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Chapter 498 Successfully cracked and cleared the arsenal!

Chapter 498 Successfully cracked and cleared the arsenal!

The eternal ancient world, the vast starry sky.

As soon as the ancient demon's true form appeared, a majestic palace appeared out of thin air in front of him, which was the ancient temple.

The figure flashed.

The ancient demon's true form entered the fourth floor of the ancient temple.

In the fourth floor, billions of stars were blooming with little radiance. Looking at the material stars, the ancient demon stretched out his hand and a virtual screen appeared in front of him. The screen displayed the materials for repairing the three major sub-systems of the spaceship control center.

"More than 80% of these materials require replacement materials." The ancient demon's true form sighed.

He was also helpless.

I don’t know where the materials here came from. They are very different from the materials in the Cosmic Sea and the Origin Continent.

More than 10% of them are the same, thanks to the billions of materials here.

If you want to find a replacement, it will take a little more time.

The ancient demon's true form waved, and streams of light suddenly traveled through the void and fell into his hands. He first collected more than 10% of the same materials. As for the quantity, it was a little more than what the mountain guest asked for, not too much. many.

after all.

For the time being, use less of these materials.

Then, the ancient demon's true form compared the properties of the required materials one by one with the properties of these billions of materials, and selected the closest ones.

Fortunately, his consciousness moved very quickly.

After a while.

He finally got the answer he wanted.


The ancient demon's true form beckoned again, and dense streams of light shone in the starry sky.

He reached out and grabbed all the meteors in his palm.

Put it in the same world ring as the materials collected before.

"Fortunately, we can find replacement materials." The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly, and with a flash of his figure, he disappeared into the fourth layer of space of the ancient temple and returned to the starry sky of the eternal ancient world.

Spaceship, deep underground in the desert of death.

within the control room space.

"Can the ancient ancestor really collect those weapon refining materials?" Sitting Mountain Guest looked at the dark metal planet in front of him and thought to himself, "Maybe. After all, he has a complete map of the space ship, and the map must have the space ship marked on it. The location of the treasure house. If we obtain the treasures and collect enough materials for refining, it shouldn’t be a big problem."

"after all."

"Normally, the space ship itself also needs maintenance. It is normal that there are materials in the treasure house to repair the control center."

Sitting Mountain Guest didn't study the black metal planet, nor did he study the three major sub-systems. What he wanted to know most now was whether the ancient ancestor could collect enough materials for refining.

The black metal planet was made using Wu's weapon refining techniques.

He had discussed weapon refining with Chen Zong, and he knew some of Wu's weapon refining techniques. Coupled with his god-king level weapon refining ability, he could see through the black metal planet at a glance and knew how to repair the black metal planet.

It will be easier to only repair the three major subsystems now!
  At this time.

  A golden secret pattern suddenly appeared in the sky above the mountain guest.

"You're back?" The mountain guest looked up and glanced at the golden secret pattern. In this cosmic sea, the ancient ancestor was the only one who could use the golden secret pattern to teleport through space. Naturally, it was the ancient ancestor who came.

in fact.

Chen Zong also passed on this secret method to his disciples.

However, among the disciples now, only Luo Feng and Jiuhuang can use this secret technique.

Except for Chen Zong, no one else knew that Luo Feng and Jiuhuang would also use this secret technique. Mountain visitors rarely ventured into the universe sea, so they didn't know.

  The ancient demon's true form fell from the sky and landed next to the mountain guest.

In the void, the huge golden secret pattern collapsed and disappeared.

"Friend, I have prepared the materials for refining the weapon. However, more than 80% of them are substitute materials. See if they can be used." The ancient demon threw the world ring to the mountain guest.

"Oh? More than 80% of them are made of alternative materials?" The passenger was surprised.

When he thought about it, even if he wanted to find a substitute, it would only be 12% at most, but he didn't expect that when Gu Zu opened his mouth, it would be more than 80%. This is too crazy.

Where can I find so many alternative materials?

To become a substitute material, the conditions are very demanding.

For example, some properties are exactly the same, but there is another property in them, and this property may make the substitute material ineligible for substitution.

The mountain guest explored the world ring out of curiosity.

This is incredible!
  Because he had never seen most of the materials, or even heard of them.

As a god-king-level weapon-refining master, he had not seen all the weapon-refining materials in the Origin Continent, but there were so many that he didn't recognize at once, which was simply unbelievable!

It’s incredible!
  "Hiss!" The mountain rider said in shock, "Ancestor, where did you get so many substitute materials?"

He has extremely good eyesight and can tell at a glance that many of the alternative materials are top-notch materials that can be used to refine the God King's weapons. This material is too precious.

Any god-king-level weapon-refining master would be jealous if he saw it!

