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Chapter 499 The mountaineer was surprised: Did you really rob the arsenal?

Chapter 499 The mountaineer was surprised: Did you really rob the arsenal?
  Haoyang Universe Sea, Imperial City Arms Depot.

Following the secret pattern, Chen Zong entered the inner vault of the arsenal. Although he did not have a pass mark to enter the inner vault, he did not touch the formation of the arsenal.


Becoming part of the secret pattern, Chen Zong traveled through the inner treasury.

There is actually only one space in the inner treasury, but this space is extremely vast, a void, with stone platforms suspended in the void.


"Huh? There is someone!" Chen Zong sensed two breaths of life in the inner warehouse. "When I entered the arsenal, there was no one in the inner warehouse. Could it be that I came in when I was breaking the formation?"

"Go over and have a look!"

  Chen Zong directly followed the secret pattern and headed towards where the breath of life was.

Cross the stone platforms.

"His Majesty the Emperor has found a new space point. Let's quickly take down the 'Liucai Zhenshi' that the Emperor needs and send the 'Liucai Zhenshi' to the Emperor." A voice came.

"Huh? Found a new space point? So fast!" Chen Zong frowned.

Before he was ready, Emperor Zi found a new space point. Didn't this force him to move faster?


He saw two figures in the distance, one of them looked like a chimpanzee wearing black armor, and the other was a four-legged beast with a human body and a dragon head.

"Hey, the last time the Tiandimensional Passage was destroyed by the 'strong man from the No. 2 Cosmic Sea', the emperor was so angry that he had no choice but to take out the 'Liu Cai Zhen Stone'." The voice of the strong chimpanzee sounded.

"Conquering the 'Cosmic Sea No. 2' is a big deal. Let's not discuss this anymore. Quickly take out the token and take out the 'Liucai Zhenshi'." said the four-legged beast with human body and dragon head.

"Yeah!" The strong chimpanzee nodded.

He took out the token and inserted it into a stone wall in the center of a stone platform.

  A huge roar spread.

Suddenly, the stone wall opened, and an irregular stone with a diameter of a hundred meters floated out. The surrounding space was distorted in an instant. Then, the distorted space returned to its original state.

However, from a distance, Chen Zong could sense that the space around the stone was more stable than before.

If the universe was just a crumbling thatched house before, it is now an extremely stable brick house.

"Liucai Zhenshi, a strange ore that can stabilize space, was also found by the 'Tianyang Battleship' dispatched from Haoyang Holy Land in the dangerous areas on the edge of the cosmic sea." Seeing this colorful stone, Chen Zong immediately recalled the information about the treasures in the arsenal displayed by the Blood Jade Saint.

"Fortunately, there is only one Liucai Town Stone, and it is valued by the 'Moyu General' who has gone through reincarnation. It is a treasure that is brought to the origin continent and will not be used easily. Otherwise, it was used to open the 'Tian Dimension' last time. With the addition of this Liucai Stone to the materials of the channel, the demon's true form will not be able to destroy the 'Tiandimensional Channel' so easily."

Chen Zong was happy.


"Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise, if Liucai Zhenshi fell into the hands of the emperor, it would be difficult to handle!"

Chen Zong immediately approached the two Haoyang Holy Land True Gods.

"Killing them directly will definitely alert them. Let's enslave them first." Chen Zong thought secretly.

Nor did he want to enslave too much.

Because soul slavery can also be regarded as a burden on the soul.

But to be sure, he had no choice but to do this.


Chen Zong's strong will swept out, and at the same time he stretched out his hand, and two golden marks escaped from his fingertips, turning into streams of light and flying towards the two Haoyang True Gods.

On the stone platform.

Seeing the appearance of the "Liu Cai Zhen Stone", the chimpanzee expert immediately made a move and put the "Liu Cai Zhen Stone" into the world ring.


An extremely powerful will came over him.

The two true gods of Haoyang Holy Land did not react at all. Their eyes were confused for a while, and then two golden streams of light flew into their bodies.

There was a flash of golden light.

The two of them came to their senses and their eyes regained their clarity.

"Master!" The two of them immediately turned around and saluted the void.

Chen Zong, who had integrated into the formation, nodded slightly, but he did not appear. Instead, he said: "Give me the 'Liu Cai Zhenshi'."

"Yes, Master!" The Chimpanzee God immediately took out the 'Liucai Zhenshi'.

Chen Zong put away the ‘Liu Cai Zhen Shi’.

"You said that the emperor had found a new space point, but why didn't you inform the council?" Chen Zong asked.

"Master, the emperor is worried that the news will be leaked and known by the master, so only a few people know about it." The dragon-headed beast true god responded.

"Oh?" Chen Zong frowned.

"It seems that the destruction of the Tiandimensional Passage last time has made the emperor more wary now!" Chen Zong thought to himself.

"The Emperor sent you here to 'Liu Cai Zhen Shi'. You should be his trusted followers, so you should know where the new space point is, right?" Chen Zong looked at them and asked.

