterns, they would have nothing to fear in fighting the Haoyang Holy Land army in the Haoyang Cosmic Sea.

But, the ancient ancestor has millions of divine pattern guards under his command?

"What if we add ten lava demon gods?" The ancient demon's true form smiled.

"This doesn't seem to be a big problem!" Mountain Rider nodded.

"In this case, I will give you a list of materials needed to repair the three major sub-systems. You can prepare it. If you can get it together, then I can definitely repair it, but if you can't get it together, there is nothing I can do to help." said.

"Yeah!" The ancient demon's true form nodded.


The mountain guest then gave the ancient demon's true form a list.

"If suitable substitutes can be found for these materials, it is also possible." Sishanke added.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now." The ancient demon's true form took the list and left here. After returning to the Desert of Death, he escaped into the eternal ancient world.

(End of this chapter)

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