There were so many precious God-King weapon-level refining materials that Mountain Guest didn't even have time to think about it before he asked something that was impossible to ask before.


The mountaineer knew how wrong his previous guess was.

It is absolutely impossible for these materials to be obtained from the space ship's treasure house.

Because the space boat is just a battleship of the holy weapon level and does not need so many precious materials.

Any use is a waste.

"These materials are stored in the space in the palace of a treasure I obtained. As for where they came from, I don't know." The ancient demon shook his head slightly.

He didn't lie.

He really had no idea where the material came from.

"Hey, that's a pity!" The mountaineer sighed.

Chen Zong always treats people with sincerity, and Mountain Guest knows this very well, and when he sees the ancient demon's true form again, he doesn't look like he is lying, so Mountain Guest does not doubt what the ancient demon's true form says.


This also cut off his access to these materials.

Naturally, the more weapons the God King has, the better, but now, this idea and this expectation have been shattered.

"These are the characteristics of those alternative materials. Compare them to see if these materials are useful." The ancient demon stretched out his finger, and a huge three-dimensional virtual image appeared in front of him. There were densely packed material images and related images in the virtual image. Introductory text.

"Hmm!" The mountain guest immediately looked at the three-dimensional virtual image.

"Tsk tsk tsk~"

“I didn’t expect there was such a material.”


"Hey, this is... Hahaha, gold has been gilded by time. It's such a waste to use this material to repair the control center."

The mountain visitor was greatly surprised.

He hasn't been this happy for a long time.

Being able to see so many strange weapon-refining materials is enough to make all the weapon-refining masters in the Origin Continent so excited that they can't sleep.

After a long time.

"Ancient Ancestor." Sitting Mountain Guest looked at the ancient demon's true form seriously, "These materials can not only be used to replace the materials I listed before, but they are more suitable."

"Suitable? That's good!" The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

He is also a weapon refiner, but his weapon refinement ability and vision are not as good as those of Sitting Mountain Guest. He had only generally thought that he could do it before.

Now, with the personal confirmation of the mountain guest, the ancient demon has more confidence in his ability to refine weapons. He is not bad!

"It's suitable, but if you use these materials to repair it, it's a bit of a loss." Mountain Guest said, "You take back these materials first, repair the materials, and then we can think of other ways."

Even if the precious materials are not his own, Mountain Guests still cherish them.

of course.

This is also because he is working with Gu Zu. If it is the ancestor of Ziyue or the founder of Dongdi, the mountain guest will directly grab the materials.

As for leaving these materials, it is natural to build the God King's weapons in the future. Even if it is made for the ancient ancestors, it will enhance their strength and will also be a big help for them to go to the Origin Continent in the future to avenge their hatred.

There is no need to waste these materials.

"Think of another way?" The ancient demon's true form was startled.

He didn't expect that in order not to waste the materials taken out from the ancient temple, the mountain guest was willing to work with him to find ways to collect repair materials.
  He didn't think about it all at once.

"Well, these materials will be of great use in the future and should not be wasted here." Mountain Guest said seriously.

"." The ancient demon's true form was speechless for a while.

"It's okay, just waste it. I still have one more piece of this material."


The ancient demon's true form did not continue speaking, but his eyes lit up and he laughed: "Hahaha, yes, Mountain Guest, I know that there is a place with materials to repair the three major sub-systems. If I get the refining materials there, I only need half of these materials at most."

"Oh? Where?" Mountain Guest also asked in surprise.

"The arsenal of the Imperial City in the Haoyang Universe Sea!" the ancient demon's true form said.

"Haoyang Cosmic Sea?" Sitting Mountain Guest was stunned, "Isn't the Tianwei Gate controlled by the Emperor? Moreover, the Tianwei Passage has also been destroyed, and a new one has not been established yet. Even if you can obtain the Imperial City's arsenal How can I send the materials back here?"

"I have my own way of doing this." The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

"Look, these are the weapon refining materials in the Imperial City's arsenal." The ancient demon showed some real skills, and a virtual three-dimensional image appeared on their right. This was based on the information given by the Blood Jade Saint in the Blood Jade Temple. The details of the treasures in the arsenal were simulated by the ancient demon's true form using divine power.

The mountain guest looked at Tuying.

Although he was surprised that the ancient demon's true form was able to produce information about the weapon refining materials in the Imperial City's arsenal, he was relieved when he thought that the ancient ancestor was a powerful man who enslaved Haoyang Cosmic Sea.

"Well, some of these materials, although very poor, can temporarily maintain the operation of the three auxiliary systems." Sitting Mountain Guest's eyes lit up, "What you want is for the 'Lava Demon' to recognize its master, and it is enough for the temporary operation! "

"More than half, it can save 60% of the weapon refining materials you took out."