"Yes Master!"

The true god of chimpanzees and the true god of dragon-headed beasts nodded in response.

"Very good. Now you pretend to have obtained the 'Liu Cai Zhen Stone' and continue to do what you are supposed to do, but you can do it a little slower." Chen Zong's eyes lit up, and then he threw out a silver-white world ring, " Also, there are more than a dozen true gods in this world ring. Take them there and let them out along the way."

Chen Zong explained some things.

Each of the dozen true gods in the world ring carries a Chaos Gate.

Yes, Chen Zong wants to create a Chaos Gate teleportation route here so that he can quickly rush to the area where the new space point is located.

"Yes! Master!"

The true god of chimpanzees and the true god of dragon-headed beasts nodded in response.


They left the stone platform and headed towards the gate.

On the stone platform.

"The treasures of this stone platform have been taken out, let's go to the next one." Chen Zong looked at the tarnished stone wall, turned around and found a stone wall that exuded a faint golden light, which directly turned into a stream of light, along the secret lines Quickly flew over.

Falling on the stone platform.

Chen Zong directly integrated into the stone wall.

Entering the space inside the stone wall, this stone wall space is more stable than the space of the pagoda of the Divine Artifact Hall.

"Star Map." Chen Zong saw a scroll full of stars floating in the space, and recognized the scroll as the 'Star Map'. This is a kind of formation diagram, just like the 'Stars' given to Luo Feng by the mountain guest. The picture is ordinary, it is a most powerful treasure!
  Chen Zong directly accepted the ‘Heavenly Star Map’.

Continue towards other stone walls.

Imperial City, outside the arsenal.

The Chimpanzee True God, the Dragon-headed Beast True God, and the others left the arsenal and flew towards the space teleportation formation area in the city.


A huge square appeared in front of them. On the edge of the square stood giant pillars that reached the sky, forming a circle and surrounding the entire square.

The giant pillar reaching the sky is engraved with dense secret patterns.

The top of each giant pillar reaching the sky is flat ground, and there is a palace on the flat ground.

There is a Master of the Universe in every palace, and they are the staff responsible for activating the space teleportation formation.

"That's almost it, start the formation!" A voice echoed around the staff in every palace.

"Yes!" the staff responded.

They cast secret techniques at the same time, and light blue energy emerged from their palms.

"go with!"

They waved their hands, and the light blue energy flew into the light blue ball of light suspended in the center of the palace.

  The light blue light ball vibrated.

The energy extends from the bottom of the giant pillar along the secret patterns and heads towards the center of the square. In the center of the square is a stone platform also covered with secret patterns.

at this time.

There are already thousands of strong men standing on the stone platform.

"It's about to start, let's go there quickly." The chimpanzee god said.

"Yeah!" The dragon-headed beast god nodded.

The two of them immediately accelerated, turned into a stream of light, and soon landed in an open space on the stone platform.

Take out the identity token.

Suddenly, a small screen appeared on the identity token. The two of them entered their destination, and at the same time, one thousand points were deducted from their contribution points.

  The secret patterns of the giant pillars surrounding the square shone brightly, and the entire pillars burst out with a dazzling light blue light. At the same time, the stone platform also lit up with a light blue light.

  The stone platform shook, and a light blue light shield immediately rose from the surrounding ground, surrounding the stone platform.

A figure flew from a distance.

"Damn it, it's too late! I should have known better than to drink with Stinky Old Qiu. Drinking would have ruined things!" Seeing the light blue light beam rising, the figure was speechless. "Forget it, just go slowly and save money." One thousand contribution points.”

  This figure did not rush towards the light blue light pillar, but flew towards the entrance of the imperial city.

Of course, even if he wanted to rush into the stone platform, he would not be able to. Instead, he would be killed by the formation on the square.

at this time.

I saw a flash of blue light on the stone platform.

Powerful pressure swept out, but was suppressed by the giant pillars at the edge of the square.

  The blue light disappeared.

Thousands of Haoyang Holy Land powerhouses on the stone platform also disappeared.

Haoyang Cosmic Sea, Purple Dusk City.

Purple Curtain City is one of the thousands of auxiliary cities. It is also suspended in the void like the Imperial City, but it is far inferior to the Imperial City in terms of its size and attack and defense capabilities.

The only thing they have in common is that the surroundings are also thin with chaotic airflow.

At this time.

In the space teleportation square in Purple Curtain City.

The blue light is also dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of figures appeared on the stone platform. When the blue light pillar sank into the ground, the strong men on the stone platform flew away from the stone platform and scattered away.

"Let's go to the city gate." The chimpanzee god said.

The dragon-headed beast god and the chimpanzee god immediately flew towards the city gate.

Leaving the Purple Curtain City, the Chimpanzee True God took out a fusiform warship. This warship could not be compared with the 'Tianyang Warship', nor could it be compared with the warship of the Charming Lord. It was considered a warship at a lower level.

They entered the warship.