Sitting Mountain Guest said.

"Okay, leave the matter over there to me!" The ancient demon nodded, then looked at the mountain guest and said, "As for the three major sub-systems, you can start repairing some of them now. When the materials arrive, then Keep repairing. What do you think?"

"Okay! Leave the repair work to me." Mountain Rider nodded.

  The ancient demon's true form did not take back the world ring containing the materials, he directly left the control room space.

Return to the desert of death.

The surrounding sandstorms covered the sky and the sun, and the tornadoes raged towards the ancient demon's true body.

After taking a look at the salon scroll, although it could be broken open, the true form of the ancient demon was not there. He directly entered the eternal ancient world.

Cosmic boat, space of black-grained stone pillars.

Near the black-patterned stone pillar, the ancient demon's real body sat cross-legged on the boulder, using the 'Heavenly Evolution Technique' to decode the arsenal formation with all its strength.


The ancient demon's true form suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden vertical eyes on his forehead closed.

"Successful!" A joyful expression appeared on the face of the ancient demon's true form.

He broke through the formation of the arsenal!
  The ancient demon's real body disappeared out of thin air.

Eternal ancient world.

The true form of the ancient demon and the ancient demon appeared out of thin air in the endless starry sky.

Followed by.

The two of them disappeared again.

Haoyang Universe Sea.

The imperial city and the outer warehouse of armaments.

In the hall where the secrets are stored, it is like a starry sky. Countless secrets are like stars, shining brightly in the void.

at this time.

"It's done!" Chen Zong, who was sitting cross-legged in the sky, opened his eyes, his eyes filled with joy.

Followed by.

  Beside him, two figures appeared, the true form of the ancient demon and the true form of the ancient demon.

Although they have three bodies, they are all the same person. Therefore, the arsenal does not regard the ancient demon's true body and the ancient demon's true body as other people without passes.


At this moment, it seems they don’t need a pass.

I saw golden secret lines emerging around the three of them. These golden secret lines shrouded them like a canopy, and golden air flowed down from the edge of the canopy.

These golden airflows turned into golden chains.

  The golden chain penetrated deep into the air, heading towards the secret pattern of the arsenal.

In the arsenal, if anyone dared to attack the secret pattern, he would definitely be killed by the formation. However, at this moment, the golden chain rushed straight into the dense network of secret patterns in the void, and actually merged directly into it, regardless of each other.

At this time.

The figures of Chen Zong, the ancient demon's true form, and the ancient demon's true form gradually faded and disappeared completely after a while.

However, they did not return to the ancient world of eternity.

At this moment, they are still in this void, but they have been integrated into the arsenal formation and become part of the formation. They are not restricted by the formation and can even move along the secret patterns in the formation.


Chen Zong, the ancient demon's true form, and the ancient demon's true form looked at each other and smiled.


They divided their forces into three groups, among which the ancient demon's true form went to the Divine Object Palace, the ancient demon's true form went to the Treasure Palace, and Chen Zong headed towards the inner treasury.

Temple of fetishes.

An invisible figure appeared on the secret patterns on the walls around the hall, which was the true form of the ancient demon.

When I came here, I looked at the densely packed pagodas.

In the induction of the ancient demon's true form, there was no one else here, only himself.

"Work has started!" The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

He directly broke away from the secret pattern on the wall and entered a glazed pagoda in front. Without any obstruction, he directly entered the first floor of the pagoda.

In the center of the first floor, there is a cyan-blue cube suspended.

"Collect it~"

The ancient demon's true form waved his hand and directly put the blue cube into the world ring.

At this moment, he is part of the formation, so when he takes away the treasure, it is the same as someone taking the token to get the treasure, and the formation sends the treasure out. It will not trigger the formation alert of the arsenal at all.

He continued towards the second floor.

The second floor was empty, so he headed directly to the third floor.

The halls of divine objects are relatively precious, so the hall of treasures is more common.

The ancient demon's true form escaped from the secret pattern and flew in the passages between rows of shelves, collecting the surrounding treasures.

There are also a lot of refining materials here, and some are even magical potions. Some of the potions are 'magic potions' that restore divine power, and some are poisons.
  "Take them all away!"

The ancient demon's true form quickly shuttled through the passages, feeling very happy.

And at this time.

Chen Zong also arrived at the passage to the inner treasury.

Ahead is a gate.

There are gun ports on the walls on both sides of the gate. As long as you dare to break into the inner warehouse, these gun ports will be triggered.

If you can't resist, you will die!
  He glanced at the muzzle.

  Chen Zong followed the secret pattern and passed directly through the gate, but the muzzle showed no reaction at all!

(End of this chapter)

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