  The warship flew towards the surrounding chaotic airflow.

Entering the chaotic airflow, the warship continued to fly forward.

I don’t know how long.

The warship stopped.

In the control room of the warship, in addition to the true god of the chimpanzee and the true god of the dragon-headed beast, there are also sixteen true gods of the holy world, including Tianhu.

"Everyone, this is far enough away from Purple Curtain City and remote enough that you don't have to worry about being discovered." The dragon-headed beast true god said, "This can be used as a 'transit station'."

"Okay!" Tianhu nodded.

"Fengliu, you will guard this place." Tianhu looked at a Holy Realm True God.

"Yes!" The True God of the Holy Realm responded, then flew out of the warship, waved his hand, took out a palace, and flew directly into the palace.

Inside the palace, there is naturally a ‘Gate of Chaos’.

"Keep on going!" Tianhu said.

"Yes!" The true chimpanzee god nodded, and he controlled the warship and continued on his way.

And in the Imperial City Arms Depot.

Inner library.

"Finally collected them all." Chen Zong escaped from the stone wall of the stone platform with a bright smile on his face.

Then, he headed directly towards the gate.

Return to the external library.

He continued to follow the secret pattern, heading towards the uncollected space in the outer library.

Although the treasures in the outer treasury are not as valuable as those in the inner treasury, they are more abundant. The two real bodies of the ancient demon and the ancient demon collected them at the same time, and they have not collected them all now.


After Chen Zong joined, the collection speed was much faster.

at last
  Everything in the outer treasury was also collected by Chen Zong, the Ancient Demon Real Body, and the Ancient Demon Real Body.

Soon, they reunited.

  The ancient demon's true body and the ancient demon's true body followed Chen Zong's 'coordinate point' and returned to the eternal ancient world, while Chen Zong flew towards the outside of the arsenal.

Outside the arms depot.

"Finally left!"

"Hahaha, look at him, he seems to have more to say than he wants to."

"There are many treasures in the arsenal, but being able to only look at them and not take them is considered a kind of torture!"

"Are you talking about yourself?"

"Isn't it the same for you?"

"Hey! They're all the same! They're all the same!"

In front of the gate of the arsenal, when the True God guards saw Chen Zong finally walking out of the arsenal, they sent a message and talked, and at the same time they were filled with emotion!
  And Chen Zong, after leaving the arsenal.

He did not leave the Imperial City to go to the new space point, but returned to the Blood Jade Mountain.

Soon, here, he would have something to do.

Cosmic sea, cosmic boat.

In the black-patterned stone pillar space, the ancient demon's true form returned here. He flipped his hand and took out the Hall of Illusions.

Enter the secret room space of the Hall of Illusions, and then start the flow of time a thousand times faster.

  The ancient demon's true form made secrets with both hands, and the furnace of energy and blood condensed into shape.

He continued to refine the 'explosion arrow'!
  The Exploding Arrow is one of the treasures he needs to conquer the Haoyang Cosmic Sea. He must refine more of it.

Spaceship, desert of death.

The waves were raging, and the sky was getting darker, just like after the sun went down, there was only a faint light left in the sky.


  The ancient demon's real body appeared out of thin air in the outer circle of the salon scroll along the 'coordinate point'.

The wind and sand cut the ancient demon's true body like a sharp sword.

clang clang ~
  The golden light of the 'Fake Sky Suit' emerged, blocking the wind and sand.

"." The ancient demon's true form was speechless for a while.

This luck is quite good!
  You can take a sand bath as soon as you come out.



There was no time to wait for the salon volume to stop, the ancient demon's true form blasted out with a palm.

A random palm was also at the twelfth level of the secret technique.

  The entire salon volume was directly exploded by a palm, the dust in the sky was cleared, and the long-lost clear sky ushered in here!

Followed by.

A golden secret pattern spreads from the feet of the ancient demon's true body.

  The ancient demon's real body disappeared out of thin air.

And in the depths of the Death Desert, in the space of the black metal planet, a golden secret pattern suddenly appeared.

"Come back so soon?" The mountain guest looked at the golden secret pattern with doubt.

The ancient demon's true form has arrived.

"Huh?" As soon as the ancient demon's true form arrived, he was attracted by the scene in front of him. In front of him, the huge black metal planet seemed to be revived at this moment, blooming with pale golden light.

"Has it been repaired?" The ancient demon's true form looked at the mountain guest in surprise.

"It's just that the functions of the three sub-systems have been restored to a certain extent. However, it is not enough to make the Lava Demon God recognize you as the master." Mountain Guest smiled and said, "When you come back this time, you have already robbed the Imperial City of Haoyang Holy Land. arsenal?"

"What do you mean by robbing? I'm obviously keeping it for them!" said the ancient demon's true form.

"Well, this is the material you want!" The ancient demon's true form threw a world ring to the mountain rider, which contained the materials needed to repair the three major auxiliary systems.

"Did you really steal it?" The mountaineer was surprised for a while.

The ancient demon's true form smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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